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《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(7-8):407-433
The Chinese species of the genus Thoracostrongylus Bernhauer, 1915 Bernhauer, M. 1915. Neue Staphyliniden aus Java und Sumatra. Tijdschr Entomol., 58: 213243.  [Google Scholar] are reviewed. Five new species are described: Thoracostrongylus acerosus sp. nov. from Sichuan and Hubei, Th. aduncatus sp. nov. from Yunnan, Th. baoxingensis sp. nov. from Sichuan, Th. diaoluoensis sp. nov. from Hainan and Th. fujianensis sp. nov. from Fujian. Thoracostrongylus birmanus (Fauvel, 1895 Fauvel, A. 1895. Staphylinides nouveaux de l'Inde et de la Malaisie. Rev Entomol., 14: 180286.  [Google Scholar]) is recorded from China for the first time. Male genitalia and other critical characters are illustrated not only for the new species but also for the remaining Chinese species, namely Th. formosanus Shibata, 1982 Shibata, Y. 1982. A new species of the genus Thoracostrongylus Bernhauer from Taiwan (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). T Shikoku entomol Soc., 16: 7176.  [Google Scholar], Th. malaisei Scheerpeltz, 1965 Scheerpeltz, O. 1965. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Schwedischen Expedition 1934 nach Indien und Burma. Coleoptera Staphylinidae (except Megalopsidiinae et Steninae). Ark Zool. (2), 17(2): 93371.  [Google Scholar], Th. miyakei Bernhauer, 1943 Bernhauer, M. 1943. Neuheiten der palaearktischen Staphylinidenfauna. Mitt münch entomol Ges., 33: 169188.  [Google Scholar] and Th. velutinus Scheerpeltz, 1965 Scheerpeltz, O. 1965. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Schwedischen Expedition 1934 nach Indien und Burma. Coleoptera Staphylinidae (except Megalopsidiinae et Steninae). Ark Zool. (2), 17(2): 93371.  [Google Scholar].  相似文献   

The genus Delopleurus Erichson, 1847, is revised. Five new species are described from Africa: Delopleurus naviauxi sp. nov., Delopleurus krikkeni sp. nov., Delopleurus darrenmanni sp. nov., Delopleurus fossatus sp. nov. and Delopleurus pubescens sp. nov. One new synonymy is established (Delopleurus parvus (Sharp, 1875) = Delopleurus cardoni Paulian, 1934, syn. nov.). Lectotype of Delopleurus pullus Boheman, 1857, is designated. Delopleurus janssensi Frey, 1963, is transferred to the genus Metacatharsius Paulian, 1939. A key to the Delopleurus species and locality maps are given.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:67AE5CC5-9C9C-4872-A2B6-68C3BA82C44A  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(15-16):955-967
In this paper, two new species of the genus Gabrius from China are described and illustrated: G. zhoui sp. nov. from Sichuan and G. invisus sp. nov. from Beijing, Hubei, Hunan, Henan, Shaanxi, Sichuan and Zhejiang. Gabrius imitator (Fauvel, 1895 Fauvel, A. 1895. Staphylinides nouveaux de l'Inde et de la Malaisie. Rev Entomol, 14: 180286.  [Google Scholar]), G. lebedevi (Bernhauer, 1910 Bernhauer, M. 1910. Zur Staphylinidenfauna des palaearktischen Gebietes. Soc Entomol, 25: 7171. 78–79 [Google Scholar]), G. tirolensis (Luze, 1903 Luze, G. 1903. Eine neue Art der Staphyliniden-Gattung Philonthus Curtis aus Mitteleuropa. Verhandlungen der k. k. Zool-botan Gesellschaft Wien, 53: 386 [Google Scholar]), G. kambaitiensis Scheerpeltz, 1965 Scheerpeltz, O. 1965. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Schwedischen Expedition 1934 nach Indien und Burma. Coleoptera Staphylinidae (except Megalopsidiinae et Steninae). Ark Zool, 17: 93371.  [Google Scholar], G. cinctiventris Scheerpeltz, 1965 Scheerpeltz, O. 1965. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Schwedischen Expedition 1934 nach Indien und Burma. Coleoptera Staphylinidae (except Megalopsidiinae et Steninae). Ark Zool, 17: 93371.  [Google Scholar], G. egens (Sharp, 1874 Sharp, DS. 1874. The Staphylinidae of Japan. Entomol Soc London Trans, : 1103.  [Google Scholar]), G. smetanai Schillhammer, 1997 Schillhammer, H. 1997. Taxonomic revision of the Oriental species of Gabrius Stephens (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Mono Coleop, 1: 1139.  [Google Scholar] and G. zerchei Schillhammer, 1996 Schillhammer, H. 1996. New genera and species of Asian Staphylinini (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Staphylininae). Koleopterol Rundsch, 66: 5971.  [Google Scholar] are reported from China for the first time. Thus, a total of 53 species of the genus Gabrius are known from China.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(39-40):2401-2414
Three new species of the genus Orcus from Papua New Guinea are described and illustrated: Orcus frommi, Orcus nietzschei and Orcus popperi. New records of Orcus cinctus Weise from New Britain Island of Papua New Guinea and Orcus lafertei Mulsant from New Guinea (Papua New Guinea) are given. An updated key to Orcus species is presented.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(25):2355-2377
The southern African genus Frankenbergerius Balthasar is revised. Two new species, F. opacus sp. n. and F. nitidus sp. n. (South Africa, Western Cape), and one new subspecies, F. armatus tuberculatus ssp. n. (South Africa, Mpumalanga), are described. F. imitativus (Péringuey) is considered a junior synonym of F. forcipatus (Harold). A key to the species and notes on biology are given.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(29-30):1835-1878
We describe here Eodrepanus gen. nov., currently comprising nine species, six previously assigned to the genus Drepanocerus and three described as new (namely, E. morgani sp. nov., E. paolae sp. nov. and E. coopei sp. nov.). Two of the new species have an Afrotropical distribution, while the last is an Eemian fossil species from England. Maximum parsimony was used to analyse reciprocal relationships among the species of Eodrepanus gen. nov., and four of the 24 species remaining in Drepanocerus. Support for these phylogenies was evaluated using the Bootstrap method and Bayesian inference as implemented in MrBayes. The biogeography of Eodrepanus gen. nov. was analysed using several different methods, namely, analysis of similarity (Ochiai Index), dispersal–vicariance analysis and parsimony analysis of endemicity.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(35-36):2149-2177
In this paper, the Chinese species of the genus Belonuchus Nordmann, 1837 Nordmann, A. 1837. Symbolae ad monographiam staphylinorum. Ex Academiae Caesareae Scientiarum, Vol. 4, 1167. Petropoli: Academiae Caesareae Scientiarum.  [Google Scholar] are revised. Four new species are described and illustrated: B. admirabilis sp. nov. from China (Beijing), B. applanatus sp. nov. from China (Yunnan), B. coomani sp. nov. from China (Yunnan and Guangxi) and Vietnam (Hoa-Binh) and B. obvelatus sp. nov. from Indonesia (Sumatra and Java). Belonuchus grandiceps (Kraatz, 1859 Kraatz, G. 1859. Die Staphylinen-Fauna von Ostindien, insbesondere der Insel Ceylan. Arch Naturgesch., 25: 1196.  [Google Scholar]) and B. imitator Cameron, 1932 Cameron, M. 1932. “The Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma. Coleoptera”. In Staphylinidae, Vol. III, 443London: Taylor & Francis.  [Google Scholar] are reported from China for the first time. Five existing Chinese species are re-described and illustrated: B. grandiceps, B. imitator, B. puncticulus, B. punctifrons and B. rufoniger. Belonuchus gardneri Cameron, 1932 Cameron, M. 1932. “The Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma. Coleoptera”. In Staphylinidae, Vol. III, 443London: Taylor & Francis.  [Google Scholar] is placed in synonymy with B. rufoniger Fauvel, 1895 Fauvel, A. 1895. Staphylinides nouveaux de l'Inde et de la Malaisie. Rev Entomol., 14: 180286.  [Google Scholar]. Consequently, eight species of the genus Belonuchus are now known from China. An identification key to the Chinese species of the genus Belonuchus is provided and their geographical distribution is mapped.  相似文献   

One new and two known species of the genus Tantunema Siddiqi, 1982 are described and illustrated. Tantunema indicum sp. nov. is characterized by having a small body (length 0.32–0.45 mm); lip region cap-like, set off by slight constriction; odontostyle 6–7 µm and odontophore 8–10 µm long; pharyngeal expansion gradual, expanded part occupying about 35–41% of total neck length, lumen of posterior expanded part widened and thickened; female genital system mono-opisthodelphic, anterior genital branch absent; tail short, hemispheroid, 0.8–1.1 anal body diameter long. Tantunema pakistanense (Timm, 1964) comb. nov. (=Tylencholaimus pakistanensis Timm, 1964) and Tantunema intermedium (Peña-Santiago and Coomans, 1996) Andrássy, 2009 are redescribed. A diagnostic compendium and key to species of the genus is also provided.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(13-14):831-857
This is the first part of a series dealing with the taxonomy of the genus Sathytes Westwood from China. Fifteen Chinese species are recognized and all described here as new: Sathytes cristatus sp.nov., Sathytes excertus sp.nov., Sathytes perpusillus sp.nov., Sathytes rarus sp.nov., Sathytes tangliangi sp.nov., Sathytes tibialis sp.nov., Sathytes usitatus sp.nov. and Sathytes yunanicus sp.nov. from Yunnan; Sathytes larinus sp.nov. and Sathytes wuyishanus sp.nov. from Fujian; Sathytes longitrabis sp.nov. from Shaanxi; Sathytes longwangshanus sp.nov. and Sathytes paulus sp.nov. from Zhejiang; Sathytes magnus sp.nov. from Xizang; and Sathytes sichuanicus sp.nov. from Sichuan. Illustrations of major diagnostic characters of the new species are given. A total of 33 species worldwide are placed into seven newly defined groups. A checklist of Sathytes is also provided.  相似文献   

The South Korean species of the genus Exochus are revised. Ten new species, Exochus acostulatus Lee & Choi, sp. nov., Exochus adentatus Lee & Choi, sp. nov., Exochus areolaris Lee & Choi, sp. nov., Exochus carinalis Lee & Choi, sp. nov., Exochus dentisternum Lee & Choi, sp. nov., Exochus depressus Lee & Choi, sp. nov., Exochus nigritulus Lee & Choi sp. nov., Exochus occipitalis Lee & Choi, sp. nov., Exochus orbitalis Lee & Choi, sp. nov. and Exochus propodealis Lee & Choi, sp. nov., are described. Also, 21 species of this genus are reviewed and newly recorded from South Korea, with diagnoses provided. A key to the South Korean species of Exochus and illustrations of external characters are provided.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:B28700A7-9CA7-4AE7-9816-9C8F4CD46160  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(29-30):1859-1866
A new genus is described: Acanthocornis gen. nov., type species, Acanthocornis flavus sp. nov. from Brazil, Pará. A new species is described: Atrocolus guarani sp. nov. from Paraguay, Cordillera, which differs from Atrocolus mariahelenae Monné and Monné, 2008 Monné, MA and Monné, ML. 2008. Atrocolus mariahelenae, novo gênero e espécie de Anacolini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae). Iheringia Sér Zool, 98(2): 215217. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar] principally by the sparse punctures in the occiput and pronotum and by the dull interspaces between elytral carinae. We present new distributional data for Myzomorphus gounellei Lameere, 1912 from Brazil, São Paulo, and Biribellus martinsi Galileo, 1987 Galileo, MHM. 1987. Sistemática das tribos Meroscelisini e Anacolini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Prioninae) nas Américas. II, Anacolini. Rev Bras Entomol, 31(4): 481705.  [Google Scholar] from Brazil, Rondônia, and new country data for Myzomorphus scutellatus Sallé, 1849 Sallé, A. 1849. Coléoptères nouveaux de l'Amérique. 2e partie. Ann Soc Entomol Fr, 2(7): 429435.  [Google Scholar] and Nicias alurnoides (Thomson, 1857), both from Trinidad and Tobago, and Xanthonicias prostrata Galileo, 1987 Galileo, MHM. 1987. Sistemática das tribos Meroscelisini e Anacolini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Prioninae) nas Américas. II, Anacolini. Rev Bras Entomol, 31(4): 481705.  [Google Scholar] from Peru, Junin. All the species are illustrated.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(43-44):2639-2664
Four new species of the genus Calamotropha Zeller are described from China: Calamotropha duofurcata sp. nov., Calamotropha abrupta sp. nov., Calamotropha aequilata sp. nov. and Calamotropha unispinea sp. nov. Three species are redescribed: Calamotropha formosella Bleszynski, 1961 Bleszynski, S. 1961. Revision of the World species of the Family Crambidae (Lepidoptera). Part I. Genus Calamotropha Zell. Acta Zool Cracov., 6(7): 137272. pls. 20–71 [Google Scholar], Calamotropha josettae Bleszynski, 1961 Bleszynski, S. 1961. Revision of the World species of the Family Crambidae (Lepidoptera). Part I. Genus Calamotropha Zell. Acta Zool Cracov., 6(7): 137272. pls. 20–71 [Google Scholar] and Calamotropha melli (Caradja and Meyrick, 1933 Caradja, A and Meyrick, E. 1933. Materialien zu einer Microlepidopteren-Fauna Kwangtungs. Dtsch entomol Z Iris., 47(3):123–144) [Google Scholar]). Calamotropha latella (Snellen, 1890 Snellen, PCT. 1890. A catalogue of the Pyralidina of Sikkim collected by Henry J. Elwes and the late Otto Möller, with notes by H. J. Elwes. Trans Entomol Soc Lond 1890:557–647, pls 19–20 [Google Scholar]) is newly recorded for China. Images of adults and illustrations of genitalia of the new species and the redescribed species are provided. A checklist and a key to the known Chinese species are presented, along with a map showing the distribution of these species.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(41-42):2627-2644
Xenomorellia Malloch, a subgenus of Morellia Robineau-Desvoidy, is revised to include two new species, Morellia (Xenomorellia) inca Nihei and Carvalho sp. nov. from South America, and M. (X.) maia Carvalho and Nihei sp. nov. from Costa Rica and Mexico. Diagnoses for M. (X.) holti (Malloch) and M. (X.) montanhesa (Albuquerque) are provided, as well as an identification key to the four species of the subgenus. A cladistic analysis was performed to test the monophyly of Xenomorellia and to recover the phylogenetic relationships among its species. Tree searches resulted in one single most-parsimonious cladogram, wherein the monophyly of Xenomorellia is supported, as well as a sister-group relationship with the Neotropical subgenus Trichomorellia Stein. Xenomorellia was divided into two clades: one with Caribbean–Andean species (maia?+?inca), and another with species from southeastern South America (holti?+?montanhesa).  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(11):1691-1712
According to focal animal sampling, the genus-specific behaviour of Stenus beetles (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) can be presented in the form of a comprehensive ethogram including 73 distinct behavioural patterns. Most observed behavioural patterns can be assigned to five functional systems: ‘feeding’, ‘reproduction’, ‘grooming’, ‘resting’ and ‘protection’. In addition to grooming behaviour, searching behaviour takes a large amount of time (50–90% of the total observation time), which is indicative of the broad prey spectrum of Stenus species. The biological significance of selected behavioural aspects concerning ‘searching for prey’, ‘prey capture’, ‘mating’, ‘self-grooming’ and ‘locomotion on the water surface’ is addressed in the discussion.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(31-32):1879-1890
The genus Mimopodabrus Wittmer is reviewed, and the genus diagnosis is re-described. Three new species are described, M. multidentatus sp. nov. (Guangdong, China), M. variabilis sp. nov. (Yunnan, China) and M. diversefoveolatus sp. nov. (Lao Cai, Vietnam), with illustrations of habitus, antennae and aedeagus. A species is transferred from Micropodabrus to this genus, M. bicoloriceps (Wittmer, 1989 Wittmer, W. 1989. 42. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der indo-malaiischen Cantharidae und Malachiidae (Coleoptera). Entomol Basil., 13: 209237.  [Google Scholar]) comb. nov. A species is synonymized, M. bicoloriceps (Wittmer, 1989 Wittmer, W. 1989. 42. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der indo-malaiischen Cantharidae und Malachiidae (Coleoptera). Entomol Basil., 13: 209237.  [Google Scholar]) comb. nov.?=?M. bicoloriceps Wittmer, 1997 syn. nov. and the definition of M. yunnanus (Wittmer, 1993 Wittmer, W. 1993. Zur Kenntnis der palaearktischen und indo-malaiischen Cantharidae (Coleoptera). Entomol Basil., 16: 203253.  [Google Scholar]) is restricted. A key to all known species of this genus is provided.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(23-24):1407-1440
This paper studies the taxonomy of the genus Aetheomorpha Lacordaire, 1848 Lacordaire, JT. 1848. Monographie des coléoptères subpentamères de la famille des phytophages. Tome second. Mém Soc R Sci Liége., : 890 5: vi?+? [Google Scholar] (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cryptocephalinae: Clytrini) occurring in China. Five new species are described: Aetheomorpha bidentata sp. nov. from Sichuan, Aetheomorpha bilobata sp. nov., Aetheomorpha obtusapicata sp. nov., Aetheomorpha punctistriata sp. nov. and Aetheomorpha wangi sp. nov. from Yunnan. Aetheomorpha furcata Medvedev and Kantner, 2002 Medvedev, LN and Kantner, F. 2002. Some new and poorly known Clytrinae (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) of the Old World. Entomol Basil., 24: 259269.  [Google Scholar] is reported from China for the first time. The Chinese fauna of the genus is therefore increased to 16 species. A key to species is provided in the text in addition to colour plates and line drawings of habitus, maxilla, labium, male genitalia and female spermatheca and rectal sclerites, which are very helpful for species identification.  相似文献   

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