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Ovarian carcinomas with mutations in the tumour suppressor BRCA2 are particularly sensitive to platinum compounds. However, such carcinomas ultimately develop cisplatin resistance. The mechanism of that resistance is largely unknown. Here we show that acquired resistance to cisplatin can be mediated by secondary intragenic mutations in BRCA2 that restore the wild-type BRCA2 reading frame. First, in a cisplatin-resistant BRCA2-mutated breast-cancer cell line, HCC1428, a secondary genetic change in BRCA2 rescued BRCA2 function. Second, cisplatin selection of a BRCA2-mutated pancreatic cancer cell line, Capan-1 (refs 3, 4), led to five different secondary mutations that restored the wild-type BRCA2 reading frame. All clones with secondary mutations were resistant both to cisplatin and to a poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) inhibitor (AG14361). Finally, we evaluated recurrent cancers from patients whose primary BRCA2-mutated ovarian carcinomas were treated with cisplatin. The recurrent tumour that acquired cisplatin resistance had undergone reversion of its BRCA2 mutation. Our results suggest that secondary mutations that restore the wild-type BRCA2 reading frame may be a major clinical mediator of acquired resistance to platinum-based chemotherapy.  相似文献   

Tanaka S  Umemori T  Hirai K  Muramatsu S  Kamimura Y  Araki H 《Nature》2007,445(7125):328-332
In eukaryotic cells, cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) have an important involvement at various points in the cell cycle. At the onset of S phase, active CDK is essential for chromosomal DNA replication, although its precise role is unknown. In budding yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), the replication protein Sld2 (ref. 2) is an essential CDK substrate, but its phospho-mimetic form (Sld2-11D) alone neither affects cell growth nor promotes DNA replication in the absence of CDK activity, suggesting that other essential CDK substrates promote DNA replication. Here we show that both an allele of CDC45 (JET1) and high-copy DPB11, in combination with Sld2-11D, separately confer CDK-independent DNA replication. Although Cdc45 is not an essential CDK substrate, CDK-dependent phosphorylation of Sld3, which associates with Cdc45 (ref. 5), is essential and generates a binding site for Dpb11. Both the JET1 mutation and high-copy DPB11 by-pass the requirement for Sld3 phosphorylation in DNA replication. Because phosphorylated Sld2 binds to the carboxy-terminal pair of BRCT domains in Dpb11 (ref. 4), we propose that Dpb11 connects phosphorylated Sld2 and Sld3 to facilitate interactions between replication proteins, such as Cdc45 and GINS. Our results demonstrate that CDKs regulate interactions between BRCT-domain-containing replication proteins and other phosphorylated proteins for the initiation of chromosomal DNA replication; similar regulation may take place in higher eukaryotes.  相似文献   

BRCA1 and BRCA2 are important for DNA double-strand break repair by homologous recombination, and mutations in these genes predispose to breast and other cancers. Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) is an enzyme involved in base excision repair, a key pathway in the repair of DNA single-strand breaks. We show here that BRCA1 or BRCA2 dysfunction unexpectedly and profoundly sensitizes cells to the inhibition of PARP enzymatic activity, resulting in chromosomal instability, cell cycle arrest and subsequent apoptosis. This seems to be because the inhibition of PARP leads to the persistence of DNA lesions normally repaired by homologous recombination. These results illustrate how different pathways cooperate to repair damage, and suggest that the targeted inhibition of particular DNA repair pathways may allow the design of specific and less toxic therapies for cancer.  相似文献   

O T Jones  W A Watson 《Nature》1965,208(5016):1169-1170

D L Gill  T Ueda  S H Chueh  M W Noel 《Nature》1986,320(6061):461-464
Ca2+ accumulation and release from intracellular organelles is important for Ca2+-signalling events within cells. In a variety of cell types, the active Ca2+-pumping properties of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) have been directly studied using chemically permeabilized cells. The same preparations have been extensively used to study Ca2+ release from ER, in particular, release mediated by the intracellular messenger inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (InsP3). So far, these studies and others using microsomal membrane fractions have revealed few mechanistic details of Ca2+ release from ER, although a recent report indicated that InsP3-mediated Ca2+ release from liver microsomes may be dependent on GTP. In contrast to the latter report, we describe here the direct activation of a specific and sensitive guanine nucleotide regulatory mechanism mediating a substantial release of Ca2+ from the ER of cells of the neuronal cell line N1E-115. These data indicate the operation of a major new Ca2+ gating mechanism in ER which is specifically activated by GTP, deactivated by GDP, and which appears to involve a GTP hydrolytic cycle.  相似文献   

hCds1-mediated phosphorylation of BRCA1 regulates the DNA damage response   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
Lee JS  Collins KM  Brown AL  Lee CH  Chung JH 《Nature》2000,404(6774):201-204
Mutations in the BRCA1 (ref. 1) tumour suppressor gene are found in almost all of the families with inherited breast and ovarian cancers and about half of the families with only breast cancer. Although the biochemical function of BRCA1 is not well understood, it is important for DNA damage repair and cell-cycle checkpoint. BRCA1 exists in nuclear foci but is hyperphosphorylated and disperses after DNA damage. It is not known whether BRCA1 phosphorylation and dispersion and its function in DNA damage response are related. In yeast the DNA damage response and the replication-block checkpoint are mediated partly through the Cds1 kinase family. Here we report that the human Cds1 kinase (hCds1/Chk2) regulates BRCA1 function after DNA damage by phosphorylating serine 988 of BRCA1. We show that hCds1 and BRCA1 interact and co-localize within discrete nuclear foci but separate after gamma irradiation. Phosphorylation of BRCA1 at serine 988 is required for the release of BRCA1 from hCds1. This phosphorylation is also important for the ability of BRCA1 to restore survival after DNA damage in the BRCA1-mutated cell line HCC1937.  相似文献   

Thy-1 cDNA sequence suggests a novel regulatory mechanism   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
T Moriuchi  H C Chang  R Denome  J Silver 《Nature》1983,301(5895):80-82

A dual-kinase mechanism for Wnt co-receptor phosphorylation and activation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Zeng X  Tamai K  Doble B  Li S  Huang H  Habas R  Okamura H  Woodgett J  He X 《Nature》2005,438(7069):873-877
Signalling by the Wnt family of secreted lipoproteins has essential functions in development and disease. The canonical Wnt/beta-catenin pathway requires a single-span transmembrane receptor, low-density lipoprotein (LDL)-receptor-related protein 6 (LRP6), whose phosphorylation at multiple PPPSP motifs is induced upon stimulation by Wnt and is critical for signal transduction. The kinase responsible for LRP6 phosphorylation has not been identified. Here we provide biochemical and genetic evidence for a 'dual-kinase' mechanism for LRP6 phosphorylation and activation. Glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK3), which is known for its inhibitory role in Wnt signalling through the promotion of beta-catenin phosphorylation and degradation, mediates the phosphorylation and activation of LRP6. We show that Wnt induces sequential phosphorylation of LRP6 by GSK3 and casein kinase 1, and this dual phosphorylation promotes the engagement of LRP6 with the scaffolding protein Axin. We show further that a membrane-associated form of GSK3, in contrast with cytosolic GSK3, stimulates Wnt signalling and Xenopus axis duplication. Our results identify two key kinases mediating Wnt co-receptor activation, reveal an unexpected and intricate logic of Wnt/beta-catenin signalling, and illustrate GSK3 as a genuine switch that dictates both on and off states of a pivotal regulatory pathway.  相似文献   

In search of the tumour-suppressor functions of BRCA1 and BRCA2   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
Scully R  Livingston DM 《Nature》2000,408(6811):429-432
Hereditary breast and ovarian cancer syndromes can be caused by loss-of-function germline mutations in one of two tumour-suppressor genes, BRCA1 and BRCA2 (ref. 1). Each gene product interacts with recombination/DNA repair proteins in pathways that participate in preserving intact chromosome structure. However, it is unclear to what extent such functions specifically suppress breast and ovarian cancer. Here we analyse what is known of BRCA gene function and highlight some unanswered questions in the field.  相似文献   

Origin of a gene regulatory mechanism in the evolution of echinoderms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A rich diversity of ancient sea urchin lineages survives to the present. These include several advanced orders as well as the cidaroids, which represent the group ancestral to all other sea urchins. Here we show that all advanced groups of sea urchins examined possess in their eggs a class of maternal messenger RNA (mRNA) encoded by the evolutionarily highly conserved alpha-subtype histone genes. The maternal histone mRNAs are unique in their time of accumulation in oogenesis, their localization in the egg nucleus and their delayed timing of translation after fertilization. Cidaroid sea urchins as well as other echinoderm classes, such as starfish and sea cucumbers, possess the genes but do not have maternal alpha-subtype histone mRNAs in their eggs. Thus, although all the echinoderms examined transcribe alpha-subtype histone genes during embryogenesis, the expression of these genes as maternal mRNAs is confined to advanced sea urchins. The fossil record allows us to pinpoint the evolution of this mode of expression of alpha-histone genes to the time of the splitting of advanced sea urchin lineages from the ancestral cidaroids in a radiation which occurred in a relatively brief interval of time approximately 190-200 Myr ago. The origin of a unique gene regulatory mechanism can thus be correlated with a set of macroevolutionary events.  相似文献   

Dendritic spikes as a mechanism for cooperative long-term potentiation   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
Golding NL  Staff NP  Spruston N 《Nature》2002,418(6895):326-331
Strengthening of synaptic connections following coincident pre- and postsynaptic activity was proposed by Hebb as a cellular mechanism for learning. Contemporary models assume that multiple synapses must act cooperatively to induce the postsynaptic activity required for hebbian synaptic plasticity. One mechanism for the implementation of this cooperation is action potential firing, which begins in the axon, but which can influence synaptic potentiation following active backpropagation into dendrites. Backpropagation is limited, however, and action potentials often fail to invade the most distal dendrites. Here we show that long-term potentiation of synapses on the distal dendrites of hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons does require cooperative synaptic inputs, but does not require axonal action potential firing and backpropagation. Rather, locally generated and spatially restricted regenerative potentials (dendritic spikes) contribute to the postsynaptic depolarization and calcium entry necessary to trigger potentiation of distal synapses. We find that this mechanism can also function at proximal synapses, suggesting that dendritic spikes participate generally in a form of synaptic potentiation that does not require postsynaptic action potential firing in the axon.  相似文献   

The identification of somatic activating mutations in JAK2 (refs?1–4) and in the thrombopoietin receptor gene (MPL) in most patients with myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) led to the clinical development of JAK2 kinase inhibitors. JAK2 inhibitor therapy improves MPN-associated splenomegaly and systemic symptoms but does not significantly decrease or eliminate the MPN clone in most patients with MPN. We therefore sought to characterize mechanisms by which MPN cells persist despite chronic inhibition of JAK2. Here we show that JAK2 inhibitor persistence is associated with reactivation of JAK–STAT signalling and with heterodimerization between activated JAK2 and JAK1 or TYK2, consistent with activation of JAK2 in trans by other JAK kinases. Further, this phenomenon is reversible: JAK2 inhibitor withdrawal is associated with resensitization to JAK2 kinase inhibitors and with reversible changes in JAK2 expression. We saw increased JAK2 heterodimerization and sustained JAK2 activation in cell lines, in murine models and in patients treated with JAK2 inhibitors. RNA interference and pharmacological studies show that JAK2-inhibitor-persistent cells remain dependent on JAK2 protein expression. Consequently, therapies that result in JAK2 degradation retain efficacy in persistent cells and may provide additional benefit to patients with JAK2-dependent malignancies treated with JAK2 inhibitors.  相似文献   

Polarized exocytosis requires coordination between the actin cytoskeleton and the exocytic machinery responsible for fusion of secretory vesicles at specific sites on the plasma membrane. Fusion requires formation of a complex between a vesicle-bound R-SNARE and plasma membrane Qa, Qb and Qc SNARE proteins. Proteins in the lethal giant larvae protein family, including lethal giant larvae and tomosyn in metazoans and Sro7 in yeast, interact with Q-SNAREs and are emerging as key regulators of polarized exocytosis. The crystal structure of Sro7 reveals two seven-bladed WD40 beta-propellers followed by a 60-residue-long 'tail', which is bound to the surface of the amino-terminal propeller. Deletion of the Sro7 tail enables binding to the Qbc SNARE region of Sec9 and this interaction inhibits SNARE complex assembly. The N-terminal domain of Sec9 provides a second, high-affinity Sro7 interaction that is unaffected by the tail. The results suggest that Sro7 acts as an allosteric regulator of exocytosis through interactions with factors that control the tail. Sequence alignments indicate that lethal giant larvae and tomosyn have a two-beta-propeller fold similar to that of Sro7, but only tomosyn appears to retain the regulatory tail.  相似文献   

2-己基咪唑作为铜的盐酸酸洗缓蚀剂作用机理的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过失重法研究了2-己基咪唑 (2-HeIM )在5%盐酸中对铜的酸洗缓蚀性能。探讨了温度和 2-HeIM浓度对缓蚀效果的影响,从中得出了 2-HeIM在铜表面的吸附等温式,计算了吸附热及 2-HeIM的加入对铜在盐酸中腐蚀反应活化能的影响,进而探讨了 2-HeIM对铜的缓蚀作用机理。结果表明,30℃下,在 5%盐酸中,当 2-HeIM的浓度在 6mmol/L以下缓蚀率随 2-HeIM浓度的增加而增加 ,当浓度达到 6mmol/L时 ,缓蚀率趋于定值。在 2mmol/L到 6mmol/L浓度范围内吸附在铜表面的 2-HeIM分子间的作用力整体表现为引力;2-HeIM在铜表面的吸附是吸热反应;2-HeIM的加入降低了铜的腐蚀反应活化能。  相似文献   

2-己基咪唑作为铜的盐酸酸洗缓蚀剂作用机理的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过失重法研究了2-己基咪唑(2-HeIM)在5%盐酸中对铜的酸洗缓蚀性能.探讨了温度和2-HeIM浓度对缓蚀效果的影响,从中得出了2-HeIM在铜表面的吸附等温式,计算了吸附热及2-HeIM的加入对铜在盐酸中腐蚀反应活化能的影响,进而探讨了2-HeIM对铜的缓蚀作用机理.结果表明,30℃下,在5%盐酸中,当2-HeIM的浓度在6 mmol/L以下缓蚀率随2-HeIM浓度的增加而增加,当浓度达到6 mmol/L时,缓蚀率趋于定值.在2 mmol/L到6 mmol/L浓度范围内吸附在铜表面的2-HeIM分子间的作用力整体表现为引力;2-HeIM在铜表面的吸附是吸热反应;2-HeIM的加入降低了铜的腐蚀反应活化能.  相似文献   

Yang H  Li Q  Fan J  Holloman WK  Pavletich NP 《Nature》2005,433(7026):653-657
The BRCA2 tumour suppressor is essential for the error-free repair of double-strand breaks (DSBs) in DNA by homologous recombination. This is mediated by RAD51, which forms a nucleoprotein filament with the 3' overhanging single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) of the resected DSB, searches for a homologous donor sequence, and catalyses strand exchange with the donor DNA. The 3,418-amino-acid BRCA2 contains eight approximately 30-amino-acid BRC repeats that bind RAD51 (refs 5, 6) and a approximately 700-amino-acid DBD domain that binds ssDNA. The isolated BRC and DBD domains have the opposing effects of inhibiting and stimulating recombination, respectively, and the role of BRCA2 in repair has been unclear. Here we show that a full-length BRCA2 homologue (Brh2) stimulates Rad51-mediated recombination at substoichiometric concentrations relative to Rad51. Brh2 recruits Rad51 to DNA and facilitates the nucleation of the filament, which is then elongated by the pool of free Rad51. Brh2 acts preferentially at a junction between double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) and ssDNA, with strict specificity for the 3' overhang polarity of a resected DSB. These results establish a BRCA2 function in RAD51-mediated DSB repair and explain the loss of this repair capacity in BRCA2-associated cancers.  相似文献   

何智勇 《山东科学》2018,31(3):119-124
针对当前ZigBee网络链路故障修复机制时延长和数据分组丢失的缺陷,提出了一种改进的Zigbee网络本地修复算法(ILRA-AODVjr)。通过空闲路由节点反向路由机制,向邻居节点广播一个具有两跳生命周期反向路由构建报文S-RREQ,为空闲节点产生多个备用局部路由,增加网络中节点有效路由数量,提高网络发现路由速度,缩短网络局部故障修复时间。仿真结果表明,改进的Zigbee网络本地修复算法,有效减少了网络故障修复响应时间,延长网络生命周期,减轻了网络拥塞和延迟。  相似文献   

J Wienands  M Reth 《Nature》1992,356(6366):246-248
The B-cell antigen receptor of the IgM and IgD class is a multimeric complex consisting of the membrane-bound form of the immunoglobulin molecule and two other proteins, Ig-alpha and Ig-beta. The Ig-alpha and Ig-beta proteins form a disulphide-linked alpha/beta heterodimer and are encoded by the mb-1 (ref 9, 10) and B29 genes, respectively. Surface expression of the membrane-bound IgM molecule requires assembly with the alpha/beta heterodimer. The IgD molecule, however, can be expressed on the cell surface in an alpha/beta-dependent and -independent form. We show here that in the alpha/beta-independent form the IgD molecule is anchored in the plasma membrane through a glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol linker. In the presence of the alpha/beta heterodimer, most of the otherwise glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol-linked IgD molecule is expressed on the cell surface as transmembrane proteins.  相似文献   

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