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Summary By autoradiographic studies with H3-thymidine it is demonstrated that the percentage of labelled nuclei is very low in the anterior pituitary of normal untreated rats and of rats 14 days after thyreoidectomy. Following castration, however, a marked increase of DNA-synthesizing cells occurs as well as an increase of mitotic figures.

Mit Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft und das Bundesministerium für Wissenschaftliche Forschung.  相似文献   

Summary In leafroll-diseased grapevines, lignine and cellulose decompose anomalously. Therefore leaves and shoots of these vines curl characteristically down and inward. As a specific intermediate product, 4-methyl-d-glucuronic acid has been identified. The decomposition increases proportionally to the progress of the infection.  相似文献   

Summary Nonlinear responses may be produced by incremental stimuli in the global electroretinogram of strongly light-adapted cat.  相似文献   

Summary In the caryoplasm of the early spermatids of a Diplopode, there is a crystalloid inclusion which is accompanied by a linear bundle of filaments.  相似文献   

Summary Adult males ofLytta vesicatoria (Coleopt., Meloidae) synthesize cantharidin, but females do not, although the substance is present in the females too. We developed a method for rearing larvae of this parasitic beetle in the laboratory. It is shown that there exist 7 larval stages and 4 hypermetamorphic forms (triungulinus, second larva,pseudochrysalis and fourth larva). Larvae from the second to the fifth stage (second larva) synthesize cantharidin. Therefore, we conclude that the substance present in the adult female is at least in part synthesized in the larval period. Nothing is known about the biological significance of this biochemical sexual dimorphism.

Coleoptera, Meloidae.  相似文献   

Summary Beside hydroxyproline collagen contains quantities of glutamine, threonine, serine, alanine and glycine, derived from proline. Remarkably large quantities of threonine have this origine, which suggests that conversions occur in the fibroblast.  相似文献   

Summary The qualitative identity of the free amino acids in some animal species was proved by means of paper chromatography.  相似文献   

Summary The mechanism of pressure sensitivity in marine invertebrates without gasfilled spaces is still obscure. Barmacles sum up supra- and subthreshold pressure stimuli with supra- and subthreshold shade stimuli. The subthreshold spatial summing up indicates that specific pressure receptors or receptor mechanisms exist.

Gefördert von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Summary n-Butylamine, a new biogenic amine could be identified in apples by means of paper chromatography and micro-cristallography.  相似文献   

Summary For the sensitive determination of amines their 1-dimethyl-amino-naphthalene-5-sulphonyl derivatives were separated in two-dimensional thin-layer chromatograms. 10–10–10–11 mole per amine can be detected, when the fluorescence of the DANSyl-compounds is excited by the 365 mµ Hg line.  相似文献   

Summary After Craig distribution in our system 43 of actinomycin C, furnishing high-values for the components of actinomycin, traces of new components of the actinomycin C complex could be demonstrated by paper chromatography.  相似文献   

Summary A new piperidine derivative, the 2-diphenylmethylpiperidine, produces already in doses of 0.001 g/kg s.c. a strong increase of the spontaneous motility of various animals. On mice it has about the same potency as d-desoxy-ephedrine and is about 3 times more potent than amphetamin. It also acts markedly antagonistic on various narcotics but has practically no peripheral sympathomimetic effects.

8. Mitteilung über Alkylenimin-Derivate. 7. Mitteilung sieheB. M. Iselin undK. Hoffmann, J. Am. Chem. Soc.76 (im Druck).  相似文献   

Summary The latex method is able to demonstrate antibodies against cows' milk. We suppose that other antigen-antibody reactions are also detectable by the latex method. The question whether this method is more specific and more able to prove that the antibodies show diagnosis, is an open one, in the same way as the other well-known immunological reactions.  相似文献   

Summary Intravenous administration of iodoacetate (20 mg/kg) produces in cats a transient miosis. This is shown to be a reflex constriction elicited by an excitatory action of iodoacetate on the retina.  相似文献   

Summary Some solvent systems are described for the separation of 1-dimethyl-amino-naphthalene-5-sulphonylamino acids on thin layer chromatograms. 10–10 mole per amino acid can be detected on a two-dimensional chromatogram, when the yellow fluorescence of these compounds is excited by a UV-lamp.  相似文献   

Summary In autoradiographs of intraventricular muscle bundles of beef heart, tritiated digitoxine is found outside the membrane and inside the muscle cell at the moment of maximal inotropic action.  相似文献   

Summary A new instrument for the U.V. spectrometry of microscopic preparations, which uses quartz objectives not only for magnification, but also for monochromatization, permits measurements up to extinctionsE of more than 2.

Mit Unterstützung der Ciba-Stiftung für chemische, mediziinsche und technische Forschung.  相似文献   

Summary Detection of ribonucleases in polyacrylamide gels after disc-electrophoresis is possible by incubation of the gels in a solution of low molecular RNA followed by staining with methylene blue. Application of this method to protein extracts of wheat leaves, sugar beet leaves and roots of different bean varieties as well as callus cultures and roots of the same bean variety shows differences in number and position of RNase zones.  相似文献   

Summary The biological efficiency of a high purified A-homo-testosterone-acetate was tested on male mice. We found no inhibition of the gonadotropic partial-function of the anterior pituitary by the substance; and furthermore no substitution of testosterone deficit after castration was possible.  相似文献   

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