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Historical La Nia events since 1950 are divided into Eastern Pacific(EP) type and Central Pacific(CP) type,and the SSTA developing features as well as the different responses of the tropical atmosphere are further analyzed by using multiple datasets.Classification of different types La Nia is based on the normalized Ni o3 and Ni o4 indices and the SSTA distribution pattern during the mature phase.The minimum negative SSTA for CP La Nia is located over the equatorial central Pacific near the dateline,more westward than that of EP La Nia.It has stronger intensity and larger east-west zonal difference of SSTA over the equatorial Pacific than EP La Nia.Influenced by the different SSTA distribution pattern,CP La Nia induces more westward location of the anomalous sinking motion and the anomalous low-level divergent and high-level convergent winds over the equatorial eastern Pacific.The different response of the tropical atmospheric circulation between EP and CP La Nia is more significant in the upper troposphere than in the lower troposphere.However,the tropical precipitation patterns during the mature phase of EP and CP La Nia are much similar,except the less(more) precipitation over the equatorial central Pacific(eastern Indian Ocean-western Pacific) during CP La Nia than during EP La Nia.  相似文献   

S Nawy  C E Jahr 《Nature》1990,346(6281):269-271
Depolarizing bipolar cells (DBCs) of the retina are the only neurons in the vertebrate central nervous system known to be hyperpolarized by the neurotransmitter glutamate. Both glutamate and its analogue L-2-amino-4-phosphonobutyrate (APB) hyperpolarize DBCs by decreasing membrane conductance. Furthermore, glutamate responses in DBCs slowly decrease during whole-cell recording, suggesting that the response involves a second messenger system. Here we report that intracellular cyclic GMP or GTP activates a membrane conductance that is suppressed by APB, resulting in an enhanced APB response. In the presence of GTP-gamma-S, APB causes an irreversible suppression of the conductance. Inhibitors of G-protein activation or phosphodiesterase activity decrease the APB response. Thus, the DBC glutamate receptor seems to close ion channels by increasing the rate of cGMP hydrolysis by a G protein-mediated process that is strikingly similar to light transduction in photoreceptors.  相似文献   

江西省三类强对流天气环境物理量对比分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用2001—2010年89个国家级地面观测资料和NCEP 1°×1°再分析资料,分别从水汽条件、动力特征、0℃层和-20℃层的特征高度以及大气不稳定条件等方面,对江西省三类典型的强对流天气(冰雹、雷暴大风及短时强降水)的特征进行统计分析,从而给出江西省地区这三类强对流天气过程主要预报物理量的分布特征及阈值区间,为江西省精细化的强对流天气预报提供参考指标。结果表明:1三者对比,强降水具有更深厚的"湿"对流特征,冰雹多具有上干下湿的"干"对流特征;2低层辐合、高层辐散条件中,短时强降水高于冰雹和大风,表现为短时强降水低层辐合中位数为-17×10-5s-1,高层辐散中位数为14×10-5s-1,对应冰雹和大风低层辐合都为-14×10-5s-1,高层辐散都为10×10-5s-1;风垂直切变值,冰雹最大,大风次之,强降水最弱,具体表现为500 h Pa到1 000 h Pa风速差中位数冰雹为18 m/s,大风为17 m/s,强降水为11 m/s;3不稳定条件方面,冰雹的对流有效位能、抬升指数以及850 h Pa与500 h Pa温差中位数分别为2 651 J·kg-1;-6℃、26℃,远远强于强降水的735 J·kg-1;-2℃、23℃,大风对应中位数为1 924 J·kg-1;-5℃、25℃,介于冰雹和强降水之间;4特征高度0℃层和-20℃层冰雹最低、大风次之、强降水最高,4 800 m和7 700 m可以作为0℃层和-20℃层冰雹和强降水的分界线。当对应高度大于该值时有利于强降水的出现,小于该值有利于冰雹的出现;5不稳定条件和动力条件具有互补关系,两者中其一出现极有利条件时,在江西省的实际预报业务中,就要考虑强对流天气的发生,当一条件异常偏大(很有利条件),另一条件不是很有利情况下,也有可能出现强对流天气。  相似文献   

对苯乙烯-丁二烯嵌段共聚物(SBS)改进沥青性能进行了实验研究.用Brook fieled旋转黏度计测定了SBS对两种沥青进行改性后样品的系列黏度.实验发现SBS在含芳烃较高的沥青中分散性能好,增黏效果显著,尤其是当其质量分数大于3%后芳烃含量较高的沥青黏度增大幅度较大;SBS对沥青的针入度、软化点、延度等物理性能的影响也非常明显.通过对SBS改性沥青性能的机理分析,表明SBS在沥青中的分散性是提高改性沥青性能的重要因素.适当添加芳烃有助于提高SBS改性沥青的物理性能.  相似文献   

通过一种具体模型,研究连续动力学系统二类受扰的Hamilton系统;利用在高维中推广的Melnikov函数技术,对动力学系统中双曲不变集合进行分析,进而确定了使上述稳定流形与不稳定流形横截相交的参数范围.根据高维映射的Sindle-Birkhof横截同宿定理,认为在相应参数范围内的上述模型中,动力学系统存在混沌现象.  相似文献   

讨论了有广泛一般性的两类非奇异阵的基本性质,得到这两类非奇异阵的逆阵、伴随阵及其主子阵的Schar补以及Sylve3ter矩阵、三角分解方面的若干有用的结论.  相似文献   

得到了有k个圈且边独立数为k的一类连通图的谱半径的上界,且给出了达到上界的所有极图,同时给出了给定阶和边独立数的树的谱半径结论的一个新的证明。所得结论对进一步研究给定阶、边独立数和圈数的一般图的谱半径有重要的作用。  相似文献   

得到了有k个圈且边独立数为k的一类连通图的谱半径的上界 ,且给出了达到上界的所有极图 ,同时给出了给定阶和边独立数的树的谱半径结论的一个新的证明。所得结论对进一步研究给定阶、边独立数和圈数的一般图的谱半径有重要的作用  相似文献   

应用常规气象资料和国内外数值预报产品对2009年11月11日-12日的暴雪过程和2010年2月9日-10日的降雪过程进行对比分析,结果发现:两次过程在发生前期形势相似,影响系统强度差异较大,产生暴雪的形势明显要好,但受暴雪过程影响,第二次过程预报量级偏大;数值预报产品对暴雪过程预报较好,对第二次过程预报效果较差,但由于预报员对数值预报产品使用出现失误,预报与实况差别较大.  相似文献   

研究圈的p-次方图以及复合图的平均距离.利用计数理论并借助于这两类图的特殊构造,得出了相应的结论.  相似文献   

Various cell types in the adrenal medulla   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
I Benedeczky  A Puppi  A Tigyi  K Lissák 《Nature》1966,209(5023):592-594

假设检验中两类错误的几何解释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以正态分布为例,提出了一种假设检验问题中两类错误及有关问题的几何解释,使某些结论更直观。  相似文献   

介绍投影矩阵、对合矩阵的定义、性质,并给出投影矩阵的和、差、积是投影矩阵的充分必要条件.  相似文献   

Regional specialization of retinal glial cell membrane   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
E A Newman 《Nature》1984,309(5964):155-157
Neural activity generates increases in extracellular K+ concentration, [K+]0, which must be regulated in order to maintain normal brain function. Glial cells are thought to play an important part in this regulation through the process of K+ spatial buffering: K+-mediated current flow through glial cells redistributes extracellular K+ following localized [K+]0 increases. As is the case in other glia, the retinal Müller cell is permeable almost exclusively to K+ . Recent experiments have suggested that this K+ conductance may not be distributed uniformly over the cell surface. In the present study, two novel techniques have been used to assess the Müller cell K+ conductance distribution. The results demonstrate that 94% of all membrane conductance lies in the endfoot process of the cell. This strikingly asymmetric distribution has important consequences for theories concerning K+ buffering and should help to explain the generation of the electroretinogram.  相似文献   

利用Nevanlinna值分布理论,研究了两类非线性微分-差分方程fn+ωfn-1f′+b(f′)n+qeQf(z+c)=uev和fn1fn-1f′+ω2(f′)n+qeQf(z+c)=p1eλ1z+p2eλ2z的有限级整函数解的存在性,得到了两个结果,并举例证明文中所得结果是精确的。  相似文献   

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