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Zusammenfassung In einer unspezifischen, physikalisch-chemischen Wirkung von vier oberflächenaktiven Coronardilatatoren auf die Membranen von menschlichen Thrombozyten und isolierten chromaffinen Granula wird die Ursache für die Hemmung der Aufnahme von Serotonin bzw. Adrenalin erblickt.  相似文献   

Summary Serotonin was not found in the oviducts ofBlabera gigantea, Clitumnus extradentatus nor in the uterus ofGlossina, but it is present in the uterus ofBlabera. It is also found in the central nervous system of all three insects. In vitro experiments confirm these data by showing that serotonin increases the contractions of the uterus ofBlabera, but has no effect on the uterus ofGlossina.  相似文献   

Riassunto Dopo elettroshock si osserva nell'encefalo di ratto un aumento di serotonina, particolarmente evidence nell'area mesencefalica e diencefalica, che si accompagna ad una maggior sensibilità al pentobarbital.  相似文献   

Epinephrine cannot stimulate adipocytes' lipolysis of human subcutaneous adipose tissue (lateral part of the thigh) while a clear lipolytic action can be shown on the omental tissue. However, at the same concentrations, isoproterenol (a beta-agonist) exerts a strong adipokinetic effect on adipocytes of the both types of adipose tissue. An alpha-adrenolytic (phentolamine) enhances the lipolytic action of epinephrine on the omental adipose tissue and unmasks a lipolytic action of epinephrine on the subcutaneous. Epinephrine antagonizes the lipolysis induced by theophyline on the subscutaneous adipocytes, this action is increased by propranolol (a beta-adrenergic blocking agent). The unresponsiveness to epinephrine of the subcutaneous adipose tissue studied here could be linked to a strong antilipolytic alpha-adrenergic effect.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Hormone Adrenalin oder Noradrenalin stimulieren in menschlichen Erythrozyten die Aktivität der Mg++-abhängigen ATPase. Die Aktivität dieses Enzyms ist auch nach der Wirkung des Insulins gesteigert.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Sieben Tage nach Adrenalektomie ist der 5-HT-Gehalt des Rattengehirns vermindert, während der NA-Gehalt unverändert bleibt. Chronische Hydrocortisonbehandlung restituiert, DOCA-Behandlung bleibt wirkungslos. Nach 5-HTP-Behandlung steigt der 5-HT-Gehalt auch im Gehirn der adrenalektomierten Tiere.  相似文献   

The current findings from gill vascular cast preparations in the eel emphasize the division in each primary lamella of the afferent vasculature into two efferent pathways: an arterial pathway (via the secondary lamellae and the efferent branchial artery to the dorsal aorta), a venous pathway (via the central lamellar compartment and the branchial vein to the sinus venosus). By the same technique two antagonist mechanisms have been shown presumably controlling the blood flow in both pathways. 1. Acetylcholine increases the filling of the central lamellar compartment by constricting the efferent arterial sphincters and therefore increases the venous return. 2. Epinephrine impairs the filling of the central lamellar compartment (by acting on alpha receptors) and dilates the arterial pathway (by acting on beta receptors). Therefore the stimulation of these two synergic receptors by epinephrine increases the systemic blood flow.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Adrenalin rief einen positiv chronotropen und inotropen, Acetylcholin einen negativ chronotropen Herzeffekt bei zwei menschlichen Foeten von 30 mm Scheitel-Steiss-Länge hervor. Ein Treppenphänomen wurde in Ventrikelstreifen und stabile Membranpotentiale (–70 mV) in einzelnen Ventrikelzellen nachgewiesen.  相似文献   

Résumé L'administration d'une anti-sérotonine (UML 491 ou méthysergide) réduit sensiblement la mortalité des rats soumis contemporainement à doses sublétales de uracil-moutarde (UM); l'administration de sérotonine au contraire en augmente la mortalité. L'administration de l'anti-sérotonine 24 h après l'intoxication avec UM et celle d'un anti-histaminique n'ont pas un effet protecteur statistiquement signifiant.  相似文献   

Summary The direct effect of serotonin and antiserotonin agents on adrenal steroid biosynthesis was studied in isolated adrenal cells derived from patients with Cushing's syndrome. The results indicate that serotonin increases corticosterone production, while the serotonin antagonists cyproheptadine and methysergide depress adrenal steroid-particularly cortisol and aldosterone-biosynthesis.The authors are indebted to Dr. M. Kárteszi, Institute of Experimental Medicine, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, for the determination of plasma ACTH by radioimmunoassay in our patients, and to Prof. P. Vecsei, Department of Pharmacology, University of Heidelberg, providing us with highly specific antisera for corticosteroids RIA-s.  相似文献   

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