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Five new species of Harasupia in the tribe Teruliini are described and illustrated. These include austini, baja, mexicana, retrorsa , and ungula , all from Mexico. A revised key to 12 known species is also given.  相似文献   


The structure of the mandibular and maxillary stylets of the leafhopper Eupteryx melissae Curtis is described and comparisons made between them and the stylets of Heteroptera and other Homoptera with particular reference to the apical barbs, the marginal hairs and the stylet cavities. Maxillary barbs are absent but the flanges of both pairs of stylets bear microtrichia, those of the maxillaires much reduced. The axial stylet cavity of the mandibular is single, but that of the maxillary bifurcated distally: there is some evidence that the cavities of both pairs of stylets contain nerve fibres. The salivary canal is confined to the right maxillary stylet and both it and the food canal maintain constant dimensions along the stylet shaft so facilitating movement of one stylet upon the other, an important feature during plant penetration. There is some evidence, particularly from staining reactions, that the stylets contain resilin, but if present, it is overlaid and masked physically and functionally by chitinous cuticle.  相似文献   

A new genus, Aplanusiella (type-species, Aplanusiella utahensis , n. sp.) and two new species, A. utahensis and A. californiensis , are described and illustrated. The two species are allopatric and coexist on the same host genus ( Atriplex ) with members of a closely allied leafhopper genus, Aplanus . Notes on distribution of hosts and leafhoppers as well as leafhopper intergenetic relationships are also given.  相似文献   

Three new genera and 14 new species in 9 genera in the tribe Coelidiini are described and illustrated. Revised keys to males of species in several genera are also given. New genera include: Pygmaelidia , type-species Pygmaelidia bullata , n. sp.; Gracilidia, type-species Gracilidia gracilis , n. sp.: Fistulidia , type-species Fistulidia simplex , n. sp. Additional new species include the following: Dicolecia serrata, Evansolidia massa, Evansolidia bifurcate, Evansolidia digitula, Spinolidia sarmenta, Spinolidia magna.  相似文献   

The taxonomy of a complex of morphologically similar Alebra species is clarified, and the number of adult colour pattern morphs of each in Britain, and their host plant associations, established. Morphological characters are figured for the identification of the four species now recognized, including two that are associated with different species of deciduous oaks and which were previously regarded as colour pattern morphs of A. albostriella. Three nymphal colour pattern morphs are described within the A. albostriella sibling species, two of which are shared, thus supplying further evidence for their close relationship. A key is given for the identification of the species and adult morphs of Alebra in Britain.  相似文献   

Two new species, Paracarinolidia longiseta and P. glabra from Brazil and French Guiana, respectively, are described and illustrated. A revised key to males of five know species is also presented. The genus is now known to occur in Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Colombia, and French Guiana.  相似文献   

An annotated list of the African Derbidae described since Synave's 1973 monograph is given, with some corrections and additions to that work together with a revision of the genus Robigus from Africa. The following new species are described: Diostrombus schuilingi sp. nov., D. mkurangai sp. nov., Zorabana vipaku sp. nov., Patara minazi sp. nov., P. chambeziensis sp. nov., Paraphenice mawai, sp. nov., Phenice pongwei sp. nov., Robigus magawai sp. nov., Robigus synavei sp. nov. (= R. tortrinotatus sensu Synave, 1973), Kamendaka ukutu sp. nov. All of these new species with the exception of R. synavei were collected from coconut. The following new synonomies are made: Proutista fritillaris (Boheman) = P. tesselata (Westwood) syn. nov., Diostrombus abdominalis (Distant) = D. moerensis Synave syn. nov., Paraphenice dissimilis Synave = Pamendanga fuscinervis Van Stalle syn. nov., Zoraida fuligipennis Muir = Z. nigeriensis Synave syn. nov., Platocera africana Muir, omitted in error from Synave (1973), is described and figured. Proutista moesta (Westwood) is recorded from Africa for the first time.  相似文献   


The visible wax coatings of nine species of Aphididae, distributed through six tribes in four subfamilies, are examined by means of the Scanning Electron Microscope. The micromorphology of the extrusions is described and illustrated, as are the cuticular specializations via which the coatings are constructed. The relationships between the form and possible functions of the wax are discussed in the light of the results, as is the degree of correlation between its morphology and current opinion concerning the classification of the family.  相似文献   

A new genus, Stenolidia , and new species, S. magna (type species), are described and illustrated. Stenolidia from Guyana is the fifth genus in the tribe Tinobregmini and the third that has come to light since the tribe was revised in 1975.  相似文献   

Two new genera and two new species of leafhoppers in the tribe Teruliini are desribed and illustrated. New genera include: Perspinolidia , type-species Perspinolidia peruviensis , n. sp., and Brevicapitorus , type-species brevicapitorus elongatus , n. sp. Both genera are monobasic and occur in the Neotropical region.  相似文献   

Five new species of Thagria from the Oriental region are described and illustrated. These include melichari from Thailand, unidentata from Indonesia, marissae from southern China, bifida from Nepal, and insolentis from an undetermined locality in the Oriental region. There are presently 166 species in this large and unique genus. A key to males of 30 species is included.  相似文献   

Five new species of Harasupia in the tribe Teruliini are described and illustrated. These include austini, baja, mexicana, retrorsa , and ungula , all from Mexico. A revised key to 12 known species is also given.  相似文献   

The leafhopper tribe Scaphytopiini is reviewed, and a key to genera given. The following taxonomic changes are made: Masiripius lugubris (Distant) comb. nov. (from Mahalana); Mahalana Distant, junior synonym of Platymetopius Burmeister syn. nov. (Athysanini); Hododoecus bunyensis Evans comb. nov. (from Stenometopius) (Stenometopiini). In addition, the monotypic genus Nesothamnus Linnavuori is transferred from Athysanini to Scaphytopiini and its characters discussed.  相似文献   

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