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A phage repressor-operator complex at 7 A resolution   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
J E Anderson  M Ptashne  S C Harrison 《Nature》1985,316(6029):596-601
The crystal structure of a complex between the DNA-binding domain of phage 434 repressor and a synthetic 434 operator shows that the protein, very similar in conformation to gamma repressor, binds to B-form DNA with the second alpha-helix of a helix-turn-helix motif lying in the major groove.  相似文献   

The X-ray crystal structure of the molecular complex of penicillin G with a deacylation-defective mutant of the RTEM-1 beta-lactamase from Escherichia coli shows how these antibiotics are recognized and destroyed. Penicillin G is covalently bound to Ser 70 0 gamma as an acyl-enzyme intermediate. The deduced catalytic mechanism uses Ser 70 0 gamma as the attacking nucleophile during acylation. Lys 73 N zeta acts as a general base in abstracting a proton from Ser 70 and transferring it to the thiazolidine ring nitrogen atom via Ser 130 0 gamma. Deacylation is accomplished by nucleophilic attack on the penicilloyl carbonyl carbon by a water molecule assisted by the general base, Glu 166.  相似文献   

A G Amit  R A Mariuzza  S E Phillips  R J Poljak 《Nature》1985,313(5998):156-158
Present understanding of the three-dimensional structure of antibody combining sites is based on X-ray diffraction studies of myeloma immunoglobulins. The structures of the antigen-binding fragment (Fab) complexes of two of these immunoglobulins with small ligands have also been determined. However, there is no crystallographic information concerning the interactions of an antibody with an antigen, nor do we know the precise structure of antigenic determinants on protein molecules. We now report the first structure determination of an antigen-antibody complex at 6 A resolution. The structure of the complex between hen egg-white lysozyme and the Fab of a monoclonal anti-lysozyme antibody (D1.3) shows that the combining site of antibodies is not merely a cleft delineated by the complementarity-determining regions of the variable regions of the light and heavy chains, but is a larger area extending beyond it. A correspondingly large area of the antigen makes close contacts with the antibody, in agreement with the notion of a 'topographical' rather than 'sequential' antigenic determinant. The structural basis of cross-reactivities of an antibody with heterologous antigens and the effect of a single amino acid substitution on antigenic specificity can thus be visualized in the structural model presented here.  相似文献   

Liu Z  Yan H  Wang K  Kuang T  Zhang J  Gui L  An X  Chang W 《Nature》2004,428(6980):287-292
The major light-harvesting complex of photosystem II (LHC-II) serves as the principal solar energy collector in the photosynthesis of green plants and presumably also functions in photoprotection under high-light conditions. Here we report the first X-ray structure of LHC-II in icosahedral proteoliposome assembly at atomic detail. One asymmetric unit of a large R32 unit cell contains ten LHC-II monomers. The 14 chlorophylls (Chl) in each monomer can be unambiguously distinguished as eight Chla and six Chlb molecules. Assignment of the orientation of the transition dipole moment of each chlorophyll has been achieved. All Chlb are located around the interface between adjacent monomers, and together with Chla they are the basis for efficient light harvesting. Four carotenoid-binding sites per monomer have been observed. The xanthophyll-cycle carotenoid at the monomer-monomer interface may be involved in the non-radiative dissipation of excessive energy, one of the photoprotective strategies that have evolved in plants.  相似文献   

Ion transport proteins must remove an ion's hydration shell to coordinate the ion selectively on the basis of its size and charge. To discover how the K+ channel solves this fundamental aspect of ion conduction, we solved the structure of the KcsA K+ channel in complex with a monoclonal Fab antibody fragment at 2.0 A resolution. Here we show how the K+ channel displaces water molecules around an ion at its extracellular entryway, and how it holds a K+ ion in a square antiprism of water molecules in a cavity near its intracellular entryway. Carbonyl oxygen atoms within the selectivity filter form a very similar square antiprism around each K+ binding site, as if to mimic the waters of hydration. The selectivity filter changes its ion coordination structure in low K+ solutions. This structural change is crucial to the operation of the selectivity filter in the cellular context, where the K+ ion concentration near the selectivity filter varies in response to channel gating.  相似文献   

Crystallographic study of the interaction of urea with lysozyme   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
K W Snape  R Tjian  C C Blake  D E Koshland 《Nature》1974,250(464):295-298

Crystal structure of trp repressor/operator complex at atomic resolution   总被引:98,自引:0,他引:98  
The crystal structure of the trp repressor/operator complex shows an extensive contact surface, including 24 direct and 6 solvent-mediated hydrogen bonds to the phosphate groups of the DNA. There are no direct hydrogen bonds or non-polar contacts to the bases that can explain the repressor's specificity for the operator sequence. Rather, the sequence seems to be recognized indirectly through its effects on the geometry of the phosphate backbone, which in turn permits the formation of a stable interface. Water-mediated polar contacts to the bases also appear to contribute part of the specificity.  相似文献   

以三氯化锑、乙二胺四乙酸等为原料合成了EDTA-锑配合物,采用静态挂片失重法和电化学方法考察了EDTA-锑与曼尼希碱的协同缓蚀作用.结果表明:在复合缓蚀剂用量不变的情况下,N80钢片在工业盐酸中的腐蚀速率随EDTA-锑与曼尼希碱质量比的增大呈现出先减小后增大的趋势.复合缓蚀剂的加量为1%,实验温度为90℃,在15%盐酸中,当EDTA-锑与曼尼希碱质量比为0.5%时,腐蚀速率最小;在20%盐酸中,当EDTA-锑与曼尼希碱质量比为1.0%时,腐蚀速率最小.电化学测试表明,EDTA-锑与曼尼希碱组成的复合缓蚀剂是以抑制阴极为主的混合型缓蚀剂.  相似文献   

Mindell JA  Maduke M  Miller C  Grigorieff N 《Nature》2001,409(6817):219-223
Virtually all cells in all eukaryotic organisms express ion channels of the ClC type, the only known molecular family of chloride-ion-selective channels. The diversity of ClC channels highlights the multitude and range of functions served by gated chloride-ion conduction in biological membranes, such as controlling electrical excitability in skeletal muscle, maintaining systemic blood pressure, acidifying endosomal compartments, and regulating electrical responses of GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid)-containing interneurons in the central nervous system. Previously, we expressed and purified a prokaryotic ClC channel homologue. Here we report the formation of two-dimensional crystals of this ClC channel protein reconstituted into phospholipid bilayer membranes. Cryo-electron microscopic analysis of these crystals yields a projection structure at 6.5 A resolution, which shows off-axis water-filled pores within the dimeric channel complex.  相似文献   

W S Somers  S E Phillips 《Nature》1992,359(6394):387-393
The crystal structure of the met repressor-operator complex shows two dimeric repressor molecules bound to adjacent sites 8 base pairs apart on an 18-base-pair DNA fragment. Sequence specificity is achieved by insertion of double-stranded antiparallel protein beta-ribbons into the major groove of B-form DNA, with direct hydrogen-bonding between amino-acid side chains and the base pairs. The repressor also recognizes sequence-dependent distortion or flexibility of the operator phosphate backbone, conferring specificity even for inaccessible base pairs.  相似文献   

Amunts A  Drory O  Nelson N 《Nature》2007,447(7140):58-63
All higher organisms on Earth receive energy directly or indirectly from oxygenic photosynthesis performed by plants, green algae and cyanobacteria. Photosystem I (PSI) is a supercomplex of a reaction centre and light-harvesting complexes. It generates the most negative redox potential in nature, and thus largely determines the global amount of enthalpy in living systems. We report the structure of plant PSI at 3.4 A resolution, revealing 17 protein subunits. PsaN was identified in the luminal side of the supercomplex, and most of the amino acids in the reaction centre were traced. The crystal structure of PSI provides a picture at near atomic detail of 11 out of 12 protein subunits of the reaction centre. At this level, 168 chlorophylls (65 assigned with orientations for Q(x) and Q(y) transition dipole moments), 2 phylloquinones, 3 Fe(4)S(4) clusters and 5 carotenoids are described. This structural information extends the understanding of the most efficient nano-photochemical machine in nature.  相似文献   

The 30S ribosomal subunit binds messenger RNA and the anticodon stem-loop of transfer RNA during protein synthesis. A crystallographic analysis of the structure of the subunit from the bacterium Thermus thermophilus is presented. At a resolution of 5.5 A, the phosphate backbone of the ribosomal RNA is visible, as are the alpha-helices of the ribosomal proteins, enabling double-helical regions of RNA to be identified throughout the subunit, all seven of the small-subunit proteins of known crystal structure to be positioned in the electron density map, and the fold of the entire central domain of the small-subunit ribosomal RNA to be determined.  相似文献   

Crystallographic study of formylmethionine tRNA from baker's yeast   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
C D Johnson  K Adolph  J J Rosa  M D Hall  P B Sigler 《Nature》1970,226(5252):1246-1247

Polyoma virus capsid structure at 22.5 A resolution   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
I Rayment  T S Baker  D L Caspar  W T Murakami 《Nature》1982,295(5845):110-115
X-ray diffraction data from polyoma capsid crystals were phased by refinement of low-resolution starting models to obtain a self-consistent structural solution. The unexpected result that the hexavalent morphological unit is a pentamer shows that specificity of bonding is not conserved among the protein subunits in the icosahedrally symmetric capsid.  相似文献   

Reinisch KM  Nibert ML  Harrison SC 《Nature》2000,404(6781):960-967
The reovirus core is an assembly with a relative molecular mass of 52 million that synthesizes, modifies and exports viral messenger RNA. Analysis of its structure by X-ray crystallography shows that there are alternative, specific and completely non-equivalent contacts made by several surfaces of two of its proteins; that the RNA capping and export apparatus is a hollow cylinder, which probably sequesters its substrate to ensure completion of the capping reactions; that the genomic double-stranded RNA is coiled into concentric layers within the particle; and that there is a protein shell that appears to be common to all groups of double-stranded RNA viruses.  相似文献   

Crystallographic studies of a human immunoglobulin   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
W D Terry  B W Matthews  D R Davies 《Nature》1968,220(5164):239-241

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