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蒲云  蒲素 《大自然探索》1998,17(1):51-55
先进的旅行者信息系统(ATIS)是智能交通系统(ITS)的关键组成部分之一,目前已成为国际上的研究热点。ATIS的发展极大地刺激了动态旅行选择模型的研究,并使之逐渐成为(ATIS)的关键技术基础之一。本文就问题的发展及现状进行了详细的分析,并探讨了可能的发展方向。  相似文献   

This paper sums up the fundamental research projects on Vascular Surgery supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China from 1996 to 2000, and presents the experimental results and advances in the aspects of ischemia disease, the formation mechanism and prevention of restenosis, the development of abdominal aorta a-neurysm and portal hypertention.  相似文献   

高荣 《科学之友》2008,(10):79-80
文章从公路工程投标的报价、投标的策略、投标的技巧三方面进行分析阐述,指出了报价是公路工程投标的关键。  相似文献   

Compared with industrial robots, advanced robots present unique characteristics on theory basis, techniques and application fields, which is listed in high technology development prog rams of many developed countries. Attention of many scientists a/I over the world has been focused on advanced robot-related research that has become one of most important research topics in automation. In this article, after an overview of development and trends in advanced robots investigation, design and applications, the common technologies and fundamental science problems of advanced robots are discussed, and an advice on advanced robot development strategy in China is given.  相似文献   

To organize and formulate the development strategy in related scientific fields; to select priority funding areas and to compile the annual Guide to Programs; to accept and evaluate research proposals and to manage the funded projects of various categories; to take charge of the organization and management of international cooperation projects and the organization and constitution of the expert evaluation system, and to provide consultation on important scientific issues.  相似文献   

于军 《自然杂志》2013,35(5):326-331
“人类基因组计划”这个具有划时代意义的大科学计划已经完成10 年了。10 年来,基因组科学的发展形成了新的目标--精准医学。未来的生物医学基础和临床科学的发展就是要整合基因组生物学新前沿,运用新的概念和技术,不断积累临床资源,凝练大科学问题,规划和启动大科学项目,及时、有效地为全社会提供“从实验室到病床”、“从实验室到家庭和个人”的卫生与健康保障。  相似文献   

阿伏加德罗常数测量与千克重新定义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李岩  张继涛  罗志勇 《科学通报》2011,56(10):717-724
阿伏加德罗常数(NA)是一个联系微观尺度和宏观尺度的基本物理常数, 它的精确测量可用于重新定义国际基本单位千克和摩尔, 因而有助于推动国际单位制的发展. 现代NA 测量方法为X 射线晶体密度法, 它以单晶硅为材料, 通过测量其摩尔质量、宏观密度和晶格常量得到NA, 该方法涉及到的关键技术包括单晶硅材料的生长、大尺寸单晶硅球加工、硅原子量测量技术、X 射线干涉术、精密光学干涉技术、超薄膜厚度及成份测量技术等. 本文综述了现代NA 测量的研究进展、研究难点和未来的研究方向, 并以千克重新定义为例, 分析了NA 测量研究在基础计量学领域的重要作用.  相似文献   

Thrity seven bilateral projects (including 25 joint research projects and 12 joint seminars) between NSFC and KOSEF for FY 2008 were approved by the 12th Meeting of China-Korea Joint Committee for Basic Scientific Research held in Xiamen, China from May 21 to 24, 2008. The approved joint research projects and seminars are listed below.  相似文献   

微藻生物技术产业前景和研发策略分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
微藻生物技术近年来得到各国政府和企业的高度重视. 本文分析了微藻生物技术产业的发展态势, 认为虽然微藻生物能源技术有解决世界能源、环境和粮食问题的巨大潜力, 但在近期内不太可能产业化; 不过我国和西方发达国家相比, 发展微藻生物(能源)技术有一定的生产成本优势.在这种认识的基础上, 本文提出了我国发展微藻生物技术产业的研发策略, 即微藻生物能源技术的开发重点应该放在基础研究上, 微藻生物技术的产业化开发重点放在高附加值产品上, 同时兼顾微藻生物技术处理废水.  相似文献   

The NSFC funded Key Program project "A real-time analysis of the early diagnosis of cancer markers", undertaken by Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), recently received recognition from an expert team for assessment. Experts pointed out that the research was of great value for the fast ascertain of cancer markers and the early warning and diagnosis. The research team was headed by Academician Wang Erkang, CAS and Prof. Kong Jilie, Fudan University.  相似文献   

吕群燕 《科学通报》2012,(6):397-407
国家自然科学基金自1986年设立以来,一直把促进学科发展作为其重要使命和核心任务.免疫学是生命科学和医学的前沿学科之一.25年来,国家自然科学基金通过发挥项目指南的战略导向作用,加大投入项目研究经费,定期开展免疫学的学科发展战略研究,针对重要研究领域设立重点项目,积极组织和支持跨学部交叉的重大项目,积极扶持地区人才、培育青年人才、造就拔尖人才、吸引海外人才,以及通过支持免疫学研究的平台建设等方式,全力支持中国免疫学的发展.统计数据表明,近10年来,中国免疫学研究的规模迅速扩大,国际合作不断扩展,国际综合排名明显上升.  相似文献   

" Visible Human Project (VHP)" was initiated by US National Library of Medicine in 1989, and in August 1991, the library signed a contract with Health Science Center of the University of Colorado to formally carry out the project. Accordingly, research team at the University of Colorado collected a structural data set of human body after obtaining successive sectional images. A digital image data set of a complete human male cadaver was acquired and made available for public use in November 1994, which aroused worldwide enthusiasm in this field, and remarkable social and economic benefit has been gained. Thereafter, some countries initiated their visible human project one after another. Korea started 5-year" Visible Korean Human (VKH)" project (Mar. 2000-Feb. 2005) in 2000, and the first data set derived from a patient with cerebroma was acquired in 2001. China began its project in 1999. The first data set of Chinese visible human was obtained at The Third Military Medical University in October 2002. Be  相似文献   

戴吾三 《自然杂志》2015,37(2):151-156
卡尔·杰拉西(1923—2015),著名科学家、作家,对研发口服避孕药作出重要贡献。1923年10月29日生于维也纳,1939年12月随母移居美国。先后就读于多所学校,1945年在威斯康星大学获有机化学博士学位。1949年入墨西哥的辛泰克斯公司任研究副主管,他和团队成功研制出第一种合成类固醇口服避孕药。1968年在斯坦福大学工业园创建佐伊肯公司,研究昆虫控制方法。杰拉西一生获奖无数,包括美国国家科学奖(1973年,避孕药方面的贡献);美国国家技术奖(1991年,昆虫控制方面的贡献)等。晚年进行文学创作,出版了5部小说,3部剧本。  相似文献   

潮流计算是电力系统中最基本、最重要的问题,最优潮流是潮流计算的扩展。本文综合概述了潮流计算与最优潮流的最新研究成果,并重点研究了在运用计算机解决潮流计算问题时核心技术之一的稀疏技术,包括排零存储和排零运算。  相似文献   

The research team led by Prof.Chenho Tung (CAS member) trekked in the research of photoinduced electron transfer,energy transfer and chemical reactions of supramolecular system for 20 years.  相似文献   

硅藻是海洋中一类重要的红色浮游植物,每年贡献了海洋40%或全球20%左右的原初生产力,在全球碳固定和地球化学循环中扮演重要角色。硅藻能取得如此成功生态位的一个重要因素是其捕光天线为具有出色捕光和光适应能力的岩藻黄素-叶绿素a/c结合蛋白(FCP)。为研究硅藻在水下高效利用蓝绿光、传递和转化太阳能的机理,我们团队与合作者利用晶体学和冷冻电镜技术破解了硅藻FCP捕光天线和光系统超级复合物的结构,揭示了FCP蛋白的独特结构特征和聚合状态,以及与其结合的大量叶绿素a、叶绿素c和岩藻黄素等色素分子的结合细节,为揭秘硅藻光合膜蛋白机器高效运行机理提供坚实的结构基础。  相似文献   

Based on the number of publications and citation, studies the scientific papers published by 2004 Nobel Prize Laureates in Physiology and Medicine. Using International Authoritative Database and Technical Metrology, this paper discusses the quantity and quality of papers published by these top scientists, the regulations for the medical research activities, the progressive processes of the research projects and the cooperation between research scientists on these projects. This study tries to shed a light on facilitating outstanding medical scientists and promoting Nobel Prize-level researchers in China.  相似文献   

On June 6, 2008, Prof. Shen Wenqing, Vice President of NSFC, met with the delegation from the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), headed by its Director General Prof. Robert S. Zeigler.  相似文献   

随着铁路建设的跨越式发展,大规模的铁路建设目前正在各地全面展开,截至目前,全国正在铁路建设的铁路重点工程达150条,总投资超过1.2万亿元。铁路建设投资已成为拉动内需,保持经济平稳运行的有力支撑。铁路建设工程质量的好坏,在整个社会经济铁路建设中占有重要地位,文章主要针对铁路建设工程质量的控制措施提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

文章通过对民用住宅、工业厂房、公共建筑施工管理中各专业之间的协调与配合对工程的质量影响,进一步从施工协作方略的好坏上对保证工程质量进行阐述。  相似文献   

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