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《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(27-28):1759-1767
Nouraguesia gen. nov., consisting of three species, is described from Eastern Amazonia. Species belonging to this genus are middle-sized earthworms inhabiting, based on our experience, decomposing tree logs and space filled with detritus between leaf-axils and trunk (e.g. in some palm species). The new genus is morphologically similar to the genus Andiorrhinus, but differs from it by the presence of numerous caeca encircling the intestine in segment 27. The three species belonging to the newly established genus are known from state Amapa in Brazil (N. amaparis (Righi, 1971)); and French Guiana (N. parare sp. nov., N. souadae sp. nov.).  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(6):1339-1345
A new genus, Parashiinoa, is proposed for a new species of parasitic copeepod found attached at the base of the dorsal fins of two species of Australian haemulid fishes, Pomadasys maculatus (Bloch) and P. argenteus (Forsskål). The new species, P. mackayi, is described and illustrated. One species of the genus Shiinoa, S. bakeri Cressey and Cressey, is transferred to the new genus. A redefinition of the family Shiinoidae is provided.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(27-28):1689-1713
The genus Chilarboreus gen. nov. is described from Nothofagus forests of Chile to accommodate three new species: Chilarboreus fossulatus sp. nov., Chilarboreus acuticollis sp. nov. and Chilarboreus darwini sp. nov. The genus is subdivided into two subgenera: Chilarboreus subgen. nov. (type species: C. fossulatus) and Pictarboreus subgen. nov. (type species: C. darwini). Identification keys to the genera of Chilean Scirtidae and the species in the genus Chilarboreus are provided. The state of knowledge of Chilean Scirtidae is summarized. The position of Chilarboreus within Scirtidae and the phenomenon of wing reduction in Scirtidae are discussed.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(15-16):955-967
In this paper, two new species of the genus Gabrius from China are described and illustrated: G. zhoui sp. nov. from Sichuan and G. invisus sp. nov. from Beijing, Hubei, Hunan, Henan, Shaanxi, Sichuan and Zhejiang. Gabrius imitator (Fauvel, 1895 Fauvel, A. 1895. Staphylinides nouveaux de l'Inde et de la Malaisie. Rev Entomol, 14: 180286.  [Google Scholar]), G. lebedevi (Bernhauer, 1910 Bernhauer, M. 1910. Zur Staphylinidenfauna des palaearktischen Gebietes. Soc Entomol, 25: 7171. 78–79 [Google Scholar]), G. tirolensis (Luze, 1903 Luze, G. 1903. Eine neue Art der Staphyliniden-Gattung Philonthus Curtis aus Mitteleuropa. Verhandlungen der k. k. Zool-botan Gesellschaft Wien, 53: 386 [Google Scholar]), G. kambaitiensis Scheerpeltz, 1965 Scheerpeltz, O. 1965. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Schwedischen Expedition 1934 nach Indien und Burma. Coleoptera Staphylinidae (except Megalopsidiinae et Steninae). Ark Zool, 17: 93371.  [Google Scholar], G. cinctiventris Scheerpeltz, 1965 Scheerpeltz, O. 1965. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Schwedischen Expedition 1934 nach Indien und Burma. Coleoptera Staphylinidae (except Megalopsidiinae et Steninae). Ark Zool, 17: 93371.  [Google Scholar], G. egens (Sharp, 1874 Sharp, DS. 1874. The Staphylinidae of Japan. Entomol Soc London Trans, : 1103.  [Google Scholar]), G. smetanai Schillhammer, 1997 Schillhammer, H. 1997. Taxonomic revision of the Oriental species of Gabrius Stephens (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Mono Coleop, 1: 1139.  [Google Scholar] and G. zerchei Schillhammer, 1996 Schillhammer, H. 1996. New genera and species of Asian Staphylinini (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Staphylininae). Koleopterol Rundsch, 66: 5971.  [Google Scholar] are reported from China for the first time. Thus, a total of 53 species of the genus Gabrius are known from China.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(25-26):1573-1613
Proserpinicaris young sp. nov., Proserpinicaris wangpi sp. nov. and Proserpinicaris imjin sp. nov. are described from subterranean waters of South Korea. They are short-range endemics, allopatric in distribution and closely related to each other, and to two other Far Eastern congeners. Distinguishing features are limited to the general habitus shape, proportions of the caudal rami and degree of sexual dimorphism. The genus Proserpinicaris Jakobi, 1972 Jakobi, H. 1972. Trends (Enp.P4 Mänchen) innerhalb der Parastenocarididen (Copepoda Harpacticoidea). Crustaceana, 22: 127146. [Crossref] [Google Scholar], as redefined here, is Palaearctic in distribution, with the centre of diversity in southern Europe, and 20 valid members, all of which share a large hyaline spiniform structure on the male fourth leg basis as a synapomorphy. A key to species is provided. Genera Niponnicaris Jakobi, 1972 Jakobi, H. 1972. Trends (Enp.P4 Mänchen) innerhalb der Parastenocarididen (Copepoda Harpacticoidea). Crustaceana, 22: 127146. [Crossref] [Google Scholar] and Pannonicaris Jakobi, 1972 Jakobi, H. 1972. Trends (Enp.P4 Mänchen) innerhalb der Parastenocarididen (Copepoda Harpacticoidea). Crustaceana, 22: 127146. [Crossref] [Google Scholar] are established as its junior subjective synonyms, Lacustricaris Jakobi, 1972 Jakobi, H. 1972. Trends (Enp.P4 Mänchen) innerhalb der Parastenocarididen (Copepoda Harpacticoidea). Crustaceana, 22: 127146. [Crossref] [Google Scholar] is formally synonymized with Parastenocaris Kessler, 1913, and Parastenocaris lacustris Chappuis, 1958 Chappuis, PA. 1958. Le genre Parastenocaris Kessler. Vie Milieu, 8: 423432.  [Google Scholar] is designated as incertae sedis in Fontinalicaridinae Schminke, 2010 Schminke, HK. 2010. High-level phylogenetic relationships within Parastenocarididae (Copepoda, Harpacticoida). Crustaceana, 83: 343367. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar].  相似文献   

A new species of hydromedusa from the Antarctic, Rathkea lizzioides sp. nov. is described and illustrated. The species is characterized by its rounded bell-shaped form, being almost as broad as high, the presence of an apical dome and a gastric peduncle, the 4 unbranched oral arms, the number of nematocyst clusters (7 to 18 in specimens 1·5 mm or greater in height), the occasional presence of 1 or more nematocyst clusters near the mouth margin, the 5 to 7 tentacles in each perradial tentacular bulb, the 3 to 5 tentacles in each interradial tentacular bulb, and the ovoid shape of the tentacular bulb. A key to the known species of Rathkea is provided.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(37-38):2443-2459
Both sexes of Ciplakastacus mersinensis gen. et sp. nov. (Copepoda, Harpacticoida, Leptastacidae) are described in detail based on intertidal material collected from the Mediterranean coast of Turkey (Mersin Province). Plesiomorphic character states displayed by the antenna and P1–P2 indicate Ciplakastacus diverged before the crown group Leptastacidae diversified. The new genus is placed in a basal clade (currently encompassing Archileptastacus and Meloriastacus) defined by eight synapomorphies: (1) caudal ramus with strongly developed seta I flanked by two elongate spinules; (2) caudal ramus with posteriorly directed spinous outgrowth of outer distal corner; (3) caudal ramus seta III vestigial; (4) P5 exopod and baseoendopod forming single plate in both sexes; (5) P2–P4 exp‐3 with one outer spine; (6) dorsal posterior margin of anal somite bilaterally serrate; (7) rostrum triangular or bell‐shaped, and (8) sexually dimorphic ornamentation on the anal somite. Within this clade Ciplakastacus appears most closely related to Meloriastacus on account of the shared presence of the extremely elongate second antennulary segment, an allobasis on the antenna, the strongly reduced accessory seta on the maxillipedal endopod, the subcylindrical sternal process between the maxillipeds and P1, and paired laterodorsal, posteriorly directed, serrate extensions on the anal somite. Both genera can be distinguished from each other by P5 morphology (both sexes), armature of P4 enp‐2 and abdominal hyaline frill structure. The phylogenetic relationships between the basal taxa of the Leptastacidae are briefly outlined.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(10):1587-1600
The new genus Scepastopyga is described with S. semiflava sp. nov. as type species. Mouthparts and genitalia of Scepastopyga and Achalcus have been studied. General body structure and the anatomy of the mouthparts and genitalia showed that Scepastopyga is closely related to Achalcus and Xanthina. The 3 genera are grouped into the new subfamily Achalcinae, an ancestral group close to Medeterinae and Sciapodinae, having most affinities with ancestral Medeterinae.  相似文献   

Taxonomy of a tetrigid genus Saussurella Bolivar is reviewed. One new species, Saussurella brachycornis sp. nov. is described from China and an updated identification key to all known species of the genus is given, as well as brief comments on phylogenetic relationships and distributions of the genus.  相似文献   

Eustigmaeus floridensis sp. nov. is described and illustrated based on female specimens collected from citrus trees in Florida, USA. The new species is closely related to Eustigmaeus arcuata, Eustigmaeus segnis and Eustigmaeus microsegnis, all known to occur in Florida. Eustigmaeus floridensis sp. nov. can be distinguished by larger dimples associated with setae sce, d2 and e1 containing at least four or more vacuoles centrally; dorsal body setae broadly lanceolate and feather-like, except c2, which is slender; anogenital area with striae and one pair of serrated aggenital (ag1) and three pairs of serrated pseudanal (ps1?3) setae. A key to the Eustigmaeus species known to occur across USA is also provided.  相似文献   

Miloderes allredi, from Utah, and M. tingi, from California, are described as new to science.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(7-8):407-433
The Chinese species of the genus Thoracostrongylus Bernhauer, 1915 Bernhauer, M. 1915. Neue Staphyliniden aus Java und Sumatra. Tijdschr Entomol., 58: 213243.  [Google Scholar] are reviewed. Five new species are described: Thoracostrongylus acerosus sp. nov. from Sichuan and Hubei, Th. aduncatus sp. nov. from Yunnan, Th. baoxingensis sp. nov. from Sichuan, Th. diaoluoensis sp. nov. from Hainan and Th. fujianensis sp. nov. from Fujian. Thoracostrongylus birmanus (Fauvel, 1895 Fauvel, A. 1895. Staphylinides nouveaux de l'Inde et de la Malaisie. Rev Entomol., 14: 180286.  [Google Scholar]) is recorded from China for the first time. Male genitalia and other critical characters are illustrated not only for the new species but also for the remaining Chinese species, namely Th. formosanus Shibata, 1982 Shibata, Y. 1982. A new species of the genus Thoracostrongylus Bernhauer from Taiwan (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). T Shikoku entomol Soc., 16: 7176.  [Google Scholar], Th. malaisei Scheerpeltz, 1965 Scheerpeltz, O. 1965. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Schwedischen Expedition 1934 nach Indien und Burma. Coleoptera Staphylinidae (except Megalopsidiinae et Steninae). Ark Zool. (2), 17(2): 93371.  [Google Scholar], Th. miyakei Bernhauer, 1943 Bernhauer, M. 1943. Neuheiten der palaearktischen Staphylinidenfauna. Mitt münch entomol Ges., 33: 169188.  [Google Scholar] and Th. velutinus Scheerpeltz, 1965 Scheerpeltz, O. 1965. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Schwedischen Expedition 1934 nach Indien und Burma. Coleoptera Staphylinidae (except Megalopsidiinae et Steninae). Ark Zool. (2), 17(2): 93371.  [Google Scholar].  相似文献   


Genus Tarsophilus and its species lineatus and aequabilis (Insecta: Psocoptera: Philotarsidae) are described as new. The specimens, all males, were collected in highland areas of East Africa. The new genus is placed in Philotarsidae rather than Pseudocaeciliidae on characters of hypandrium, phallosome, and lacinial tip. Its position in the subfamily Philotarsinae is justified and it is compared to the other genera of this group on both male and on trans-sexual characters.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(23-24):1461-1473
A new genus Depressorotunda gen. nov. and four new species are described from South-East Asia, namely Depressorotunda malayana sp. nov. and Depressorotunda seticaudata sp. nov. from Malaysia, Depressorotunda thailandica sp. nov. from Thailand and Depressorotunda mirifica sp. nov. from Vietnam. A key to the species of the genus Depressorotunda is provided with 28 original drawings and scanning micrographs.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(23-24):1407-1440
This paper studies the taxonomy of the genus Aetheomorpha Lacordaire, 1848 Lacordaire, JT. 1848. Monographie des coléoptères subpentamères de la famille des phytophages. Tome second. Mém Soc R Sci Liége., : 890 5: vi?+? [Google Scholar] (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cryptocephalinae: Clytrini) occurring in China. Five new species are described: Aetheomorpha bidentata sp. nov. from Sichuan, Aetheomorpha bilobata sp. nov., Aetheomorpha obtusapicata sp. nov., Aetheomorpha punctistriata sp. nov. and Aetheomorpha wangi sp. nov. from Yunnan. Aetheomorpha furcata Medvedev and Kantner, 2002 Medvedev, LN and Kantner, F. 2002. Some new and poorly known Clytrinae (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) of the Old World. Entomol Basil., 24: 259269.  [Google Scholar] is reported from China for the first time. The Chinese fauna of the genus is therefore increased to 16 species. A key to species is provided in the text in addition to colour plates and line drawings of habitus, maxilla, labium, male genitalia and female spermatheca and rectal sclerites, which are very helpful for species identification.  相似文献   


We describe two new species of Anolis lizard that are sympatric on the Amazonian slopes of the Andes of southern Ecuador at elevations between 1440 and 1970 m. The new species may be distinguished from other Anolis by external anatomy, mitochondrial divergence and dewlap colour. We estimate the phylogenetic positions of the new species using Bayesian analysis of DNA sequence data including all species of Dactyloa-clade Anolis for which DNA data are available. Anolis hyacintogularis sp. nov. is sister to Anolis calimae, whereas Anolis lososi sp. nov. is sister to Anolis williamsmittermeierorum, herein reported for Ecuador for the first time. Individuals of both new species were collected within a protected area in southern Ecuador, Podocarpus National Park, which suggests that at least some populations of these species are well protected.

www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:E55FA804-E3FD-4412-8FEB-5234E29E272D  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(33-34):2065-2073
This is the first record from China of the bopyrid isopod genus Asymmetrione, of which the new species Asymmetrione globifera, a parasite of the hermit crab Dardanus hessii (Miers) in Beibu Gulf and South China Sea, is described. The female A. globifera differs from Asymmetrione nossibensis Bourdon in the shape of its barbula and ornamentation of the first oostegite. A tabulation of the occurrence of all currently known species of Asymmetrione is included. New genus Parasymmetrione is described. The type species, Parasymmetrione tuberculineata, sp. nov., a parasite of Clibanarius corallinus (H. Milne-Edwards) Xisha, is similar in appearance to Asymmetrione spp. but differs, in the female, in not having the propodi of its pereopods produced into sockets and having uniramous uropoda; the male of P. tuberculineata sp. nov. differs from species of Asymmetrione in having the dactyli of only its first pair of pereopods markedly longer than those of the following pereopods.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(45-46):2935-2947

Akamboja was recently described based on five species with relatively small geographic ranges, all of which are within the boundaries of the South-eastern Atlantic Rainforest in Brazil. Recent expeditions in the continental island of Ilha Grande (Angra dos Reis, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil) resulted in the discovery of a new species of the genus. Akamboja insularis sp. nov. has all diagnostic features of the genus, except for the branches of the antennomere IX, which are separated, unlike any other Akamboja. Here, we describe this new species, provide a new record for Akamboja minimum Roza et al. and propose a new diagnosis for the genus.

urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:DC47825C-B276-49CC-88DC-DFDC5D843356  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(31-32):2117-2125
A new ground beetle species, Tapinopterus (Tapinopterus) macedonicus sp. nov. (from Northern Macedonia, Mount Karad?ica, ?pela Bozguni Cave) is described and diagnosed. Male and female genitalia and other taxonomically important characters are illustrated. A comparison is carried out between the new species and the most closely related taxa. The new species is clearly distinct from its closest congeners and represents an endemic relict inhabiting a limited area in the southern part of the Balkan Peninsula. In addition, its current distribution and some notes on its ecology are also presented.  相似文献   

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