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Two new species of parasitic copepods from the North Atlantic, Rhizorhina leptostracae associated with Nebaliella caboti, and Rhizorhina tanaidaceae from Leviapseudes hanseni, are described. Leptostracans and tanaids are new host groups for this genus. The systematic position of Rhizorhina is discussed.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(37-38):2255-2272
Two new species of asterocherid associated with sponges are described from the Mediterranean Sea. They are Psilomyzon laetitiae sp. nov. and Psilomyzon sarcotragusicola sp. nov. The genus Psilomyzon consists of only one known species, P. pauciseta. The two new species can be easily distinguished from the cogener species by reduction of the endopod of leg 4. In P. pauciseta the leg 4 endopod is 3-segmented, with the third segment reduced; in both new species it is 2-segmented, with the second segment carrying an inner projection, possibly homologous to the third segment of the leg 4 endopod of P. pauciseta. In the two new species, the bifid outer process on male leg 4 second endopodal segment seems to be serially homologous to the similar processes on the same segment in legs 1–3, whereas the inner projection may represent a vestigial element of the third endopodal segment of leg 4.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:33BF0653-BBA9-426B-B365-5D8C62DFD44A  相似文献   

Two new species of the family Canuellidae Lang, 1944, Scottolana jasani sp. nov. collected from Gusipo Beach, Korea and S. huysi sp. nov. from Kata Beach, Phuket Island, Thailand, are described. So far 14 species are currently known in the genus, of which only two, S. bulbifera from Russia, China, and Korea, and S. geei from China, have been reported from Asia. The new species, Scottolana jasani sp. nov. and S. huysi sp. nov., belong to the longipes-group, defined by the presence of two postgenital segments in the female, and caudal ramus with a proximal hook-like inner projection. Scottolana jasani sp. nov. closely resembles S. geei. However, it is easily distinguished by the following characters: (1) number of segments of antennal exopod (8 in the new species, but 9 in S. geei); (2) setae I, and II of caudal ramus; (3) shape of genital field in both sexes; (4) segmentation of mandibular exopod; and (5) spinular ornamentation of endopod-2 in P1. Scottolana huysi sp. nov. is also closely related to S. geei. However, it is unique and different from S. geei by (1) indistinctly 4-segmented antennule in the female; (2) 5-segmented male antennule; (3) larger genital field in female; (4) inner long seta on P4 coxa; and (5) the morphology of caudal seta II, being long and plumose, with a bulbiform base in the female only.

www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:33BFE1A2-8C95-4A9D-9E7A-B495CEEC3182  相似文献   

Hatschekia affluens sp. nov., parasitic on the gills of Pimelometopon maculatus, and Hatschekia amphiprocessa sp. nov., on those of Paralabrax humeralis, both from Antofagasta, Chile, are described and illustrated. These two species constitute the second record of Hatschekia from the coast of Chile.  相似文献   


A new species of Halectinosoma Lang, 1948, H. pterinum sp. nov. is described from the Isle of Man. Examination of this and some other species of the genus under high magnifications suggests that the diagnosis of the genus may have to be modified.  相似文献   

Two new species of the commensal shrimp genus Periclimenaeus Borradaile, found in the waters of the Maldive Islands, Indian Ocean, are described and illustrated. P. tchesunovi sp. nov. is related to P. rastrifer Bruce. The former may be distinguished by its deeper rostrum, with dentition 6/1, the presence of supraorbital tubercles, and broad, spatulate fingers on the first pereiopods. P. zarenkovi sp. nov. closely resembles P. diplosomatis Bruce in the presence of minute denticulations on the dactylar cutting edge of the major second pereiopod, but differs from it by a deeper rostrum with 5 dorsal teeth, more robust chelae of the second pereiopods, and small dorsal telson spines.  相似文献   

The predominantly marine genus Schizopera Sars, 1905 has only two significant inland water species-flocks, one in the ancient African Lake Tanganyika and the other in subterranean waters of Western Australia. Discovery of Schizopera abei sp. nov. from several interstitial locations in the vicinity of the ancient Lake Biwa has wider implications for the study of morphological homoplasies in the genus, as well as for the study of freshwater invasions in harpacticoid copepods. The new Schizopera species belongs to a small group of congeners with a two-segmented endopod of the fourth leg, which used to be recognised as a separate genus, Schizoperopsis Apostolov, 1982. Our reconstructed phylogenies based on the mtCOI partial sequences suggest that this character probably evolved convergently in at least some Schizopera, thus rendering the genus Schizoperopsis polyphyletic. However, almost all basal nodes in our cladograms are weakly supported, which shows limitations of a single-gene approach for reconstructing phylogenetic relationships. The new species is the first member of its genus from Japanese inland waters, and it has no close relatives among extent congeners anywhere in the world. We speculate that its ancestor may have invaded Lake Biwa, and subsequently its surrounding subterranean waters, from brackish areas around central Japan, presumably during a period of high sea water level through its major outflow river. This discovery may provide further support for the hypothesis about the role of ancient lakes as biodiversity pumps for subterranean habitats.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:1F71F7AD-B7C8-4AD3-BE44-5E1BEE4E2AA8  相似文献   


Two new species of harpacticoid copepods are described from the northeastern coast of Alaska, U.S.A. Pseudotachidius brevisetosus sp. nov. and Pseudotachidius bipartitus sp. nov. co-occurred at depths from 659–1144 m. Pseudotachidius brevisetosus is unique in the armature of the ♀ P5 and the ♂ P2 endopod. Pseudotachidius bipartitus, with a 2-segmented P1 endoped is also unique. The setal arrangements of Pseudotachidius coronatus T. Scott and Pseudotachidius similis T. Scott are discussed. The correct setal formulae for all species and a key to the genus are given.  相似文献   

Two new species of the freshwater planktonic copepod genusMastigodiaptomusM. maya and M. reidae—are described from material collected in southeastern Mexico. This neotropical genus is known to be distributed mainly in the southern part of the United States, Mexico and Central America, and now embraces eight species. Of these, six occur in Mexico. Both new species seem to be closely related to M. texensis and M. albuquerquensis. It is probable that this group of Mexican species represents a northwards radiation from the Proto-Antilles-Central America region into the continent, eventually reaching North America. A key for the identification of the known species of the genus is provided.  相似文献   

The genera Cratera Carbayo et al., 2013 and Obama Carbayo et al., 2013, belonging to the subfamily Geoplaninae, were recently proposed to encompass some of the species that belonged to the genus Geoplana Stimpson, 1857. Herein we describe two new species of Geoplaninae, occurring in areas of ombrophilous forest which belong to the southern portion of the Brazilian Atlantic Rain Forest. The species are sympatric in their type-locality. In general, both new species herein described match the diagnostic characteristics of their genera. However, some of these features are noteworthy when characters of the new species are taken into consideration, especially the pattern of the sensory pits and the morphology of the prostatic vesicle. Both species are differentiated from their congeners by a combination of morphological characteristics, corroborated by phylogenetic analyses of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene, using maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference, as well as the Automatic Barcode Gap tool.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(9-10):637-643
Two new species of Tarphius are described: Tarphius desertaensis n. sp. sifted from saxicole lichens on the small islet of Deserta Grande, east of Madeira, and Tarphius jandiensis n. sp. from Fuerteventura, in the Canary Islands, where it lives in the upper parts of the massif of Jandía as a relict of the once more hygrophilous fauna that inhabited the island. Both species are of small size and have a fairly convex body.  相似文献   

The crustaceans of the fresh waters of Bering Island and their link to the fauna of adjacent regions were studied. Based on original data and existing literature, the species composition of Cladocera and Copepoda was described. The compiled list includes 22 species of Cladocera and 30 species of Copepoda. In the original data, 35 species native to the Commander Islands were reported for the first time. Six species were newly reported in the Far East, and two were newly reported in Russia. The ecological peculiarities of several species and some biogeographical features of the freshwater zooplankton of the island are discussed. The main part of the fauna of the island form Holarctic widespread species (64.3%), another slightly smaller group of the fauna is comprised of Palaearctic species (20.1%), and the remainder comprise Nearctic (6.7%) and Beringian species (8.9%). Particular patterns in the distribution of freshwater zooplankton and the factors underlying the occurrence of these species on the island are considered.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(29-30):1779-1804
The post-embryonic development of the copepod Pseudocaligus fugu is described. This sea louse only parasitizes toxic pufferfish, and causes commercial loss of cultured Takifugu rubripes in Japan. Two naupliar, one copepodid and four chalimus stages preceding the adult are recognized in the species. The development pattern is similar to that of Caligus except for the suppression of leg 4 in the early chalimus phase. Pseudocaligus fugu lacks any preadult stage, as in Caligus, but contrasts with Lepeophtheirus species in which two preadult stages are reported. The nature of the metamorphic changes in size and even in degree of expression of articulations can occur without moulting. The validity of some chalimus stages recognized in Lepeophtheirus species is questioned. Growth and egg production in P. fugu were obtained in the laboratory. Pseudocaligus fugu attained adulthood 9 days after the infective copepodid attached to the host.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(31-32):1905-1924
Three new species of Astreopora (Hexacorallia: Scleractinia: Acroporidae), from Cenderawasih Bay in West Papua, exhibit morphological innovations for this conservative genus, extant since the Cretaceous. Two species are fully branching, a condition never previously described for Astreopora: Astreopora cenderawasih sp. nov. has dendritic branching, also seen in the confamilial genus Montipora, whereas branches of A. acroporina sp. nov. possess an axial corallite, regarded as the key morphological innovation facilitating rapid diversification and dominance of reefs in the younger, confamilial and most diverse genus Acropora (staghorn corals). We propose that these novel characters may be parallelisms indicating deep familial homologies. The third species, Astreopora montiporina sp. nov., has expansive coenosteum, reminiscent of plating Montipora. The new species form part of the most species-rich Astreopora assemblage reported to date, comprising 14 species. The unique tectonic and eustatic history of Cenderawasih Bay may have played a role in the evolution of these new species.  相似文献   

Indocaris gen. nov. with two new species, Indocaris imbricata sp. nov. and Indocaris inopinata sp. nov., and also for the already known Indocaris tirupatiensis (Ranga Reddy 2011a) comb. nov. – all from the groundwaters in peninsular India. The highly diagnostic synapomorphy of the new genus is a composite character associated with the male leg 4 basis: five or six prominent, imbricate, enlarged, petal-like spinules, arranged as a semi-whorl at the insertion of the endopod and increasing in size from internal to external. Another distinctive feature of the same appendage is that its one-segmented endopod is dilated or bulbous in the proximal half, produced distally into an incurved spiniform or horn-like structure about as long as the corresponding first exopodal segment, and ornamented with three or four fine spinules on the subproximal outer margin. The three species also share a unique constellation of other salient morphologic features, which along with the phylogenetic position of Indocaris gen. nov. within the family Parastenocarididae are discussed. Indocaris gen. nov. has closest phylogenetic affinity with the Neotropical Remaneicari Jakobi, 1972. A short note on the ecology and biogeography of the parastenocaridid species of the Indian subcontinent is provided besides a key for their identification.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(22):1961-1979
Bulbamphiascus incus sp. nov. is described from muddy sediments, high in organics, from below fish cages in salmon farms in two Scottish Lochs. It is characterized by the ornamentation of the urosome, the presence of an anvil‐shaped semi‐hyaline structure on the basis of the male P2 and by the structure of the exopod of the male P5. A form, here given specific status under the name B. scilloniensis sp. nov., is described from St Martin's Island in the Isles of Scilly and is identical to B. incus except for the ornamentation of the urosome in both sexes which is very similar to that found in B. imus. Newly described features of the male of B. denticulatus confirm that this species can only be distinguished from B. imus by the projection at the outer distal corner of the second segment of the antennule in both sexes.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(37-38):2273-2281
Two new species of flatworms, Pleioplana bosphorensis sp. nov. and Pleioplana Okusi sp. nov., Acotylea, Polycladida, are described from the shallow rocky shores of the Turkish Straits System, northwestern Turkey. Both species are characterized by a prostatic vesicle of atomata-type, stylet and Lang's vesicle. Pleioplana bosphorensis possesses a body of fleshy consistency and without tentacles, with spermiducal bulbs; elongated seminal vesicle and rounded prostatic vesicle with four tubular chambers and a conical, strong, large and straight stylet. Pleioplana Okusi has a translucent body, tentacular knobs, large seminal vesicle, elongated prostatic vesicle with six tubular chambers, and a long slender slightly curved stylet.  相似文献   

Eleven species of parasitic caligid copepods were recorded from approximately 1000 specimens of four congeneric species of Australian bream. New species were described and previously recorded species redescribed where necessary. Those caligids recovered in large numbers were liberal in choice of host species and displayed a wide geographical range within Australia.  相似文献   

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