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《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(7-8):411-422
The Plateremaeoidea demonstrate highly differentiated patterns of dorsal setae on the hysterosoma because these setae are lost in protonymph and adult. Setal loss in protonymph always starts with setae of d-series, and occurs in order, continuing to the l-series and h-series. For example, Aleurodamaeus setosus (Berlese, 1883 Berlese, A. 1883. Escursione in Sicilia. Acarofauna Sicula. Ia serie. Bull Soc Entomol Ital., 15: 212220.  [Google Scholar]) and Al. africanus Pletzen, 1963 Pletzen, R Van. 1963. Studies on South African Oribatei, II. Plateremaeidae Trägardh 1931; Genus Pedrocortesella Hammer 1961. Acarologia, 5(3): 438442.  [Google Scholar] lose setae of d-series in protonymph, and eight pairs in adult (c-series, l-series, h 2, h 3), so four pairs of setae remain (h 1, p-series). Arthrodamaeus reticulatus (Berlese, 1910), Gymnodamaeus bicostatus (C. L. Koch, 1836) and Jacotella neonominata Subías, 2004 Subías LS. 2004. Listado sistemático, sinonímico y biogeográfico de los Ácaros Oribátidos (Acariformes, Oribatida) del mundo (1758–2002). Graellsia. 60:3–305. Online version accessed in February 2011, p. 1–558. Available from http://www.ucm.es/info/zoo/Artropodos/Catalogo.pdf (http://www.ucm.es/info/zoo/Artropodos/Catalogo.pdf)  [Google Scholar] lose also setae la and lm in protonymph, and four pairs (c-series, lp), five pairs (c-series, lp, h 3) and six pairs (c-series, lp, h 2, h 3) in adults, respectively, so six pairs (h-, p-series), five pairs (h 1, h 2, p-series) and four pairs of setae (h 1, p-series) remain, respectively. Licnodamaeus costula Grandjean, 1931 Grandjean, F. 1931. Le genre Licneremaeus Paoli (Acariens). Bull Soc Zool France., 56: 221250.  [Google Scholar] loses additionally seta lp, and Licnobelba latiflabellata (Paoli, 1908 Paoli, G. 1908. Monografia del genere Dameosoma Berl. e generi affini. Redia., 5: 3191.  [Google Scholar]) also lose seta h 2 in protonymph, and setae of c-series in adults, so six pairs of setae (h-series, p-series) remain in the former species, and four pairs (h 1, p-series) in the latter species. Morphological characters of juveniles and adults of eight species of Plateremaeoidea are compared.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(43-44):2639-2664
Four new species of the genus Calamotropha Zeller are described from China: Calamotropha duofurcata sp. nov., Calamotropha abrupta sp. nov., Calamotropha aequilata sp. nov. and Calamotropha unispinea sp. nov. Three species are redescribed: Calamotropha formosella Bleszynski, 1961 Bleszynski, S. 1961. Revision of the World species of the Family Crambidae (Lepidoptera). Part I. Genus Calamotropha Zell. Acta Zool Cracov., 6(7): 137272. pls. 20–71 [Google Scholar], Calamotropha josettae Bleszynski, 1961 Bleszynski, S. 1961. Revision of the World species of the Family Crambidae (Lepidoptera). Part I. Genus Calamotropha Zell. Acta Zool Cracov., 6(7): 137272. pls. 20–71 [Google Scholar] and Calamotropha melli (Caradja and Meyrick, 1933 Caradja, A and Meyrick, E. 1933. Materialien zu einer Microlepidopteren-Fauna Kwangtungs. Dtsch entomol Z Iris., 47(3):123–144) [Google Scholar]). Calamotropha latella (Snellen, 1890 Snellen, PCT. 1890. A catalogue of the Pyralidina of Sikkim collected by Henry J. Elwes and the late Otto Möller, with notes by H. J. Elwes. Trans Entomol Soc Lond 1890:557–647, pls 19–20 [Google Scholar]) is newly recorded for China. Images of adults and illustrations of genitalia of the new species and the redescribed species are provided. A checklist and a key to the known Chinese species are presented, along with a map showing the distribution of these species.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(27-28):1671-1696
This paper contributes to the knowledge of the family Zerconidae, describing material collected from several locations in Croatia. Seventeen species are listed, four of them (Prozercon martae sp. nov., Zercon danyii sp. nov., Zercon laczii sp. nov. and Zercon lanceolatus sp. nov.) proved to be new to science, a further eight species (Zercon arcuatus Trägårdh, 1931 Trägårdh, I. 1931. Terrestrial Acarina. Zool Faeroes., 2(49): 169.  [Google Scholar], Zercon athiasi Vincze, 1965 Vincze, S. 1965. Einige Beiträge zur Zerconiden-Fauna Ungarns. Opusc Zool Inst Zoosyst Univ Budapest., 5(2): 241246.  [Google Scholar], Zercon berlesei Sellnick, 1958 Sellnick, M. 1958. Die Familie Zerconidae Berlese. Acta Zool Hung., 3: 313368.  [Google Scholar], Zercon latissimus Sellnick, 1944 Sellnick, M. 1944. Zercon C. L. Koch. Acari, Blätter Milbenk., 5: 3041.  [Google Scholar], Zercon romagniolus Sellnick, 1944 Sellnick, M. 1944. Zercon C. L. Koch. Acari, Blätter Milbenk., 5: 3041.  [Google Scholar], Zercon storkani Hala?ková, 1969 Hala?ková, V. 1969. Zerconidae of Czechoslovakia (Acari: Mesostigmata). Acta Univ Carol-Biol., 3–4: 175352.  [Google Scholar], Zercon tematinensis Ma?án & Fend'a, 2004 Ma?án, P and Fend'a, P. 2004. Zerconid mites of Slovakia (Acari, Mesostigmata, Zerconidae). Bratislava: Institute of Zoology, Slovak Academy of Sciences., : 238 [Google Scholar], Zercon (Zerconella) leitnerae Willmann, 1953 Willmann, C. 1953. Neue Milben aus den östlichen Alpen. Aus den Sitzungsberichten der Österr. Akad Wissensch Math.-naturw. Kl., Abt. I. 162. Bd., 6. Heft. Wien. p., : 449519.  [Google Scholar]) are recorded for the first time from Croatia.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(21-22):1451-1461
The 16 names proposed for the central and eastern African Goliath beetle Goliathus orientalis Moser, 1909 Moser, J. 1909. Eine neue Lokalform von Goliathus giganteus Lam. Deut Entomol Z, 1909: 238 [Google Scholar], are reviewed and a complete synonymy is presented for the species. The earliest published name is Goliathus giganteus orientalis Moser, 1909 Moser, J. 1909. Eine neue Lokalform von Goliathus giganteus Lam. Deut Entomol Z, 1909: 238 [Google Scholar], type locality Lindi, Deutsch-Ostafrika, and so the correct name for the species is Goliathus orientalis Moser, 1909 Moser, J. 1909. Eine neue Lokalform von Goliathus giganteus Lam. Deut Entomol Z, 1909: 238 [Google Scholar]. Goliathus meleagris Sjöstedt, 1927a Sjöstedt, Y. 1927a. Goliathus meleagris n. sp. (Vorläufige Mitteilung). Entomol Tidskr, 48: 123 [Google Scholar], type locality Katanga, Congo Belge, is a synonym of G. orientalis. Populations of G. orientalis in the Usambara Mountains, Tanzania, may represent a distinct subspecies. The correct subspecific name for this form would be G. orientalis usambarensis Preiss, 1933 Preiss, P. 1933. Neue und bekannte afrikanische Cetoniinen mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der Fauna von Mongoumba. Verh Naturhist Ver Preuss Rheinl Westfalens, 90: 13. 70–92 + pls [Google Scholar]; the widely used name G. orientalis preissi Endrödi, 1951 Endrödi, S. 1951. Die arten und aberrationen der gattung Goliathus Lam. i. Folia Entomol Hung (n. s), 4: 2956.  [Google Scholar], is a junior subjective synonym of G. o. usambarensis Preiss. Goliathus orientalis is re-described and characters are presented for separation of adults of G. orientalis from adults of the partially sympatric species Goliathus goliatus (L.), 1771 and Goliathus albosignatus Boheman, 1857.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(45-46):2881-2888
Three species of pseudionine bopyrid isopods infesting four species of munidid squat lobsters are reported from Philippine waters: Pleurocryptella laevis (Richardson, 1910 Richardson, H. 1910. Marine isopods collected in the Philippines by the U. S. Fisheries steamer Albatross in 1907–8. Bureau of Fisheries Document., 736: 144.  [Google Scholar]) from Agononida analoga (Macpherson, 1993); Aporobopyrus retrorsa (Richardson, 1910 Richardson, H. 1910. Marine isopods collected in the Philippines by the U. S. Fisheries steamer Albatross in 1907–8. Bureau of Fisheries Document., 736: 144.  [Google Scholar]) from Munida philippinensis Macpherson and Baba, 1993 and Munida kuboi Yanagita, 1943; and Munidion laterale Richardson, 1910 Richardson, H. 1910. Marine isopods collected in the Philippines by the U. S. Fisheries steamer Albatross in 1907–8. Bureau of Fisheries Document., 736: 144.  [Google Scholar] from Paramunida scabra (Henderson, 1885). All of these hosts, except for Paramunida scabra, are recorded for the first time bearing parasitic isopods.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(41-42):2597-2615
The history of Coecobrya is traced and the genus is redefined. Two new species are described and one known species is redescribed in this paper: Coecobrya lanna sp. nov., Coecobrya tukmeas sp. nov. and Coecobrya aokii (Yoshii, 1995 Yoshii, R. 1995. Notes on Collembola of Vanuatu. Acta Zool Asiae-Orient., 3: 4350.  [Google Scholar]). Additional details are provided for three other species Coecobrya guanophila Deharveng, 1990 Deharveng, L. 1990. Fauna of Thai caves. II. New Entomobryioidea Collembola from Chiang Dao cave, Thailand. Occas Papers Bernice P Bishop Mus., 30: 279287.  [Google Scholar], Coecobrya similis Deharveng, 1990 Deharveng, L. 1990. Fauna of Thai caves. II. New Entomobryioidea Collembola from Chiang Dao cave, Thailand. Occas Papers Bernice P Bishop Mus., 30: 279287.  [Google Scholar] and Coecobrya tenebricosa (Folsom, 1902). Complete S-chaetotaxy of the dorsal tergites is illustrated for the first time in the genus. Sinella ciliata Denis, 1932 is synonymized with C. tenebricosa. A key to the world species of Coecobrya is given.  相似文献   

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