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Visual perception and memory are the most important components of vision processing in the brain. It was thought that the perceptual aspect of a visual stimulus occurs in visual cortical areas and that this serves as the substrate for the formation of visual memory in a distinct part of the brain called the medial temporal lobe. However, current evidence indicates that there is no functional separation of areas. Entire visual cortical pathways and connecting medial temporal lobe are important for both perception and visual memory. Though some aspects of this view are debated, evidence from both sides will be explored here. In this review, we will discuss the anatomical and functional architecture of the entire system and the implications of these structures in visual perception and memory.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DCs) are a heterogeneous cell population of great importance in the immune system. The emergence of new genetic technology utilizing the CD11c promoter and Cre recombinase has facilitated the dissection of functional significance and molecular regulation of DCs in immune responses and homeostasis in vivo. For the first time, this strategy allows observation of the effects of DC-specific gene deletion on immune system function in an intact organism. In this review, we present the latest findings from studies using the Cre recombinase system for cell type-specific deletion of key molecules that mediate DC homeostasis and function. Our focus is on the molecular pathways that orchestrate DC life span, migration, antigen presentation, pattern recognition, and cytokine production and signaling.  相似文献   

Delivery of macromolecules into living cells by arginine-rich cell penetrating peptides (AR-CPPs) is an important new avenue for the development of novel therapeutic strategies. However, to date the mechanism of this delivery remains elusive. Recent data implicate endocytosis in the internalization of AR-CPPs and their macromolecular cargo and also indicate limited delivery of macromolecules into the cell cytoplasm and nucleus. Different types of endocytosis – clathrin-dependent endocytosis, raft/caveolin-dependent endocytosis and macropinocytosis – are all implicated in the uptake of AR-CPPs and their cargo into different cells. Cationic AR-CPPs dramatically increase uptake of conjugated molecules through efficient binding to surface proteoglycans. Whether this increase in binding can assure delivery of a sufficient amount of functionally active macromolecules into the cytoplasm and nucleus or whether there is a specific mechanism by which AR-CPPs facilitate the escape of conjugated cargo from endosomes remains to be understood. Received 30 June 2005; received after revision 9 August 2005; accepted 30 August 2005  相似文献   

Riassunto è stata eseguita la coltura in vitro di frammenti di muscolo e di cute di un soggetto affetto da glicogenosi di tipo II.é stato osservato un accumulo di materiale PAS positivo, digeribile con la diastasi, nelle cellule derivate dal muscolo ma non in quelle derivate dalla cute.  相似文献   

During the past two decades of research in T cell biology, an increasing number of distinct T cell subsets arising during the transition from naïve to antigen-experienced T cells have been identified. Recently, it has been appreciated that, in different experimental settings, distinct T cell subsets can be generated in parallel within the same immune response. While signals driving a single “lineage” path of T cell differentiation are becoming increasingly clear, it remains largely enigmatic how the phenotypic and functional diversification creating a multi-faceted T cell response is achieved. Here, we review current literature indicating that diversification is a stable trait of CD8+ T cell responses. We showcase novel technologies providing deeper insights into the process of diversification among the descendants of individual T cells, and introduce two models that emphasize either intrinsic noise or extrinsic signals as driving forces behind the diversification of single cell-derived T cell progeny populations in vivo.  相似文献   

During S phase of the eukaryotic cell division cycle, newly replicated DNA is rapidly assembled into chromatin. Newly synthesised histones form complexes with chromatin assembly factors, mediating their deposition onto nascent DNA and their assembly into nucleosomes. Chromatin assembly factor 1, CAF-1, is a specialised assembly factor that targets these histones to replicating DNA by association with the replication fork associated protein, proliferating cell nuclear antigen, PCNA. Nucleosomes are further organised into ordered arrays along the DNA by the activity of ATP-dependent chromatin assembly and spacing factors such as ATP-utilising chromatin assembly and remodelling factor ACF. An additional level of controlling chromatin assembly pathways has become apparent by the observation of functional requirements for cyclin-dependent protein kinases, casein kinase II and protein phosphatases. In this review, we will discuss replication-associated histone deposition and nucleosome assembly pathways, and we will focus in particular on how nucleosome assembly is linked to DNA replication and how it may be regulated by the cell cycle control machinery.  相似文献   

We consider a minimal cascade model previously proposed11 for the mitotic oscillator driving the embryonic cell division cycle. The model is based on a bicyclic phosphorylation-dephosphorylation cascade involving cyclin and cdc2 kinase. By constructing stability diagrams showing domains of periodic behavior as a function of the maximum rates of the kinases and phosphatases involved in the two cycles of the cascade, we investigate the role of these converter enzymes in the oscillatory mechanism. Oscillations occur when the balance of kinase and phosphatase rates in each cycle is in a range bounded by two critical values. The results suggest ways to arrest the mitotic oscillator by altering the maximum rates of the converter enzymes. These results bear on the control of cell proliferation.  相似文献   

Trichomonas vaginalis is a common sexually transmitted parasite that colonizes the human urogenital tract, where it remains extracellular and adheres to epithelial cells. Infections range from asymptomatic to highly inflammatory, depending on the host and the parasite strain. Despite the serious consequences associated with trichomoniasis disease, little is known about parasite or host factors involved in attachment of the parasite-to-host epithelial cells. Here, we report the identification of microvesicle-like structures (MVs) released by T. vaginalis. MVs are considered universal transport vehicles for intercellular communication as they can incorporate peptides, proteins, lipids, miRNA, and mRNA, all of which can be transferred to target cells through receptor–ligand interactions, fusion with the cell membrane, and delivery of a functional cargo to the cytoplasm of the target cell. In the present study, we demonstrated that T. vaginalis release MVs from the plasma and the flagellar membranes of the parasite. We performed proteomic profiling of these structures demonstrating that they possess physical characteristics similar to mammalian extracellular vesicles and might be selectively charged with specific protein content. In addition, we demonstrated that viable T. vaginalis parasites release large vesicles (LVs), membrane structures larger than 1 µm that are able to interact with other parasites and with the host cell. Finally, we show that both populations of vesicles present on the surface of T vaginalis are induced in the presence of host cells, consistent with a role in modulating cell interactions.  相似文献   

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