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《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(19-20):1195-1206
Limnomedusa is a monotypic genus that occurs in association with rocky outcrops and stream beds. Based on observational and mark–recapture fieldwork from 2005 to 2008, we report the breeding biology of Limnomedusa macroglossa in southern Brazil. The reproductive season lasted from late August to early February. Tadpoles were recorded from early September to late February. A clear pattern of emergence/recruitment was observed in juveniles. The occurrence of reproductive activities was clearly related to the longest photoperiods, when the highest temperatures occur. Males called from rocky or concrete substrates, mostly under rocks. Amplexus was axillary and the operational sex ratio was nearly even. Spawn occurred in lentic water bodies but tadpoles also completed their development in slow‐flowing water. Although using similar habitats for reproduction, L. macroglossa reached lower levels of specialization toward terrestriality than did the cycloramphids Cycloramphus and Thoropa. We classify L. macroglossa as a breeding habitat specialist that would be threatened by river damming.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(21-22):1313-1349

Nectaries are structures that secrete a sugary solution and can occur on vegetative and/or reproductive parts of plants. The significance of floral nectaries to reward vertebrate and arthropod pollinators is well supported. The role of extrafloral nectaries (EFNs) is more ambiguous, though research has been skewed to the ant-plant mutualism. Many other insects feed at EFNs, but these interactions are vastly understudied. This study addresses the hypothesis that EFNs may influence the occurrence and structure of Neotropical canopy beetle communities. Seven canopy trees (four families) exhibiting EFNs and their associated beetles were studied over a one-year period in southern Venezuela. In total, 6818 adult beetles identified to 868 species were recorded on 25 investigated canopy tree species (#47 individuals). Of the 868 beetle species, 150 species (517 individuals; 17.3% species) from 20 families were observed drinking from foliar EFNs on seven EFN-bearing tree species. Dietary dependence on EF nectar varied, with 95 beetle species utilising this nectar within a broader diet and 55 species found feeding exclusively on EFNs. This study demonstrates unequivocally that EF nectar is a frequently utilised food resource of many beetle adults and beetles have been a significantly underestimated visitor group. A more detailed study was conducted on six individual canopy trees of two species of Chrysobalanaceae, Licania hebantha Mart. ex Hook. f. and Moquilea subarachnophylla (Cuatrec.) Sothers and Prance. In total, 115 individual adults of 64 beetle species were collected on nectar secreted on newly-sprouted leaves. These beetle assemblages were dominated by species utilising EF nectar and were associated with distinct phenological phases of the host trees. Altogether, the beetle survey found support for the hypothesis that EFNs influence the occurrence and structure of beetle communities. These beetle-EFN relationships have implications for spatial arrangement, community assembly and evolution of both host plants and beetles. Like ant-EFN mutualism, EFN-bearing trees and beetles may also form mutualism. It is possible that the plants offer easier access to a nutritious resource that may deflect herbivory of vegetative parts.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(37-38):2325-2367
Leaf beetles (Chrysomelidae; ~40,000 species) are commonly solitary animals but subsociality, maternal care of broods, is known in Cassidinae and Chrysomelinae. We report 11 novel records from Brazil and Peru, bringing the number of subsocial chrysomelids to 35 species in 10 genera. Two evolutionary models of chrysomelid subsociality have been proposed. One proposed three independent origins within Chrysomelinae, based on the potential phylogenetic positions of subsocial genera. The other hypothesised that an evolutionary arms race between chrysomelid prey and their predators, parasites, and parasitoids has led to an escalation of defences. Using our phylogenies, we propose that subsociality originated independently in Cassidinae and Chrysomelinae, and several times within each subfamily. Subsociality was preceded by particular behaviours. In Cassidinae, exophagous larvae with chemically offensive faecal weaponry preceded aggregated living, group defences (e.g. cycloalexy), and maternal guarding. In Chrysomelinae, offensive glandular compounds preceded ovi- and viviparity before subsociality.  相似文献   

Considering the little information on the biology and phenology of Chrysomelidae beetles and interaction with their host plants, we have followed the populations of Stolas chalybea, S. areolata and Anacassis phaeopoda for 2 years in order to obtain basic biological data on them and to describe their occurrence throughout the year. After emerging from the eggs, larvae of the three studied species remained aggregated, although the size of the groups decreased as the larvae developed. Egg clusters and young larvae of the two Stolas species were more frequently found on the underside of leaves of their host plants and mature larvae of S. areolata were only observed on the upper side of leaves. Adults of the three species were always isolated and both Stolas species were more frequently found on the upper side of leaves. The number of new branches on the host plant and some other plant physical characteristics were significantly related to Cassidinae abundance. The three studied species became active with the end of the dry season, reproduced more intensely during the rainy season and reduced their activity with the lowering of temperature and rainfall. The beetles also showed a lower peak of egg laying at the end of diapause of adults. This pattern of occurrence was very similar to the occurrence of leaves, especially the newest ones, on their host plants. Significant positive correlations between Cassidinae numbers and temperature showed that this parameter could influence ovipositing and mating activities.  相似文献   

Cassidinae Gyllenhaal? is the second largest subfamily of Chrysomelidae (Coleoptera), which presents characteristic morphology, biology and behaviour. The current study describes the life cycle of Paraselenis(Spaetiechoma) dichroa (Germar), ?determining biological and behavioural aspects as well as the action of natural enemies on populations, when the species has maternal care. The study was conducted between February and April 2015 in the National Forest of Passa Quatro, municipality of Passa Quatro, Minas Gerais state, Brazil. Daily observations were made (morning and afternoon) to evaluate the offspring of females on Ipomoea sp. and Merremia macrocalyx (O’Donell?) (Convolvulaceae), as well as the actions of natural enemies on the young. The eggs are deposited on the midrib and abaxial surface of leaves (n = 25). Egg clusters are pedunculated, arranged in groups and devoid of any cover. On average, each female produced 27.3 ± 5.6 (n = 16) eggs, with a mean incubation period of 12.7 ± 2.9 days (n = 10 females with their young). The larvae remained grouped in the leaves throughout development, except when they fed. They retained faeces and exuviae as a stacked faecal structure on their mobile urogomphi (caudal process) like a faecal shield. The mean number of larvae per female was 12.7 ± 10.1 (n = 19) and the larval period lasted 24.9 ± 4.5 days (n = 12). Pupation occurred on the stem of the plant (n = 16). On average there were 8.1 ± 8.5 individuals for pupae progeny (n = 14). The mean duration of the pupal stage was 10.4 ± 3.3 days (n = 5). Overall, 3% of adults emerged (n = 13 individuals), with a total cycle time of 41.3 ± 8.4 days (n = 6). Adults are sexually dimorphic in the elytral shape. Females remain with the offspring throughout development. The natural enemies of immatures were Emersonella pubipennis Hansson? (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), Tachinidae (Diptera) and Stiretrus decastigmus (Herrich-Schaeffer?) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae), Conura sp. Spinola? (Hymenoptera: Chalcididae) and Brachymeria sp. Westwood? (Hymenoptera: Chalcididae). The information presented here on the natural history of P. dichroa are important as they may serve as a starting point to understand evolutionary questions and multispecies interactions.  相似文献   

Intra-specific colour differences in insects may occur as a result of environmental factors such as food type, temperature and humidity, or may be under genetic control. These colour polymorphisms may result in fitness differences through several mechanisms, including mate selection, camouflage from or warning to natural enemies, and heat absorption. Two colour morphs of adult Chrysophtharta agricola (Chapuis) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Paropsini) are present in the field in mainland Australia and Tasmania: a common green-brown form, and a rare black form. Tasmanian populations were sampled to assess the frequency of each morph at eight localities. The black form represented less than 3% of beetles (N=1724), with the proportion not significantly different between localities. Crossing tests using the two colour morphs of C. agricola showed that the black form was genetically dominant over the common form. To assess whether colour morphs had any fitness differences, we measured pre-oviposition period, fecundity, longevity, adult size and egg hatch rate, which each showed no significant difference between colour morphs. Field sampling of mating pairs and rearing the offspring of field-collected females showed no evidence of non-random mating. Modelling the population over 100 generations confirmed that for this species, melanism is controlled by a dominant but neutral allele, and, thus, is maintained at a constant low level in the population.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(25-26):1749-1763
Specimens of Chinavia musiva were collected in Parque Estadual do Espinilho (Barra do Quaraí County, RS, Brazil). Insects were reared under controlled conditions (24±1°C; RH 70±10%; 12h L:12h D), and fed on green beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Eggs of C. musiva differ from the pattern observed in other species of the genus due to chorion colour and surface, and aero‐micropylar processes, number and shape. Exclusive features of the species in the nymphal stage are head and thorax dull; variegated pattern of abdomen, and openings of the scent glands in conspicuous tubercles. Developmental time was, on average, 52 days; females laid more frequently egg masses with 14 or 42 eggs. Females collected from the field as nymphs exhibited higher reproductive performance than females reared on green beans as nymphs and adults, suggesting that wild hosts could be essential for the species life cycle.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(19-20):1249-1261
In this study, the population dynamics and sex ratios of 12 species of beetles of the tribe Onciderini (Cerambycidae: Lamiinae) were investigated from 2002 to 2006 in an Atlantic rain forest of south-eastern Brazil located at the Biological Reserve of the Serra do Japi. The period of activity of adult beetles ranged from October to May, with slight differences among the species. From June to September, adults were not found and we considered them absent. Our findings showed that adults of these beetles were strongly seasonal, and abundances were correlated with climatic factors that occurred up to two months in advance. Sex ratios were skewed to females in most of the species. The factors determining the population dynamic and sex ratios of these insects are discussed.  相似文献   

Feeding on very small seeds at tree fruit falls is a recently discovered adaptation of ground beetles living in tropical lowland rainforests. A seed-feeding guild of eight species of the genus Notiobia is known from fig fruit falls at a terra firme rainforest near Manaus (Central Amazonia). Only two of these species also reproduce at fig fruit falls. The remaining six species use fig fruit falls as 'stepping-stones' when migrating between the more seasonally restricted fruit falls of their host tree species. Four species are known to feed and reproduce at fruit falls of the Melastomataceae genera Bellucia, Loreya and Miconia. One of the remaining species, N. disparilis is only known from four specimens and the host tree species where it reproduces is still unknown. The sixth species, N. nebrioides, appears in comparatively high numbers at both fig and Melastomataceae fruit falls but does not reproduce there. In this study we looked for its host tree species and found it to be the most abundant carabid beetle at fruit falls of Coussapoa asperifolia (Cecropiaceae) and Vismia guianensis (Clusiaceae) and to reproduce there. Recently, Arndt and Kirmse (in press) found N. nebrioides reproducing at fruit falls of Goupia glabra (Celestraceae) in south Venezuela. So N. nebrioides seems to be the most pronounced generalist among the seed-feeding ground beetles in Amazonian non-inundated lowland rainforests, reproducing at fruit falls of trees belonging to three different families.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(39-40):2415-2437
Larger organisms are expected to take longer to develop, depressing overall growth rates. An examination of relationships between size, development times and growth rates in British and northwest European butterflies has revealed a reversal of this relationship with large species developing rapidly and small species developing slowly, especially in subsets of species that complete their development in a single season and have multiple broods. Distinctive life history associations are found to be linked to rapid development (daytime and gregarious feeding) and enhanced defence (larval spines, aposematism) from the resulting increased exposure to enemies. Taxonomic bias is evident in development-size patterns linked to overwintering strategy and voltinism. Different strategies exist for faster growth in the larger Pieridae and non-satyrine Nymphalidae. Larval host plant contrasts for food quantity and quality underlie distinctions for size and development times.  相似文献   

The genus Colasposoma Laporte is shown to be represented in Australia by a single species, C. sellatum Baly (= C. barbatum Harold, syn. conf.; = C. regulare Jacoby, syn. nov.). The adult and larva are described and lectotypes designated for C. sellatum and C. regulare. Colasposoma sellatum is recorded from the Northern Territory, northern Queensland and New Guinea. This species is a pest of Ipomoea batatas (sweet potato) in northern Queensland, where the adults damage stems and foliage and larvae may cause considerable damage to tubers. Its pest status is assessed and control measures discussed.  相似文献   

The status of Homichloda barkeri (Jacoby) n. comb. is discussed. A key is presented to four Afrotropical Homichloda species, including fulva n. sp. The eggs, larvae and pupae of H. barkeri are described for the first time. Unusual adult and immature stage characters are discussed in relation to the placement of Homichloda in the Alticinae.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(31-32):1891-1908
The tiger beetle Chaetodera regalis (Dejean) (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae) is widely distributed throughout sub-Saharan Africa. We studied activity patterns, ecological interactions, and behaviour of this species along four major rivers in Kruger National Park, South Africa. During the dry season, small numbers of adult beetles are found on sand bars along perennial rivers. In the rainy season, adults are found in large numbers on a broad spectrum of substrates (including clays, coarse and fine sands and gravels, and black organic soils) and geomorphological features (sand flats, mud flats, sand bars, beaches, riverbanks, and dry and wet sandy streambeds) in riverine areas. Predatory, defensive, thermoregulatory, and reproductive behaviours are described. This species may prove to be a useful indicator of the health of African riverine systems: adults are abundant in high-quality riverine areas; adults and larvae may be adversely affected by human activities; and adults are easily detected, even by novice surveyors.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(7-8):373-398
New information is provided on the morphology and biology of the Australian leaf‐beetle Pterodunga mirabile Daccordi. This species is unusual in the Chrysomelinae for the following features: adult with deeply grooved prothoracic hypopleuron, laterally pointed elytral margins, concealed mesoventrite and fused abdominal ventrites; female ovoviviparous and without spermatheca; first‐instar larva with lappet‐like sclerites; maternal care; host plant in the Proteaceae. The systematic position and conservation status of Pterodunga are discussed. Maternal care in the Chrysomelinae and Proteaceae‐feeding in the Chrysomelidae are reviewed. The first record of maternal care in Chrysomelinae, for Labidomera suturella Guérin‐Méneville, is shown to be a misidentification of Platyphora selvae Daccordi.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(37-38):2459-2477
The world diversity of moss cushion-inhabiting and moss-feeding flea beetles is documented and discussed. A new genus (Cangshanaltica) with a single new species (Cangshanaltica nigra sp. nov.) from Yunnan Province in China is described and illustrated. It is similar to Benedictus Scherer, Ivalia Jacoby, Minota Weise, Paraminota Scherer, and Phaelota Jacoby. An identification key for all flea beetle genera known to occur in mosses in the eastern hemisphere is provided. http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:6341724E-BA3F-4979-B226-108D0CA64B92  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(27-28):1649-1665
In this study, the host-plant range of Onciderini beetles was investigated during 4 years in an Atlantic rainforest of southeastern Brazil. Twelve species of Onciderini beetles girdled thirty-six plant species in the study site. In total, 1046 plants were girdled by Onciderini beetles as follows: 44.6% were Vochysiaceae, 15% were Mymosaceae, 12% were Melastomataceae, 9% were Lauraceae, 4% were Anacardiaceae and 15% were distributed among Meliaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Bombacaceae, Fabaceae, Thymelaeaceae, Cecropiaceae, Myrtaceae, Lecythidaceae, and Myrsinaceae. Onciderini beetles did not select hosts randomly. Most of the associations (70%) with host plants were caused by polyphagous beetles and different plant families showed different ratios of polyphagous, oligophagous and monophagous Onciderini in the study site.  相似文献   

Based on a cladistic analysis, the subfamily Rhinocolinae is redefined to comprise 13 genera and 39 species, of which two genera and eight species remain unnamed. Four new genera and 14 new species are described; one subfamily and one genus are synonymized, and two species are recombined; one lectotype is designated. The subfamily is divided into two groups, one with a Gondwanan distribution comprising four genera in Australia, New Zealand, South America and Africa, and another with Laurasian distribution in the Palaeotropics, the Western Palaerctic and North America comprising nine genera. Twenty-one species develop on host plants in the Rutales, three on Asteraceae, three on Cistaceae and one on Zygophyllaceae. The genus Pistacia (Anacardiaceae) in particular hosts six species whose biology is discussed.  相似文献   

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