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Larval instars of the myrmicine ant Strumigenys solifontis Brown were determined by measuring the head width under a stereomicroscope and examining the morphology, especially chaetotaxy, by light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. This study found that the larval stage consisted of four instars, but the first and second instars were not distinguishable by their head widths. However, the four instars could be discriminated clearly by a combination of size measurement and observations on the chaetotaxy. Within a population, there are few larvae in the first instar because of its short period (only 1–2 days before moulting into the second instar) and the low oviposition rate of the queen. Therefore, the first-instar larva needs to be collected separately from other instars so that it is not missed.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(9-10):579-588
Eight new species and one new record of Elasmopus Costa, 1853 are described from Australian waters including the extended offshore territories of Cocos (Keeling) Islands (Indian Ocean), Christmas Island (Indian Ocean), Ashmore Reef (Timor Sea), Norfolk Island (Tasman Sea) and Lord Howe Island (Tasman Sea). Range extensions are reported for seven described Australian species. Twenty-three species are now known from Australian waters. Elasmopus arafura sp. nov., E. carteri sp. nov., E. hyperopia sp. nov., E. leveque sp. nov., E. mcluerensis sp. nov., E. otus sp. nov., E. shepherdi sp. nov. and E. woodjonesi sp. nov. are described herein.  相似文献   

Records of 19 species and one subspecies of water beetles of four families: Gyrinidae (two species), Dytiscidae (seven species), Hydrophilidae (10 species), and Spercheidae (one subspecies) from Pakistan are listed, based on collected material. Four genera and 10 species are recorded from Pakistan for the first time. The newly recorded genera are: Patrus, Helochares, Sternolophus and Coelostoma. The newly recorded species are: Dineutus spinosus (Fabricius, 1781), Patrus haemorrhous (Régimbart, 1891), Copelatus freudei Guignot, 1955, Copelatus sp1, Copelatus sp2, Enochrus ater (Kuwert, 1888), Helochares anchoralis Sharp, 1890, Sternolophus rufipes (Fabricius, 1792), Paracymus aeneus (Germar, 1824) and Coelostoma stultum (Walker, 1858). Zoogeographic affinities of the recorded species are discussed. According to their current distribution, the 18 species known from Pakistan can be classified into five zoogeographical categories.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(37-38):2369-2384

Five species of Chaetarthria, are reported from China, of which one new species, C. kuiyanae sp. nov. from Yunnan, is described. Three other species, C. almorana from Yunnan, C. saundersi from Hainan, Jiangxi and Hong Kong, and C. malickyi from Yunnan, are additions to the Chinese fauna. C. indica is recorded for the first time from Jiangxi, Yunnan and Guangdong Provinces. In addition, Chaetarthria sp. from Guangxi is described based on three female specimens. A key to Chinese Chaetarthria Stephens is provided.

www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:8C5C12EE-94C7-4928-B91C-0DE17440A7C9  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(17-18):1085-1101
A review of the genus Amphiops occurring in China is provided. A new species, Amphiops coelopunctatus sp. nov., is described from Hainan, China. Based on a study of the type material, Amphiops yunnanensis Pu, 1963, is proposed as a junior synonym of Amphiops mirabilis Sharp, 1890. Amphiops pedestris Sharp, 1890 and Amphiops annamita Régimbart, 1903 are confirmed as synonyms of Amphiops mater Sharp, 1873. Amphiops coomani d’Orchymont, 1926 is reported from China for the first time. Amphiops globus Erichson, 1843, previously reported from Macau, is found to be a misidentification. An identification key to Chinese species of the genus is provided.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:47C95EED-8B09-4BE0-A335-7E8B7CB23FE7  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(31-32):1879-1890
The genus Mimopodabrus Wittmer is reviewed, and the genus diagnosis is re-described. Three new species are described, M. multidentatus sp. nov. (Guangdong, China), M. variabilis sp. nov. (Yunnan, China) and M. diversefoveolatus sp. nov. (Lao Cai, Vietnam), with illustrations of habitus, antennae and aedeagus. A species is transferred from Micropodabrus to this genus, M. bicoloriceps (Wittmer, 1989 Wittmer, W. 1989. 42. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der indo-malaiischen Cantharidae und Malachiidae (Coleoptera). Entomol Basil., 13: 209237.  [Google Scholar]) comb. nov. A species is synonymized, M. bicoloriceps (Wittmer, 1989 Wittmer, W. 1989. 42. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der indo-malaiischen Cantharidae und Malachiidae (Coleoptera). Entomol Basil., 13: 209237.  [Google Scholar]) comb. nov.?=?M. bicoloriceps Wittmer, 1997 syn. nov. and the definition of M. yunnanus (Wittmer, 1993 Wittmer, W. 1993. Zur Kenntnis der palaearktischen und indo-malaiischen Cantharidae (Coleoptera). Entomol Basil., 16: 203253.  [Google Scholar]) is restricted. A key to all known species of this genus is provided.  相似文献   

The genus Colasposoma Laporte is shown to be represented in Australia by a single species, C. sellatum Baly (= C. barbatum Harold, syn. conf.; = C. regulare Jacoby, syn. nov.). The adult and larva are described and lectotypes designated for C. sellatum and C. regulare. Colasposoma sellatum is recorded from the Northern Territory, northern Queensland and New Guinea. This species is a pest of Ipomoea batatas (sweet potato) in northern Queensland, where the adults damage stems and foliage and larvae may cause considerable damage to tubers. Its pest status is assessed and control measures discussed.  相似文献   

A new species of Aciliini diving beetles, Thermonectus tremouillesi sp. nov., is described on the basis of adult and larval specimens collected in shaded forest ponds in Argentina. The adults are compared with morphologically close species and diagnosed by the following combination of characters: the colour pattern on pronotum and elytra; the sexual sculpture of the female well marked, covering basal fourth to basal half of elytra; the male protibia narrow with dorsal margin slightly prominent; the tergite IX of male with four posterior projections; the median lobe of aedeagus bifid apically; and the parameres bearing a terminal spur. The larvae, for their part, are compared with those of other species of the genus and diagnosed by the colour pattern of the cephalic capsule, the shape of the nasale, the spinulae on the prementum, and several chaetotaxic features. Both adults and larvae are illustrated in detail combining scanning electron microscope images, digital photos and line drawings of selected structures. The habitat of the new species and its associated fauna are briefly described.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(7-8):407-433
The Chinese species of the genus Thoracostrongylus Bernhauer, 1915 Bernhauer, M. 1915. Neue Staphyliniden aus Java und Sumatra. Tijdschr Entomol., 58: 213243.  [Google Scholar] are reviewed. Five new species are described: Thoracostrongylus acerosus sp. nov. from Sichuan and Hubei, Th. aduncatus sp. nov. from Yunnan, Th. baoxingensis sp. nov. from Sichuan, Th. diaoluoensis sp. nov. from Hainan and Th. fujianensis sp. nov. from Fujian. Thoracostrongylus birmanus (Fauvel, 1895 Fauvel, A. 1895. Staphylinides nouveaux de l'Inde et de la Malaisie. Rev Entomol., 14: 180286.  [Google Scholar]) is recorded from China for the first time. Male genitalia and other critical characters are illustrated not only for the new species but also for the remaining Chinese species, namely Th. formosanus Shibata, 1982 Shibata, Y. 1982. A new species of the genus Thoracostrongylus Bernhauer from Taiwan (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). T Shikoku entomol Soc., 16: 7176.  [Google Scholar], Th. malaisei Scheerpeltz, 1965 Scheerpeltz, O. 1965. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Schwedischen Expedition 1934 nach Indien und Burma. Coleoptera Staphylinidae (except Megalopsidiinae et Steninae). Ark Zool. (2), 17(2): 93371.  [Google Scholar], Th. miyakei Bernhauer, 1943 Bernhauer, M. 1943. Neuheiten der palaearktischen Staphylinidenfauna. Mitt münch entomol Ges., 33: 169188.  [Google Scholar] and Th. velutinus Scheerpeltz, 1965 Scheerpeltz, O. 1965. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Schwedischen Expedition 1934 nach Indien und Burma. Coleoptera Staphylinidae (except Megalopsidiinae et Steninae). Ark Zool. (2), 17(2): 93371.  [Google Scholar].  相似文献   

The Dorcadionini fauna of Turkey is reviewed, and a complete list with type information and provincial distributions is presented. Two hundred and seventy-eight species-group taxa are catalogued in total. This represents approximately 35% of the known Palaearctic Dorcadionini fauna. The Turkish Dorcadionini fauna is characterised by 227 endemic species-group taxa. So its endemism ratio is very high (approximately 82%). Distributions of the taxa in Turkey are given based on available literature records. Taxa in the list are arranged systematically under tribe, genus, subgenus (when recognised), species and subspecies (when recognised). The species group taxa whose occurrences in Turkey need conformation are not included in the list but are given separately. Additionally, two taxa are removed from the list: Dorcadion (Cribridorcadion) investitum Breuning in Braun, 1978a as nomen nudum and Dorcadion (Cribridorcadion) rosinae K. Daniel in Bodemeyer, 1900 as nomen nudum; and two taxa are given as status nov. and comb. nov.: Dorcadion (Cribridorcadion) atritarse Pic, 1931a and Dorcadion (Cribridorcadion) equestre bernhauerorum Peks, 2010. Moreover, a checklist of Dorcadionini of Turkey is presented in an appendix.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(12):2251-2292
The subgenus Gyascutus (Gyascutus) is revised and 12 species are recognized: G. planicosta (LeConte) with three subspecies— G. p. planicosta (LeConte), stat. nov.; G. p. obliteratus (LeConte), stat. nov., with G. pistorius Casey as a syn. nov.; and G. p. cribriceps Casey, stat. nov.; with syn. nov. as follows: G. acutangulus Casey, G. amplus Casey, G. amplus aerata Casey, G. egregius Casey, and Hippomelas (G.) lariversi Barr; G. insularis (Helfer), comb. nov.; G. castaneus (Helfer), comb. nov.; G. fulgidus (Barr), comb. nov.; G. pacificus (Chamberlin), comb. nov.; G. paragranulatus Nelson, sp. nov.; G. granulatus (Van Dyke), comb. nov.; G. westcotti Nelson, sp. nov.; G. carolinensis Horn with syn. nov. as follows: G. juniperinus Wickham, G. obesus Casey, G. obesus aeneoviridis Casey, G. compactus Casey, G. compactus solidus Casey, G. cylindrinus Casey, G. debilis Casey, and G. tenuis Casey; G. dianae (Helfer), comb. nov.; G. allenrolfeae (Verity), comb. nov.; and G. jeanae (Nelson), comb. nov. All species and subspecies are described and information on type localities, variation, distribution, biology, and comparisons is presented. Keys to the species and subspecies are provided. Photographs of each species and drawings of body parts, including male genitalia, are included.  相似文献   

The known Philippine genera of Coroebini are briefly discussed and separated in an illustrated key. Vanroonia marmorea (Deyrolle), comb. nov., is transferred from Amorphosoma Laporte. Sibuyanella Obenberger is synonymized under Obenbergerula Strand, resulting in Obenbergerula bakeri (Fisher), comb. nov. Anocisseis samarensis, gen, et spec. nov., is described from Samar Island, Philippines. A Bornean species, Coroebus rajah Fisher, is transferred to Anocisseis.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(25):2355-2377
The southern African genus Frankenbergerius Balthasar is revised. Two new species, F. opacus sp. n. and F. nitidus sp. n. (South Africa, Western Cape), and one new subspecies, F. armatus tuberculatus ssp. n. (South Africa, Mpumalanga), are described. F. imitativus (Péringuey) is considered a junior synonym of F. forcipatus (Harold). A key to the species and notes on biology are given.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(4):1027-1066
Phylogenetic trends of the states of 24 adult and 14 larval characters of the major groups of Scarabaeoidea are discussed on the basis of outgroup and ingroup comparison. Evolutionary trends within the major groups are also discussed. The following (i) adult and (ii) larval characters are discussed: (i) antennal segments, antennal sensilla, ocular canthus, ommatidium structure, epipharynx, mandibles, maxillae, labium, tentorium, trochantin, coxal cavities, mesothoracic spiracles, wing venation, metendosternite, empodium, abdominal sternites, abdominal spiracles, male genitalia, female genitalia, ovarioles, karyotype, central nervous system, spermatozoan number and malpighian tubules; (ii) antennae, frontoclypeal suture, lateral ocelli (stemmata), labial palpi, maxillae, maxillary palpi, maxillary/mandibular stridulatory areas, labrum, epipharyngeal tormae, legs, stridulatory apparatus, spiracles, abdominal apex and central nervous system.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(10):1303-1313
The cave-dwelling beetles, Trechus pereirai, new species, and Trechus oromii, new species, and the epigean Trechus terrabravensis, new species, from the Azores islands are described. The male of the cave-dwelling beetle Trechus jorgensis Oromí and Borges is described for the first time. Affinities between Trechus species from the Azores and from other Macaronesian archipelagoes are discussed based on the morphology of the aedeagus. Ecological data are also included.

Nesta contribuição são descritos para os Açores os escaravelhos cavernícolas, Trechus pereirai, nova espécie, e Trechus oromii, nova espécie, e ainda o escaravelho epígeo Trechus terrabravensis, nova espécie. É feita pela primeira vez a descrição do macho da espécie cavernícola Trechus jorgensis Oromí & Borges. Com base na morfologia da genitália masculina são discutidas as afinidades com as outras espécies de Trechus dos Açores e outros arquipélagos Macaronésicos. Incluem-se ainda dados ecológicos.  相似文献   

The genus Delopleurus Erichson, 1847, is revised. Five new species are described from Africa: Delopleurus naviauxi sp. nov., Delopleurus krikkeni sp. nov., Delopleurus darrenmanni sp. nov., Delopleurus fossatus sp. nov. and Delopleurus pubescens sp. nov. One new synonymy is established (Delopleurus parvus (Sharp, 1875) = Delopleurus cardoni Paulian, 1934, syn. nov.). Lectotype of Delopleurus pullus Boheman, 1857, is designated. Delopleurus janssensi Frey, 1963, is transferred to the genus Metacatharsius Paulian, 1939. A key to the Delopleurus species and locality maps are given.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:67AE5CC5-9C9C-4872-A2B6-68C3BA82C44A  相似文献   

The status of Homichloda barkeri (Jacoby) n. comb. is discussed. A key is presented to four Afrotropical Homichloda species, including fulva n. sp. The eggs, larvae and pupae of H. barkeri are described for the first time. Unusual adult and immature stage characters are discussed in relation to the placement of Homichloda in the Alticinae.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(11-12):685-735
The superfamily Hydrophiloidea of Turkey is catalogued. A total of 23 genera and 161 valid species and subspecies are recorded of which six species (3.7%) are recorded as endemic. Forty-eight species and two subspecies are from the family Helophoridae, three species are from the family Georissidae, seven species are from the family Hydrochidae, two species are from the family Spercheidae and 95 species and four subspecies are from the family Hydrophilidae. Distributions of these species within Turkey are given according to the 81 administrative divisions of the country. The catalogue is based on examination of the primary literature and also includes some records from specimens examined in collections. Taxa are arranged hierarchically under the categories of family, subfamily, tribe, subtribe (where recognized), genus, subgenus (where recognized), species and subspecies (where recognized).  相似文献   

Third stage larvae of three species of phytophagous (Portevina maculata, Cheilosia albitarsis and C. antiqua), thirteen species of saprophagous (Callicera aurata, Brachyopa bicolor, B. insensilis, B. pilosa, Hammerschmidtia ferruginea, Myolepta potens, Brachypalpus laphriformis, Caliprobola speciosa, Criorhina berberina, C. floccosa, C. ranunculi, Pocota personata and Xylota tarda) and one possibly predatory species (Microdon devius) of Syrphidae are described. Most of the saprophagous species breed in dead wood and many are European rarities. Nine of the 17 species described are included in the British Red Data Books: 2. Insects (Shirt, 1987). For the larva of each species, recognition features and breeding sites are described.  相似文献   

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