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A collection of eight species of terrestrial isopods from lava and cave sites on Ascension Island is described. Two species, Niambia longiantennata (Platyarthridae) and Elumoides coecus (Eubelidae), are described as new. Atlantoscia alceui Ferrara and Taiti (Philosciidae) is considered to be a junior synonym of A. floridana (Van Name) and the genus Ocelloscia Schultz and Johnson of Atlantoscia Ferrara and Taiti. At present the oniscidean fauna known from Ascension Island consists of 13 species.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe the postmarsupial development of the manca stages of Atlantoscia floridana (van Name, 1940). Ovigerous females were collected in Reserva Biológica do Lami, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil and separately reared in small containers at 20°C (±1°C). After birth each newborn (manca I) was reared separately in order to observe the subsequent moults. In a period of about 12 h the animals underwent the first moult. The manca II stage lasts 9.16±1.57 days while manca III takes up a period of 9.96±1.05 days. Growth was observed through measurements of cephalothorax width. The three manca stages are described, illustrated and compared with the adults. The main distinguishing characteristics among mancas I, II and III are presented as well as the b/c and d/c co-ordinates of the noduli laterales.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(33-34):2081-2094
The life cycle and population structure of Hemilepistus klugii were studied in a population in Varamin, Iran. The population was sampled monthly (or fortnightly during the breeding season) from February 2008 to June 2009 and a total of 7015 individuals, comprising 1069 males, 1079 females and 4867 juveniles, were collected. As in other Hemilepistus species, five distinct phenophases, namely pair formation, gestation, hatching, growth and stationary, were recorded during the life cycle of H. klugii. The overall sex ratio was 1 : 1 but varied over time. Ovigerous females were observed only in April, indicating a seasonal and very short breeding period. With a short lifespan after breeding, females demonstrated true semelparity. The mean cephalothorax width for ovigerous/post-ovigerous females was higher in 2008 than in 2009. These females attained the largest size in the population throughout the year. The number of eggs per female ranged from 28 to 147 (mean ± SE, 78 ± 1.8). There was a positive correlation between female size and fecundity. Recruitment occurred in late April and resulted in the highest population density in this month, whereas the lowest densities were observed during November to January. Despite a high percentage of ovigerous females carrying undeveloped eggs (72.3%), intramarsupial mortality was low (3.5%).  相似文献   

Terrestrial isopods of the genus Agnara Budde-Lund, 1908 have been recorded from Iran for the first time. Two new species, Agnara tarahomii n. sp. and Agnara haselii n. sp., are described and their diagnostic characters are figured. Agnara tarahomii is characterized by the shape of the male pleopod exopodite I with sinuous distal margin. Agnara haselii is distinguished by a setose area on the ventral margin of the male pereopod VII ischium and the sinuous distal margin of pleopod exopodite I.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(31-32):1925-1935
In this paper three species of terrestrial isopods from Sicily are discussed. Spelaeoniscus coiffaiti and Cylisticus convexus are new to the Sicilian fauna. Sicilian specimens of Spelaeoniscus coiffaiti are examined and illustrated, and the biogeographical significance of this species in Sicily is discussed. Trichoniscus panormidensis is described as a new species, and the affinities are treated.  相似文献   

The South American genera Caraiboscia Vandel, 1968 and Colombophiloscia gen. n. are examined to establish their phylogenetic relationships in the light of their life histories. A new species is described in the genus Caraiboscia, whereas the latter genus replaces the name Colombophiloscia Vandel, 1968 which is an unavailable name since no type species was chosen by Vandel (1968). The taxa are described in detail and apomorphic characters supporting a sister group relationship are given. The adaptive value of these characters is discussed with respect to their life history and the probability of a convergent evolution.  相似文献   

To date, the family Pudeoniscidae includes six species and three genera, Pudeoniscus, Brasiloniscus and Iansaoniscus, with distributions restricted to Brazil. Here, we redefine the family Pudeoniscidae based on the discovery of a new genus and two new species, Oxossioniscus pataxo sp. nov. and Oxossioniscus akoko sp. nov., from the Brazilian Atlantic forest in the state of Bahia, and on the examination of Pudeoniscus birabeni and Pudeoniscus obscurus. Moreover, P. obscurus is re-described and new records are provided for P. birabeni.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:A0123730-C623-49CE-8665-AE17FDDF994A.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(9):1339-1355
The status of the neotropical genus Pentoniscus Richardson, 1913 is reconsidered and a diagnosis of this genus is given. It is shown that Pentoniscus Richardson, 1913 is a valid genus and not a synonym of Philoscia Latreille, 1804 as discussed by Schultz (1968). The type species, Pentoniscus pruinosus Richardson, 1913 is redescribed and for the first time figured in detail. A new species of Pentoniscus Richardson, 1913 is described from Costa Rica, Central America, which differs remarkably from its congeners in being unpigmented and blind.  相似文献   

A collection of Crustacea Isopoda (suborder Asellota) from a 10-year sampling programme in the Rockall Trough, NE Atlantic (54°40′N, 12°15′W) was analysed for evidence of breeding seasonality. No evidence of seasonal activity was found — adults and newly released juveniles were present throughout the year — but there was a strong seasonal pattern for breeding intensity. A significantly higher proportion of females was brooding during the winter months (25%) compared to the summer (5%), and the percentage of females brooding varied significantly with depth. The breeding pattern was synchronized to the seasonal deposition of organic detritus known to occur during the summer in the NE Atlantic. There were more newly released juveniles in samples during the summer than during the winter, with most females appearing to release their young at the time the deposition began. This deposition appears to be a major seasonal factor dominating the life-cycles of most benthic species in the Rockall Trough. Juvenile settlement for a range of taxa (echinoderms, molluscs and crustaceans) occurs while the detritus is present and most species maximize vitellogenesis at this time.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(6):1347-1380
In the present revision 15 species of Littorophiloscia are recognized. Six species, namely L. tropicalis, L. koreana, L. amphindica, L. pallida, L. bifasciata and L. hawaiiensis are described as new. Littorophiloscia isabellae (Vandel, 1973) is considered to be a junior synonym of L. albicincta (Vandel, 1973), and Philoscia dartevellei Brian, 1953 and Vandeloscia orientalis Roman, 1977 are considered to be junior synonyms of L. culebrae (Moore, 1901). Alloniscus compar sens. Vandel, 1952 nec Budde-Lund, 1893 is considered to be distinct from L. riedli (Strouhal, 1966) and it has been renamed L. tropicalis sp. nov. The genera Bilawrencia Vandel, 1973, Helenoscia Vandel, 1977, Vandeloscia roman, 1977 and Sayoscia Schultz, 1983 are considered to be synonymous with Littorophiloscia. Diagnostic characters of all the species are illustrated. A map and comments on the distribution of the 15 species are included.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(5):1077-1173
The Cassidininae of Australia are revised. The status of the subfamily is assessed and it is concluded that, as presently constituted, the Cassidininae is an artificial taxon. It is maintained here as a taxon of convenience (sensu lato) until the other sphaeromatid subfamilies can be reassessed, but a new diagnosis (sensu stricto) is given. The genus Cassidina is redescribed. Three new genera are established: Agostodina gen. nov. (type species: A. munta sp. nov.), Apemosphaera gen. nov. (type species: A. naranagi sp. nov.) and Discidina gen. nov. (type species: D. banawarra sp. nov.). New diagnoses are provided for the genera Cassidina Milne Edwards, Chitonopsis Whitelegge, Cassidinidea Hansen, Paracassidina Baker, Syncassidina Baker and Platysphaera Holdich and Harrison. The genus Dies is placed in synonymy with Cassidinidea and an annotated list is given of all species of the genus. The following new species (excluding the new type species) are described: Chitonopsis booyoolie, Agostodina munta, Paracassidina anasilla, P. bakeri, P. bamarook, P. bilbie, P. cervina, P. dama, P. fuscina, P. incompta, P. kutyo, P. munna, P. petala, P. prolata, P. wurrook and Cassidinidea korpie. Keys to the Australian genera and species are given.  相似文献   


The geographical distribution of the genus Dynamene is described in the light of the recent discovery of three new species. D. bidentata appears to have a Boreal distribution whilst that of D. edwardsi and D. magnitorata is Atlanto-Mediterranean. D. torelliae, D. bifida, and D. tubicauda have a Mediterranean distribution but the first species may extend into the Black Sea. Only one species, D. ramuscula, has been recorded outside the Afro-European region, in S.E. Australia. The ranges and habitat preferences of those species outside the Mediterranean overlap as do some of those within the Mediterranean, particularly in the Naples Bay region. Juveniles of D. bidentata inhabit and feed on intertidal algae while adults shelter in crevices and empty tests of Balanus perforatus, mainly below MTL. Settlement of males into barnacle tests appears to be random, but females show some degree of aggregation, perhaps to other females. Other species show the same change of habitat at sexual maturity and all inhabit intertidal or inshore localities.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(16):1211-1282
In this study of flabelliferan Isopoda from the Indian Ocean, 19 species are described as new, in 11 genera and two families: family Cirolanidae, Baharilana koloura, B. lira, Cirolana aldabrensis, C. mimulus, C. somalia, C. undata, Eurydice paxilli, and Metacirolana chemola; family Sphaeromatidae, Cassidinidea clarkae, Cymodoce fuscina, C. lirella, Dynamenella alveolata, D. remex, Heterodina (new genus), H. mccaini, Oxinasphaera brucei, O. furcata, O. tetrodon, Paracilicaea stauros, and Sphaeromopsis sulcifera. Diagnoses of the genera and species are provided, and keys to the Indian Ocean species of most of the genera are provided. The material comes primarily from Aldabra Atoll, the granitic Seychelles islands, Zanzibar Island, and Phuket in Thailand. A few miscellaneous samples from the South African Museum collections, and from the International Indian Ocean Expedition carried out in the mid‐1960s are included.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(12):1421-1461
In this study of asellote Isopoda from the Indian Ocean, 29 species in 11 genera and seven families are recorded. Twenty-one species are described as new: family Gnathostenetroididae, Maresiella aldabrana ; family Janiridae, Carpias mossambica ; family Joeropsidae, Joeropsis algensis, J. arpedes, J. dimorpha, J. hamatilis, J. lentigo, J. pentagona, J. pleurion ; family Pleurocopidae, Pleurocope wilsoni ; family Pseudojaniridae, Pseudojanira meganesus ; family Santiidae, Santia spicata, S. urospinosa ; family Stenetriidae, Hansenium aldabrae, H. expansa, H. remocarpus ; Mizothenar serratum, Stenetrium assumentum, S. quinquedens, S. zanzibarica, Stenobermuda brucei. The first record of the family Pleurocopidae (Pleurocope wilsoni) and the genus Mizothenar (family Stenetriidae) from the Indian Ocean are included. Diagnoses of the genera and species are provided, and keys to the Indian Ocean species of most of the genera. The material comes primarily from Aldabra Atoll, the granitic Seychelles islands, Zanzibar Island, the Comoro Islands, and Phuket in Thailand. A few samples are from material of the International Indian Ocean Expedition carried out in the mid-1960s.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(45-46):2881-2888
Three species of pseudionine bopyrid isopods infesting four species of munidid squat lobsters are reported from Philippine waters: Pleurocryptella laevis (Richardson, 1910 Richardson, H. 1910. Marine isopods collected in the Philippines by the U. S. Fisheries steamer Albatross in 1907–8. Bureau of Fisheries Document., 736: 144.  [Google Scholar]) from Agononida analoga (Macpherson, 1993); Aporobopyrus retrorsa (Richardson, 1910 Richardson, H. 1910. Marine isopods collected in the Philippines by the U. S. Fisheries steamer Albatross in 1907–8. Bureau of Fisheries Document., 736: 144.  [Google Scholar]) from Munida philippinensis Macpherson and Baba, 1993 and Munida kuboi Yanagita, 1943; and Munidion laterale Richardson, 1910 Richardson, H. 1910. Marine isopods collected in the Philippines by the U. S. Fisheries steamer Albatross in 1907–8. Bureau of Fisheries Document., 736: 144.  [Google Scholar] from Paramunida scabra (Henderson, 1885). All of these hosts, except for Paramunida scabra, are recorded for the first time bearing parasitic isopods.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(5):1033-1039
A new terrestrial isopod, Cephaloniscus sociabilis gen. nov., sp. nov., from Fraser Hill in central Malaysia, is described and illustrated. The new genus belongs to the family Platyarthridae and is distinguished from other members of the family by the characteristic structure of the cephalon. The specimens were collected from the nest of the termite Hospitalitermes sp. (near medioflavus Holmgren) together with the ant Centromyrmex hamulatus (Karavaiev).  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(17-18):1115-1138
Meridiosignum undulatum n. sp. and M. disparitergum n. sp. are described from off the Río de la Plata estuary. These two new species are easily distinguished from other members of the genus Meridiosignum in having the lateral margins of pereonites 2 and 3 bilobed (the concavity is much more pronounced in M. disparitergum), and those of pereonite 4 produced into a single process. The terminal male instar of Meridiosignum menziesi (Winkler, 1994 Winkler, H. 1994. Paramunnidae (Crustacea: Isopoda: Asellota) from the Magellan Strait.. Zool J Linn Soc., 110: 243296. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]) is described, and this species is herein reported from the Beagle Channel and Puerto Deseado. All the species currently placed in Meridiosignum were found in shallow waters in the southern hemisphere, M. undulatum n. sp. and M. disparitergum n. sp. being the species recorded at the greatest depth (129 m).  相似文献   

The Antheluridae is erected for the genera Anthelura Norman and Stebbing, Ananthura Barnard and Anthomuda Schultz. The family is characterized by mouthparts of biting form; maxillipedal endite broad; maxillipedal palp broad, of 4–5 free articles; several posterior carpal and propodal spines on pereopods 2–7; pereopod 7 with transverse anterodistal propodal setal row on mesial face; and single telsonic statocyst. Its relationships to other anthurideans, especially the Paranthuridae, is discussed. Three new Australian species are described, Ananthura billarderia from off New South Wales, Anthomuda chorizema from the southeastern coast, and Anthomuda hovea, from the Great Barrier Reef, Coral Sea islands and Western Australia.

Bathura Schultz, Austranthura Kussakin and Valoranthura Kensley are junior synonyms of Ananthura, and Diaphoranthura is a junior synonym of Anthomuda.  相似文献   

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