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Nest construction behaviour and nest site selection are described for seven species of Afrotropical Ammophila.

Four species were atypical in their nest siting. Ammophila beniniensis selected shaded sites in well vegetated habitats, A. vulcania selected small clumps of vegetation in otherwise open habitats. A. insignis nested in vertical banks, old animal burrows and caves. A. braunsi is unique amongst Ammophila in its use of abandoned burrows of other wasps in non-friable clay soils. A. ferrugineipes, A. dolichodera and A. dolichocephala nested mostly in open habitats.

Methods of soil waste disposal, sealing of nests and their final coverage, differed interspecifically, in some cases intraspecifically, but often apparently in response to the habitat.

Temperature conditions, affected by habitat, influenced the depth to which nests were dug by some species. A. insignis switched sites in response to seasonal changes in temperature regimes in vertical banks.

The existence in particular species of both primitive and advanced aspects of nesting behaviour questions their use in assessing the evolutionary status of these species.  相似文献   

Female isopods Sphaeroma terebrans Bate 1866 are known to host their offspring in family burrows in aerial roots of the red mangrove Rhizophora mangle. During a study on the reproductive biology of S. terebrans in the Indian River Lagoon, Florida, USA, juvenile S. quadridentatum were found in family burrows of S. terebrans. Between September 1997 and August 1998, each month at least one female S. terebrans was found with juvenile S. quadridentatum in its burrow. The percentage of S. terebrans family burrows that contained juvenile S. quadridentatum was high during fall 1997, decreased during the winter, and reached high values again in late spring/early summer 1998, corresponding with the percentage of parental female S. terebrans (i.e. hosting their own juveniles). Most juvenile S. quadridentatum were found with parental female S. terebrans, but a few were also found with reproductive females that were not hosting their own offspring. Non-reproductive S. terebrans (single males, subadults, non-reproductive females) were never found with S. quadridentatum in their burrows. The numbers of S. quadridentatum found in burrows of S. terebrans ranged between one and eight individuals per burrow. No significant correlation between the number of juvenile S. quadridentatum and the numbers of juvenile S. terebrans in a family burrow existed. However, burrows with high numbers of juvenile S. quadridentatum often contained relatively few juvenile S. terebrans. The majority of juvenile S. quadridentatum found in family burrows of S. terebrans were smaller than the juvenile S. terebrans that were cared for by their mothers. The results indicate that the presence of S. quadridentatum in S. terebrans family burrows may negatively affect the duration of extended parental care in S. terebrans. It is not known why parental female S. terebrans are not able to discriminate against juvenile S. quadridentatum. Possibly, the fact that the two species are closely related facilitates S. quadridentatum sneaking into S. terebrans family burrows.  相似文献   

Spatial distribution patterns of the ghost crab Ocypode quadrata were analysed using different approaches at one disturbed and two preserved reflective sandy beaches of the Mexican Caribbean. We used spatial correlation analysis to describe the across-shore distribution of O. quadrata and their patch dynamics by beach and sampling time. In addition, we analysed the across-shore variability of habitat extent of O. quadrata (habitat envelope) and its relation to human disturbance and beach features. The spatial structure of burrow density was consistent through time, showing a bimodal distribution with very low abundance in the mid distribution range and a discrete increment of burrows to landward. Nonetheless, the size of patches varied temporally for the three beaches. Burrow size increased from seaward to landward. The location of the first burrow and the habitat envelope varied among sampling times and beaches. The location of the first burrow is mostly mediated by the swash climate, while the habitat envelope is mainly controlled by the level of human disturbance. Despite the low number of disturbed and control beaches, our results suggest that the habitat envelope could be included in future studies when using ghost crabs as indicators of human disturbance. Polynomial models and variographic analysis proved to be useful tools to describe the across-shore distribution and patch dynamics of the ghost crab.  相似文献   


A survey of the zoogeography of the eight constituent species of the genus Nerilla demonstrates that they are restricted to temperate and tropical coastal marine and brackish waters. The habitat substrata from which members of the genus have been recorded range in particle size from mud to small stones with an apparent preference for coarse sand and gravel. In addition to particulate substrata, collections have been made from red and green algae, ‘corallines’ and reed stems. Specific measurements of other habitat conditions have been largely limited to salinity and temperature readings.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(15):1847-1854
Methods for collecting mud shrimp are highly variable, and the efficiency of these techniques is poorly known. In October 1999, on a mud flat near Puerto Peñasco, Sonora, México, we compared the 'kiwi' method for extracting mud shrimp from their burrows, with a core sampling method designed to accomplish the same goal. The coring method involved pressing a 10 cm × 90 cm PVC pipe into the substratum, creating suction in the pipe, and withdrawing a core of mud and the shrimp within. The kiwi method required 8-10 researchers to march in a circle on the mud flat to gradually liquefy the mud, thereby forcing shrimp to the surface as the circle closed inward. Two transects of 30 cores conducted at high and at low tide yielded similar numbers of adult animals of both sexes. Previous results show that mud shrimp tend to aggregate within burrows when breeding. In this collection, the distribution of mud shrimp in cores did not differ from a Poisson distribution, suggesting that these shrimp were non-reproductive. The kiwi method provided no such information on mud shrimp distributions. Moreover, this method generated significantly fewer intact mud shrimp than were obtained in cores. Our results indicate that compared to the kiwi method, the coring method generates more animals, is less destructive of mud shrimp habitat, and provides more detailed information on mud shrimp populations.  相似文献   


Nests and prey are described for three species of Australian Sphex: cognatus Smith, ephippium Smith, and bilobatus Kohl. All three prey upon Tettigoniidae. The first two make relatively deep, multicellular nests and make open, accessory burrows beside the true nest entrance; however, these accessory burrows are absent in some populations of cognatus. The nests of bilobatus are shallow and contain only one or two cells. Briefer notes are presented on two species of the related genus Prionyx: globosus (Smith) and saevus (Smith); these are predators on Acrididae.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(31-32):1907-1921
A population of Calathotarsus simoni Schiapelli and Gerschman (1975) was discovered on a hillside in the Ventania system, Argentina. Our objectives were to quantify burrow density, record burrow morphology and door characteristics and describe the micro-habitat. We counted 57 burrows and report a density of 0.01 burrows/m2. Aggregation indices suggest that burrows are aggregated under some area plots but more evenly distributed on others. The trapdoor is thick and rigid with bevelled edges connected to the entrance rim by a narrow articulated hinge. Two egg sacs from females were obtained and data on eggs and spiderlings are presented. We registered six burrows of an undetermined species of Actinopus. While a few specimens of Actinopus sp. were found inhabiting this hillside, the highest proportion of burrows belonged to C. simoni. Spider diversity on the hillside shows the predominance of Linyphiidae, Nemesiidae and Gnaphosidae. One juvenile of C. simoni was captured using pitfall traps.  相似文献   


Some new data are given on the distribution and behaviour of Proisotoma stachi in Nigeria. It is suggested that this species is a junior subjective synonym of Rhodanella minos and that the sexual dimorphism of the males of the latter may be related to the environmental temperature.  相似文献   

Allocosa brasiliensis (Petrunkevitch, 1910) is a wolf spider that constructs silk-lined burrows along the coastal sand dunes of Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay. This species shows a reversal in typical sex roles and sexual size dimorphism expected for spiders. Females are the smaller and mobile sex, which initiates courtship at the male burrow entrance. Mating occurs in the male burrow, and when it ends, the male leaves and the female stays inside. Females prefer to mate with those males showing longest burrows, so burrow dimensions would be under strong sexual selection pressures. Previous studies in the laboratory indicated that male burrows are longer than those of virgin females, which were described as simple silk capsules. Preliminary observations suggested that juvenile burrows presented differences from those of adults; however, detailed observations of A. brasilienisis burrow characteristics at the field were lacking. The aim of this study was to characterise the burrows of adults and juveniles of A. brasiliensis under natural conditions. We recorded the dimensions of burrows inhabited by males, females and juveniles (n = 30 for each category) and created beeswax moulds that reflected burrow shape. Juveniles inhabited tubular burrows with two branches and two openings; on the contrary, adults were found in tubular burrows with a single entry. Males and females inhabited burrows of similar length and width, but those of juveniles were shorter and narrower. We discuss the results and their possible functional explanations according to the selective pressures expected for each developmental stage and sex.  相似文献   


Based on samples from 1968 to 1976 with a variety of collecting gear, 37 species belonging to 18 families of decapod crustaceans are reported from the Delaware Bay area. The species are divided into four major groups based on life habit and/or habitat (nektonic, benthic, commensal, and semi-terrestrial) and their distribution, relative abundance, and general ecology are described. It is concluded that the decapod crustaceans have closer affinities with taxa from the cool end of the Virginian province. Moreover, it is also concluded that our list is a conservative number of species because most collecting was conducted with grabs as dredge hauls which were primarily restricted to river oyster beds.  相似文献   


The geographical distribution of the genus Dynamene is described in the light of the recent discovery of three new species. D. bidentata appears to have a Boreal distribution whilst that of D. edwardsi and D. magnitorata is Atlanto-Mediterranean. D. torelliae, D. bifida, and D. tubicauda have a Mediterranean distribution but the first species may extend into the Black Sea. Only one species, D. ramuscula, has been recorded outside the Afro-European region, in S.E. Australia. The ranges and habitat preferences of those species outside the Mediterranean overlap as do some of those within the Mediterranean, particularly in the Naples Bay region. Juveniles of D. bidentata inhabit and feed on intertidal algae while adults shelter in crevices and empty tests of Balanus perforatus, mainly below MTL. Settlement of males into barnacle tests appears to be random, but females show some degree of aggregation, perhaps to other females. Other species show the same change of habitat at sexual maturity and all inhabit intertidal or inshore localities.  相似文献   

There are few in situ observations of deep-sea macrofauna, due to the remoteness of this ecosystem. Visual surveys conducted for marine management by MAREANO, (marine area database for Norwegian waters) and the petroleum industry (by SERPENTS, scientific and environmental remotely operated vehicle partnership using existing industrial technology) have provided unique material of visual information from large areas in the Norwegian Sea. The distribution, density and behaviour of the deep-sea amphipod Neohela monstrosa (Boeck, 1861) is described based on videos and samples from the Norwegian Sea. This amphipod is common on mud bottoms at 200–2181 m depth in the area. Dense communities were found in stands of the arctic sea pen Umbellula encrinus at more than 1000 m depth where temperatures were below 0° C. The mean density of N. monstrosa observed for larger areas was 4/100 m2 but densities of 15–36 individuals per m2 were found in local patches. It is domicolous which is characteristic of the superfamily Corophiida and digs burrows in soft muddy bottoms primarily by using large shovel-like gnathopods to scoop the sediment out. The amphipod was observed pushing and rolling sediment balls out of its burrow, which were probably held together with amphipod silk. It digs out an upper 3 to 4 cm wide burrow with a horizontal side burrow a couple of centimetres down. Neohela monstrosa appears to feeds on newly settled detritus that it collects from the surface sediment through the use of its long antennae while the burrow is mainly used for protection against predators such as demersal fish. Newly released juveniles are probably kept in the burrow for protection. Based on the local high density of N. monstrosa together with its habit of making long burrows, we suggest that there is significant bioturbation associated with the presence of N. monstrosa in deep sedimentary habitats of the Norwegian Sea, which likely provides an important ecosystem function.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(14):1713-1726
Several boring peracarid species engage in extended parental care with parents tolerating small juveniles in their burrows, but only anecdotal observations have been reported from boring isopods of the genus Limnoria. The isopod Limnoria chilensis Menzies is frequently found in holdfasts of the macroalgae Macrocystis pyrifera (L.) C. Agardh and Durvillea antarctica (Chamisso) Hariot. In the present study, holdfasts of D. antarctica that harboured L. chilensis were carefully dissected in order to examine the association pattern of reproductive females and small juveniles. In most infested holdfasts, L. chilensis reached very high densities of 43.7 ± 3.9 (mean ± SE) individuals cm?2 (range: 0–90 individuals cm?2). The overall sex ratio (females:males) was close to unity (1.2). Male size varied between 1.5 and 2.6 mm body length (BL) and female size between 1.5 and 3.6mm BL. The percentage of reproductive females was low (19.7% of all females), and only the largest females (>2.6 mm BL) were reproductive. Embryo numbers ranged between six and 19 per female and a significant correlation between female BL and the number of embryos was found. Several females were found with small juveniles (0.8–1.2 mm BL) in the terminal end of their burrows. On several occasions, aggregations of similar-sized juveniles (1.0–1.5 mm BL) in their own burrows were found near a female burrow, indicating that these juveniles initiated their first individual burrows from within the maternal burrows. Some females with small juveniles in the terminal end of their burrows were either accompanied by males or they were ovigerous, indicating that they may have been in the process of producing a second brood. The fact that juveniles build their first burrows in the protection of female burrows suggests that such small juveniles have not yet developed full boring capacity. Extended parental care in this (and other boring) peracarid species represents a mechanism facilitating high juvenile survival rates. Given the highly local recruitment, it is suggested that the reproductive biology of this isopod has strong implications for Its population biology.  相似文献   


The swarming flights of 23 species of termite were observed at three localities within Brazil and data collected on the periodicity of swarms, the predators which attach the exposed termites and the defensive behaviour of the three castes of termites.

The principal predators on termites during swarming were ants at ground level and birds in the air. The defensive behaviour of workers and soldiers effectively protected the termite alates from terrestrial predators, but only the low level of light at dawn and dusk protected them from aerial predators.

Most of the termites released their alates at the beginning of the rainy season, either at dawn or at dusk and protected them from grounded predators with a ‘blanket’ cordon of workers and soldiers.

Three species of the subterranean, soldierless Anoplotermes constructed special launching towers for the release of alates and protected them from predation with these structures. Armitermes euamignathus and Cornitermes cumulans also built launching structures on their nests for alates, but showed the ‘blanket’ behaviour of most termitids in their defence.

The towers constructed by the three species of Anoplotermes indicated, by their distribution and number, the density and approximate size of the subterranean colonies which built them. A mean density of 240 nests ha-1 and 258·24 termites m-2 was estimated for Anoplotermes sp I.  相似文献   

The burrow morphology of the echiuran worm Maxmuelleria lankesteri (Herdman) was investigated in situ using a resin casting technique. Work was carried out in Lochs Sween and Creran on the west coast of Scotland in predominantly fine mud sediments. Burrow casts typically had only 1 opening, although there is evidence to suggest that a second opening may exist. In 58% of burrows, the opening, which was small and funnel-shaped, was associated with a surface mound reaching up to 20 cm in height. The tunnel below the burrow opening, the ‘neck’, was narrow and circular in transverse section with a smooth wall, possibly due to the action of the mucus-laden proboscis which emerges during feeding. The maximum burrow depth recorded was 80 cm and tunnel orientation became more horizontal with increasing depth. In some larger burrows, the tunnel began to orientate upwards towards its end. Below the neck, the tunnel was much wider but had a sub-circular transverse section. The burrows had distinct striations on the walls of lower tunnels, possibly caused by movements of the animal within. In some cases, a community of symbiotic organisms had developed, including polychaetes and 2 species of bivalve, Mysella bidentata (Montagu) and Saxicavella jeffresii Winckworth. Evidence of burrow modification by the crustacean Jaxea nocturna Nardo was noted and gobies, including Gobius niger Linnaeus, were also responsible for some alterations to the upper burrow around the opening. Evidence suggested that burrows were permanent structures which changed little in position.  相似文献   


A taxonomic review of 15 species comprising the genus Bagatus (Asellota, Janiridae) is presented with the following species described as new (type-localities in parenthesis): Bagatus nereus (Ubatuba, São Paulo State, Brazil), B. triton (Belize, British Honduras) and B. brachydactylus (La Parguera, Puerto Rico).

Taxonomic characters and ontogenetic variation is discussed, and the status of dubious species clarified. B. crosslandi (Stebbing) is reinstated as a valid species; B. longimanus Pillai is considered a junior synonym of B. algicola (Miller) and B. falcifer (Barnard) a junior synonym of B. parvus (Omer-Cooper). Keys to species-groups and to species are provided together with notes on the geographical distribution and habitat.  相似文献   


This study analysed the influence of temperature, salinity and sediment texture on the distribution of pink shrimp juveniles (Farfantepenaeus brasiliensis) over a 20-year period. The shrimps were sampled monthly in Fortaleza Bay, north coast of São Paulo, Brazil, in November 1988–October 1989 (period 1) and then 20 years later in November 2008–October 2009 (period 2). In period 1 we captured 80 juveniles whereas in period 2 we captured 226. The abundance and distribution of F. brasiliensis seemed to be modulated by temperature and sediment texture, along with the fishing activity. The management strategies established between the samplings might have been responsible for the higher abundance of juveniles seen during period 2. The strategies included the limitation of fishing effort, regulation of fishing equipment and the establishment of environmental protection areas and temporary fishing ban.  相似文献   


A new species of terrestrial isopod, Metatrichonixoides celticus is described and differentiated from other European species of the same genus. M. celticus occurs on the coast of South Wales, U.K. and its supralittoral habitat is outlined.  相似文献   


The burrow-dwelling jawfish, Lonchopisthus micrognathus, occurs at 12–40 m depths on sandy-mud substrates in back reef areas off southwestern Puerto Rico. Its behaviour is remarkably similar to Opistognathus aurifrons. It feeds on suspended material in the water. The burrow has a primary opening with a vertical tube and smaller accessory openings. A crab, Chasmocarcinus cylindricus, occurs with it. Lonchopisthus micrognathus broods its eggs orally and may spawn the year round. Availability of suitable sediment is not limiting distribution of the species.  相似文献   

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