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《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(6):1391-1456
The South American Trogidae are revised. Three genera, Trox Fabricius, Omorgus Erichson (with two subgenera, Omorgus and Haroldomorgus Scholtz), and Polynoncus Burmeister, and 47 species are recorded from the continent and its islands. Trox is represented by the ubiquitous introduced species T. scaber (L.), Omorgus is represented by 13 species and Polynoncus by 33 species. Five new species are described and all others are re-described. A key to all taxa is provided. Adults of all species and their male genitalia are illustrated and their distributions mapped. Observations are presented on phylogeny, zoogeography and biology. The new species are O. capillaceus, O. indigenus, O. nocheles, P. erugatus and P. gibberosus. Four new synonymies are proposed (synonyms listed first): O. triestinae Pittino = P. suberosus (Fabricius); P. furcifer Pittino = P. bifurcatus (Vaurie); P. parafurcatus occidentalis Pittino and P. furcillifer Pittino = P. parafurcatus Pittino. Omorgus badeni (Harold) is reinstated as a valid species. Lectotypes are designated for O. batesi (Harold) and O. badeni (Harold).  相似文献   

The new hybosorine genus Taisia Frolov, Ocampo, Akhmetova et Vaz-de-Mello, gen. nov. is described from T. cornitermitis Frolov, Ocampo, Akhmetova et Vaz-de-Mello, sp. nov. from Mato Grosso State, Brazil. Taisia gen. nov. can be easily distinguished from the rest of the Neotropical Hybosorinae genera by the following characters: mandibular teeth long and robust; pronotum with serrate lateral margins; scutellum with two deep rectangular fossae basally; and metatibial apex protruding. Males of T. cornitermitis sp. nov. differ in having feather-like setae on the three basal tarsomeres of meso- and protarsi. The new taxon is associated with termites Cornitermes cf. bequaerti Emerson, 1952.

www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:439DDABB-EBC2-4870-AA05-76ADC3BDB7D9  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(19-20):1287-1307
Larval ontogeny of the scarab Mecynorhina polyphemus was monitored throughout all instars, and larvae were weighed at 7-day intervals. Durations of the prepupal, pupal and postpupal stages were recorded. Larvae increase their body masses over 300 times during ontogeny. Male imagines are larger than females, and this is primarily a function of faster growth rates during instar III, resulting in significantly heavier larvae at the end of this instar. The durations of the three instars are not significantly different in males and females, but the duration of the prepupal and postpupal phases is significantly longer in males. There is a strong correlation in both sexes between maximal larval mass and the mass of the imago, but larval mass–imago mass scales with significantly different slopes in males and females. Male larvae must allocate increasingly more resources into production of cephalic horns with increments in larval mass, requiring differently proportioned pupal chambers.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(3-4):129-138
A new species of Cerchysiella Girault (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea, Encyrtidae), Cerchysiella raddeii Yang, sp. nov., is described from China. It is a gregarious koinobiont endoparasitoid in mature larvae of the chestnut trunk borer, Massicus raddei (Blessig) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), a serious pest which causes severe damage to many oak tree species, particularly Quercus mongolica and Quercus liaotungensis (Fagaceae) in forested areas of northeastern China. The new species is one of the principal natural enemies of the wood borer and it has high potential as a biological control agent with parasitism rates of 6.7%, large numbers of adult wasps were reared from a single host larva (average 1083.8), and there is a high female : male sex ratio (9.67 : 1).  相似文献   

In semi-arid Iberian ecosystems, the dung beetle community associated with rabbit dung heaps shows high complexity in spite of adverse factors, such as the low water and nutritional content of rabbit pellets and the arid climate of environments. A total of 24 species showing optional telecoprid, paracoprid and endocoprid (including kleptocoprid) patterns were studied. Acquisition of many morphological adaptations from aridity (flightlessness), exploitation of dry dung (mouthpart modifications) and behavioural specializations are described. These adaptations may explain the exploitation of dry dung and the high rate of endemism observed in the dung beetle community studied. All morphological and behavioural specializations described can be considered as derived characters for the exploitation of fibrous and dry dung, showing a secondary evolutionary line that suggests the return of these beetles to saprophagy.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(7):1049-1087
Of all of the chrysomelid subfamilies, only the larvae of the Aulacoscelinae remain undescribed. The adults and first instar larva of Aulacoscelis appendiculata sp. n., from Panama are described, as well as the eggs. Larval characters, eggs, and oviposition behaviour are used to relatethe Aulacoscelinae with other chrysomelid subfamilies, in support of what is known to date concerning adult morphology.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(41-42):2641-2647
The monotypic genus Cylindrommata is revised, and three new species are described from Brazil. Cylindrommata aurantia sp. nov. is recorded from the states of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, and differs from other species principally by having the prothorax tuberculate at the sides, pronotum subplane and elytra orangish. Cylindrommata lustrata sp. nov. is from Minas Gerais, and has the prothorax without tubercles, rounded at the sides, and elytra short and black with dark-blue reflections. Cylindrommata susanae sp. nov. is from Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, and São Paulo, and has the prothorax without tubercles, parallel at the sides, and elytra yellowish. A key to the species is provided, and all the species are illustrated.  相似文献   

In North Wales the larva of Cheilosia semifasciata (Diptera: Syrphidae) makes full-depth blotch mines in leaves of Umbilicus rupestris. Mines occur mostly on shaded plants with one larva per plant. Each larva mines several leaves to complete development and initiates new mines by curling round the leaf margin and puncturing the epidermis under the leaf. Unlike other dipteran leaf-miners which feed on their sides, only the thorax is turned sideways when feeding. The larva uses a grasping organ on the anal segment to grip the substrate when moving externally on the food-plant. Inside leaf mines, position is further secured by the integumental vestiture which grips the epidermis above the larva. The morphology and behaviour of the larva of C. semifasciata differs markedly from larvae of three congeneric species that tunnel in stems and roots.  相似文献   

Intra-specific colour differences in insects may occur as a result of environmental factors such as food type, temperature and humidity, or may be under genetic control. These colour polymorphisms may result in fitness differences through several mechanisms, including mate selection, camouflage from or warning to natural enemies, and heat absorption. Two colour morphs of adult Chrysophtharta agricola (Chapuis) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Paropsini) are present in the field in mainland Australia and Tasmania: a common green-brown form, and a rare black form. Tasmanian populations were sampled to assess the frequency of each morph at eight localities. The black form represented less than 3% of beetles (N=1724), with the proportion not significantly different between localities. Crossing tests using the two colour morphs of C. agricola showed that the black form was genetically dominant over the common form. To assess whether colour morphs had any fitness differences, we measured pre-oviposition period, fecundity, longevity, adult size and egg hatch rate, which each showed no significant difference between colour morphs. Field sampling of mating pairs and rearing the offspring of field-collected females showed no evidence of non-random mating. Modelling the population over 100 generations confirmed that for this species, melanism is controlled by a dominant but neutral allele, and, thus, is maintained at a constant low level in the population.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(39-40):2369-2373
Two new taxa are described: Ecoporanga cooperi sp. nov. from Peru (Amazonas) and Ecoporanga wallacei sp. nov. from Ecuador (Tungurahua). The former differs from other species of the genus by the antennae and black legs and green elytra with metallic reflections. Ecoporanga wallacei differs from the other species by well-marked posterolateral depressions and tubercles near posterior margin of the pronotum, and apex of elytra laterally with recurved spine. A key to species of the genus is provided.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:58E5FC0E-F269-4A44-9A36-F1D1A9299D5D  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(33-34):2103-2115
The nests of Myrmelachista are found in tree trunk cavities and branches. The biology of these arboreal ants is still relatively unknown. We investigated the nesting behaviour of this genus in fallen dry twigs in the Atlantic rainforest of southeastern Brazil. Physical characteristics of the nests, colony demographics, presence of breeders and ant worker sizes were recorded. Samples were collected weekly for 12 months, along open, sunny and undisturbed trails within forest remnants. In all, 202 nests were collected and six species were recorded. Myrmelachista ruszkii had the highest population of immatures and the greatest number of nests found. Myrmelachista nodigera had the smallest workers, was the least populous and the colony was housed in the finest branches. These results expand the current knowledge about the diversity and biology of Myrmelachista in the Brazilian Atlantic forest, and describe polydomic nests and competitive behaviour of M. ruszkii.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(25-26):1765-1792
The xanthopygine staphylinid genus Isanopus Sharp, 1876 Sharp, D. 1876. Contribution to an insect fauna of the Amazon Valley (Col. Staph.).. Trans Entomol Soc Lond., 1876: 27424.  [Google Scholar] is revised. Three species are described as new, I. ashei sp. n. from Costa Rica and Panama, I. eptaskouros sp. n. from Peru, and I. hinojosai sp. n. from Costa Rica and Panama. A lectotype is designated for I. sahlbergi Bernhauer, 1917 Bernhauer, M. 1917. Neue südamerikanische Staphyliniden.. Wiener Entomol Zei., 36: 102116.  [Google Scholar]. Distribution maps, a key and illustrations of structural features are provided for the identification of species. Phylogenetic analysis of six ingroup and two outgroup taxa based on 19 characters produced a single most parsimonious tree (tree length = 24, CI = 1.0). The monophyly of Isanopus is supported by high bootstrap and Bremer support values.  相似文献   

Miloderes allredi, from Utah, and M. tingi, from California, are described as new to science.  相似文献   

Some species of Leptodactylus of the L. pentadactylus group lay their eggs outside water but the tadpoles need to reach water to complete the larval phase; other species complete development in terrestrial nests. Here we present details of the reproduction of L. labyrinthicus in south‐eastern Brazil. The proportion of tadpoles and trophic eggs in aged egg clutches was determined, as well as the growth of the tadpoles while in the nest. The gut contents of tadpoles that were in egg clutches of frogs were analysed. Adult males did not differ from females in size and had hypertrophied forearms and an enlarged spine on the thumb. Reproduction was initiated with the first rains of August/September and extended to mid‐January. Calling and spawning occurred at permanent or temporary water bodies. The foam nests were built in excavated basins outside of, but close to the water. The male determined the place of the basin construction; after amplexus, the female completed the excavation. The amplexus was axillary. One female spent the day after spawning in the foam. The eggs were pale grey, the yolk averaging 2.3?mm in diameter. The mean number of eggs was 2101 per egg clutch. The number of tadpoles in individual nests varied between 0.05% and 11.40% in relation to the total laid eggs. The tadpoles entered water when rains flooded the basin. The tadpoles grew to 12 times the weight of an individual egg while in the nest; no nesting tadpole was beyond stage 25. The longest time we followed tadpoles in a nest was 25 days. Tadpoles were found preying upon eggs of three other frog species and upon conspecific eggs. Males fought by grasping each other in a belly‐to‐belly position; the powerful arms and the thumb spines represent weapons. Even though males can reach maturity in the season following birth, small size would prevent them from establishing their own territory. All the species of the L. pentadactylus group may build their foam nests within excavated basins. The basins may protect the eggs and embryos from cannibalistic tadpoles and may have an anti‐desiccation effect. In order to produce trophic eggs, the female may delay laying additional unfertilized eggs until after the male has abandoned the foam nest. Anuran eggs represent an important food item for tadpoles after they leave the nest.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(27-28):1649-1665
In this study, the host-plant range of Onciderini beetles was investigated during 4 years in an Atlantic rainforest of southeastern Brazil. Twelve species of Onciderini beetles girdled thirty-six plant species in the study site. In total, 1046 plants were girdled by Onciderini beetles as follows: 44.6% were Vochysiaceae, 15% were Mymosaceae, 12% were Melastomataceae, 9% were Lauraceae, 4% were Anacardiaceae and 15% were distributed among Meliaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Bombacaceae, Fabaceae, Thymelaeaceae, Cecropiaceae, Myrtaceae, Lecythidaceae, and Myrsinaceae. Onciderini beetles did not select hosts randomly. Most of the associations (70%) with host plants were caused by polyphagous beetles and different plant families showed different ratios of polyphagous, oligophagous and monophagous Onciderini in the study site.  相似文献   

Seventeen species of the genus Oswaldella Stechow have been studied, three of which are new to science (Oswaldella frigida sp. nov., O. medeae sp. nov. and O. monomammillata sp. nov.). The material studied was collected by several US Antarctic expeditions. Each species is described and figured, the systematic position amongst allied species is discussed and available data concerning autecology and geographical distribution are given. The remaining eight known species of the genus are also considered, regarding synonymy, autecology and geographical distribution. Finally, a general survey of the bathymetrical and biogeographical distribution of the known species of Oswaldella is given.  相似文献   

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