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K-Ar测年的研究进展及其在地质中的应用探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
彭杨伟  高军平  王翔 《甘肃科技》2005,21(2):110-113
K-Ar同位素测年是最早用于测定岩石、矿物年龄的方法之一,不论是在区域地质学、地球化学、矿床学还是大地构造学,甚或地理以及环境变化研究中,利用K-Ar法准确测定某一地质体或事件的年代总是一项很重要的内容。本文集中了介绍K-Ar法测年的研究进展,对其在地质学中的应用及其实验样品的处理进行了探索。  相似文献   

激光熔蚀40Ar/39Ar等时线法是第四纪年轻火山岩样品精细定年的新方法, 该方法处于逐步完善过程中。针对怎样判定获得的年龄结果是否可靠的问题, 通过对数据处理过程中所用参数的分析, 认为样品属性是决定年轻火山岩精细定年结果质量和可靠性的关键因素, 与样品测试数n值相关的加权均方差MSWD(mean square weighted deviation)是判断同一样品各测试点的数据是否符合正态分布, 能否用来客观地评价测试结果, 进而评估样品是否适合进行相关测试, 结果是否可靠的重要指标。其次, 属于同一真实年龄值样品的MSWD在99.7%置信区间的取值范围可通过计算加以确认, 并提出对于表面年龄和等时线年龄数据, 必须定量地考察相应的MSWD值, 判定在具有足够样品测试数(足够大的n值)的情况下, 是否符合概率统计的正态分布, 确定样品是否对应同一年龄真实值。在MSWD值达不到理想值1.0的情况下, 可以利用表面年龄概率密度曲线, 区分测试样品内部包含的非同源或非等时或封闭不好体系的数据, 再结合MSWD与n值关系, 适量地去除部分偏离正态分布的测试数据, 识别出可能归属多个年龄真实值的测试数据组, 并以此计算不同数据组的反等时线年龄, 获得年轻火山岩喷发的准确年龄。  相似文献   

对北京大学常规40Ar/39Ar同位素定年实验室纯化系统进行了自动化改造。在明确系统控制要求的基础上,设计了一种以PLC(可编程逻辑控制器)为控制核心对纯化系统进行控制的方法。自动化改造包括硬件和软件两部分:硬件部分的改造是,首先将手动阀门更换为适合系统要求的自动阀门,然后根据纯化系统对自动阀的控制要求对PLC的I/O口进行分配,并设计相关的外围电路;软件部分的改造是,利用辅助寄存器的相关位实现自动阀的互锁和对自动阀实现时序控制。纯化系统的自动化可以节省人力,提高实验仪器的利用效率,并降低人为因素对实验结果的影响,同时为实验室的进一步自动化改造奠定了基础。  相似文献   

 锆石U-Pb定年与微量元素同时测定的原位微区分析是目前应用最广泛的地质测年方法之一,对锆石形貌学、内部结构及地球化学特征进行深入研究,是正确理解、解释锆石原位微区分析测年结果的关键。通过锆石的阴极发光图像(CL)、背散射电子图像(BSE),结合锆石的Th/U比值及稀土配分模式曲线特征,可判别不同锆石的成因类型;通过锆石的微量元素分析,可判别锆石寄主岩石的成因类型及形成环境;利用Ti温度计可限定岩体的岩浆源区深度范围,结合锆石寄主岩石类型及寄主岩石中深源包裹体的研究,可进一步推断锆石母岩浆的起源。锆石U-Pb定年与微量元素分析相结合的地质测年方法,已成功地应用于最大沉积地层时代限定、碎屑岩物源分析以及古洋盆演化过程约束等方面,且具有强有力的发展前景。  相似文献   

借助多种分析方法,对采自冲绳海槽北段和中段的火山岩进行了常量元素、稀土元素、Sr-Nd同位素组成分析及铀系组分法年龄测定,在此基础上对此地区的海槽岩浆的起源、演化及岩石类型进行了研究.结果表明(1)海槽晚更新世(大约10万年)以来有一期广泛的酸性火山喷发活动;(2)受板块俯冲的控制,此期火山活动年龄按照与琉球岛弧距离的由近到远而由新到老;(3)海槽北、中段岩浆演化过程相似,其下很可能存在有巨大的、统一的岩浆房,但与海槽南段岩浆作用差异明显,岩浆物质很可能来源于PREMA地幔源区;(4) 此地区的黑色浮岩为钙碱性系列流纹岩,岩石化学组成与海槽产出的白色浮岩相似,形成年代为17.7±2.1 ka.  相似文献   

借助多种分析方法,对采自冲绳海槽北段和中段的火山岩进行了常量元素、稀土元素、Sr-Nd同位素组成分析及铀系组分法年龄测定,在此基础上对此地区的海槽岩浆的起源、演化及岩石类型进行了研究。结果表明:(1)海槽晚更新世(大约10万年)以来有一期广泛的酸性火山喷发活动;(2)受板块俯冲的控制,此期火山活动年龄按照与琉球岛弧距离的由近到远而由新到老;(3)海槽北、中段岩浆演化过程相似,其下很可能存在有巨大的、统一的岩浆房,但与海槽南段岩浆作用差异明显,岩浆物质很可能来源于PREMA地幔源区;(4)此地区的黑色浮岩为钙碱性系列流纹岩,岩石化学组成与海槽产出的白色浮岩相似,形成年代为17.7±2.1 ka。  相似文献   

目的探讨青藏高原东北缘多福屯地区钠质基性火山岩与青藏高原隆升及南北构造带活动之间的关系。方法运用地球化学和同位素Sr-Nd-Pb特征分析及全岩40Ar/39Ar同位素进行研究。结果全岩40Ar/39Ar年龄结果显示,多福屯钠质基性火山岩的形成时代为96.21 Ma±2.10 Ma,为晚白垩世(K2)早期。岩石元素-同位素地球化学特征表明,该套火山岩岩浆形成于部分熔融。火山岩表现为特征的DUPAL(高放射成因铅)异常,属似OIB性质的板内碱性—偏碱性玄武岩,源区具有DM与EMⅡ混合特点。结论多福屯火山岩相关的岩浆活动源于板块边界动力学引起的远程大陆陆内构造效应,即印度板块与欧亚大陆的早期碰撞(100~85 Ma),由于藏北板块的刚性特点,应力实现远程传递到高原东北缘,导致南北复合构造带在西秦岭西段发生构造扰动,诱发了软流圈地幔的部分熔融,形成多福屯火山岩原生岩浆。  相似文献   

提出一种新的核函数形式,划分两种不同力学场,并给出相应的紧支距修正方法。最后将这种核函数同现有几种核函数进行比较,证明这一核函数比其他几种核函数有更好的近似效果。  相似文献   

火山岩样品的预处理及其对K-Ar年龄值的矫正   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
K-Ar和Ar-Ar法是中、新生代火山岩最有效的测年方法之一,合适的粒度和有效的预处理程序对于提高年龄资料的质量至关重要。样品粒度选用60~80目粒级(0.28~0.18mm)既能保证样品的均匀性,又可以有效去除大气氩的污染。新鲜火山岩需要用稀硝酸浸泡,以去除可能的碳酸盐的影响;轻微蚀变的火山岩则须用6%氢氟酸浸泡5 min,对年龄值的矫正可达20%。用电磁选的方法可以在很大程度上剔除捕虏晶的影响,对年龄值的矫正可达5%~10%。  相似文献   

A binary mixing model for excess argon is suggested in the note. According to this model and the data of excess argon component obtained in our experiment, a quantitative study of the effect of excess argon on real K-Ar age of young volcanic rocks is done. The result indicates that the effect of 5% excess argon component in samples on K-Ar age of the samples more than 2 Ma is less than 7.36% and can lead K-Ar age of 0.5 Ma samples to increase by 32.4%, while 1% excess argon component leads K-Ar age of 0.5 Ma samples to increase by 6.26%. Therefore, when pre-processed excess argon component is ⩽ 1%, K-Ar age of the samples more than 0.5 Ma should be credible. On this basis we suggest a principal opinion for evaluation of previous K-Ar dating results and propose that the matrix is used to determine K-Ar age of young volcanic rocks. For the samples less than 0.2 Ma, in the case of high excess argon content, even if only 1% excess argon component exists in their matrix, it can also greatly affect their K-A age. Thus it must be careful to treat the dating result.  相似文献   

A binary mixing model for excess argon is suggested in the note. According to this model and the data of excess argon component obtained in our experiment , a quantitative study of the effect of excess argon on real K-Ar age of young volcanic rocks is done. The result indicates that the effect of 5% excess argon component in samples on K-Ar age of the samples more than 2 Ma is less than 7.36% and can lead K-Ar age of 0.5 Ma samples to increase by 32.4%, while 1% excess argon component leads K-Ar age of 0.5 Ma samples to increase by 6.26%. Therefore, when pre-processed excess argon component is ≤1%, K-Ar age of the samples more than 0.5 Ma should be credible. On this basis we suggest a principal opinion for evaluation of previous K-Ar dating results and propose that the matrix is used to determine K-Ar age of young volcanic rocks. For the samples less than 0.2 Ma, in the case of high excess argon content, even if only 1% excess argon component exists in their matrix, it can also greatly affect their K-A age. Thus it must be careful to treat the dating result.  相似文献   

浙江翼龙化石层的K-Ar年龄及地质意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在浙江省临海市上盘镇岙里村北首次发现浙江翼龙化石的地层剖面上,共采集了8块火山碎屑岩石标本。在系统薄片观察的基础上,经过特殊处理,分选出其中的长石单矿物,用K-Ar同位素稀释技术定年。其表观年龄值域自76.5Ma至83.3Ma,中值为81.1Ma。~(40)Ar/~(36)Ar-~(40)K/~(36)Ar等时线年龄在相关系数为0.9990时是81.5 Ma。这一年龄在国际地层表中当属晚白垩,该年龄值既是浙江翼龙的年龄,又是该化石所赋存的塘上组火山沉积岩的形成时代。浙江翼龙的进化特征和产出时代可与北美洲的相对比。  相似文献   

辽河盆地是中、新生代发育起来的裂谷盆地,东部凹陷是辽河盆地新生代火山活动最为频繁的地区,发育大量火山岩。通过对东部凹陷测得的28个火山岩样品K-Ar年龄数据,结合区域火山岩石学、地球化学研究结果,对比前人曾发表的K-Ar年龄数据,将本区新生代火山活动分为房身泡、沙三、沙一和东营4个时期,始于65Ma,并在42~38Ma和32~25Ma经历2个活动高峰期。这为渤海湾盆地新生代构造演化乃至中国东部新生代裂谷活动研究,增加了同位素年代学方面的有力证据。  相似文献   

ThegeomagneticfieldwasfoundtobeofnormalpolarityforalongtimeduringtheCretaceousbyHelsleyandSteiner[1]andthiswaslaternamedasCretaceousNormalSuperchron(CNS)[2].TheCNSlastedalmost37Ma(120—83Ma).Severalabnormalgeologicalevents,suchasanoceanicanoxicevent,alargenumberofvol-canismandglobalclimaticwarmingduringtheCNShavebeenreported[3—11].Thishasledtomanyquestionsbeingraised.IsittruethattheEarthsmagneticfielddidnotreverseatallintheCNS?Ifitdidreverse,howmanytimesandwhendidthishappen?Istherea…  相似文献   

We report new 40Ar/39Ar dating results obtained from total fusion and incremental-heating analyses of sanidine and biotite from three tuffs found interbedded within the fossil-bearing deposits of Liaoning, northeast China. The first is a new sample of the Bed 6 Sihetun tuff from the Yixian Formation, previously dated by our team as middle Early Cretaceous, and recently considered by Lo et al., partially reset due to metamorphism from a nearby basaltic sill. The second is the Yixian Bed 9 tuff from Hengdaozi considered by Lo et al. to be unaffected by metamorphism and whose age, based on total fusion 40Ar/39Ar dating of biotite, argues for a Jurassic age for the Yixian Formation.The third tuff is a previously undated tuff from the upper part of the underlying Tuchengzi Formation. Single crystal total fusion 40Ar/39Ar analyses of the Sihetun sanidine showed homogeneous radiogenic Ar, Ca/K ratios, excellent reproducibility and gave a mean age of 125.0 ± 0.18 (1SD) ±0.04 (SE) Ma. Single sanidine crystal total fusion 40Ar/39Aranalyses of the Hengdaozi tuff gave a mean age of 125.0 +0.19 (1SD) ± 0.04 (SE) Ma, which is indistinguishable from the Sihetun tuff. The Tuchengzi Formation tuff gave a mean age of 139.4 ± 0.19 (1SD) ± 0.05 (SE) Ma. Detailed laser incremental-heating analyses of biotite from Sihetun, Hengdaozi, and Tuchengzi tuffs show disturbed Ar release patterns and evidence of trapped argon components. We conclude from these analyses that the total fusion dates on biotite by Lo et al. are erroneously old and isotopic dating of both biotite and sanidine from tuffs of the Yixian Formation point to a middle Early Cretaceous age. The upper part of the Tuchengzi Formation can be referred to the Early Cretaceous.``  相似文献   

Leucogranites play a significant role in understanding crustal thickening, melting within continental collisional belts, and plateau uplift. Field investigations show that Miocene igneous rocks from the Hoh Xil Lake area mainly consist of two-mica leucogranites and rhyolites. We studied the Bukadaban two-mica leucogranites and the Kekao Lake, Malanshan and Hudongliang rhyolites by zircon U-Pb, muscovite and sanidine 40Ar/39Ar geochronology, and whole-rock geochemical and Sr-Nd isotopic analysis. Results yielded crystallization and cooling ages for the Bukadaban leucogranites of 9.7±0.2 and 6.88±0.19 Ma, respectively. Extrusive ages of the Kekao Lake and Malanshan rhyolites are 14.5±0.8 and 9.37±0.30 Ma, respectively. All rocks are enriched in SiO2 (70.99%-73.59%), Al2O3 (14.39%-15.25%) and K2O (3.78%-5.50%) but depleted in Fe2O3 (0.58%-1.56%), MgO (0.11%- 0.44%) and CaO (0.59%-1.19%). The rocks are strongly peraluminous (A/CNK=1.11?1.21) S-type granites characterized by negative Eu anomalies (δ Eu=0.18-0.39). In also considering their Sr-Nd isotopic compositions (87Sr/86Sri=0.7124 to 0.7143; δ Nd (9 Ma) =-5.5 to -7.1), we propose that these igneous rocks were generated through dehydration melting of muscovite in the thickened middle or lower crust of northern Tibet. Melting was probably triggered by localized E-W stretching decompression in the horse tails of Kunlun sinistral strike-slip faults. Reactivation of the Kunlun strike-slip faults, accompanied by emplacement of leucogranite and eruption of rhyolite in the Hoh Xil Lake area, indicates that large-scale crustal shortening and thickening in northern Tibet mainly occurred before 15 Ma. In addition, these findings suggest that the northern Tibetan Plateau attained its present elevation (~5000 m) at least 15 Ma ago.  相似文献   

TheGuanjiagouFormationisafault-boundterranelocatedintheSouthQinlingMountains,centralChina.Theageandtectonicsettingoftheconglomerateinthisformation(Guanjiagouconglomerate,GC)havebeencontroversialsincethe1940s,withnumerousconflictinginterpretationsandcorrelationsproposedbydifferentworkers.Forexample,itwasinitiallydescribedbyYeetal.(1944)[1],whointerpretedtheGCasSinian(LatestNeo-proterozoic)tillites.However,Huang[2]regardedtheGC,plustheBikouSystem(composedoftheBikouvolcanicandtheHengdant…  相似文献   

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