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Historic botanical surveys documented that the natural distribution of the plains cottonwood ( Populus deltoides subsp. monilifera ) was limited to semiarid drainages east of the Rocky Mountains. Recently, a number of isolated populations of plains cottonwood have been found along the Kootenai, lower Snake, and Columbia Rivers and their tributaries. We used isozyme analysis to assess the genetic structure of these Pacific Northwest (PNW) populations in relation to native cottonwood populations east of the Rocky Mountains. These genetic data along with field surveys (dbh, age estimates) and cadastral field survey notes (mid-1800s) were used to understand the origin of these disjunct populations (i.e., relictual natives versus naturalized introductions). Genetic analyses revealed high levels of genetic diversity within and among PNW populations as well as hybridization with black cottonwood ( P. trichocarpa ). The observed range of genetic variation for PNW populations was similar to that of native cottonwood populations. Collectively, these data confirm that these scattered populations are plains cottonwood ( Populus deltoides subsp. monilifera ). Age estimates of the largest individuals found within study populations ranged from 27 to 51 years. Cadastral field surveys also noted the absence of woody vegetation along the lower Snake and Columbia Rivers. Considered together, the data suggest that these populations are of recent origin. The high levels of observed genetic variation are consistent with the reproductive biology of Populus spp. (i.e., obligate outcrossing and widespread dispersal of pollen and seed by wind and water) and a recurrent introduction of plains cottonwood throughout the study area.  相似文献   

Populations of Greater Sage-Grouse ( Centrocercus urophasianus ) have been declining throughout their range since the 1960s. Productivity, which includes production and survival of young, is often cited as a factor in these declines. We monitored radio-equipped Greater Sage-Grouse at 3 sites in western Wyoming to assess early brood-rearing habitat use (through 14 days post-hatch) and productivity. Logistic and linear regression analyses with Akaike's Information Criterion were used to evaluate early brooding habitat use and to examine relationships between productivity and vegetation, insect size and abundance, and weather parameters. Females with broods were found in areas with greater sagebrush canopy and grass cover, and fewer invertebrates compared to random areas. The number of juveniles per female (estimated from wing barrel collections during fall harvest) was positively related to the abundance of medium-length Hymenoptera and grass cover, and the proportion of females with confirmed chicks 14 days post-hatch was positively related to abundance of medium-length Coleoptera and total herbaceous cover. Although the specific parameters varied slightly, Greater Sage-Grouse productivity in Wyoming appeared to be associated with a combination of insect and herbaceous cover elements. Managing for abundant and diverse insect communities within dense protective sagebrush stands should help ensure high-quality early brood-rearing habitat and increased Greater Sage-Grouse productivity.  相似文献   

We report life history characteristics for 4 recently established populations of western mosquitofish ( Gambusia affinis ). Mosquitofish from thermally stable habitats, Bonham and Garrett, were characterized by maturity at large sizes, high fat reserves, and large embryos. In contrast, females from a thermally unstable habitat, Wabuska, matured at small sizes and had low fat reserves and small embryos. Females from Parker, a site with no appreciable thermal input, matured at intermediate sizes and had low fat reserves as well as large embryos. These populations shared a common ancestor in 1937; therefore, these results suggest either phenotypic plasticity or rapid evolution.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(19):1627-1640
The structure of two populations of the fiddler crab Uca rapax in two subtropical mangrove habitats near Ubatuba, State of São Paulo, Brazil were compared. The size–frequency distribution, sex ratio, and recruitment were evaluated. Sampling was performed monthly from April 2001 to March 2002 in the Itamambuca and Ubatumirim habitats. Crabs were caught manually for 15?min by two collectors during low tide. The carapace width of each crab was measured with a digital caliper, and the sex and ovigerous state were recorded. The median size of the carapace width of males was greater than that of females at both sites (P<0.05). The median size of the crabs from Itamambuca was larger than at Ubatumirim (P<0.05). Only 28 ovigerous females were obtained from both mangroves, which suggested that females might remain in their burrows during the incubation period. The highest recruitment pulse occurred in winter for both populations, probably as a consequence of high reproductive activity during summer. The sex ratio in the size classes showed an anomalous pattern, with a higher frequency of females in the intermediate size classes. This may be related to a greater energy requirement for reproduction in females, thus delaying growth. The variable environmental conditions to which Uca rapax populations are subject appear to act directly or indirectly on the population, causing variations in growth and reproductive processes in the different populations investigated here.  相似文献   

The highly invasive New Zealand mudsnail, Potamopyrgus antipodarum , may compete with and displace native North American macroinvertebrates in freshwater systems wherever it becomes established. Densities and spatial distributions of 3 snail species including P. antipodarum and the threatened Taylorconcha serpenticola were compared among 3 adjacent habitat types (run, edge, and vegetation) in Banbury Springs, a tributary of the Snake River, near Hagerman, Idaho, USA. In all 3 habitats P. antipodarum was the most abundant snail species. All 3 species densities were highly variable within habitats, suggesting a nonrandom distribution pattern. Densities of P. antipodarum were significantly greatest in the vegetation habitat type, while densities of T. serpenticola were similar among habitats. Smallersized P. antipodarum were less abundant in the run habitat with its associated higher water velocities, and their densities were negatively correlated with velocity. Densities of P. antipodarum also were negatively correlated with distance from the highly infested, man-made Morgan Lake, while T. serpenticola densities were positively correlated with distance from Morgan Lake. Potamopyrgus antipodarum is a potential competitor with native aquatic species, although its colonization into some freshwater habitats may be limited.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(15-16):959-968
We report the natural history and behaviour of the primitively eusocial wasp Ropalidia marginata with a special reference to the males. We found that just as nests of this species are found throughout the year, so are the males. Females spend all their life in their nests but males stay in their natal nests only for 1–12 days and leave to lead a nomadic life. Males maintained in the laboratory can live for up to 140 days. Like all eusocial hymenopteran males, R. marginata males also do not perform any colony maintenance activities. We found that males did not forage or feed larvae. Compared with females, males showed fewer dominance and subordinate behaviours and being solicited behaviour and more feeding self and soliciting behaviours. By comparing males with young females, we found similar differences, except that the males showed similar rates of feeding self and higher rates of subordinate behaviour.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(5-6):301-306
In 2007, a 3-year survey was started in northeastern Italy to assess the influence of agricultural management on parasitoid composition and parasitism rates of parasitoids attacking larvae and pupae of Syrphidae (Diptera). Two types of management were considered – intensive (including wheat and maize monoculture with very low or null vegetation diversity) and extensive (with different types of habitats, characterized by a higher vegetation complexity). In habitats simplified by intensive agriculture, and particularly in maize fields, parasitism rates of syrphid larvae were higher than recorded in more diversified habitats. A substantial difference in the composition of the parasitoid complex was also found. In extensive and wheat sites, Diplazontinae (Braconidae), highly specialized to Syrphidae, were the dominant parasitoids, whereas in maize fields Pachyneuron (Pteromalidae) species, known as generalists, accounted for more than 80% of total parasitoids. In the habitats where Pachyneuron spp. were dominant, parasitism rates were very high. Conversely, in habitats where Diplazontinae were more abundant, the parasitism rates were very low. The higher rate of parasitism of syrphid larvae and pupae recorded in intensive monocultures could have a large impact on the development and control of aphid populations in such crops.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(47-48):3011-3023
Twenty-four inselbergs in four distinct landscapes along a biogeographic gradient from mesic winter rainfall in the southern Namib to arid summer rainfall in the northern Namib were analysed. Declining similarity of vegetation between matrix (surrounding plains) and inselbergs with altitude were exhibited in most inselbergs, irrespective of biogeographic region, rock types and height above surroundings. Some inselbergs showed the least congruence with matrix vegetation on upper slopes, others with the top of inselbergs. This is probably related to the nature of the individual inselbergs, e.g. with steep cliffs in the upper reaches supporting plant species adapted to more mesic conditions. Most trends of declining similarity between matrix and inselberg habitats were maintained across the investigated bioclimatic regions. Even low inselbergs clearly supported vegetation very distinct from the surrounding area. Their contribution to species richness of a landscape is therefore unquestionable and adequate protection of such landscapes is needed where human impacts are severe.  相似文献   

The zygopteran Calopteryx virgo from a habitat in western Norway was found to be infected by the eugregarine Hoplorhynchus oligacanthus. Females were most heavily infected, in contrast to other gregarine-infected zygopteran species, where no differences between males and females have been recognized. This disparity between males and females of C. virgo is attributed to their dissimilar behaviour and place of activity. The gregarine infection of C. virgo is considered in relation to infected coexisting zygopteran populations.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(11-12):729-739
Giant river otters are endangered and knowledge about this species is incomplete, especially in the Brazilian Amazonia, which holds large populations of the species. In order to improve our knowledge for species conservation, we present data on site and refuge use by giant river otters in the Amanã Reserve, Brazilian Amazonia. During 40 sampling trips (October 2004 to September 2008) we recorded information and the physical characteristics of 193 campsites, 182 dens and 62 resting sites. Animals were site-selective, preferentially building their dens, campsites and resting sites at < 2 m from the water, on slopes < 45°, and avoiding using water bodies < 1 m deep. The information presented here stresses the importance of river margins for giant river otters, indicating that these areas are key habitats for their conservation.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(35):3217-3226
Animal mating systems are moulded by ecological factors, mainly the temporal patterns of reproduction. We report the reproductive period, use of microhabitats, clutch and egg sizes, reproductive efforts, occurrence of sexual size dimorphism, and the relation between body size and fecundity in the gravid females of Trachycephalus venulosus and Scinax fuscovarius at Serra da Bodoquena, Central Brazil. The reproduction of both species was correlated with the rainy season. Females of T. venulosus produced more eggs and their eggs were larger than those of S. fuscovarius. The females of both species were larger and heavier than males. The reproductive effort was measured as the ratio of gonad mass in relation to body mass. Females of both species presented similar reproductive efforts, but males of S. fuscovarius invested more in gonads compared to males of T. venulosus. Trachycephalus venulosus presented significant correlation between snout–vent length versus number of mature eggs and body mass versus number of mature eggs and ovarian mass. Scinax fuscovarius showed significant correlation between body mass versus ovarian mass. Trachycephalus venulosus is an explosive breeder, whereas S. fuscovarius has prolonged reproduction. These species are able to adapt to several types of habitat, due to behavioural and physiological plasticity.  相似文献   

I compared acute tolerance of Gila topminnow, Poeciliopsis occidentalis , and western mosquitofish, Gambusia affinis , to ammonia and high water temperature and also compared diet, food selectivity, and impact on invertebrate populations to evaluate the potential for each species to effectively control mosquitoes (Culicidae) in wetland habitats. Critical thermal maxima differed among species, sexes, and lifestages, but these differences were likely not biologically significant due to their small magnitude and the ability of wild populations of both species to adapt to high temperatures. In 24-hour tests, G. affinis displayed about twice the ammonia tolerance as did P. occidentalis . However, longterm survival in habitats with high ammonia concentrations is questionable, thus reducing the perceived benefit of using G. affinis for mosquito abatement in these habitats. Diet overlap was significant between sexes within species but was not significant between species. However, both species exhibited significant dietary selection for mosquito larvae and pupae under experimental conditions. Shared dietary preference for mosquito larvae and pupae, in addition to similarity in temperature tolerance between species, suggests that P. occidentalis , a native and historically widespread species, can be used in place of nonnative G. affinis for mosquito control. There is no evidence to suggest that nonnative G. affinis is better suited for mosquito abatement, and since G. affinis is replacing P. occidentalis throughout the native species' former range, it should no longer be introduced into the Gila River basin for mosquito control. However, managers who would use P. occidentalis for mosquito abatement must take care not to interfere with conservation efforts by disrupting the genetic structure of natural populations of P. occidentalis .  相似文献   

Collections, observations and experiments were used to investigate the behavioural ecology of gall thrips (Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae) in New South Wales and Queensland, Australia. Data are presented on aspects of gall morphology, male and female morphology, behaviour, life cycles, and sex ratios for six gall-forming species, five species of inquilines (invaders that do not form galls), and one genus that uses secretions to glue phyllodes (modified petioles) together. During gall foundation on phyllodes of Acacia pendula, females of Kladothrips rugosus Froggatt fight other females to the death, males fight other males to the death, and one female or one adult of each sex remains alive within the gall to breed. In addition to the live adults, half of newly found galls contained dead bodies of from one to 13 males and females, which were apparently killed in fights. In Oncothrips tepperi Karny, which forms galls on Acacia oswaldii, single females found new galls, and females engage in lethal fighting during the period from gall initiation until closure. First-generation broods of Oncothrips tepperi comprise winged males and winged females with a sex ratio of about 1:6 female biased. Each gall also contains several wing-reduced adults with larger forelegs than winged adults, which probably either fight among themselves or defend their siblings from gall invaders. Adults of Oncothrips tepperi breed in the galls for two or more generations, whereas in all of the other species studied on Acacia only one generation occurs in a gall. Females of the inquiline Koptothrips flavicornis invade young, first-generation galls of Oncothrips tepperi, kill the foundling female, and produce their own offspring. Single females of Oncothrips antennatus (Moulton) form galls on Acacia aneura, and apparently do not fight. Winged females of Oncothrips antennatus have smaller forelegs, relative to their body size, than do winged females of Oncothrips tepperi. In Onychothrips arotrum Mound and Onychothrips tepperi (Uzel), single females from galls on Acacia aneura. In each species, females engage in lethal fighting during gall initiation. The sex ratio of Onychothrips arotrum broods is about 1:18 female biased. The inquiline Csirothrips watsoni Mound invades galls of Onychothrips arotrum, apparently after most or all of the offspring have left, and breeds inside. Females of this inquiline will kill live Onychothrips arotrum inside the galls, and they apparently plug gall entrances with cast O. arotrum exuviae. Iotatubothrips crozieri Mound and Crespi is involved in the formation of large, woody galls on stems of Casuarina, perhaps in association with a microorganism. They breed in these galls for many generations. Galls contain several to thousands of individuals, and the adult sex ratio is about 1:4 female biased. Adults of the inquilines Thaumatothrips froggatti and Phallothrips houstoni Mound and Crespi invade these galls, kill the Iotatubothrips adults, and breed therein. The Iotatubothrips occasionally attempt, ineffectually, to fight off the invaders, and they apparently make partitions within the gall to protect themselves from takeover. Adults of Lichanothrips spp. glue phyllodes of Acacia harpophylla together using eggs and patches of secretion, and they breed in the resultant narrow space. Xanothrips xantes Mound breed in these spaces after the Lichanothrips have left. Fighting in Kladothrips rugosus, Oncothrips tepperi and Onychothrips tepperi involves two adults rearing up head to head, sparring with their enlarged, armed forelegs raised, and attempting to grasp and hold their opponent with their forelegs and drive their sharply pointed fore-tarsal teeth into their opponent's body. Females of Onychothrips arotrum also grasp, stab and kill with their forelegs, but they have not been observed to rear up head to head. Three of the inquiline species, Csirothrips watsoni, Thaumatothrips froggatti and Phallothrips houstoni, kill the original gall inhabitants by extending their forelegs directly in front of their bodies, tilting their heads back, remaining in this position for variable periods of time, and sharply pulling their armed fore tibiae towards the fore femora when their victim is near. Inquilinism in gall thrips may have evolved from lethal intraspecific fighting. Certain aspects of behaviour and morphology in Australian gall thrips, such as high prevalence of lethal fighting, gall ‘plugging’ in Csirothrips watsoni, attempted gall defence and apparent formation of partitions in Iotatubothrips crozieri, and the presence of wing-reduced adults in Oncothrips tepperi, indicate that these species exhibit some of the most complex behaviour thus far discovered in Thysanoptera.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(43-44):2665-2676
A Japanese foliage spider, Cheiracanthium japonicum, builds nests with plant leaves. The nests are classified into seven types in relation to the seasons and purposes of nesting. We investigated whether the spider selects a plant species according to the nest type and how the physical traits of leaves influence the spider's plant selection. The difference between the composition of the host plant species used for nesting and that of the seasonal vegetation cover was confirmed. This suggests that the spider chooses the host plant species regardless of its abundance in their habitat. Early juveniles use small living or large dead leaves of various plant species to build moulting nests. Females prefer long and large leaves found in Miscanthus sinensis and Phragmites japonica over other plant leaves to build breeding nests.  相似文献   

Thirteen species of bats occur in Nebraska, but limited information is available on those inhabiting southwestern parts of the state. We investigated the distribution, abundance, and reproductive activity of bats in 5 counties in extreme southwestern Nebraska (Chase, Hays, Dundy, Hitchcock, and Red Willow). From April 2007 to April 2008, we deployed mist nets on 15 occasions at 8 localities over the Republican River and its tributaries. We captured 100 individuals representing 5 species, including the evening bat ( Nycticeius humeralis ), eastern red bat ( Lasiurus borealis ), hoary bat ( Lasiurus cinereus ), big brown bat ( Eptesicus fuscus ), and silver-haired bat ( Lasionycteris noctivagans ). All species raised young in this region of Nebraska, except L. noctivagans , which was documented only during migration. Lactating females of N. humeralis captured on 15 June and volant young captured on 23 June extend known dates of reproductive activity for this species in the state, and an adult female captured on 30 April represents the earliest seasonal record of this species from Nebraska. Our records of evening bats also extend the known distribution of this species farther west in Nebraska than previously reported. Changes in land use throughout the Great Plains during the last century have altered many habitats, such as gallery forests associated with rivers, and distributions of mammals, including bats, have shifted to reflect those ecological changes.  相似文献   

Females of Anthene emolus use the presence of the weaver ant, Oecophylla smaragdina, as oviposition cue. Ovipositing females are not attacked by the ants. The first instar larvae are adopted by the ants and carried into their pavilions where the caterpillars feed. Outside the pavilions the larvae cannot survive. The older larvae leave the pavilions and are carried by the ants to their feeding places or back into the pavilions. The larvae are constantly attended by the ants. During the 3rd and 4th instar the caterpillars secrete high amounts of nutritive liquids representing an estimated energy content of 200 J per larva. Thus the larvae are important trophobionts of Oe. smaragdina and attract the ants by releasing food recruitment behaviour. The pupae are not attractive for ants, but are not attacked, either. The emerging adults are not protected from ant attacks and are sometimes killed by their host ants. The costs and benefits of this close obligate myrmecophilous relationship for both the ants and lycaenids as well as the evolution of ant-specific relationships of the lycaenids are discussed.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(5-6):369-377
Natural history data on snakes collected in situ are scarce because of the great sampling effort required to record individuals with methods that do not interfere with their activities (e.g. visual surveys). We collected data on relative abundance and natural history, including records of ingested prey, microhabitat use, and behaviour of a snake assemblage along transects marked alongside a river in south-eastern Brazil. We recorded eight species from two families, Viperidae and Dipsadidae using visual searches over 12 months. We quantified available microhabitats in the sampled transects and used electivity indices to determine preferred microhabitats for the pit viper Bothrops moojeni, the most frequent species. Several species of snakes use riverside habitats where they can find food and suitable microhabitats, even in areas that are not pristine, adding to the importance of preserving the remaining riverside vegetation and habitat structure in such areas.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(19-20):1225-1238
The natural history of the lizard Enyalius perditus was studied from August 2005 to July 2006, at Parque Estadual Nova Baden, in the municipality of Lambari, State of Minas Gerais, south-eastern Brazil. We found that E. perditus may be considered a semi-arboreal species, like other species in the genus, sleeping on vegetation (slim branches or large leaves) at night, possibly to minimize predation. Females with enlarged follicles or oviducal eggs were found from November to January and juveniles recruited at the end of the dry season and beginning of the rainy season, in October. The diet of this lizard is composed mainly of Lepidoptera larvae, Araneae and Formicidae. Females were larger than males, and juvenile coloration is similar to that of adult females.  相似文献   

Adults of both sexes of Cheimas opalinus (Staudinger), a Satyrinae butterfly occurring in the cloud forests of the Venezuelan Cordillera de Mérida, have simple wing colour patterns, dark brown dorsa marked by one conspicuous element, large greenish-blue patches in the discal area of the hind wing. It was observed that in young, freshly emerged females these patches are frequently absent. They fade away and eventually disappear during mating and nuptial flights when brushed out by lateral movements of the male’s hind wing put between folded female hind wings. The falling off of the scales is made easy because they do not adhere to the wing as firmly as brown background scales due to their particular folded extremities. We speculate that this process is related to the fitness of the females. Prior to mating, blue-green patches are advantageous because they attract the attention of the opposite sex and enhance the chances of successful mating. After mating they lose their sexual role. Females without the blue-green patches become cryptic. Thus, they are less apparent not only for the males, which helps them avoid sexual harassment, but also for potential bird predators. Additionally, the loss of blue reflecting scales may speed up the warming up of the abdomen and egg maturation. In the males, positive role of the patches (signalling), and negative (bird attraction), is balanced during their entire life span, and they fade gradually due to regular usage of wings scaling in flight. Our hypothesis is supported by morphological, optical, experimental and statistical analysis in which we used 509 individuals of both sexes. A similar ratio of young (with undamaged wing) females with or without blue patch was recorded, whereas in the males no individuals without any trace of blue patch were reported, and a correlation of age (wing damage) and gradual fading off of the patch was demonstrated. Such an adaptation involving an active change of the appearance of adults, i.e. colour patterns related to sexual selection, has not been reported previously in Lepidoptera.  相似文献   

The ecology of West African arid savannah snakes is still poorly known, especially in regard to the fossorial species. Here, field data on distribution, morphometrics, habitat use and diet are reported for the sand boa Eryx muelleri (Erycidae) from three different countries, i.e. Burkina Faso, Togo and Nigeria. This snake was observed in 21 distinct localities, and a total of 39 individuals was recorded. The species is likely fairly common and locally abundant. Mean body length of snakes was similar among countries and between sexes, but males had proportionately longer tails than females. Body length was significantly positively correlated with both tail length and head length. Adult sex ratio was close to parity. Most of the specimens were found in well-vegetated spots with low percentage of bare soil. There were apparently both ontogenetic and intersexual dietary variations: (1) a single analysed juvenile fed upon a small-sized lizard, whereas adults fed considerably upon young rodents; and (2) females fed exclusively upon young rodents and males upon both lizards and young rodents. In conservation terms, the species is actively exported from Togo for the pet trade, and additional individuals may also be illegally collected in other countries.  相似文献   

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