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A small collection of fishes from the Bonaparte Seamount (15°40′S, 6°55′W, 130 km west of Saint Helena Island, least depth 105 m), comprising 14 specimens from nine species in eight families, is described. This appears to be the first collection of fishes reported from the seamount. In addition, seven new records for St Helena (15°58′S, 5°43′W) are reported as well as additional specimens of several rarely caught endemics. The scorpaenid Pontinus nigropunctatus, previously known only from St Helena, is now also reported from Bonaparte Seamount while the serranid Holanthias fronticinctus, also considered a St Helena endemic, has been found to comprise 20% of the diet of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) at the Seamount. The carangid Decapterus muroadsi which was previously recorded in the Atlantic only at St Helena is now also recorded from the Bonaparte Seamount. A second specimen of the primarily Indo-Pacific carangid Uraspis helvola is recorded from St Helena (third record for the Atlantic). Particularly interesting new records at St Helena, which represents significant range extensions, are of Corniger spinosus (Holocentridae), and of Carangoides ruber and Seriola fasciata (Carangidae). The potential role of shallow seamounts around Ascension and St Helena as ‘stepping stones’ between the two islands is discussed.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(6):1367-1394
The pelagic fishes of St Helena Island, South Atlantic Ocean (15°58′S 5°43′W) are reviewed. A checklist of 53 taxa of pelagic fishes, with notes on fisheries significance, ecology and geographical distribution, is presented. Twelve of the taxa have not before been recorded at St Helena. Of particular interest are records of three primarily Indo-Pacific species: Decapterus muroadsi (Temminck and Schlegel), Uraspis helvola (Forster) and Scomberomorus commerson (Lacepède). Apart from U. helvola, which is known also from Ascension Island, these species are not otherwise recorded in the Atlantic Ocean.

Of the 49 pelagic fishes whose identities are clear, 81·6% are wide-ranging species known from both the Atlantic and Indo-Pacific regions, 12·2% are pan-Atlantic warm-water species and 4·1% are eastern Atlantic species which reach their western limit in the central Atlantic. In addition, the subspecies Platybelone argalus trachura is found only at St Helena and Ascension.

The principal pelagic species caught by St Helena fisheries are Katsuwonus pelamis, Thunnus albacares, T. obesus, T. alalunga, Scomber japonicus, Acanthocybium solandri and Pseudocaranx dentex, which together accounted for almost 95% of fish landings in 1982–1983 fiscal year.  相似文献   

Five new species and one new combination of marine flatworms belonging to the new genus, Maritigrella nov. gen. (Platyhelminthes, Polycladida, Euryleptidae) are presented here from the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Additional records are given from Australia, Indonesia and the Republic of the Maldives.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(23):2089-2107
Two new species of acotylean Polycladida are described from Korea, Munseoma maculata gen. et sp. nov., Callioplanidae, and Crytostylochus koreensis sp. nov., Stylochidae. Munseoma maculata is characterized by a small free prostatic vesicle but only indistinctly cut off from the ejaculatory duct; a Lang's vesicle is present. Crytostylochus koreensis possesses a prostatic vesicle with tubular lining of radial arrangement. Each papillate tube is connected via a glandular duct to a single extra‐vesicular gland attached to the muscular wall of the prostatic vesicle. That morphological feature forces discussion of the relationships within the family Stylochidae. Consequently, type material of other stylochids deposited in the museums of Hamburg, Vienna, and Stockholm was borrowed to investigate the genital organs and, in particular, the interior lining of the prostatic vesicle. Based on these analyses, two new types of prostatic lining are defined, the polyglandular type and the monoglandular type. The monoglandular type is defined as having an oval to elongate prostatic vesicle with tubular lining and extra‐vesicular glands. Each extra‐vesicular gland is connected via a glandular duct with a single tube. The polyglandular type is defined as having a mostly roundish oval prostatic vesicle with long‐fingered extensions, more or less horizontally directed distad, and numerous extra‐vesicular glands. Each long‐fingered extension is connected via several glandular ducts of extra‐vesicular glands. Based on these new characters, the family Stylochidae is newly defined.  相似文献   

A new dorid nudibranch from the southern Iberian peninsula is described. Taringa tarifaensis n. sp. is subtidal and has been found under stones. A comparison between T. tarifaensis and the other known species of the genus is presented, as well as some remarks on the taxonomic status of the genus Taringa.  相似文献   

Two new genera Monitus gen.nov. and Cuckoldillo gen.nov., a new species of each of Scyphax, Rhyscotus, Filippinodillo, Merulana, Myrmecodillo, and three new species of Acanthodillo are described from Australia. The unavailability of the name Pseudodiploexochus and the confusion concerning the diagnoses of the genera Merulana Budde-Lund and Cubaris Brandt is noted. The synonomy of Merulana and Pyrgoniscus is discussed.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(9):1429-1455
The Atlantic and Mediterranean species of the genus Andaniexis Stebbing, 1906 (Amphipoda: Stegocephalidae) are reviewed, and three new species are described. The species Andaniexis abyssi (Boeck, 1871) which previously was considered a widely distributed species (from Baffin Bay to both Spitzbergen and the Skagerrak), is here divided into three species: Andaniexis abyssi s.str., Andaniexis gracilis n.sp. and Andaniexis lupus n.sp. These species, together with Andaniexis mimonectes Ruffo, 1975, all have allopatric distributions. This is especially evident in northern Norway, where A. abyssi has its northernmost limit: A. abyssi is found in Solbergfjorden (69°10′N), while Andaniexis lupus is found in the adjacent fjord Malangen (69°30′N, the southern limit of this species along the Norwegian coast). Andaniexis eilae n.sp. is described from Iceland. This species is not closely related to the other North Atlantic species of the same genus.  相似文献   

The coastline of Oman extends 2000 km from 16.5°N to 26.5°N in the north-west Indian Ocean. Most of it is long, exposed sandy beach or mixed sand and shallow rocky areas subject to severe scour, and there is a seasonal, cold-water upwelling whose influence increases towards the equator. Three areas of the mainland support corals, separated by long stretches of shallow sandy or muddy sublittoral. Three categories of coral or reef development are recognized: (A) coral reefs develop with characteristic profiles of reef flat and reef slope; (B) corals provide framework but there is no reef growth and no characteristic reef profile; and (C) no true reef development occurs, but mixed coral/phaeophyte communities are attached directly on to old, often non-limestone substrate. A and B are common in the north and central regions but are rare in the south. Type C is found in the centre and especially the south where the poor reef development is more typical of marginal, high-latitude coral areas. Ninety-one coral species from 47 genera were recorded (77 species from 37 genera being zooxanthellate), although diversity declines towards the equator. Regional comparisons show the Oman fauna to be fairly similar (up to 63% similariy) to that of the Arabian Gulf, but relatively dissimilar to faunas of the Gulf of Kutch (20%) and Lakshadweep (35%), the only other areas known to have significant amounts of corals in the Arabian Sea. A new species of Acanthanstrea with calices 5–8 cm wide is described.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(13):1569-1588
Only seven species of freshwater Nematomorpha (Gordiida) are known from Australia, four of which belong to the genus Chordodes. This paper describes two new species: C. queenslandi and C. brevipilus. Chordodes queenslandi is characterized by a polymorphism of crowned areoles which appear as two types with distinct distribution patterns. Chordodes brevipilus is characterized by crowned areoles with very short apical filaments. One specimen previously determined as C. modiglianii (Camerano, 1892) belongs to C. queenslandi. Chordodes jandae Camerano, 1895 is redescribed according to the terminology introduced for C. queenslandi and C. brevipilus. Two further species, C. annulatus Linstow, 1906 and C. undulatus Linstow, 1906 do not belong to Chordodes. The newly reported specimens were collected emerging from praying mantids in the vicinity of water and escaped by contact of the host's abdomen with water. The active movement of mantids towards water suggests an internal stimulus of the nematomorph parasite to its host.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(31-32):1905-1924
Three new species of Astreopora (Hexacorallia: Scleractinia: Acroporidae), from Cenderawasih Bay in West Papua, exhibit morphological innovations for this conservative genus, extant since the Cretaceous. Two species are fully branching, a condition never previously described for Astreopora: Astreopora cenderawasih sp. nov. has dendritic branching, also seen in the confamilial genus Montipora, whereas branches of A. acroporina sp. nov. possess an axial corallite, regarded as the key morphological innovation facilitating rapid diversification and dominance of reefs in the younger, confamilial and most diverse genus Acropora (staghorn corals). We propose that these novel characters may be parallelisms indicating deep familial homologies. The third species, Astreopora montiporina sp. nov., has expansive coenosteum, reminiscent of plating Montipora. The new species form part of the most species-rich Astreopora assemblage reported to date, comprising 14 species. The unique tectonic and eustatic history of Cenderawasih Bay may have played a role in the evolution of these new species.  相似文献   

A new species of the genus Doto is described from the Cape Peninsula of the Western Cape Province, South Africa. To date, the genus Doto is probably one of the more complex and poorly defined genera within nudibranchs. The very small body size and very similar external and internal features make this genus problematic and, therefore, poorly studied. Despite the large number of described species around the world, only three species are known to be present in South Africa: Doto coronata (Gmelin, 1791), Doto pinnatifida (Montagu, 1804) and Doto rosea Trinchese, 1881. Morphologically, Doto splendida sp. nov. is easily distinguished from all its South African congeneric species by its conspicuous colouration. In addition, mitochondrial and nuclear genes clearly separate the new species from other species from southern Africa. A molecular phylogeny based on two mitochondrial (COI and 16S) and one nuclear (H3) gene is herein presented. This phylogeny includes all available species of Doto (valid and unidentified) as well as several other traditionally closed related species retrieved from GenBank.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:3764C38DF6BB-415F-958C-E3132A1A9524  相似文献   

Taxonomy of a tetrigid genus Saussurella Bolivar is reviewed. One new species, Saussurella brachycornis sp. nov. is described from China and an updated identification key to all known species of the genus is given, as well as brief comments on phylogenetic relationships and distributions of the genus.  相似文献   

Four new species within the crangonyctoid amphipod genus Paramelita are described from material collected from small streams in the southwestern Cape, South Africa. Two of the species are large, with robust second antennae which exceed the first in length, especially in adult males. The third species is recognized by its slender pereopods and its densely setose second antennae, and the fourth by its small size and relatively short, slender, unmodified second antennae. All of these species have an unmodified pereopod 3, and lack teeth, spines, ridges or lobes on antenna 2, features common to many of the known Paramelita species. Morphological similarities between the four new species and 19 previously known species of Paramelita are discussed.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(18):1443-1455
The Antarctic–Patagonian genus Abietinella, comprising two known species, Abietinella operculata (Jäderholm, ) and Abietinella grandis (Vanhöffen, ), is reviewed. The holotype of Abietinella operculata is fully redescribed, including morphometry and cnidome, unknown up to now. Its distinctive characters are the growth habit, hydrothecal shape and, most important, the presence of a dish‐shaped operculum attached to the adcauline side of the hydrothecal aperture. We corroborate its conspecificity with A. grandis and, therefore, the monotypic condition of Abietinella.  相似文献   

Atys jeffreysi is a heterobranch Cephalaspidea gastropod belonging to the family Haminoeidae occurring in the Mediterranean Sea, Madeira and Canary archipelagos. Nearly nothing is known about the internal anatomical features of this species. In this paper we redescribe the species A. jeffreysi based on fine anatomical work and scanning electron microscopy. DNA barcodes are provided for the first time for A. jeffreysi and A. macandrewii, the only two species of the genus native in the Mediterranean Sea. The genetic distance (COI uncorrected p-distance) between them is estimate at 21.6%. A Bayesian molecular phylogeny based on the gene marker cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) including all sequences available of the genera Aliculastrum, Liloa and Atys species did not support a sister relationship between the two Mediterranean species and suggests that they are more closely related to distinct Indo-West Pacific lineages. The complex systematics of the genus Atys is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Two new species of rhagidiid mites are described from Oetztal Alps, Tyrol, Troglocheles archetypica n. sp. and T. aggerata n. sp. Their interspecific relationships are discussed and two new species-groups, T. strasseri and T. vornatscheri, are defined. A key to the known adult species of the genus Troglocheles Zacharda is given. Phylogenetic and evolutionary relationships among the known talus- and cave-dwelling species of this genus are briefly outlined, including the possibilities of sympatric versus allopatric speciation.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(18):1483-1489
A new species of the genus Atlantistylis Reyss, (Diastylidae) is described from the Atlantic Frontier Margin (North‐East Atlantic). This is the first record of the genus Atlantistylis from the North Atlantic. The new species Atlantistylis borealis can be recognized by the presence of spines on the frontal and lateral lobes of the carapace combined with their absence on the pereon and pleon; the first pereopods are very long. The small telson with two small apical acuminate setae and the absence of pleopods in the male are characteristic of the genus.  相似文献   

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