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《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(15-16):995-1009
In contrast to most leiuperid frogs, Pseudopaludicola falcipes does not lay eggs in foam nests; this could represent a reversion to the primitive state. We found that in four other Pseudopaludicola species, eggs were also not embedded in foam nests and had a well‐defined outermost jelly layer. The females also constantly moved or dived and males lacked vigorous “wiping/kicking” leg motions while eggs were being laid, features that make foam nesting difficult. The tadpoles of three species have two gaps in the marginal papillae along the lower labium and two posterior rows of labial teeth; the tadpoles of one species had three gaps and three rows, a pattern resembling that of some Physalaemus (Leiuperidae) species. Our data on tadpole morphology and reproductive behaviour do not allow us to rule out the paraphyletic nature of Physalaemus in relation to Pseudopaludicola but they provide some support against the “foam‐loss hypothesis” in Pseudopaludicola.  相似文献   


The genus Pseudopaludicola includes small-sized anurans, widely distributed throughout South America. Twenty-three out of the 25 species occur in Brazil. Although described more than a century ago, from mid-southern Mato Grosso state, central Brazil, Pseudopaludicola ameghini is poorly known. Here we describe the characteristics of reproductive site, amplexus, egg-laying behaviour, eggs and tadpoles of P. ameghini based on specimens and observations performed in the vicinities of the type locality. Pairs of P. ameghini reproduce in shallow and slow groundwater established on hydromorphic terrains, in open environments amidst the Brazilian Cerrado savanna. Reproductive activity occurred between 17:00 and 21:00 h at two sites studied from December 2013 to April 2014. Amplexus is axillary. Eggs are spherical, with a mean diameter of 5.1 mm (yolk plus jelly envelope). Oviposition occurs in shallow sites at a depth of nearly 2.0 cm. Females deposit their eggs one at a time, directly onto sediment at the bottom of waterbodies or attached to submerged vegetation. The tadpole body is oval in dorsal view and globular/depressed in lateral view; eyes are large and dorsally positioned. Nares are large, round, with a small apophysis on marginal rim, dorsally positioned, near the eyes. The spiracle is short, with posterodorsal opening. The oral disc is anteroventral, emarginated laterally, with one dorsal and two ventral gaps; the tooth row formula is 2(2)/2(1), and the upper jaw sheath is ‘arc’ shaped. Pseudopaludicola ameghini has a unique behaviour of oviposition among members of the genus. The differences in reproductive pattern and larval characteristics of P. mystacalis and P. ameghini reinforce the taxonomic validity of the latter, questioned until recently.  相似文献   

The Leptodactylus pentadactylus species group is comprised of medium to large species of Neotropical frogs. Leptodactylus knudseni, a member of this species group, has a wide distribution throughout the Amazon Basin. Herein we describe aspects of the reproductive biology of L. knudseni and provide notes about the ontogenetic variation of its tadpoles based on a population in a non-flooded forest near Manaus, Amazonian Brazil. Amplectant pairs of L. knudseni lay foam nests in excavated basins on the edge of temporary ponds located on clay soil and at least 50 m from a stream. The tadpole development happens initially in the foam nests with access to the pond after the rain flooding the basins. Studied clutches lacked trophic eggs and tadpoles did not produce foam. Ontogenetic variations in L. knudseni tadpoles are related to size, teeth formulae and body colour. The use of excavated basins for the deposition of foam nests has been reported in several species of the L. pentadactylus group. The absence of trophic eggs and production of foam by the tadpoles differ from other species of the L. pentadactylus group. The tadpole morphology is similar to that described for other species of the group.  相似文献   

Some species of Leptodactylus of the L. pentadactylus group lay their eggs outside water but the tadpoles need to reach water to complete the larval phase; other species complete development in terrestrial nests. Here we present details of the reproduction of L. labyrinthicus in south‐eastern Brazil. The proportion of tadpoles and trophic eggs in aged egg clutches was determined, as well as the growth of the tadpoles while in the nest. The gut contents of tadpoles that were in egg clutches of frogs were analysed. Adult males did not differ from females in size and had hypertrophied forearms and an enlarged spine on the thumb. Reproduction was initiated with the first rains of August/September and extended to mid‐January. Calling and spawning occurred at permanent or temporary water bodies. The foam nests were built in excavated basins outside of, but close to the water. The male determined the place of the basin construction; after amplexus, the female completed the excavation. The amplexus was axillary. One female spent the day after spawning in the foam. The eggs were pale grey, the yolk averaging 2.3?mm in diameter. The mean number of eggs was 2101 per egg clutch. The number of tadpoles in individual nests varied between 0.05% and 11.40% in relation to the total laid eggs. The tadpoles entered water when rains flooded the basin. The tadpoles grew to 12 times the weight of an individual egg while in the nest; no nesting tadpole was beyond stage 25. The longest time we followed tadpoles in a nest was 25 days. Tadpoles were found preying upon eggs of three other frog species and upon conspecific eggs. Males fought by grasping each other in a belly‐to‐belly position; the powerful arms and the thumb spines represent weapons. Even though males can reach maturity in the season following birth, small size would prevent them from establishing their own territory. All the species of the L. pentadactylus group may build their foam nests within excavated basins. The basins may protect the eggs and embryos from cannibalistic tadpoles and may have an anti‐desiccation effect. In order to produce trophic eggs, the female may delay laying additional unfertilized eggs until after the male has abandoned the foam nest. Anuran eggs represent an important food item for tadpoles after they leave the nest.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(3-4):191-203
We describe the reproduction of Leptodactylus syphax from Brazil and attempt to trace the evolution of reproductive traits within the L. pentadactylus species group. We quantified the proportion of eggs/embryos from fresh nests. We test whether L. labyrinthicus and L. syphax tadpoles can prey on eggs from heterospecific foam nests. Egg clutches were found outside the water at the edges of rocky/seasonal streams, usually within excavated basins. Males beat the foam with their legs moving from side to side. Clutches do not have trophic eggs, since most of their eggs develop into tadpoles. Tadpoles cling on rocks in current/shallow waters. Only L. labyrinthicus tadpoles could prey on eggs from heterospecific foam nests. If the L. pentadactylus group is monophyletic, excavated basins and foam‐beating in lateral motions may be possible synapomorphies of this group. However, large adults, carnivorous tadpoles and trophic eggs appear to be associated synapomorphies of a less inclusive group.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(32):3013-3027
Male Mannophryne trinitatis transport their larvae on their backs to predator‐free pools and deposit them there. The experiments reported here investigated M. trinitatis male deposition behaviour in containers placed near a heavily fish‐populated stream at Mount Saint Benedict, northern Trinidad. Choice of deposition site was not related to height above or distance from the stream. The low mean number of tadpoles deposited in each container in the field and in a laboratory experiment indicated that most males tended not to deposit complete clutches in single pools. Deposition experiments in the laboratory with a choice of different‐sized containers showed that deposition was pool size dependent, with more tadpoles deposited in larger containers. Deposition behaviour when given a choice of containers with leaf litter (a source of food and shelter) and with no leaf litter showed no significant preference. Tadpoles grown in different water volumes with different food sources revealed that tadpole growth was best in larger water volumes containing leaf litter. Regular tadpole inspections at a pool in the field established that most tadpoles present were the result of downstream movement.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(21-22):1263-1276

In contrast to its popularity, astonishingly few facts have become known about the biology of the Goliath Frog, Conraua goliath. We herein report the so far unknown construction of nests as spawning sites by this species. On the Mpoula River, Littoral District, West Cameroon we identified 19 nests along a 400 m section. Nests could be classified into three types. Type 1 constitutes rock pools that were cleared by the frogs from detritus and leaf-litter; type 2 constitutes existing washouts at the riverbanks that were cleared from leaf-litter and/or expanded, and type 3 were depressions dug by the frogs into gravel riverbanks. The cleaning and digging activities of the frogs included removal of small to larger items, ranging from sand and leaves to larger stones. In all nest types eggs and tadpoles of C. goliath were detected. All nest types were used for egg deposition several times, and could comprise up to three distinct cohorts of tadpoles. Nests seemed to be clustered. Camera trapping revealed that nests are guarded by adult frogs at night. The breeding nests may allow the frogs to deposit their eggs away from the torrent rivers, and potential egg and tadpole predators. As nest construction, at least in some cases, requires the removal of large and heavy items, we hypothesize that this can only be achieved by decent sized frogs, possibly explaining the unique size of the species.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(37-38):2473-2485

In sex-role-reversed systems, males carry out all parental care duties, forgoing further mating opportunities. Cases of complete sex-role reversal have not been reported in anurans. We describe the parental care behaviour of the leaf-litter frog Limnonectes palavanensis, a Bornean endemic with egg-guarding and tadpole transport, possibly the first anuran with sex-role reversal. In this study, we tested one of the predictions of the sex-role reversal hypothesis: males invest more in parental care than females do, and this prevents them from quickly acquiring additional mates. We observed egg-guarding behaviour in captivity to determine the length and intensity of parental care. Also, we describe the tadpole climbing and tadpole transport behaviour. We found that males perform all of the parental duties, remaining with the clutch until hatching. They do not call during this time, nor do they care for more than one clutch at a time. Observations of tadpole transport in the field indicate that all tadpoles in the clutch are retrieved at once. The behaviour of males during tadpole retrieval suggests that they stimulate synchronous hatching. Together, these results indicate that the male parental expenditure in this species is high, resulting in lost mating opportunities. The prolonged male-only parental care behaviour of this species satisfies an important criterion for the occurrence of sex-role reversal.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(20):1745-1758
The species of the Leptodactylus fuscus group and those of the genus Adenomera lay their eggs in underground chambers. According to current systematic arrangement of these genera, this behaviour is convergent. Here we describe reproduction, courtship, tadpole morphology, calls, chamber structure, and populational phenology of an Adenomera species, and compare some of these features with those of other species of the genus and with species of Leptodactylus of the fuscus and pentadactylus groups. We tested the tadpoles of the Adenomera sp. and those of Leptodactylus labyrinthicus (pentadactylus group) for their foam‐making abilities. There was sexual dimorphism in size; males averaged 22.0?mm and females 24.3?mm in snout–vent length. Males called from late September to late February; calling often began about 2–3?h before sunset. Males called exclusively in open (non‐forest) areas. Egg clutches were found around male calling sites. Males excavated spherical chambers which had a direct entrance. During mating, the male led the female towards a previously excavated chamber. Territorial interactions (aggressive calls and fights) occurred when an intruder male approached a calling male. Late‐stage tadpoles and newly metamorphosed juveniles were found within underground chambers. Clutch size averaged 10.6; eggs averaged 3.7?mm in diameter and were cream coloured. Tadpoles had horny beaks, but no labial tooth; spiracle was present. All tested groups of tadpoles generated foam within 10?h. As we report for Adenomera sp., the males of Leptodactylus species of the fuscus group lead the female to a previously excavated chamber. Tadpole foam‐making behaviour was reported in Leptodactylus of the fuscus group and was previously unknown for any species of Adenomera or for Leptodactylus of the pentadactylus group. The way in which the tadpoles of Adenomera sp., Leptodactylus spp. (of the fuscus group) and L. labyrinthicus made foam was quite similar. The foam‐making behaviour of the studied tadpoles may act to avoid compaction of the tadpoles at the bottom of the basin or underground chamber, avoiding overcrowding and increasing respiratory and excretory efficiency. As presently recognized, the phylogenetic position of Adenomera suggests that reproductive major behavioural features are convergent with some Leptodactylus species. Alternatively, our data point to close phylogenetic relationships between Adenomera and Leptodactylus of the fuscus and pentadactylus groups, reinforcing the paraphyletic nature of the genus Leptodactylus.  相似文献   

Xanthophryne is a toad genus endemic to the northern Western Ghats of India, with two extant sister species – Xanthophryne koynayensis and Xanthophryne tigerina. Both species are local endemics and endangered. We studied reproductive biology of these toads and found that they are specialized to the lateritic rocky outcrops at mid-elevations in high rainfall areas. Xanthophryne toads have sporadic, multiple spawning bouts lasting 2–4 days during early monsoon. In this explosive breeding behaviour, we observed male toads to engage in ‘pelvic thrusts’, a unique and novel behaviour among anurans. Females oviposit in shallow pools in depressions of lateritic boulders where their tadpoles metamorphose. These ephemeral rocky pools have limited resources and they desiccate rapidly with a break in the rains. To mitigate the stochastic risk of desiccation and subsequent large-scale egg/tadpole mortality, females may disperse their reproductive investment spatially and temporally in multiple clutches, and tadpoles metamorphose rapidly. Here, we describe the amplexus, spawning and male advertisement call, and provide a comparative account of the life history traits of the two Xanthophryne species. These toads face numerous threats and are in need of urgent conservation action. These toads, seemingly well adapted to the isolated rocky outcrops, offer an excellent opportunity to understand endemism, mating systems, anuran ecology and behaviour.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(5):1119-1128
Features of sea snakes (Emydocephalus and some Aipysurus) that specialize in eating fish eggs are reviewed. Additionally, an earlier account of the hyoid musculature of Aipysurus eydouxi is corrected.

A new feeding mechanism, possibly unique in higher snakes, is postulated; fish eggs together with substantial quantities of sand appear to be sucked into the mouth by the contraction of a ‘geniomucosalis’ muscle which originates on the lower jaw and inserts on the oral mucosa. Other characters, which occur in two of the three egg-eating species, and which seem to correlate with this feeding habit, include: a spine on the snout (perhaps used for probing sand), strong consolidation of lip scales (likely to increase rigidity of the mouth border) and marked tooth reduction and loss (probably reflecting redundancy).  相似文献   

Endemic to the Tibetan Plateau, Nanorana parkeri figures among the highest altitude amphibians in the world. The present work, which was conducted in an alpine marsh at 4300 m altitude, is the first report of the species’ reproductive ecology. The breeding season, as indicated by the presence of amplectant pairs and fresh eggs in ponds, lasted from early Mary to early July. The ratios of adult male to female were 1.3 in hibernation ponds and 2.3 in spawning ones. Males were smaller than females. Amplexus was typically axillary (81.7%), with a few exceptional amplexus in which a male clasped another male or object rather than gravid females. Scramble competition occurred in 6.8% of the normal amplexus located. The body sizes of amplexed couples correlated positively. Deposited eggs were attached to submerged plants solitarily (60.5%) or in small clusters (39.5%), and the scattered arrangement of individual eggs could be a strategy to ensure embryonic development in oxygen-poor environments. Clutch size averaged 189 [standard deviation (SD) = 64], and correlated positively with female body size; egg size averaged 2.18 mm (SD = 0.10), independent of female body size; both traits within a clutch were negatively related with each other even controlling for female body size. Relatively few and large eggs laid by the Tibetan frogs, compared with those by lowland aquatic-spawning anuran species, should be adaptive to the harsh high-altitude conditions. Larvae hatched from eggs after 16.4 days on average (SD = 5.8). Froglets emerged between late July and early August, but some tadpoles were present in winter. These findings may help to understand the evolution of amphibians in extreme environments and to protect these remote species.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(19):1653-1673
This study details the morphology of Platyallabes tihoni (Poll, ) as part of a complete revision of the anguilliform clariids. The overall body form of air‐breathing clariids ranges from fusiform to anguilliform genera (Boulenger ; Pellegrin ). Although P. tihoni has the typical external morphological features of other elongate clariids, this study shows that it occupies an intermediate position between fusiform and anguilliform taxa with regards to its cranial and postcranial morphology. The main morphological similarities of anguilliform species are a narrow skull roof with a high level of interdigitation between the bones, the reduced canal bones, a connection between the neurocranium and suspensorium via several processes, an extended tooth patch on the lower jaw, and the hypertrophied jaw muscle complex. Shared features typical for the fusiform species are a low coronoid process on the lower jaw and the posteroventral orientation of the opercular process on the hyomandibula. Platyallabes tihoni shows a series of unique features: an anterior fontanel situated entirely between the frontals, two tooth plates on the prevomer, a reduced height of the suspensorium, the absence of an anterior bony plate on the hyomandibula, a horizontal position of the sphenotic and pterotic, and a toothed entopterygoid. Many of these unique characters are linked to the spatial constraints associated with an extremely flattened skull in this species.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(43-44):2777-2791
Mortality rates are often high during the anuran tadpole stage, making demographic parameters in this phase of their life cycle important to the understanding of population demography. Nevertheless, information on mortality rates or population size is lacking for most Brazilian anurans. Herein we report on the demographic parameters of Phasmahyla jandaia (Hylidae) during the larval stage, including number of individuals through time, mortality rates and time of recruitment. Tadpole recruitment occurred year‐round, although froglet recruitment to the terrestrial habitat was restricted to the warm, rainy season. This trend seems to result in high plasticity of the tadpole developmental period. Mortality rates decreased with advancing tadpole stage, totalling 77% during the whole aquatic phase. Survivorship can be regarded as intermediate compared with other anurans for which data are available, and is in accordance with a high investment in egg size and the low number of eggs laid by P. jandaia.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(7):1057-1097
Catfishes of the genus Akysis Bleeker occurring in the Mekong basin south of the Chinese border, in the Mae Nam Chao Phraya basin, in the Malay Peninsula and the basins in between are reviewed. Nine species are recognised, six of which are new: A. alfredi, A. ephippifer, A. recavus, A. similis, A. subtilis and A. varius. Two groups of species were identified: one group (the pseudobagarius group) is characterised by its members possessing a relatively elongate body, conspicuously subterminal mouths with the upper jaw strongly overhanging the lower, relatively large posterior and anterior nostrils closely located to each other and separated only by the base of the nasal barbel, and strongly-forked caudal fins. The second group (the variegatus group) is characterised by its members possessing a relatively deep body, the margins of the upper and lower jaws uniform, relatively small posterior and anterior nostrils located further apart with a distance between the base of the nasal barbel and anterior nostril, and emarginate or truncate caudal fins. The pseudobagarius group contains the following species: A. alfredi, A. Baramensis, A. fuscus, A. leucorhynchus, A. macronema, A. pseudobagarius, A. sinensis, A. similis, and A. subtilis. All other species of Akysis belong to the variegatus group. A key to the Indochinese Akysis is provided.  相似文献   

The species Indirana leithii (Anura: Ranixalidae) is endemic to the northern Western Ghats of India and is distributed between latitudes 16°N and 21°N in this region. The tadpoles of this species have been previously studied for their morphology and feeding behaviour; however, their natural history is still not completely understood. In the current study, we provide information about the mating behaviour, egg laying and metamorphosis of the species. We observed that the species possesses reproductive mode number 19 as these frogs lay eggs inside the natural cavities of vertical rock surfaces near streams and waterfalls and their tadpoles are adapted for adhering to the wet rock surface, where they feed on algae (including diatoms) growing in seepage on the rocks. Interestingly, there is no audible calling or territory guarding involved during the courtship behaviour. This has been observed for the first time in any Indian anuran. We also provide data on food preferences of adults and tadpoles.  相似文献   


Among newly discovered rich skeletal material of Tritylodon the hitherto unknown lower dentition has been found. The lower jaw of Tritylodon is a compound bone. The dentary is described in detail. Tritylodon is shown to be a reptile in spite of its numerous mammalian osteological characters, and especially in spite of its upper and lower cheek-teeth, which have distinctly divided roots.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(35-36):2257-2270
In this paper we describe some aspects of the reproductive biology of Leptodactylus hylaedactylus from open areas of Central Amazonia, Brazil. We describe the calling site, reproductive season, daily pattern of calling activity, chamber structure, vocalizations and tadpole morphology. Males of Leptodactylus hylaedactylus called amidst grasses and bushes in open and urban areas, throughout the year, and a greater number of males were heard in the period from 16:00 to 20:00 h. The eggs are deposited in underground chambers, which are spherical or elliptical. Larval development occurs inside the chambers. Two types of vocalizations were detected, the advertisement and the territorial call. The advertisement call of the species studied herein differs from other calls described for L. hylaedactylus from other localities of Brazil, but is very similar to that described from Peru. Tadpole morphology is similar to that described from individuals in French Guiana.  相似文献   

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