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《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(17-20):1213-1226
Bryconaethiops yseuxi Boulenger, 1899 Boulenger, G. A. 1899. Matériaux pour la faune du Congo. Poissons nouveaux du Congo.. Annales du Musée du Congo, Tervuren, Zoologie 1(4: Polypères, Clupes, Mormyres, Characins), : 5996.  [Google Scholar], originally described from “Haut Congo”, is rehabilitated. The species was synonymized, successively with B. microstoma (Günther, 1873 Günther, A. 1873. New fishes from Angola.. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, London (Series 4), 12(68): 142144. [Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar]) and B. macrops Boulenger, 1920 Boulenger, G. A. 1920. Poissons recueillis au Congo belge par l'expédition du Dr. C. Christy.. Annales du Musée du Congo (Série 1), 2(4): 138.  [Google Scholar], subsequently rehabilitated, and then again considered as a junior synonym of B. microstoma. Bryconaethiops yseuxi is here considered as a valid species, easily distinguished from all other Bryconaethiops species by its small size (maximum: 72.2 mm SL), 7.5 rows of scales between the dorsal‐fin origin and the lateral line; 11–13/1/8–12 gill rakers on the first gill arch and long dorsal‐fin and anal‐fin bases, respectively, 15.7–17.6% of SL and 22.7–25.9% of SL.  相似文献   

The penial and tarsal morphology of Protimesius is studied and morphological data support the revalidation of Obidosus with the subsequent new combinations (20 species) and restored combinations (two species). Emended diagnoses are proposed for both genera, and two cave-dwelling new species of Protimesius are described and illustrated: P. lucifer sp. nov. (Pará state) and P. orcus sp. nov. (Ceará state). An identification key to the species of Protimesius and distributional maps of Obidosus and Protimesius are provided.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:C4E9C04D-A646-41E4-AE59-B6D0C951DEAB  相似文献   

There are few in situ observations of deep-sea macrofauna, due to the remoteness of this ecosystem. Visual surveys conducted for marine management by MAREANO, (marine area database for Norwegian waters) and the petroleum industry (by SERPENTS, scientific and environmental remotely operated vehicle partnership using existing industrial technology) have provided unique material of visual information from large areas in the Norwegian Sea. The distribution, density and behaviour of the deep-sea amphipod Neohela monstrosa (Boeck, 1861) is described based on videos and samples from the Norwegian Sea. This amphipod is common on mud bottoms at 200–2181 m depth in the area. Dense communities were found in stands of the arctic sea pen Umbellula encrinus at more than 1000 m depth where temperatures were below 0° C. The mean density of N. monstrosa observed for larger areas was 4/100 m2 but densities of 15–36 individuals per m2 were found in local patches. It is domicolous which is characteristic of the superfamily Corophiida and digs burrows in soft muddy bottoms primarily by using large shovel-like gnathopods to scoop the sediment out. The amphipod was observed pushing and rolling sediment balls out of its burrow, which were probably held together with amphipod silk. It digs out an upper 3 to 4 cm wide burrow with a horizontal side burrow a couple of centimetres down. Neohela monstrosa appears to feeds on newly settled detritus that it collects from the surface sediment through the use of its long antennae while the burrow is mainly used for protection against predators such as demersal fish. Newly released juveniles are probably kept in the burrow for protection. Based on the local high density of N. monstrosa together with its habit of making long burrows, we suggest that there is significant bioturbation associated with the presence of N. monstrosa in deep sedimentary habitats of the Norwegian Sea, which likely provides an important ecosystem function.  相似文献   


This study investigated the influence of temporal and seasonal variation (rainy/dry cycle) on the component community structure and infracommunities of parasites in Metynnis lippincottianus from the eastern Amazon (Brazil). A total of 8,774 parasites representing 9 species and 22,765 parasites representing 12 species was collected in 2011 and 2016 respectively, but only 42.8% of the species were common to both study years. In both years, there was a dominance of Ichthyophthirius multifiliis and the component community was 51% dissimilar. The species richness of parasites and the Berger–Parker dominance were higher in 2016, while the evenness and Brillouin diversity were higher in 2011. The prevalence and abundance of I. multifiliis and P. pillulare, as well as the prevalence of Contracaecum sp. were higher in the rainy season. The abundance of Anacanthorus strongylophalus, Urocleidoides sp., Dadayus pacupeva and Dadaytrema oxycephala was higher in the dry season. Infection with Procamallanus (Spirocamallanus) inopinatus was not influenced by the season, while by Trichodina sp. occurred only in the dry season and Ergasilus xinguensis only in the rainy season. The species richness of parasites, Brillouin diversity index and evenness were higher in the dry season, while the Berger–Parker index was higher in the rainy season. Temporal variation of communities and infracommunities of parasites was influenced by the body size of host populations and increase in anthropogenic impacts. Effect of seasons on environmental quality, host size and availability of infective stages of parasites were the determining factors in structuring the component communities and infracommunities of parasites.  相似文献   

Continuing examination of colonial ascidians in museum collections is revealing further diversity in the family Didemnidae, which abounds in the tropical Indo-West Pacific and around the Australian continent (Kott, 2001). From the present work, it is apparent that much remains to be learnt about this fauna. Of the 45 species discussed in this paper, 16 are new. Larvae are described for the first time for Polysyncraton pedunculatum Kott, 2001 and P. rica Kott, 2001. Amongst the synonymy established in this paper Didemnoides tropicum Sluiter, 1909 is found to be a junior synonym of Lissoclinum patella (Gottschaldt, 1898) and Trididemnum vermiforme Kott, 2001 a junior synonym of T. nobile Kott, 2001. Didemnum nekozita Tokioka, 1967 is found to be a valid species distinct from Polysyncraton cuculliferum (Sluiter, 1909). Prolific replication rates, rapid colony growth, flexibility in growth form and a viviparous habit result in convergence tending to small zooid size, and similar large, increasingly complex colonies found in this family contribute to species diversity around the whole of the Australian continent.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(3-4):157-176
Collecting in southern Spain yielded five species of Parotoplana and one species of Parotoplanella (Proseriata: Otoplanidae). Four species of Paratoplana proved to be new to science. Parotoplana cucullata sp. n. is distinguished by the shape of the lateral spines in the copulatory organ and in the presence of a “glandular organ” around the distal portion of the female duct. Parotoplana fretigaditani sp. n. is similar to P. procerostyla Ax, 1956 Ax, P. 1956. Monographie der Otoplanidae (Turbellaria): morphologie und systematik.. Akademie der Wissenschaften und der literatur Abhandlungen der Mathematisch‐Naturwissenschaftlichen klasse, 13: 159278.  [Google Scholar] in the general arrangement of spines, but their fine morphology is distinctive. Parotoplana varispinosa sp. n. differs from P. capitata Ax, 1956 Ax, P. 1956. Monographie der Otoplanidae (Turbellaria): morphologie und systematik.. Akademie der Wissenschaften und der literatur Abhandlungen der Mathematisch‐Naturwissenschaftlichen klasse, 13: 159278.  [Google Scholar] in the shape and number of spines. Parotoplana mastigophora sp. n. has a unique morphology of the stylet, and the spines of the girdle markedly differ in size and shape. The karyotype of P. cucullata sp. n. (n = 6) is described. In addition, Parotoplana primitiva and Parotoplanella heterorhabditica, previously known from the Atlantic coast of France and north‐west Mediterranean, respectively, were found. The high proportion of new species demonstrates the present poor state of knowledge of interstial meiofauna.  相似文献   

Since the restriction of Astyanax fasciatus to Brazil, most authors have assigned Central American and southern Mexican forms of Astyanax to A. aeneus. However, molecular studies support the hypothesis that more than one taxon is involved. With the aim of clarifying the number and status of species hidden behind the name ‘A. aeneus’, this revision comprises 80 populations of Astyanax (and ‘Bramocharax’) from Panama to Texas, with comparative material from South America, based on morphological characters (mostly osteological). Astyanax aeneus is hereby restricted to the Pacific slope, from Río Papagayo, Guerrero, to Honduras. Several species are resurrected from synonymy or redescribed: A. altior (restricted to north-western Yucatán), A. argentatus (Texas and northern Mexico), A. belizianus (central-southern Belize, Izabal, Caribbean Honduras), A. brevimanus (upper Usumacinta and Grijalva, Chiapas, Quiché, Alta Verapaz), A. finitimus (Veracruz, Tabasco, northern Chiapas), A. mexicanus (restricted to Colima and the Balsas River basin), A. nicaraguensis (Caribbean Nicaragua to Sixaola, Panama), A. orstedii (south-eastern Nicaragua, Costa Rica and westernmost Panama), A. panamensis (Pacific Panama), and A. petenensis (Campeche, Petén). Nine species are newly described: A. acatlanensis sp. nov. (inland Oaxaca and Puebla), A. bacalarensis sp. nov. (Quintana Roo, northern Belize, Petén), A. cubilhuitz sp. nov. (Alta Verapaz), A. macal sp. nov. (Maya Mountains, Belize), A. ocotal sp. nov. (Lake Ocotal, highland Chiapas), A. rioverde sp. nov. (San Luis Potosí), A. salvatoris sp. nov. (Tamazulapan, Oaxaca), A. tamiahua sp. nov. (northern Veracruz) and A. tehuacanensis sp. nov. (Papaloapan, Oaxaca). Others were already recognised as different from A. aeneus, among these A. cocibolca and A. nasutus, as well as species included before in the genus Bramocharax.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:ABC57223-DF66-49B6-8FE0-87CFF5D3EA03  相似文献   

Three new species of potamonautid freshwater crabs are described from the Albertine Rift Valley, Eastern Africa. One of the new species is from Bwindi Impenetrable Forest in Uganda, the second is from Lake Kivu in Rwanda, and the third is from the Rwenzori Mountains in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Uganda. Diagnoses, illustrations and distribution maps are provided for these taxa, and they are compared to similar species from Uganda and elsewhere in East Africa.

www.zoobanl.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:FC681BD6-6FB2-4A14-B068-89FC3EB26605  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(29-30):1823-1834
Territoriality is common among amphibians with a prolonged breeding season and can be expressed through the defence of territories with vocalizations and aggressive interactions. The present study aims to describe the territorial behaviour of male Phyllomedusa nordestina, test whether the physical characteristics of males influence the results of disputes, and describe the vocalizations of the species. The study was conducted at temporary and permanent ponds located in the Ecological Reserve Michelin, Igrapiúna, Bahia, Brazil. Male P. nordestina defended territories and showed aggressive behaviour, consisting of vocal disputes, chasing and physical fighting. Winners were not bigger, heavier, or in better condition than the losers. The victory may be associated with the vocalization activity. Three types of vocalizations were recorded: the advertisement call, composed of one or two multipulsed notes, and two types of territorial calls. We also report on male patrolling behaviour and habitat use.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(41-42):2595-2608
Box jellyfishes (Cnidaria: Cubozoa) have a profound impact on human activities because of their highly potent venoms that may lead to severe envenomations in humans. Cubozoa is one of the smallest classes within Cnidaria with only some 50 described species in seven families. The literature on Cubozoa is scattered and oftentimes difficult to access. In particular, comprehensive treatments of Cubozoa that present a comparative overview of the group are either non-existent or largely outdated. Here we provide a synopsis of the carybdeid Cubozoa (Carybdeida) including an illustrated key to the families and genera of this order. Of particular interest is the family Carukiidae, which contains the species that was originally attributed with causing a severe envenomation syndrome called Irukandji syndrome. One new species of Carukiidae, Malo filipina sp. nov., is described, Morbakka virulenta is redescribed and a neotype is designated, and an unidentified species of Morbakka is recorded from the Philippines.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(38):3369-3405
New records are given of the water mite family Hygrobatidae (without the genus Atractides) from southern Africa (South Africa, Botswana, Namibia). In addition to one new subgenus of the genus Hygrobates, namely Inflatibates, four new species are described, namely Hygrobates draconicus, H. laceratoides, H. okavangoensis, and H. inflatipes as well as one new subspecies, namely Hygrobates spathuliferus cederberg. The following synonyms are established: the subgenus Capobates Thor with Hygrobates Koch, Hygrobates sanguineus transvaalensis K. O. Viets with Hygrobates spathuliferus (Lundblad), and Ambiguobates permixtus agnewi K. O. Viets with Ambiguobates permixtus K. Viets. The male of Australiobates pilosus (K. Viets) is described for the first time. The synonymization of Diversibates with Australiobates can now be confirmed. Finally, keys are given for the known genera of southern Africa, as well as for all known species of the genus Hygrobates from southern Africa.  相似文献   

A new species of mealybug from southern Asia, Dysmicoccus finitimus sp. nov., is described. It has often been confused with D. cocotis (Maskell), to which it is closely related. Both species are common on coconut and often occur in sufficient numbers to cause growers concern. D. cocotis is known from a wide area of Micronesia, Polynesia and Melanesia, but it is not known to occur west of the Federated States of Micronesia in the north and Fiji in the south. There are no records of D. cocotis from the Solomon Islands or Papua New Guinea, despite extensive collecting on coconut in these territories. D. finitimus is confined to southern India, Sri Lanka, Cocos (Keeling) Islands and peninsular Malaysia. There are no records yet of the new species from Indonesia.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(11-12):699-740
The present paper reports 32 turrid species from the China Seas, belonging to eight genera of the subfamily Crassispirinae of the family Turridae. Four new species are described: Funa cretea sp. nov., Inquisitor plurivaricis sp. nov., Inquisitor vividus sp. nov. and Ptychobela resticula sp. nov. Eight species are recorded for the first time from the China Seas.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(10):1225-1232
We describe some rare epizoic rotifers found on Potamon fluviatile (Herbst, 1785) from Italy. Three species are discussed: Lecane branchicola (Piovanelli, 1903) (Monogononta, Lecanidae; new synonym: L. piovanellii Barto?, 1957 Barto?, E. 1957. Die Rädertiere der Kiemenhöhle der Süsswasserkrabbe (Potamon potamon). Vestnik Ceskoslovenské Zoologiscké Spolecnosti, 21: 376380.  [Google Scholar]), Anomopus telphusae Piovanelli, 1903 and Embata parasitica (Giglioli, 1863) (Bdelloidea: Philodinidae). Lecane branchicola, previously considered a nomen nudum after Barto? (1957 Barto?, E. 1957. Die Rädertiere der Kiemenhöhle der Süsswasserkrabbe (Potamon potamon). Vestnik Ceskoslovenské Zoologiscké Spolecnosti, 21: 376380.  [Google Scholar]), is redescribed, and its identity is stabilized by the designation of a neotype. Both L. branchicola and A. telphusae are particularly rare, and have been found on a few occasions only. Lecane branchicola appears to be restricted to a specific body part of their host, namely the branchial chamber. On the contrary, E. parasitica has been recorded as epizoic from several hosts and regions. SEM photographs of the trophi of the three species are presented.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(29-30):1993-2013
Ten new species of the subgenus Stegana (Steganina) are described from southern to south-western China: S. (S.) convena sp. nov., S. (S.) cylindrica sp. nov., S. (S.) eurystoma sp. nov., S. (S.) hamata sp. nov., S. (S.) hirticeps sp. nov., S. (S.) latigena sp. nov., S. (S.) planiceps sp. nov., S. (S.) rhomboica sp. nov., S. (S.) setivena sp. nov. and S. (S.) sphaerica sp. nov. They cannot be placed under any established species groups. http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:D4B6C5A7-3700-4B0C-8355-E4564C2A7296  相似文献   

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