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Indocaris gen. nov. with two new species, Indocaris imbricata sp. nov. and Indocaris inopinata sp. nov., and also for the already known Indocaris tirupatiensis (Ranga Reddy 2011a) comb. nov. – all from the groundwaters in peninsular India. The highly diagnostic synapomorphy of the new genus is a composite character associated with the male leg 4 basis: five or six prominent, imbricate, enlarged, petal-like spinules, arranged as a semi-whorl at the insertion of the endopod and increasing in size from internal to external. Another distinctive feature of the same appendage is that its one-segmented endopod is dilated or bulbous in the proximal half, produced distally into an incurved spiniform or horn-like structure about as long as the corresponding first exopodal segment, and ornamented with three or four fine spinules on the subproximal outer margin. The three species also share a unique constellation of other salient morphologic features, which along with the phylogenetic position of Indocaris gen. nov. within the family Parastenocarididae are discussed. Indocaris gen. nov. has closest phylogenetic affinity with the Neotropical Remaneicari Jakobi, 1972. A short note on the ecology and biogeography of the parastenocaridid species of the Indian subcontinent is provided besides a key for their identification.  相似文献   

The predominantly marine genus Schizopera Sars, 1905 has only two significant inland water species-flocks, one in the ancient African Lake Tanganyika and the other in subterranean waters of Western Australia. Discovery of Schizopera abei sp. nov. from several interstitial locations in the vicinity of the ancient Lake Biwa has wider implications for the study of morphological homoplasies in the genus, as well as for the study of freshwater invasions in harpacticoid copepods. The new Schizopera species belongs to a small group of congeners with a two-segmented endopod of the fourth leg, which used to be recognised as a separate genus, Schizoperopsis Apostolov, 1982. Our reconstructed phylogenies based on the mtCOI partial sequences suggest that this character probably evolved convergently in at least some Schizopera, thus rendering the genus Schizoperopsis polyphyletic. However, almost all basal nodes in our cladograms are weakly supported, which shows limitations of a single-gene approach for reconstructing phylogenetic relationships. The new species is the first member of its genus from Japanese inland waters, and it has no close relatives among extent congeners anywhere in the world. We speculate that its ancestor may have invaded Lake Biwa, and subsequently its surrounding subterranean waters, from brackish areas around central Japan, presumably during a period of high sea water level through its major outflow river. This discovery may provide further support for the hypothesis about the role of ancient lakes as biodiversity pumps for subterranean habitats.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:1F71F7AD-B7C8-4AD3-BE44-5E1BEE4E2AA8  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(9):1297-1327
Two new genera of the harpacticoid family Laophontidae from the high Antarctic Weddell Sea are described. At present, both taxa cannot be assigned to any of the known genera or lineages of the family. The Antarctic shows the greatest degree of endemism worldwide in several already investigated taxa and, considering the available records, the Laophontidae appear to be no exception to this rule. The available data on the Laophontidae of the Weddell Sea seem to support a hypothesis of an ‘old’ antarctic fauna rather than a recolonization by ‘phylogenetic younger’ taxa after the major climatic changes, which took place in the Antarctic continent and the surrounding waters from the Miocene onwards.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(41-42):2613-2638

A handful of benthic harpacticoid species are known from the Gulf of California. Here I describe Argestes analongises sp. n. (Argestidae), and Argestigens celibis sp. n. (Ameiridae) from the deep sea of the Tropical Eastern Pacific and Gulf of California. Argestes analongises sp. n. fits in the subfamily Argestinae (Argestidae) and was attributed to the genus Argestes by the presence of small spinules covering the body surface of, at least, the urosome, and by the presence of an extremely elongated distal seta on the sixth segment of the female antennule. This new species seems to be allied to A. angolaensis by the situation of all the caudal setae, and by the ventral position of caudal seta III. They differ in the relative length of the female caudal rami, size, shape and relative position of the sensilla-bearing tubercles associated to the anal somite, armature of the mandibular basis, shape of the exopodal and endopodal segments of swimming legs, and relative length of the setae on the female P5 endopodal lobe and position of the innermost seta of the exopod of the female fifth leg. Argestigens celibis sp. n. was attributed to the family Ameiridae based on the non-argestid maxilla, on the presence of a more or less well-developed endopodal lobe of the male fifth leg and three inner setae on the third endopodal segment of the third leg, and on the presence of the typically modified ameirid-like inner spine on the basis of the male first leg. The new species was attributed to Argestigens based on the non-prehensile endopod of first leg and presence of long inner spinules on the basis of second to fourth legs. Additionally, a new genus, Georgus gen. n., is proposed for Bodinia peterrumi, and some comments are given on the monophyly of that genus.

www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:4BD580B0-E856-4FBC-ABA6-B031A9B6E1F9  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(37-38):2443-2459
Both sexes of Ciplakastacus mersinensis gen. et sp. nov. (Copepoda, Harpacticoida, Leptastacidae) are described in detail based on intertidal material collected from the Mediterranean coast of Turkey (Mersin Province). Plesiomorphic character states displayed by the antenna and P1–P2 indicate Ciplakastacus diverged before the crown group Leptastacidae diversified. The new genus is placed in a basal clade (currently encompassing Archileptastacus and Meloriastacus) defined by eight synapomorphies: (1) caudal ramus with strongly developed seta I flanked by two elongate spinules; (2) caudal ramus with posteriorly directed spinous outgrowth of outer distal corner; (3) caudal ramus seta III vestigial; (4) P5 exopod and baseoendopod forming single plate in both sexes; (5) P2–P4 exp‐3 with one outer spine; (6) dorsal posterior margin of anal somite bilaterally serrate; (7) rostrum triangular or bell‐shaped, and (8) sexually dimorphic ornamentation on the anal somite. Within this clade Ciplakastacus appears most closely related to Meloriastacus on account of the shared presence of the extremely elongate second antennulary segment, an allobasis on the antenna, the strongly reduced accessory seta on the maxillipedal endopod, the subcylindrical sternal process between the maxillipeds and P1, and paired laterodorsal, posteriorly directed, serrate extensions on the anal somite. Both genera can be distinguished from each other by P5 morphology (both sexes), armature of P4 enp‐2 and abdominal hyaline frill structure. The phylogenetic relationships between the basal taxa of the Leptastacidae are briefly outlined.  相似文献   

Caledophora gen. nov. is described based on two new species from New Caledonia, Caledophora irwini sp.nov. and Caledophora webbi sp.nov. This genus is similar to some genera from New Zealand, but can be differentiated from them by the combination of hypopygium not being expanded dorsoventrally, frons setation 4-4-4, light body colour and wing without vein R2+3. Its phylogenetic position is inferred to be within the Bothroprosopa-group of genera.

www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:F6263E01-F2EF-4204-89D6-55BFD7A7AC00  相似文献   

Monstrilloid copepods collected during zooplankton surveys carried out over several years (2009–2016) in the Gulf of Trieste, northern Adriatic Sea, were examined. A total of seven species were found, of which six are undescribed, five of Cymbasoma and one of Monstrilla. These new species are described, illustrated and compared herein with its known congeners. Two of them are related to the C. rigidum species complex. One of these species is described based on both the male and the female; sexes were linked by identical details of the cephalic structure and the antennulary armature. Two previous reports of females attributed to C. tumorifrons from the Mediterranean relate to specimens that in fact belong to a new species, C. mediterranea. The most abundant species was M. grandis, which had a remarkable aggregation around the Trieste harbour in 2015. Male and female specimens of this assumedly widespread species were examined and the observed intra-specific morphological variability is reported and compared with previous illustrated reports; this nominal species probably this nominal species, probably represents a species complex. The addition of the new species here described brings the number of nominal species in the Mediterranean-Black Sea region to 26.

www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:3D4B38E4-CCCD-4BD6-AC57-B59343A865F7  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(37-40):2287-2299
A survey of the nemertean fauna along the Swedish west coast found specimens of 20 genera and 32 species, of which one genus and species is new to science (Tetraneuronemertes lovgreni gen. et sp. n.). The proportions of the three taxa Hoplonemertea, Heteronemertea, and Palaeonemertea are 34, 55, and 11%, respectively, with respect to specimen numbers, and the proportions for species within these taxa are 53, 31 and 16%, respectively. The most common species encountered during the survey were the heteronemerteans Lineus bilineatus, Micrura fasciolata, and Micrura purpurea, the hoplonemertean Nipponnemertes pulcher, and the palaeonemertean Cephalothrix rufifrons.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(9-10):601-613
In the present study, we review the genus Nippoptilia of Korea. In total, four species are recognized, including a new species, Nippoptilia distigmata sp. nov., and two new records, Nippoptilia cinctipedalis (Walker) and N. issikii Yano, for Korea. All the available information, such as distributional ranges and biology of each taxon, is provided. The keys to the genus Nippoptilia in Korea are provided, along with illustrations of external and genitalic characteristics.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(10):1219-1245
Three new species of Normanellidae are described from the Texas coast, Gulf of Mexico. Normanella texana sp. nov. has limited areolated patterns on the cephalothorax, short P5 exopod and endopod, short caudal ramus and short caudal seta VI-V. Normanella brevispina sp. nov. is characterized by its relatively long caudal rami, and areolated rostrum. Normanella chanhoi sp. nov. has well-developed areolated patterns on the cephalothorax, six-segmented antennule and a smooth apical margin of the rostrum. N. texana belongs to the bolini -lineage, and N. brevispina to the minuta -lineage. Normanella chanhoi establishes a new lineage of its own.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(23-24):1419-1425
An undescribed species of Banchinae from Chile in the Natural History Museum collections is described as Geraldus fittoni Broad, sp. nov. Four more specimens of Geraldus cambrensis have been found, from Chile and Argentina. The monophyly of Geraldus and of Philogalleria are supported.  相似文献   


A new rhacophorid species is described from Vietnam on the basis of nine specimens collected in Quan Ba District, Ha Giang Province, northeastern Vietnam. The new species is morphologically similar to Zhangixalus pinglongensis, Z. dorsoviridis, and Z. nigropunctatus, however, it differs from the latter by having the flank cream with large black blotches on axilla and groin. The genetic distance between the new species and Zhangixalus pinglongensis, Z. dorsoviridis and Z. nigropunctatus is >3.57% (16S mtDNA gene fragment). Zhangixalus jodiae sp. nov. can be distinguished from all other species of Zhangixalus and other small rhacophorid species from Southeast Asia by a combination of the following characters: size small (SVL 36.1–39.8 mm in males); head as long as wide; vomerine teeth present; dorsal surface of head and body green without spots; axilla cream with large black blotches, groin and front-rear parts of the thigh, ventral surface of tibia black with orange blotches; lower jaw region greyish, chest and belly cream.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:89597718-024F-4FFC-B0AE-2005F12CF66C  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(37-40):2447-2478
Three new species of Mesochra Boeck, 1865, were found during two surveys in south‐western Iceland of the feeding ecology of juvenile lumpsucker Cyclopterus lumpus Linnaeus, 1758, in floating seaweed and the seasonality of harpacticoids in a low intertidal pool. Only two species of the genus, M. lilljeborgi Boeck, 1864 and M. rapiens (Schmeil, 1894), have been found in previous studies in Iceland. The three new species, Mesochra ingolfssoni sp. nov., Mesochra snoppa sp. nov., and Mesochra freyri sp. nov. resemble M. stellfeldi Jakobi, 1954 in the normal (not dwarfed) outer seta of both male and female P5 EXP, but differ in that M. stellfeldi possesses unequal inner baseoendopodal setae on the female P5. The three new species resemble M. pygmaea (Claus, 1863) in the equal inner baseoendopodal setae of the female P5, but differ in the dwarfed outer seta of the male and female P5 EXP present in M. pygmaea, and can be easily separated by shape of the rostrum, female P6, number of pinnate elements on the second antennular segment, general shape of the antenna and shape of the lateral and distal inner spines, among other character states.  相似文献   

Plankton samples taken in the Gulf of Carpentaria, Australia, yielded material of a new genus containing 3 new species: Anawekia spinosa gen. nov. et sp. nov., A. robusta sp. nov. and A. bilobata sp. nov., which are described herein. The family Diaixidae now contains 12 described species in 2 genera, 9 being in the genus Diaixis. It is noted that 3 of the Diaixis species (including the type species) share some features which are not shared with the remaining 6 species, and that these latter species should probably be placed into a third genus. An amplified redefinition of the family is given.  相似文献   

The taxonomy of the Onchidiidae has remained extremely confusing for decades. As part of an on-going systematic revision of the entire family, a new genus, Melayonchis Dayrat and Goulding gen. nov., and four new species (Melayonchis eloisae Dayrat sp. nov., Melayonchis siongkiati Dayrat and Goulding sp. nov., Melayonchis annae Dayrat sp. nov., and Melayonchis aileenae Dayrat and Goulding sp. nov.) are described. Species are delineated using an integrative approach, based on morphological characters and DNA sequences. First-hand field observations and pictures of live animals are provided in order to help future species identification. All four Melayonchis species live in mangrove forests. The geographic distribution of Melayonchis ranges from the Andaman Sea to the South China Sea through the Strait of Malacca. Records are based on entirely new collections from the Andaman Islands, Peninsular Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei Darussalam and Vietnam. The nomenclature of all existing onchidiid species- and genus-group names from that region is addressed, as well as intraspecific character variation within Melayonchis.

www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:671922DB-C6C1-44A5-B2CD-A3A3127CB668  相似文献   

A synopsis of Pseudoperma is provided. This genus mainly differs from Onocephala and Stethoperma by the antennal tubercles well separated; antennae relatively short, in the female subequal to the body length; and scape and third antennomere subequal in length. Pseudoperma includes two species, P. chalcogramma (Bates, 1887) and P. patruelis (Breuning, 1940), both from Brazil; herein we describe one new species, Pseudoperma lingafelteri sp. nov. from Brazil (Rio de Janeiro). This species differs from its congeners mainly in having the frons and occiput covered with greyish pubescence, and the sides of the elytra with several interrupted or coalescent vittae. We provide new distribution data for Pseudoperma patruelis (Breuning, 1940) from Brazil, Minas Gerais, São Paulo and Santa Catarina, as well as illustrations and a key to the species of Pseudoperma.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:FFD274A3-3AA8-457E-A54C-4CA5AB0340AB  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(19):1641-1651
Loaches of the genus Niwaella, family Cobitidae, are distributed only in East Asia. At present only in Japan and South Korea have fishes of the genus Niwaella been found. Herein we revise the genus Niwaella in China. Son and He () transferred the species Cobitis laterimaculata to the genus Niwaella, but their specimens were not N. laterimaculata, but a new species, N. longibarba sp. n., collected from Cao'ejiang River, Huangzezhen, Chengxian County, Zhejiang Province. The new species is distinguished from N. laterimaculata by its colour pattern of a row of slightly large, and long, scattered dark brown vertical bars on the dorsolateral surface, two or three striations on the caudal fin, and long barbels and undeveloped mental lobes. In this paper we also describe another new species, N. xinjiangensis sp. n., collected from Xinjiang River, Guangfeng County, Jiangxi Province, May 1990, with diagnostic colour pattern of 17–20 large and long, dark brown vertical bars on the dorsolateral surface, a dark stripe or rounded black spots along the lateral midline and some blotches below the lateral midline; it is a large‐sized species, with shorter barbels, and longer caudal peduncle. Thus five species of the genus Niwaella are known, three are endemic to eastern China and two are endemic to either Japan or South Korea.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(33-34):2099-2104

The present paper adds two new species to the genus Gargela Walker, 1864 from China: Gargela polyacantha Li, sp. nov. and G. grandispinata Li, sp. nov. The adults and genital structures of the new species are described, with images of the habitus and illustrations of the genitalia. Type specimens are deposited in the Insect Museum, Jiangxi Agricultural University, Nanchang, P. R. China.

http://www.zoobnk.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:05960EEA-6FA7-4D37-BC16-F69B5DF891F5  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(27-28):1867-1884
Four species and two genera of corinnid spiders are recognized from Korea and are described and illustrated. Castianeira shaxianensis Gong, 1983 Gong, J. X. 1983. Neue und wenig bekannte Clubionidae aus China (Arachnida: Araneae).. Verh Natur Vereins Hamburg., 26: 6168.  [Google Scholar] has previously been synonymized with C. paikdoensis Kim, 1997 Kim, J. P. 1997. A new species of the genus Castianeira (Araneae: Corinnidae) from Korea.. Korean Arachnol., 13(1): 15.  [Google Scholar] and is misidentified with C. flavimaculata Hu, Song and Zheng, 1985 in Korea. Trachelas acuminus (Zhu and An, 1988 Zhu, M. S. and An, R. 1988. Two new species of the genus Clubiona from China (Araneae: Clubionidae).. J Hebei Norm Univ (Nat. Sci. Ed.)., 1988: 7275.  [Google Scholar]) is synonymized with Trachelas coreanus Paik, 1991 based on the copualtory duct, the position of the spermatheca and the shape of the circular genital opening of the female situated posteriorly near the epigastric furrow. Trachelas joopili, a new species, is described and is distinguished by the largely triangular apophysis and slender coiled modified cymbium at the basal and distal part, a large horn‐shaped tibial apophysis, and slender linear embolus, twice coiled along with slender distal cymbium. A map showing the distribution of these species and a key to the species of two genera (Castianeira and Trachelas) from Korea are provided.  相似文献   

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