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将小波变换原理与非线性时间序列逼近问题相结合,利用模型分析方法,对一阶非线性自回归过程(NLAR(1))的小波神经网络逼近问题进行了研究,构造出了逼近函数的具体表达式,并给出NLAR(1)过程所逼近的误差限。 相似文献
为克服随时间变化模型基于适应过滤器和窗口估计方法中窗口长度不宜过大,产生的短时时间序列模拟准确性不够高的缺点,应用小波分解方法,结合线性滤波器法的向量过程自回归(AR)模型,给出了模拟空间脉动风场的一种新方法.该方法对于AR模型自回归系数在空间上进行小波扩展,采用最小二乘法来估计AR模型的自回归系数,并给出了该方法模拟空间风速场的实现步骤.将该方法应用于一空间结构的风速场模拟,并给出了模拟结果与目标值的对比,以及与向量过程AR模型模拟结果的对比,结果证实该方法可以减少风速时程分析在频域上的信息损失,对短时时间序列模拟具有较高的准确性,并具有较高的计算效率. 相似文献
胡华 《河南师范大学学报(自然科学版)》2009,37(2)
提出了一类X的在坐标空间上的保测变换,推广了这一结果,证明了这些保测变换是遍历的,得出了一类Volterra型的自相似Gauss过程的遍历变换. 相似文献
将线性回归模型参数的加权最小二乘估计推广到12种自回归模型的参数估计。 相似文献
Hurst参数是表征网络业务自相似性的重要参数,在一定的观察时间内对突发业务的Hurst参数进行快速、准确地估计是高速宽带网络(如ATM)实施流量控制和缓冲资源分配的前提。提出一种基于DFGN模型和Haar小波的Hurst参数估计方法。仿真生成的DFBM和真实自相似网络业务数据的计算结果均表明,所述方法提高了Hurst参数估计的效率和准确性,比传统方法具有更好的性能。 相似文献
基于小波变换的分形随机信号希尔伯特变换的波形估计 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
非平稳1/f类分形随机过程是一类重要的弱自相似随机过程,其典型例子是分形布朗运动,作者考察了弱自相似过程的希尔伯特变换,证明了希尔伯特变换具有弱自相似不变性,进而利用分形布朗运动的希尔伯特变换BH(t)小波系数能量向低频集中的特性,采用最优门限方法实现BH(t)的波形估计。 相似文献
刘维奇 《山西大学学报(自然科学版)》1989,12(1):36-42
这篇文章使用Kanto公式[8]给出了自回归过程逆自相关函数的一种直接估计方法。并且证明了这种估计的强相容性和渐近正态性 相似文献
利用小波技术对网络流量进行特性分析,将网络流量过程分解成不同尺度下的小波系数(细节)和尺度系数(背景),从而刻画出网络流量的自相似特性. 相似文献
WU Chuan-ju LIU Lu-qin 《武汉大学学报:自然科学英文版》2005,10(6):945-948
This paper considers a special class of operator self-similar processes Markov processes {X(t), t≥0} with independent self-similar components, that is, X ( t ) =(X^1(t),…,X^d(t)), where {X^i(t),t≥0}, i=1,2,…,d are d independent real valued self-similar Markov processes. By means of Brel-Cantelli lemma, we give two results about asymptotic property as t→∞ of sample paths for two special classes of Markov processes with independent self-similar components. 相似文献
Let {ie1-1} be a self-similar Markov process on (0,∞) with non-decreasing path. The exact Hausdorff and Packing measure functions of the imageX([0,t]) are obtained. Foundation item: Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China Biography: HUANG Li-hu(1972-), male, Ph. D graduate student, research interest is in stochastic processes. 相似文献
, θ
be a self-similar Markov process on (0, ∞). The exact Hausdorff measure function of the level sets are obtained. An appropriate
condition is given under which the self-similar Markov process corresponds to a stable process, and some more fractal properties
of the sample path ofX are obtained in this case.
Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China
Huang Lihu: born in March 1972, Ph. D graduate student 相似文献
小波变换及其数字图像处理的应用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
贾中云 《杭州师范学院学报(自然科学版)》2003,2(2):60-63
简要介绍了小波变换方法 ,对小波分析在数字图像处理占的一些应用进行了简要讨论 ,并对图像的恢复和增强、图像分割等应用进行了一些有意义的尝试 相似文献
文章以上证综合指数为研究对象讨论了Monte Carlo模拟法计算VaR,分别利用SV-VaR模型和Monte Carlo-SV-VaR模型计算VaR值,并比较了这2个模型的精确度,从而为上证综合指数的风险度量提供一个参照。 相似文献
Spatial selectivity estimation is one of the essential studies to get query responses rapidly and accurately with the limitation of memory space. Currently, there exist several spatial selectivity estimation techniques such as random sampling, histogram, and parametric. Especially, Cumulative Density Histogram guarantees accurate estimation for rectangle object which has multiple-count problem. However, it requires large memory space because of retaining four sub-histograms for spatial data. Therefore in this paper,we propose a new technique Cumulative Density Wavelet Histogram, called CDWH, which is the combination of Cumulative Density Histogram and Haar Wavelet Transform, a compressed technique. The proposed method simultaneously takes full advantage of their strong points, high accuracy provided by the former and economization of memory space supported by the latter. Consequently, our technique is able to support estimates with relatively low error and retain similar estimates even if memory space is small. 相似文献
Spatial selectivity estimation is one of the essential studies to get query responses rapidly and accurately with the limitation of memory space. Currently, there exist several spatial selectivity estimation techniques such as random sampling, histogram, and
parametric. Especially,Cumulative Density Histogram guarantees accurate estimation for rectangle object which has multiple-count problem. However,it requires large memory space because of retaining four sub-histograms for spatial data. Therefore in this paper, we propose a new technique Cumulative Density Wavelet Histogram,called CDWH,which is the combination of Cumulative Density Histogram and Haar Wavelet Transform,a compressed technique. The proposed method simultaneously takes full advantage of their strong points,high accuracy provided by the former and economization of memory space supported by the latter. Consequently,our technique is able to support estimates with relatively low error and retain similar estimates even if memory space is small. 相似文献
Spatial selectivity estimation is one of the essential studies to get query responses rapidly and accurately with the limitation of memory space. Currently, there exist several spatial selectivity estimation techniques such as random sampling, histogram, and parametric. Especially, Cumulative Density Histogram guarantees accurate estimation for rectangle object which has multiple-count problem. However, it requires large memory space because of retaining four sub-histograms for spatial data. Therefore in this paper, we propose a new technique Cumulative Density Wavelet Histogram, called CDWH, which is the combination of Cumulative Density Histogram and Haar Wavelet Transform, a compressed technique. The proposed method simultaneously takes full advantage of their strong points, high accuracy provided by the former and economization of memory space supported by the latter. Consequently, our technique is able to support estimates with relatively low error and retain similar estimates even if memory space is small. 相似文献
边缘作为图像的最主要特征,成为图像信息获取的重要内容.而小波变换具有检测局域突变的能力,而且可以结合多尺度信息进行检测,因此成为图像信息边缘检测的优良工具.文章首先构造了高斯多尺度边界检测算子,然后根据信号边界与噪声边界的小波变换模值跨尺度传递的不同特性,讨论了不同尺度的检测算子检测的边缘所具有的特点,在此基础上提出由边缘传递、继承和生长构成的多尺度边缘关联融合算法.实验结果说明这种特征提取方法不仅有效地降低了噪声,而且融合的边界比较完整,定位准确. 相似文献
为了提高超分辨率重建图像的质量,提出一种基于稀疏表示和小波变换的超分辨率重建算法.首先,将小波变换的多尺度性、多方向性与稀疏表示的灵活性相结合,构建一种双稀疏编码(DSC)模型,提高稀疏系数的精度.然后,在双稀疏编码模型中引入局部线性嵌入正则化项(LLER),以更好地保留图像的结构;在重建过程中,对输入的低分辨率图像进行小波分解,得到3幅不同方向的高频子图,并采用提出的模型对其进行重建.最后,利用逆小波得到最终的高分辨率图像.实验结果表明:与多种主流的超分辨率算法相比,文中算法无论在主观视觉效果还是在峰值信噪比和结构相似度两个客观评价指标上,都取得了更好的效果. 相似文献