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No evidence for illegitimate young in monogamous and polygynous warblers   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
U B Gyllensten  S Jakobsson  H Temrin 《Nature》1990,343(6254):168-170
In animals with internal fertilization, paternity is uncertain. In birds, the occurrence of copulations outside the pair-bond has been documented in a number of species, but the extent to which these result in illegitimate young is largely unknown, and constitutes a major deficiency in our understanding of avian mating systems. The analysis of tandemly repeated sequences (minisatellites), has enhanced our ability to make individual identifications and paternity determinations. Here we describe the use of a bird minisatellite DNA probe in assigning paternity in natural populations of the monogamous willow warbler Phylloscopus trochilus and of the polygynous wood warbler Phylloscopus sibilatrix. In both species this probe detects a multiple locus pattern and a single locus that exhibits a variable number of tandem repeats. Although we observed intrusions by non-resident males into the territories of paired males and extra-pair copulations, no illegitimate offspring were detected among 176 young from 32 families of both species, implying that extra-pair copulations have little or no genetic impact.  相似文献   

Matings between close relatives often reduce the fitness of offspring, probably because homozygosity leads to the expression of recessive deleterious alleles. Studies of several animals have shown that reproductive success is lower when genetic similarity between parents is high, and that survival and other measures of fitness increase with individual levels of genetic diversity. These studies indicate that natural selection may favour the avoidance of matings with genetically similar individuals. But constraints on social mate choice, such as a lack of alternatives, can lead to pairing with genetically similar mates. In such cases, it has been suggested that females may seek extra-pair copulations with less related males, but the evidence is weak or lacking. Here we report a strong positive relationship between the genetic similarity of social pair members and the occurrence of extra-pair paternity and maternity ('quasi-parasitism') in three species of shorebirds. We propose that extra-pair parentage may represent adaptive behavioural strategies to avoid the negative effects of pairing with a genetically similar mate.  相似文献   

Foerster K  Delhey K  Johnsen A  Lifjeld JT  Kempenaers B 《Nature》2003,425(6959):714-717
Females in a variety of species commonly mate with multiple males, and there is evidence that they benefit by producing offspring of higher genetic quality; however, the nature of these genetic benefits is debated. Enhanced offspring survival or quality can result from intrinsic effects of paternal genes---'good genes'--or from interactions between the maternal and paternal genomes--'compatible genes'. Evidence for the latter process is accumulating: matings between relatives lead to decreased reproductive success, and the individual level of inbreeding--measured as average heterozygosity--is a strong fitness predictor. Females should thus benefit from mating with genetically dissimilar males. In many birds, social monogamy restricts mate choice, but females may circumvent this by pursuing extra-pair copulations. Here we show that female blue tits, Parus caeruleus, increase the heterozygosity of their progeny through extra-pair matings. Females thereby produce offspring of higher reproductive value, because less inbred individuals have increased survival chances, a more elaborate male secondary sexual trait (crown colour) and higher reproductive success. The cost of inbreeding may therefore be an important factor driving the evolution of female extra-pair mating.  相似文献   

Johnsen A  Andersen V  Sunding C  Lifjeld JT 《Nature》2000,406(6793):296-299
Female birds frequently copulate with extra-pair males, but the adaptive value of this behaviour is poorly understood. Some studies have suggested that 'good genes' may be involved, where females seek to have their eggs fertilized by high-quality males without receiving any material benefits from them. Nevertheless, it remains to be shown that a genetic benefit is passed on to offspring. Here we report that nestling bluethroats, Luscinia svecica, sired by extra-pair males had a higher T-cell-mediated immune response than their maternal half-siblings raised in the same nest. The difference could not be attributed to nestling body mass, sex or hatching order, but may be an effect of paternal genotype. Extra-pair young were also more immunocompetent than their paternal half-sibs raised in the genetic father's own nest, which indicates an additional effect of maternal genotype. Our results are consistent with the idea that females engage in extra-pair copulations to obtain compatible viability genes, rather than 'good genes' per se.  相似文献   

Hybridization and adaptive mate choice in flycatchers   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Hybridization in natural populations is strongly selected against when hybrid offspring have reduced fitness. Here we show that, paradoxically, pairing with another species may offer the best fitness return for an individual, despite reduced fitness of hybrid offspring. Two mechanisms reduce the costs to female collared flycatchers of pairing with male pied flycatchers. A large proportion of young are sired by conspecific male collared flycatchers through extra-pair copulations, and there is a bias in favour of male offspring (which, unlike females, are fertile) within hybrid pairs. In combination with temporal variation in breeding success, these cost-reducing mechanisms yield quantitative predictions about when female collared flycatchers should accept a male pied flycatcher as a mate; empirical data agree with these predictions. Apparent hybridization may thus represent adaptive mate choice under some circumstances.  相似文献   

Decisions about parental care in response to perceived paternity   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Neff BD 《Nature》2003,422(6933):716-719
Evolutionary ecologists are attempting to explain how parents make behavioural decisions about how much care to provide to their young. Theory predicts that when genetic relatedness to young is decreased by cuckoldry, for example, parents should reduce their care in favour of alternative broods that provide greater reproductive success. Experimental manipulation of perceived paternity has been used to test the theory, but such studies have generated mixed results. Some manipulations can fail to alter a parent's perceived paternity, whereas others may directly affect parental behaviour when, for instance, the manipulation involves capturing the parent. No study has demonstrated parental care adjustment in a manner uncomplicated by experimental design or life history correlates. Here I test the theory using the fact that nest-tending parental male bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus) can assess their paternity using both the visual presence of parasitic cuckolder males during spawning, and olfactory cues released by newly hatched eggs. By manipulating both types of cues I show that parental males dynamically adjust their parental care, favouring broods that are apparently most closely related. These results confirm the importance of genetic relatedness in parental care decision-making.  相似文献   

河蟹土池育苗阶段性养水给饵技术的探索   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
分别于1997年3~4月和1998年4~5月在浙江舟山、鄞县两地河蟹土池育苗中进行了一种阶段性养水给饵技术的试验。主要技术措施包括孵幼前的施肥养水、幼体培育中丰年虫无节幼体的间断性停喂和后期外源性天然饵料的利用。结果表明,该技术不仅可以减少饵料及亲蟹成本,而且可明显提高一期蚤幼的变态率,稳定土池育苗的产量。  相似文献   

Mate guarding as paternity insurance in Idaho ground squirrels   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
P W Sherman 《Nature》1989,338(6214):418-420
Following a copulation, males in many species of vertebrates (particularly birds) and invertebrates remain near the inseminated female and repel other suitors with displays or force. Guarding males must delay resumption of competitive mate searching, but they may insure their paternity by reducing possibilities for secondary matings and sperm competition. Among mammals, post-copulatory mate guarding has been reported in rodents, mongooses, ungulates and primates, including humans, but the effects of such behaviour on male reproductive success have not been determined genetically. I report here that mate guarding by male Idaho ground squirrels (Spermophilus brunneus) enhances a male's probability of paternity. Furthermore, an analysis based on game theory shows that mate guarding is an evolutionarily stable strategy for male S. brunneus, but not male Belding's ground squirrels (S. beldingi), which resume searching once copulation is completed.  相似文献   

 “试管婴儿之父”罗伯特·爱德华兹(Robert G. Edwards)获得2010年度诺贝尔生理学或医学奖,以表彰他在体外受精(IVF)技术方面的杰出贡献。早在20世纪50年代,爱德华兹便提出通过体外受精治疗人类不育的设想:即从女性卵巢内取出卵子,与精子在细胞培养皿中完成受精,然后再移植回母体子宫内发育。他们经过漫长而艰辛的努力实现了这一目标,1978年世界第一例“试管婴儿”出生。这项技术给全世界大约10%的不育症夫妇带来希望。一门新的医学领域(辅助生殖技术)由此诞生,开启现代医学的新世界。  相似文献   

Polyandrous females avoid costs of inbreeding.   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
Tom Tregenza  Nina Wedell 《Nature》2002,415(6867):71-73
Why do females typically mate with more than one male? Female mating patterns have broad implications for sexual selection, speciation and conflicts of interest between the sexes, and yet they are poorly understood. Matings inevitably have costs, and for females, the benefits of taking more than one mate are rarely obvious. One possible explanation is that females gain benefits because they can avoid using sperm from genetically incompatible males, or invest less in the offspring of such males. It has been shown that mating with more than one male can increase offspring viability, but we present the first clear demonstration that this occurs because females with several mates avoid the negative effects of genetic incompatibility. We show that in crickets, the eggs of females that mate only with siblings have decreased hatching success. However, if females mate with both a sibling and a non-sibling they avoid altogether the low egg viability associated with sibling matings. If similar effects occur in other species, inbreeding avoidance may be important in understanding the prevalence of multiple mating.  相似文献   

When a female is sexually promiscuous, the ejaculates of different males compete for the fertilization of her eggs; the more sperm a male inseminates into a female, the more likely he is to fertilize her eggs. Because sperm production is limited and costly, theory predicts that males will strategically allocate sperm (1) according to female promiscuity, (2) saving some for copulations with new females, and (3) to females producing more and/or better offspring. Whether males allocate sperm in all of these ways is not known, particularly in birds where the collection of natural ejaculates only recently became possible. Here we demonstrate male sperm allocation of unprecedented sophistication in the fowl Gallus gallus. Males show status-dependent sperm investment in females according to the level of female promiscuity; they progressively reduce sperm investment in a particular female but, on encountering a new female, instantaneously increase their sperm investment; and they preferentially allocate sperm to females with large sexual ornaments signalling superior maternal investment. Our results indicate that female promiscuity leads to the evolution of sophisticated male sexual behaviour.  相似文献   

Dauphas N  Pourmand A 《Nature》2011,473(7348):489-492
Terrestrial planets are thought to have formed through collisions between large planetary embryos of diameter ~1,000-5,000?km. For Earth, the last of these collisions involved an impact by a Mars-size embryo that formed the Moon 50-150?million years (Myr) after the birth of the Solar System. Although model simulations of the growth of terrestrial planets can reproduce the mass and dynamical parameters of the Earth and Venus, they fall short of explaining the small size of Mars. One possibility is that Mars was a planetary embryo that escaped collision and merging with other embryos. To assess this idea, it is crucial to know Mars' accretion timescale, which can be investigated using the (182)Hf-(182)W decay system in shergottite-nakhlite-chassignite meteorites. Nevertheless, this timescale remains poorly constrained owing to a large uncertainty associated with the Hf/W ratio of the Martian mantle and as a result, contradicting timescales have been reported that range between 0 and 15?Myr (refs 6-10). Here we show that Mars accreted very rapidly and reached about half of its present size in only 1.8(+0.9)(-1.0) Myr or less, which is consistent with a stranded planetary embryo origin. We have found a well-defined correlation between the Th/Hf and (176)Hf/(177)Hf ratios in chondrites that reflects remobilization of Lu and Th during parent-body processes. Using this relationship, we estimate the Hf/W ratio in Mars' mantle to be 3.51?±?0.45. This value is much more precise than previous estimates, which ranged between 2.6 and 5.0 (ref. 6), and lifts the large uncertainty that plagued previous estimates of the age of Mars. Our results also demonstrate that Mars grew before dissipation of the nebular gas when ~100-km planetesimals, such as the parent bodies of chondrites, were still being formed. Mars' accretion occurred early enough to allow establishment of a magma ocean powered by decay of (26)Al.  相似文献   

提出了具有岭型形式的一类回归系数的参数估计--广义对角岭型估计类.在线性模型的典则形式下此估计类仍是最小二乘估计的一个线性变换,具有有偏性和压缩性.同时还讨论了它的均方误差的形式,证明了在均方误差意义下,在某个椭球范围内它优于最小二乘估计,得到了该估计类的残差平方和的一个简单形式.最后指出该估计类其实是具有岭型形式估计类的统一形式.  相似文献   

运用了文献资料法、数理统计法、逻辑分析法等研究方法,对1952-2012年共16届奥运会女子跳远决赛运动员的各跳成绩、试跳情况与免跳情况等指标进行统计分析,结果表明:1)体能越充沛越容易创造最佳成绩,奥运会女子跳远决赛前3跳创造最佳成绩的比例明显高于后3跳,且最好成绩分布比例前3位均在前3跳;金牌运动员表现出趋于在第一跳发挥最佳竞技能力的特征,且第一跳发挥最佳竞技能力的状态在蹲踞式、挺身式和走步式3个不同技术阶段呈递增趋势.2)奥运会女子跳远决赛,由于体能耗竭和心理稳定性等因素影响,排名靠后的选手更容易申请免跳,且通常在后3跳申请免跳.3)运动员的体能状况、心理稳定性和战术策略所形成的心理指向等会对跳远成功率和犯规率产生影响.奥运会女子跳远决赛前3跳成功率高、犯规率低;后3跳成功率低、犯规率高.  相似文献   

Egg investment is influenced by male attractiveness in the mallard   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
Cunningham EJ  Russell AF 《Nature》2000,404(6773):74-77
Why females prefer to copulate with particular males is a contentious issue. Attention is currently focused on whether females choose males on the basis of their genetic quality, in order to produce more viable offspring. Support for this hypothesis in birds has come from studies showing that preferred males tend to father offspring of better condition or with increased survivorship. Before attributing greater offspring viability to a male's heritable genetic quality, however, it is important to discount effects arising from confounding sources, including maternal effects. This has generally been addressed by comparing offspring viability from two different breeding attempts by the same female: one when offspring are sired by a preferred male, and one when offspring are sired by a less preferred male. However, here we show that individual female mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) lay larger eggs after copulating with preferred males and smaller eggs after copulating with less preferred males. As a result, females produced offspring of better body condition when paired with preferred males. After controlling for these differences in maternal investment, we found no effect of paternity on offspring condition. This shows that differences between half-sibs cannot always be attributed to paternal or maternal genetic effects.  相似文献   

The queen of a honeybee colony has a reproductive monopoly because her workers' ovaries are normally inactive and any eggs that they do lay are eaten by their fellow workers. But if a colony becomes queenless, the workers start to lay eggs, stop policing and rear a last batch of males before the colony finally dies out. Here we show that workers of the Asian dwarf red honeybee Apis florea from other colonies exploit this interval as an opportunity to move in and lay their own eggs while no policing is in force. Such parasitism of queenless colonies does not occur in the western honeybee A. mellifera and may be facilitated by the accessibility of A. florea nests, which are built out in the open.  相似文献   

研究了增加中药半夏麻黄碱含量的施肥方法问题,以珍珠岩为基质,分九组栽培,分析施肥措施对麻黄碱含量的影响.最佳施肥条件为:基本营养液浓度为1/10MS,施以质量浓度为100mg/L的KH2PO4.  相似文献   

Krakauer AH 《Nature》2005,434(7029):69-72
In the few species of birds in which males form display partnerships to attract females, one male secures most or all of the copulations. This leads to the question of why subordinate males help in the absence of observable reproductive benefits. Hamilton's concept of kin selection, whereby individuals can benefit indirectly by helping a relative, was a crucial breakthrough for understanding apparently altruistic systems. However in the only direct test of kin selection in coordinated display partnerships, partners were unrelated, discounting kin selection as an explanation for the evolution of cooperation. Here I show, using genetic measures of relatedness and reproductive success, that kin selection can explain the evolution of cooperative courtship in wild turkeys. Subordinate (helper) males do not themselves reproduce, but their indirect fitness as calculated by Hamilton's rule more than offsets the cost of helping. This result confirms a textbook example of kin selection that until now has been controversial and also extends recent findings of male relatedness on avian leks by quantifying the kin-selected benefits gained by non-reproducing males.  相似文献   

DNA fingerprinting in birds   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
T Burke  M W Bruford 《Nature》1987,327(6118):149-152
Several regions of the human genome are highly variable in populations because the number of repeats in these regions of a short 'minisatellite' sequence varies at high frequency. Different minisatellites have a core sequence in common, however, and probes made up of tandem repeats of this core sequence detect many highly variable DNA fragments in several species including humans, cats, dogs and mice. The hypervariable sequences detected in this way are dispersed in the genome and their variability means that they can be used as a DNA 'fingerprint', providing a novel method for the identification of individuals, confirmation of biological relationships and human genetic analysis. We show here that human minisatellite-derived probes also detect highly variable regions in bird DNAs. Segregation analysis in a house sparrow family confirms that these regions comprise many mostly heterozygous dispersed loci and we conclude that house sparrow DNA fingerprints are analogous to those of humans. Fingerprint analysis identified one nestling, with fingerprint bands not present in the parent pair's fingerprints, which we conclude resulted from an extrapair copulation. Extrabond copulations have been described in many wild bird species, but their success and hence adaptive significance have rarely been quantifiable. DNA fingerprinting will be of great significance to studies of the sociobiology, demography and ecology of wild birds.  相似文献   

孟祥志 《长春大学学报》2003,13(6):22-23,35
樟子松木蠹象是樟子松枝干的主要害虫,该虫发生量大时,对樟子松危害亦很大,严重影响樟子松正常生长发育,防治也较困难。本文通过对该虫成虫、产卵量观测,卵、幼虫、蛹死亡率调查等,采用有效基数法预测樟子松木蠹象(Pissodes sp)的发生量,预测式为P=2.87P0。预测结果与实查结果基本相符。  相似文献   

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