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《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(29-30):1923-1935
Four hundred and forty‐six individuals representing 11 species of Emoia (Scincidae), E. atrocostata, E. battersbyi, E. caeruleocauda, E. impar, E. jakati, E. kordoana, E. longicauda, E. obscura, E. pallidiceps, E. physicae and E. popei, collected in Papua New Guinea were examined for helminths. Two species of Cestoda (Adenobrechmos greeri, Cylindrotaenia hickmani); five species of Digenea (Mesocoelium monas, Paradistomoides gregarium, Saurokoilophilia kinsellai, Spelotrema brevicaeca, Zeylanurotrema sphenomorphi); 14 species of Nematoda, (gravid individuals of Abbreviata oligopapillata, Hedruris hanleyae, Kreisiella chrysocampa, Maxvachonia adamsoni, Meteterakis crombiei, Parapharyngodon maplestoni, Physaloperoides milnensis, Pseudoreticularia dipsarilis, Raillietnema nanus, Skrjabinodon sp. 1, Skrjabinodon sp. 2 and larvae (in cysts) of Abbreviata sp., Acuariidae gen. sp., and Riticulariidae gen. sp.) were found. The mean helminth species richness for infected skinks was 6.4±4.7 SD (range 1–14 species). Fifty‐three new host records are reported.  相似文献   

Despite the fact that Brazil is the most-studied country regarding helminths of amphibians, only around 8% of Brazilian anurans have had at least one study made of their helminth fauna. Therefore, the aim of this study was to describe the helminth community of nine species of Atlantic Rainforest anurans of two different families, eight of them with no previous study, and six of which are endemic to Brazil. The analysed hosts for their parasites were: Dendropsophus minutus (n = 48), Scinax auratus (n = 36), D. branneri (n = 33), D. elegans (n = 26), Hypsiboas albomarginatus (n = 22), Pithecopus nordestinus (n = 19), D. decipiens (n = 12), D. haddadi (n = 11) and S. x-signatus (n = 11). A total of 781 helminths were collected from 106 (48.6%) of 218 analysed hosts, 656 Centrorhyncus sp. cystacanths and 125 nematodes: 76 adults (25 Cosmocerca sp.; three Cosmocerceidae gen. sp.; 20 Cosmocerca parva, 20 Cosmocercella phyllomedusae, five Aplectana sp., two Oswaldocruzia sp. and one Rhabdias sp.), 43 encysted larvae (nine Porrocaecum sp. and 34 Brevimulticaecum sp.) and six Physaloptera sp. larvae. Anurans may display many roles within the helminth life cycles, as they act as both predator and prey to a wide variety of animals. Consequently, we have found helminths that use anurans as definitive, intermediate and paratenic hosts. Opposing other surveys in which nematodes are the most prevalent and abundant parasites, acanthocephalans were the most prevalent taxa. These findings highlight the lack of knowledge regarding the helminth fauna of anurans and reveal many gaps with respect to their infection patterns in amphibians.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(31-32):1987-2007
Five hundred and sixty microhylid frogs representing 26 species collected from 2002 to 2005 in Papua New Guinea were examined for helminths. Found were three species of Digenea, two species of Cestoda, nineteen species of Nematoda, and two species of Acanthocephala. One hundred and eleven new host records were recorded. Nematodes comprised 73% (19/26) of the species present and 95% (10,581/11,107) of the individuals present. Seventeen of the 26 (65%) helminth species found are currently known only from Papua New Guinea.  相似文献   

Most Argyrodes spiders live in the webs of other spiders as kleptoparasites, stealing food from the host and scavenging small prey from the web. We observed three species of Argyrodes from the Micronesian island of Guam to learn (1) if Argyrodes species differ in their use of host-species webs, (2) whether some Argyrodes species occur more often in certain habitats, (3) whether population size of Argyrodes is a function of web size, and (4) how the presence of congeners affects population size on a web. Argyrodes lived most often in the large, long-lasting orb webs of Argiope appensa and Cyrtophora mollucensis, and, rarely, in the smaller, less durable orb webs of Neoscona spp. and Leucauge spp. Argyrodes argentatus and Argyrodes sp. A frequently co-occurred in Argiope webs, but A. argentatus was more common in beach strand and open disturbed habitats, while Argyrodes sp. A was more common in shaded native forest. The abundances of A. argentatus and Argyrodes sp. A in Argiope webs and the abundance of Argyrodes sp. B in Cyrtophora webs were positively correlated with the areas of the webs' prey-catching surfaces. The abundance of A. argentatus was inversely proportional to that of Argyrodes sp. A on Argiope webs and to that of Argyrodes sp. B on Cyrtophora webs, suggesting interspecific avoidance.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(39-40):2419-2441
Two brachyurans of the varunid genus Hemigrapsus from the northwestern Pacific Ocean have invaded coastal regions of the north Atlantic – Hemigrapsus takanoi (sibling species of Hemigrapsus penicillatus) and Hemigrapsus sanguineus in Europe and the latter in the USA. Parasites are known from these crabs in their native habitats, but except for an undescribed larval nematode, none has been found in those examined from their new locations. These parasites include metacercariae of eight species of microphallid trematode, the rhizocephalan barnacles Polyascus polygenea, Sacculina nigra and Sacculina senta, and the obligate gut-inhabiting mesomycetozoan Enteromyces callianassae (potential parasite). The following have been identified in four of the other eight Pacific crabs within the genus (Hemigrapsus nudus and Hemigrapsus oregonensis, northern hemisphere; Hemigrapsus crenulatus and Hemigrapsus sexdentatus, southern hemisphere), none of which have been geographically displaced: metacercariae of two microphallid trematodes; cystacanths of three acanthocephalans Profilicollis antarcticus, Profilicollis botulus and Profilicollis novaezelandensis; larval nematode Ascarophis sp.; nematomorph Nectonema zealandica; entoniscid isopod Portunion conformis; mesomycetozoan Taeniella carcini; and nemertean egg predator Carcinonemertes epialti. The likelihood of the displaced species of shore crabs being rejoined with their native parasites or their susceptibility to becoming infected by similar parasites in their new locations is discussed. In future global displacements of parasitized Hemigrapsus species it is possible that their most serious parasites, rhizocephalans and entoniscid isopods, may infect previously uninfected species. For example, the two eastern Pacific species of Hemigrapsus (H. nudus and H. oregonensis) may be vulnerable to the rhizocephalans and may in turn be a source of entoniscids transported elsewhere.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(31-32):1983-1993
Gastrointestinal helminth communities of two gekkonid species, Nactus multicarinatus and Nactus pelagicus, from the Vanuatu Archipelago were examined. Both helminth communities were depauperate: N. multicarinatus harboured one species of Digenea, Mesocoelium monas, one species of Cestoda, Oochoristica javaensis, four species of Nematoda, Hedruris hanleyae, Parapharyngodon maplestoni, Physocephalus sp. (larvae in cysts), Filarioidea gen. sp. (juvenile); N. pelagicus harboured one species of Cestoda, O. javaensis, four species of Nematoda, H. hanleyae, Falcaustra tannaensis, P. maplestoni, Physocephalus sp. (larvae in cysts). In each helminth community P. maplestoni represented a core species and H. hanleyae was a secondary species. It is postulated that the helminth fauna infecting lizards of the Vanuatu Archipelago originated in Australia and Papua New Guinea and reached the archipelago by rafting; their establishment in Vanuatu was fortuitous.  相似文献   

A total of 12 species of Cnemaspis (N = 104) from Southeast Asia were examined for gastrointestinal helminths. Samples consisted of nine species (n = 86) from Peninsular Malaysia: Cnemaspis affinis (n = 4); Cnemaspis baueri (n = 17); Cnemaspis biocellata (n = 12); Cnemaspis grismeri (n = 8); Cnemaspis kumpoli (n = 11); Cnemaspis limi (n = 9): Cnemaspis monachorum (n = 7); Cnemaspis pemanggilensis (n = 10); Cnemaspis peninsularis (n = 8); one species (n = 5) from Cambodia and Thailand, Cnemaspis chanthaburiensis (n = 5); and two species (n = 13) from Vietnam: Cnemaspis nuicamensis (n = 6) and Cnemaspis tucdupensis (n = 7). The aggregate helminth community consisted of one species of Cestoda, Cylindrotaenia malayi and nine species of Nematoda: Bakeria schadi, Meteterakis singaporensis, Parapharyngodon maplestoni, Maxvachonia sp., Physalopteroides sp., Physalopteridae gen. sp., Riticulariidae gen. sp., Seuratoidea gen. sp., Ascaridoidea gen. sp. Meteterakis singaporensis had the largest number of individuals (457) and greatest prevalence (24%). Twenty-eight new host records are reported.  相似文献   

Two new species of Falcaustra Lane, 1915 are the first to be reported in amphibians from mainland sub-Saharan Africa. Falcaustra puylaerti n. sp. occurs in hosts of the Xenopus (Silurana) tropicalis group in Sierra Leone, Togo and Nigeria. Falcaustra hinkeli n. sp. infects Xenopus (Xenopus) fraseri group hosts at localities in the Cameroon and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Falcaustra hinkeli and F. puylaerti are probably sister species with respect to described congeners and can be differentiated from each other by the form of the cheilostomal structures, the morphometrics of the anterior body, and by a large difference in male spicule length. Both lack a precloacal pseudosucker and are separated from other Falcaustra spp. which share this characteristic by the pattern of male caudal papillae and by a cheilostomal ring with associated sclerotized elements and posteriorly directed projections. Evolutionary aspects of the host-parasite relationship are discussed. Although alternative hypotheses are possible, the distinctive cheilostomal morphology, the sister species relationship and the host specificity pattern of F. hinkeli and F. puylaerti are consistent with their having undergone an extended evolutionary association with the host genus.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(43-44):2785-2794
We studied the diet of Enyalius bilineatus (Leiosauridae: Squamata) at the Inhotim Institute, southeastern Brazil, through induced regurgitation. We obtained 27 individuals using pitfall traps with drift-fence, active search, opportunistic encounters and capture by persons not directly involved in the study. We quantified prey availability at the site using pitfall traps and used electivity indices to identify preferred prey items based on ingested and available prey. Preferred prey included Lepidoptera larvae considering number of prey ingested and Orthoptera considering volume ingested. We obtained the available data on diet of Enyalius species from the literature and compared a phylogenetic distance matrix with a diet dissimilarity matrix, showing that phylogenetically closer species tended to have less dissimilar diets. We used independent contrasts to show that environmental impact did not reduce Enyalius population trophic niches, excluding the effects of phylogeny on niche breadth. Species of Enyalius may adapt to some disturbance in their habitats.  相似文献   


We evaluated the activity period, thermal ecology, habitats, and preference for microhabitats of the skink Mabuya arajara in a humid forest environment on the slope of the Araripe Plateau, Brazil. A total of 283 lizards were observed. The lizards were found to be diurnally active (unimodal type pattern), with peak activity during the hottest hours of the day (1100 to 1200). About habitat use, the majority of individuals (73.8% N = 209) were recorded in the narrow transitional area, in the edges of the forest; while 26.4% of individuals were observed in open areas and no observations were made in dense forest. Seven different types of microhabitats were used, with fallen palm leaves (Arecaceae) being the preferred (47.7% N = 135). Considering all lizards, microhabitat niche breadth was 3.27. Males and females presented a high overlap (0.95) in microhabitat use. The average Tc recorded for M. arajara was 32.06 ± 2.72°C. Body size (SVL) did not influence body temperature (F = 0.51, P = > 0.05). Most of the animals were observed with their bodies completely exposed (67.84%, N = 192), 18.37% (N = 52) were semi-exposed and 13.79% (N = 39) were in shelters. Among animals with some degree of sunlight exposure, 57.59% (N = 163) were in shadows, 25.10% (N = 71) were under sunlight filtered by vegetation, and 17.31% (N = 49) were under direct sunlight.A review of the ecology of Mabuya spp. shows that several features appear to be conserved among members of the genus.  相似文献   

We studied the feeding ecology of Eutropis multifasciata in the tropical plains of central Vietnam to understand better the foraging mode, spatiotemporal and sexual variation in dietary composition, and rarefaction curves of prey-taxon richness for males and females. Stomach contents (n = 161) were collected from October 2013 to May 2014 using a nonlethal stomach-flushing technique. A total of 680 food items (624 animal items and 56 plant items) was found in 161 stomachs of skinks, representing 19 unique animal categories. We found that the diet of E. multifasciata is composed mainly of small, sedentary and clumped prey and that this skink specialises on spiders, insect larvae, snails, grasshoppers and crickets (with a combined importance index of 60%). Dietary composition, prey size and total prey volume in E. multifasciata changed between dry and rainy seasons and among regions. The total volume of food items consumed by males was larger than that of females, and the diversity and evenness index of prey categories were larger in males than in females. However, using rarefaction curves revealed that females have the higher prey-taxon richness after points between 130 and 140 prey items for frequency, and between 160 and 170 prey items for number of items, and the differences were not statistically significant. The foraging behaviour of E. multifasciata best fits a ‘widely foraging’ model.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(20):1689-1703
Three new species of free‐living marine nematodes of the genus Belbolla: Belbolla huanghaiensis sp. nov., Belbolla stenocephalum sp. nov. and Belbolla warwicki sp. nov. from the Yellow Sea, China, are described and illustrated. Belbolla huanghaiensis can be separated from other species in the Belbolla genus by the number of oesophageal bulbs (nine), the length of the spicules and gubernacular apophysis, and the size of the two winged precloacal supplements. Belbolla stenocephalum can be separated from other species by the number of oesophageal bulbs (eight), the length of the spicules and the structure of gubernacular apophysis. Belbolla warwicki sp. nov. is characterized by the number of oesophageal bulbs (seven), reduced precloacal supplements and the structure of gubernacular apophysis. A key to the genus Belbolla is provided to facilitate species identification. Types are deposited in the College of Life Science and Technology, Ocean University of China.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(27-28):1647-1672

A new species of Liopeltis from central Vietnam is described based on morphological and molecular differences. Liopeltis pallidonuchalis sp. nov. is distinguished from its congeners by a combination of the following characters: one single (or missing) loreal; one single nasal shield; dorsal scales in 15–15-15 rows, all smooth; 1 preocular, 2 postoculars and 1 + 2 temporals; 7 supralabials, of which 3rd and 4th in contact with the eye; 8 infralabials; nasal contacting internasal; prefrontal touching or separated from supralabials; ventral scales 126–138; subcaudal scales 67–73, paired; relative tail length about 0.274–0.301; an uniform bronze body colouration; a thin postocular stripe extending from eye to end of the neck becoming indistinct posteriorly. The new species differs from the morphologically closest species Liopeltis frenata by the lower number of ventrals and subcaudals, by characteristic colouration and significant divergence in cytochrome b mtDNA gene sequences (p = 15.3–15.6%). The new species is currently known from northen and central parts of the Annamite (Truong Son) Mountains, central Vietnam, and was recorded from montane evergreen tropical forests of Kon Tum–Gia Lai Plateau (Gia Lai and Thua Thien–Hue provinces, Da Nang City) at elevations of 950–1010 m asl to karst tropical forests in Quang Binh Province in the north at elevation 150 asl. We suggest the new species should be considered as Vulnerable (VU) following the IUCN’s Red List categories. An updated taxonomic key to the Liopeltis species is provided.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(6):1231-1237
Two new species of physalopterid nematodes are described from a skink (Scincidae) and a gecko (Gekkonidae) from the West Australian desert. Kreisiella chrysocampa gen. et sp. nov. (Spirurida: Physaloperidae) from Egernia inornata is characterized by the possession of a row of straight parallel denticles along the medial pseudolabial margins, male caudal alae unsupported by papillae, a truncated female tail and an anteriorly-placed vulva. The original female specimen of Physaloptera heterocephala Kreis, 1940 is transferred to this genus. In Physalopteroides filicauda sp. nov. (Physalopteridae) from Nephrurus laevissimus the external apical tooth present in immature worms is represented in adults by a knob-like structure, larger on the left pseudolabium. Both sexes possess a long slender tail terminating in a small knob. The spicules are markedly dissimilar and the vulva is surrounded anteriorly and posteriorly by horizontal rows of tubercules.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(29-30):1755-1787
One hundred and sixty-three frogs representing 21 species collected in Costa Rica were examined for helminths. Those found were: one species of Digenea (Mesocoelium monas), one species of Cestoda (Cylindrotaenia americana), 15 species of Nematoda, 11 species represented by gravid individuals (Aplectana hylambatis, Aplectana incerta, Aplectana itzocanensis, Capillaria recondita, Cosmocerca parva, Cosmocerca podicipinus, Falcaustra costaricae, Hedruris heyeri, Oswaldocruzia costaricensis, Oswaldocruzia nicaraguensis, Rhabdias savagei) and four species represented by larvae (Physaloptera sp., Porrocaecum sp., Spirocamallanus sp., Ascarididae gen. sp.) and three species of Acanthocephala, one species represented by gravid individuals (Anuracanthorhynchus lutzi) and two species by cystacanths (Centrorhynchidae gen. sp. and Oligacanthorhynchidae gen. sp.). Mean helminth diversity (number of helminth species) per frog species was 2.4 ± 0.3 SE, range: 1–6. Forty-nine new host records are reported. Costa Rican frogs are infected by generalist helminths, which infect other species of frogs from Central and South America.  相似文献   

Examination of Fulgoroid specimens collected in several caves of volcanic origin on the Canary Islands (Tenerife, El Hierro) has revealed the existence of at least two undescribed troglobitic Fulgoroid species. These are apparently the first records of troglobitic Auchenorrhyncha, not only from the Middle Atlantic Islands, but from the Palaeartic Region. These cavernicolous taxa belong to the families Cixiidae (Tachycixius lavatubus sp. nov.) and Meenoplidae (Meenoplus cancavus sp. nov.). Possible pathways towards the evolution of troglobitic forms in Auchenorrhyncha and ways of speciation—sympatric or allopatric—for T. lavatubus sp. nov. and its epigean relative Tachycixius canariensis (Lindberg) are discussed. These findings suggest that cavernicolous Homoptera are more widely distributed over the world than was previously assumed.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(13-14):813-825
The viviparous New World Mabuya (Reptilia, Scincidae) are characterized by a peculiar suite of reproductive traits associated with an extreme degree of matrotrophy and a specialized placenta. We gathered information on female reproductive traits of South American Mabuya based on a compilation of literature data plus original information on two species (Mabuya dorsivittata and Mabuya macrorhyncha). Considering brood size, we identified one “large-brooded” group (brood sizes up to eight to ten) and one “small-brooded” group (brood sizes up to four to six). Brood size tended to be positively correlated with female body size among species, although the correlation is not as strong as it is within species. There were some general trends for the reproductive ecology of New World Mabuya, such as early sexual maturation, brood sizes of usually four to six young, and parturition occurring around the dry–wet season transition.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(6):1397-1441
The state of knowledge of Australian fish parasitic ascardioids is briefly reviewed. The following species are described in full: Hysterothylacium cornutum, H. pelagicum, H. scomberoidei n. sp. Additional data are provided for Iheringascaris inquies. Maricostula n. gen. is established for those species that have lips with lateral flanges, deep postlabial grooves, interlabia, and elongate intestinal caecum, pyriform ventriculus, long sac-like ventricular appendix, an expanded filamentar excretory system and excretory pore near the nerve ring. The males of all the species have precloacal crests. Species included are: M. caballeroi (Deloya), M. cenatica n. sp., M. histiophori (Yamaguti), M. incurva (Rudolphi), M. makairi n. sp. and M. tetrapteri n. sp. All are recorded from billfishes, and all but M. caballeroi are recorded from Australian waters. The systematic position of the genus is discussed. New characters of taxonomic utility used in the discrimination of fish parasitic ascaridoids are discussed. These include fine details of alae, male caudal crests and papillae. We demonstrate that these characters can be used to separate species of Maricostula. Remarks are also given on nomenclatural problems within the Indo-Pacific fish parasitic Ascardioidea.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(15):1785-1804
Three species of heteronemerteans are recorded from the Solomon Islands. Baseodiscus quinquelineatus has previously been reported from the islands, but Notospermus tricuspidatus has not. The third species, Kukumia solomonensis gen. et sp. nov., is fully described and illustrated. We compared the 18S rDNA gene sequence from this species with five other heteronemertean species from which the sequence of this gene is known. Phylogenetic analysis using three palaeonemertean species as outgroup corroborated a relationship with lineid taxa.  相似文献   

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