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Quantum decoherence is a central concept in physics. Applications such as quantum information processing depend on understanding it; there are even fundamental theories proposed that go beyond quantum mechanics, in which the breakdown of quantum theory would appear as an 'intrinsic' decoherence, mimicking the more familiar environmental decoherence processes. Such applications cannot be optimized, and such theories cannot be tested, until we have a firm handle on ordinary environmental decoherence processes. Here we show that the theory for insulating electronic spin systems can make accurate and testable predictions for environmental decoherence in molecular-based quantum magnets. Experiments on molecular magnets have successfully demonstrated quantum-coherent phenomena but the decoherence processes that ultimately limit such behaviour were not well constrained. For molecular magnets, theory predicts three principal contributions to environmental decoherence: from phonons, from nuclear spins and from intermolecular dipolar interactions. We use high magnetic fields on single crystals of Fe(8) molecular magnets (in which the Fe ions are surrounded by organic ligands) to suppress dipolar and nuclear-spin decoherence. In these high-field experiments, we find that the decoherence time varies strongly as a function of temperature and magnetic field. The theoretical predictions are fully verified experimentally, and there are no other visible decoherence sources. In these high fields, we obtain a maximum decoherence quality-factor of 1.49?×?10(6); our investigation suggests that the environmental decoherence time can be extended up to about 500 microseconds, with a decoherence quality factor of ~6?×?10(7), by optimizing the temperature, magnetic field and nuclear isotopic concentrations.  相似文献   

Hosten O  Rakher MT  Barreiro JT  Peters NA  Kwiat PG 《Nature》2006,439(7079):949-952
The logic underlying the coherent nature of quantum information processing often deviates from intuitive reasoning, leading to surprising effects. Counterfactual computation constitutes a striking example: the potential outcome of a quantum computation can be inferred, even if the computer is not run. Relying on similar arguments to interaction-free measurements (or quantum interrogation), counterfactual computation is accomplished by putting the computer in a superposition of 'running' and 'not running' states, and then interfering the two histories. Conditional on the as-yet-unknown outcome of the computation, it is sometimes possible to counterfactually infer information about the solution. Here we demonstrate counterfactual computation, implementing Grover's search algorithm with an all-optical approach. It was believed that the overall probability of such counterfactual inference is intrinsically limited, so that it could not perform better on average than random guesses. However, using a novel 'chained' version of the quantum Zeno effect, we show how to boost the counterfactual inference probability to unity, thereby beating the random guessing limit. Our methods are general and apply to any physical system, as illustrated by a discussion of trapped-ion systems. Finally, we briefly show that, in certain circumstances, counterfactual computation can eliminate errors induced by decoherence.  相似文献   

利用超导量子比特实现量子计算在世界范围内备受理论界和实验界的关注.在这一体系中实现量子计算的明显好处是具有非常好的操控技术及容易集成化.过去10年实验的快速突破验证了体系的这些优势.在调节不同比特耦合方面,利用微波腔场耦合比特的平台已经建立起来.该综述将重点介绍如何形成等效的超导电荷比特、它和腔场的耦合,以及利用腔场耦合多个比特等内容.  相似文献   

超低渗透油层温度-应力-渗流的流固耦合效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的在于研究由于注入流体的温度过低而引起超低渗透油层渗透率和孔隙结构变化的温度-应力-渗流的流固耦合效应.实验选用了长庆超低渗油藏的岩心,在恒压和各种不同温度下测定了岩心的渗透率.实验结果表明:①随着温度的降低,岩心的渗透率不断降低,大约2/3的超低渗岩心在25℃左右时会出现裂缝直至断裂.在25~15℃温度段内,流体通过超低渗透多孔介质的渗透率对温度最敏感,其变化程度最大(要么降低的幅度最大,要么出现裂缝),且这种变化是部分不可逆的.②随着温度的升高,岩心的渗透率稍有增加,当温度再开始下降时,渗透率下降,温度下降到原始地层温度时渗透率的值比初始值要大,但增加的幅度不大.因此,注水开发低渗透和超低渗油田时应尽量避免冬季投产和施工作业.在正常的开发状态下应在合理的生产压差下,合理选择或保持适当的注水温度,尽量降低冷伤害对开发效果的影响,保持油藏的稳产和高产.  相似文献   

The interaction of matter and light is one of the fundamental processes occurring in nature, and its most elementary form is realized when a single atom interacts with a single photon. Reaching this regime has been a major focus of research in atomic physics and quantum optics for several decades and has generated the field of cavity quantum electrodynamics. Here we perform an experiment in which a superconducting two-level system, playing the role of an artificial atom, is coupled to an on-chip cavity consisting of a superconducting transmission line resonator. We show that the strong coupling regime can be attained in a solid-state system, and we experimentally observe the coherent interaction of a superconducting two-level system with a single microwave photon. The concept of circuit quantum electrodynamics opens many new possibilities for studying the strong interaction of light and matter. This system can also be exploited for quantum information processing and quantum communication and may lead to new approaches for single photon generation and detection.  相似文献   

讨论了在相位阻尼作用下,一个二能级原子与两个不同光场相互作用时系统的量子信息保真度随时间演化的过程,并对一个任意纯态量子比特通过光场与二能级原子耦合系统进行量子传输的保真度进行了研究,分析了系统作为传输信道对信息的支持程度(即系统的传真度);着重讨论了相位阻尼和失谐对量子传输保真度的影响,并且获得了通过该信道进行传输的最大保真度。  相似文献   

Strong coupling in a single quantum dot-semiconductor microcavity system   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cavity quantum electrodynamics, a central research field in optics and solid-state physics, addresses properties of atom-like emitters in cavities and can be divided into a weak and a strong coupling regime. For weak coupling, the spontaneous emission can be enhanced or reduced compared with its vacuum level by tuning discrete cavity modes in and out of resonance with the emitter. However, the most striking change of emission properties occurs when the conditions for strong coupling are fulfilled. In this case there is a change from the usual irreversible spontaneous emission to a reversible exchange of energy between the emitter and the cavity mode. This coherent coupling may provide a basis for future applications in quantum information processing or schemes for coherent control. Until now, strong coupling of individual two-level systems has been observed only for atoms in large cavities. Here we report the observation of strong coupling of a single two-level solid-state system with a photon, as realized by a single quantum dot in a semiconductor microcavity. The strong coupling is manifest in photoluminescence data that display anti-crossings between the quantum dot exciton and cavity-mode dispersion relations, characterized by a vacuum Rabi splitting of about 140 microeV.  相似文献   

化学降黏驱是提高稠油采收率的新方法,现有的数值模拟方法不能准确描述降黏驱过程中各组分、相间的物理化学变化过程。结合油水两相控制方程、降黏剂浓度传质方程及辅助方程,构建了浓度场-渗流场全耦合化学降黏驱替数学模型,获得了乳液黏度-含水率、降黏剂溶液黏度-浓度及降黏剂溶液与原油界面张力的辅助方程,采用具有有界性的高阶迎风格式克服了一阶迎风格式的不足,提高了浓度散度的计算精度,优选有限体积方法提高了解的准确性,并对降黏驱数值模拟结果与实验结果进行了验证。在此基础上开展了降黏驱数值化实验,优化了降黏驱的注采参数。研究表明:建立的模型可以表征降黏剂的控黏效果;随着降黏剂注入浓度、注入量和注入速度的增加,采出程度逐渐增加,但采收程度增长率逐渐减小;0.4%浓度的降黏剂采收程度提高幅度最大;合理注入量介于0.2~0.6 PV,PV(pore volume)表示孔隙体积;推荐选用段塞较大、段塞中降黏剂浓度较高的方案;合理的注入速度应根据油田自身产能设计。该研究为稠油油藏降黏驱开发方式优化与调整提供了重要技术手段。  相似文献   

天然气水合物储藏降压开采产量流固耦合模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对当前天然气水合物储藏降压开采产能模型局限于水合物分解引起的储集层孔隙度及渗透率变化、忽视流固耦合作用等问题,提出了考虑"水合物分解效应"、流固耦合作用以及储集层应力敏感性,建立了水合物储藏气、水两相非等温流固耦合数学模型并进行程序开发.以墨西哥湾某水合物储藏为例,进行了水合物储藏降压开采产能模拟,剖析了流固耦合作用对水合物储藏开采动态的影响机制.结果表明,流固耦合作用引起的岩石孔隙收缩虽有助于提高储集层弹性驱动能,但岩石孔隙收缩导致储集层孔渗能力降低的影响居主导地位,故流固耦合的总体效果导致水合物储藏产气速率以及累积产气量等生产指标较不考虑流固耦合时偏低.  相似文献   

两个不同的自旋相干态的叠加态具有非经典的特性,反聚束效应是这类叠加态的非经典效应之一.通过研究实、虚两个自旋相干态的叠加态的反聚束效应,发现粒子数目和自旋相干态的参数|η|共同决定了这一类叠加态具有反聚束效应的量子态的数量.  相似文献   

利用量子理论分析C60分子的双缝衍射实验数据,得到了C60分子的双缝衍射强度表达式,并利用退相干效应对衍射强度进行修正.所得结果与实验数据相符.  相似文献   

本文研究了在非对称限制势下由Rashba效应和横向自旋-轨道耦合诱发的量子点接触系统中的反常量子输运行为. 研究发现,在一定范围的Rashba相互作用强度下, 电导在0.8×2e2/h附近有一个较弱的坪台. 该坪台电导的值与非对称限制势的偏压有关. 在某个范围的偏压下, 它会随着偏压的增大而减小. 另外, 由于Rashba自旋-轨道耦合效应, 在非对称限制势作用下电子将会自旋极化. 因此, 在没有任何外加磁场的情况下, 采用纯电学手段即可做成量子点接触自旋偏振器.  相似文献   

两个不同的自旋相干态的叠加态具有非经典的特性,反聚束效应是这类叠加态的非经典效应之一。通过研究实、虚两个自旋相干态的叠加态的反聚束效应,发现粒子数目和自旋相干态的参数|η|共同决定了这一类叠加态具有反聚束效应的量子态的数量。  相似文献   

讨论了光场初态和热库性质对原子场耦合系统中量子非局域性的作用.结果显示,如果腔损耗很弱,热库的平均光子数很小.系统会周期性地展现出量子非局域性.非局域性的消失速度依赖于初始压缩真空态的振幅、热库的平均光子数和腔的衰退系数.场越强、平均光子数和衰退系数越大,非局域性减小得越快。  相似文献   

利用马尔可夫近似方法计算了X@C60(X=^14N,^15N,^31P)量子位中电子自旋在核子的精细作用和外磁场作用下的密度算符演化行为,得出量子位驰豫时间在10~100ns范围,与其它文献相符.  相似文献   

利用双模交叉克尔型耦合光力系统中的光机耦合来制备宏观量子叠加态.考虑二能级原子与单模光腔的强耦合相互作用,并引入单模光腔与单模机械振子间双模交叉克尔型耦合.通过分析发现交叉克尔效应可以放大机械振子的位移,并且当耦合系数趋近于机械振子的振动频率时,可以制备出机械振子的可区分宏观量子叠加态.  相似文献   

研究在自旋轨道耦合和周期振动场的作用下,电子隧穿双量子阱结构的透射系数和自旋极化率.通过数值计算发现:隧穿后电子的自旋简并消除,得到与自旋相关的共振峰.电子隧穿宽势阱时出现对称的Breit-Wigner共振峰,而隧穿窄势阱时出现不对称的Fano共振峰.研究也发现通过调节入射能量和中间势垒的宽度,可以改变共振峰的振幅和位置.利用这个原理可以设计可调的自旋过滤器,实现对自旋的调控.  相似文献   

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