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《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(17-18):1085-1101
A review of the genus Amphiops occurring in China is provided. A new species, Amphiops coelopunctatus sp. nov., is described from Hainan, China. Based on a study of the type material, Amphiops yunnanensis Pu, 1963, is proposed as a junior synonym of Amphiops mirabilis Sharp, 1890. Amphiops pedestris Sharp, 1890 and Amphiops annamita Régimbart, 1903 are confirmed as synonyms of Amphiops mater Sharp, 1873. Amphiops coomani d’Orchymont, 1926 is reported from China for the first time. Amphiops globus Erichson, 1843, previously reported from Macau, is found to be a misidentification. An identification key to Chinese species of the genus is provided.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:47C95EED-8B09-4BE0-A335-7E8B7CB23FE7  相似文献   

Paraphytomyza jasmini sp. n. from India and P. loniceroides sp. n. from N.W. Pakistan are described, representing the first reared species in this genus known in the Oriental Region. P. kraussi (Sasakawa, 1963) from Papua New Guinea is formally transferred to Paraphytomyza as a new combination. The nomenclature, distribution and host range of Paraphytomyza are discussed.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(41-44):2701-2706
Two new species of the subgenus Cacoxenus (Nankangomyia) Máca and Lin, 1993 Máca, J. and Lin, F. J. 1993. The Drosophilidae of Taiwan: genera Amiota (excluding subgenus Phortica) and Leucophenga (Nankangomyia subg. nov.).. Bulletin of the Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica, 32: 111.  [Google Scholar] are described: C. (N.) gani sp. nov. from southwest China and C. (N.) unipaxillus sp. nov. from Myanmar. The diagnosis of Nankangomyia is revised.  相似文献   

Taxonomy of a tetrigid genus Saussurella Bolivar is reviewed. One new species, Saussurella brachycornis sp. nov. is described from China and an updated identification key to all known species of the genus is given, as well as brief comments on phylogenetic relationships and distributions of the genus.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(15-16):955-967
In this paper, two new species of the genus Gabrius from China are described and illustrated: G. zhoui sp. nov. from Sichuan and G. invisus sp. nov. from Beijing, Hubei, Hunan, Henan, Shaanxi, Sichuan and Zhejiang. Gabrius imitator (Fauvel, 1895 Fauvel, A. 1895. Staphylinides nouveaux de l'Inde et de la Malaisie. Rev Entomol, 14: 180286.  [Google Scholar]), G. lebedevi (Bernhauer, 1910 Bernhauer, M. 1910. Zur Staphylinidenfauna des palaearktischen Gebietes. Soc Entomol, 25: 7171. 78–79 [Google Scholar]), G. tirolensis (Luze, 1903 Luze, G. 1903. Eine neue Art der Staphyliniden-Gattung Philonthus Curtis aus Mitteleuropa. Verhandlungen der k. k. Zool-botan Gesellschaft Wien, 53: 386 [Google Scholar]), G. kambaitiensis Scheerpeltz, 1965 Scheerpeltz, O. 1965. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Schwedischen Expedition 1934 nach Indien und Burma. Coleoptera Staphylinidae (except Megalopsidiinae et Steninae). Ark Zool, 17: 93371.  [Google Scholar], G. cinctiventris Scheerpeltz, 1965 Scheerpeltz, O. 1965. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Schwedischen Expedition 1934 nach Indien und Burma. Coleoptera Staphylinidae (except Megalopsidiinae et Steninae). Ark Zool, 17: 93371.  [Google Scholar], G. egens (Sharp, 1874 Sharp, DS. 1874. The Staphylinidae of Japan. Entomol Soc London Trans, : 1103.  [Google Scholar]), G. smetanai Schillhammer, 1997 Schillhammer, H. 1997. Taxonomic revision of the Oriental species of Gabrius Stephens (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Mono Coleop, 1: 1139.  [Google Scholar] and G. zerchei Schillhammer, 1996 Schillhammer, H. 1996. New genera and species of Asian Staphylinini (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Staphylininae). Koleopterol Rundsch, 66: 5971.  [Google Scholar] are reported from China for the first time. Thus, a total of 53 species of the genus Gabrius are known from China.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(47):4031-4065
The first records on the genus Platypalpus Macquart from Thailand are presented including 10 species new to science: P. fai sp. nov., P. gaemluang sp. nov., P. hualuang sp. nov., P. isaanensis sp. nov., P. nuadkhao sp. nov., P. phomyaaw sp. nov., P. seedam sp. nov., P. seeluang sp. nov., P. siamensis sp. nov., and P. thaicus sp. nov.. A key to these species is provided. All species of Platypalpus known from the Oriental Region (totally 54) are arranged into the species groups currently established for the genus. Eight species groups are recognized from the Oriental Realm and the distribution of each group is briefly discussed. The P. albiseta‐group is most diverse in the Orient with 16 species recorded. Two species of this group possess a modified structure and vestiture of certain abdominal segments that is the first record of this phenomenon in Platypalpus. Also, within the P. albiseta‐group a complex of closely related species sharing an apomorphous condition of the hypoproct has been recognized. In these species the structure of the hypoproct is likely to deal with clasping during copulation instead of the cerci and epandrial lamellae.  相似文献   

Lu Gong 《Journal of Natural History》2018,52(31-32):2097-2119
Seven new species of the genus Pseudostegana are discovered from South China: P. latiapicula sp. nov., P. nannanae sp. nov., P. bingxueae sp. nov., P. husaensis sp. nov., P. linyongi sp. nov., P. montipagana sp. nov., and P. sigangli sp. nov.; the first two new species belong to the P. latiparma species group, and the rest belong to the P. zonaria species group. The DNA sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene with BOLD Process ID and GenBank accession numbers are provided for the seven new species and 10 known species from southern China: P. acutifoliolata Li, Gao and Chen, 2010; P. angustifasciata Chen and Wang, 2005, P. bifasciata Chen, Toda and Wang, 2005, P. bilobata Li, Gao and Chen, 2010; P. insularis Li, Gao and Chen, 2010; P. latifasciata Chen, Toda and Wang, 2005, P. minutipalpata; P. nitidifrons Chen and Wang, 2005, P. pallidemaculata Chen and Wang, 2005 and P. silvana. Intra- and interspecific pairwise Kimura’s two-parameter (K2P) distances among these species are summarised. www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:C01D7920-61AD-4651-8861-9D76C3CD86F6  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(17):2211-2223
A new genus, Cornutorogas gen. nov., and four new species, Cornutorogas orientalis Chen and Belokobyskij, sp. nov. (China, Vietnam), C. maetoi van Achterberg, sp. nov. (Thailand), C. javensis van Achterberg, sp. nov. (Java) and C. sumatrensis van Achterberg, sp. nov. (Sumatra), of the subfamily Rogadinae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) from the Oriental Region are described and illustrated. The placement of this genus in the Rogadini is discussed.  相似文献   

Three new species of the subgenus Phortica (Ashima), P. (A.) libo sp. nov., P. (A.) yalianae sp. nov. and P. (A.) yiqini sp. nov., are described from south-western China. DNA sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrom c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene with BOLD Process ID and GenBank accession numbers are provided for 29 specimens of 13 species. A key to the Chinese species of the subgenus Ashima is provided based on morphological characters.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:F6FF55B2-B1D8-4B79-B559-68654CAF286C  相似文献   

Five new species of Thagria from the Oriental region are described and illustrated. These include melichari from Thailand, unidentata from Indonesia, marissae from southern China, bifida from Nepal, and insolentis from an undetermined locality in the Oriental region. There are presently 166 species in this large and unique genus. A key to males of 30 species is included.  相似文献   

Nine new species of the subgenus Stegana (Oxyphortica) have been discovered from the Oriental Region: S. (O.) chuanjiangi Zhang and Chen, sp. nov., S (O.) dainuo Wang and Chen, sp. nov., S. (O.) dawa Zhang and Chen, sp. nov., S. (O.) laohlie Zhang and Chen, sp. nov., S. (O.) luchun Wang and Chen, sp. nov., S. (O.) mengwan Wang and Chen, sp. nov., S. (O.) triodonta Cheng and Chen, sp. nov. from southern China; S. (O.) dehiscens Cheng and Chen, sp. nov. and S. (O.) spinosa Cheng and Chen, sp. nov. from eastern Malaysia. One newly recorded species from China: S. (O.) maichouensis Sidorenko is re-described. The DNA sequences of the mitochondrial COI gene with BOLD Process ID and GenBank accession numbers are provided for the above seven new species and five known species from China: S. (O.) acutipenis Xu, Gao and Chen, S. (O.) adentata Toda and Peng, S. (O.) hirtipenis Xu, Gao and Chen, S. (O.) latipenis Xu, Gao and Chen, and S. (O.) maichouensis Sidorenko. Intra- and interspecific pairwise K-2P distances among these species are summarized and the phylogenetic relationships are reconstructed based on the neighbour-joining (NJ) analyses.

www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:2FA403F6-5535-40A4-9FD0-ADB9913EDE83.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(19):1641-1651
Loaches of the genus Niwaella, family Cobitidae, are distributed only in East Asia. At present only in Japan and South Korea have fishes of the genus Niwaella been found. Herein we revise the genus Niwaella in China. Son and He () transferred the species Cobitis laterimaculata to the genus Niwaella, but their specimens were not N. laterimaculata, but a new species, N. longibarba sp. n., collected from Cao'ejiang River, Huangzezhen, Chengxian County, Zhejiang Province. The new species is distinguished from N. laterimaculata by its colour pattern of a row of slightly large, and long, scattered dark brown vertical bars on the dorsolateral surface, two or three striations on the caudal fin, and long barbels and undeveloped mental lobes. In this paper we also describe another new species, N. xinjiangensis sp. n., collected from Xinjiang River, Guangfeng County, Jiangxi Province, May 1990, with diagnostic colour pattern of 17–20 large and long, dark brown vertical bars on the dorsolateral surface, a dark stripe or rounded black spots along the lateral midline and some blotches below the lateral midline; it is a large‐sized species, with shorter barbels, and longer caudal peduncle. Thus five species of the genus Niwaella are known, three are endemic to eastern China and two are endemic to either Japan or South Korea.  相似文献   

A new species of moth fly, Australopericoma paraibana sp. n., is described from areas of the Brazilian semiarid region, in the states of Paraíba and Bahia, north-eastern Brazil. A key to males of Australopericoma and morphological remarks on Australopericoma caudata (Satchell) are also provided.  相似文献   

Guizhou Province, located in southwest China, is famous for its wholly karst landforms, in which many pygmy locusts with poor dispersal ability have been isolated and preserved. Species diversity of Tetrigidae from Guizhou is introduced, which deals with six sub-families, 28 genera and 69 species, among them, 33 species are endemic to Guizhou. Two new species, Paragavialidum prominemarginatus Zha & Ding sp. nov. and Teredorus jinshaensis Zha & Ding sp. nov. are described and illustrated with photographs. Flatocerus chishuiensis, Flatocerus nigritibialis and Flatocerus nigrifemura are considered as synonyms of Flatocerus wuyishanensis. Flatocerus wuyishanensis is redescribed and photographed based on our collections.

www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:334D6268-E3C1-450E-A3A2-31F9839B4EE6  相似文献   

A new species of Pseudolepturges from Bolivia is described and illustrated; a key to the species is also provided. Based on the similar body size, orange-yellowish colour, behaviour, and close co-occurrence on a Triplaris americana tree, we suggest that Pseudolepturges triplarinus sp. nov. is a mimic of the ant Pseudomyrmex triplarinus.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:6DF38C64-6986-4A79-8D9A-645DA89149F2  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(35-36):2149-2177
In this paper, the Chinese species of the genus Belonuchus Nordmann, 1837 Nordmann, A. 1837. Symbolae ad monographiam staphylinorum. Ex Academiae Caesareae Scientiarum, Vol. 4, 1167. Petropoli: Academiae Caesareae Scientiarum.  [Google Scholar] are revised. Four new species are described and illustrated: B. admirabilis sp. nov. from China (Beijing), B. applanatus sp. nov. from China (Yunnan), B. coomani sp. nov. from China (Yunnan and Guangxi) and Vietnam (Hoa-Binh) and B. obvelatus sp. nov. from Indonesia (Sumatra and Java). Belonuchus grandiceps (Kraatz, 1859 Kraatz, G. 1859. Die Staphylinen-Fauna von Ostindien, insbesondere der Insel Ceylan. Arch Naturgesch., 25: 1196.  [Google Scholar]) and B. imitator Cameron, 1932 Cameron, M. 1932. “The Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma. Coleoptera”. In Staphylinidae, Vol. III, 443London: Taylor & Francis.  [Google Scholar] are reported from China for the first time. Five existing Chinese species are re-described and illustrated: B. grandiceps, B. imitator, B. puncticulus, B. punctifrons and B. rufoniger. Belonuchus gardneri Cameron, 1932 Cameron, M. 1932. “The Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma. Coleoptera”. In Staphylinidae, Vol. III, 443London: Taylor & Francis.  [Google Scholar] is placed in synonymy with B. rufoniger Fauvel, 1895 Fauvel, A. 1895. Staphylinides nouveaux de l'Inde et de la Malaisie. Rev Entomol., 14: 180286.  [Google Scholar]. Consequently, eight species of the genus Belonuchus are now known from China. An identification key to the Chinese species of the genus Belonuchus is provided and their geographical distribution is mapped.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(7-8):399-409
The following four new species of the genus Platycephala from China are described: Platycephala apicinigra sp. nov., P. brevifemura sp. nov., P. lateralis sp. nov. and P. nanlingensis sp. nov. An updated key to the species of the genus Platycephala from China is presented.  相似文献   

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