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FuzzyMethodologyforTaxonomyandKnowledgeBaseDesignPaulP.Wang&FujiLai(FuzzyLogicResearchLaboratory,DepartmentofElectricalEngine...  相似文献   

This paper presents a structured methodology for local network design engineering (SMLNDE). A complex and fuzzy project for local network design can be decomposed into a set of simple and particular activities using the SMLNDE. The SMLNDE allows rigorous requirements definition and permits the exhaustive consideration of the large number of factors influencing local network design engineering. The complete and clear design documentations and an optimal design can also be provided by the methodology. The SMLNDE has been implemented using the structured analysis and design technique. The study shows that the SMLNDE is an effective design methodology for the large and complex local networks.  相似文献   

IntegratingKnowledge-BasedSimulationwithAspiration-DirectedModel-basedDecisionSupportSystemFengShan&LiD.Xu(DepartmentofAutoma...  相似文献   

In order to improve the system reliability and performance and to reduce the system cost, volume and weight, we have designed, fabricated and tested the multibus adapter system of a trimodular redundant fault tolerant computer system on a single chip of 5000 gate CMOS gate array. The design, fabrication and test of this single chip system will be discussed..  相似文献   

IntegrationofDecision-SupportandKnowledge-BasedTechniquesinaProblem-SolvingStrategyforSelectionProblemsDavidMcSherry(Schoolof...  相似文献   

1 .INTRODUCTIONThe dynamic behavior of many physical processes ,such as chemical process , long transmission lineand rolling mill systems , contain ti me-delay anduncertainties . Ti me-delay usually results in unsat-isfactory performance andis frequently a source ofinstability , so control of ti me-delay systems ispractically i mportant , especially state feedbackcontrol . A unknown input observer has i mportantapplications in realization of state feedback con-trol . An UIO is an esti ma…  相似文献   

AGeneticAlgorithmforOptimalDesignofModelFolowingControlwithUncertainDisturbanceReceivedApr.21,1997ZHANGXiaojunYAMANEYuzoandYA...  相似文献   

Computer simulation models may by used to gain further information about missile performance variability. Model validation is an important aspect of the test program for a missile system. Validation provides a basis for confidence in the model's results and is a necessary step if the model is to be used to draw inference about the behavior of the real missile. This paper is a review of methods useful for validation of computer simulation models of missile systems and provides a new method with high degree of confidence for validation of computer simulation models of missile systems. Some examples of the use of the new method in validating computer simulation models are given.  相似文献   

1.INTRODUCTIONThere have been many approaches to disturbance de-couplinginlinear multivariable control systemdesign.Linnemann[1]proposed a numerically stable algorithmfor disturbance decoupling by measurement feedback.Van Der Woude[2]considered the combined problemof disturbance decoupling and stabilization by mea-surement feedback.Syrmos[3]proposed a numericallyefficient algorithm based on Sylvester equations forthe problemof disturbance decoupling with arbitrarypole placement usingstat…  相似文献   

本文探讨了基于知识的设计支持系统基本概念和观点,提出分解和基于实例推理作为设计支持系统的基本求解模型。针对雷达系统,给出了设计知识的描述方法和系统的基本结构。  相似文献   

复杂工程系统概念设计决策理论与方法综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分析了复杂工程系统概念设计决策的重要意义和特点,系统论述国内外采用的决策理论与方法,讨论了各种方法的优缺点及应用情况,指出了该领域研究今后发展趋势及在实践中应注意的问题.  相似文献   

<正> 一、问题的提出 人体生物节律理论作为预防事故发生的一种方法,已被广泛地应用于铁路、公路、航空和一般工业企业,并取得了较明显的效果。 人体生物节律理论指出,所有的人,从他们出生之日起,体力、情绪、智力活动分别以23天、28天和33天为一个循环周期,并以正弦曲线的形态  相似文献   

本文探讨了将专家系统技术应用于导弹总体初步设计中的原理和方法, 建立了一个实验型反坦克导弹总体计算机辅助设计专家系统, 并在微机上得以实现。该系统用Turbo和Prolog, TurboC, FORTRAN语言混合编程, 以菜单方式进行人机对话。  相似文献   

运用体系工程研究装备保障问题的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
首先界定了体系及体系工程的基本内涵,剖析了体系与系统、体系工程与系统工程的区别与联系;其次,分析了运用体系工程研究装备保障问题的必要性;最后,阐述了体系工程能够解决的装备保障领域的几个基本问题。  相似文献   

基于框架的面向对象的雷达系统方案设计知识表示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文提出了利用基于框架的面向对象技术表示雷达系统方案设计的知识。这种知识表达方法,将规则与过程性设计知识及设计对象框架表示相结合,具有较强的知识综合表达能力,并采用这种表示语言,建立了用于相控阵雷达系统方案设计支持系统知识库。  相似文献   

长期以来,星载计算机的软件可靠性一直是专家们讨论的重点。本文结合工作情况,讨论了星载计算机软件的特点和可靠性设计原则。  相似文献   

本文提出了一种结构化局部网络设计方法学(SDMLN),它能将一个复杂模糊的局部网络设计工程自顶向下地逐次分解成若干个简单、具体的作业,能精确定义各种需求规范,综合考虑影响局网设计的大量复杂的因素,提供完整清晰的设计文档和最优局网设计方案,该设计方法学已通过结构分析和设计方法得以实现。研究表明,SDMLN是适应于大型复杂局部网络的一种有效的设计方法学。  相似文献   

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