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《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(3-4):229-240
We studied patterns of microhabitat use by adults of two sympatric Bokermannohyla species at the Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural Santuário do Caraça, southeastern Brazil. We selected three streams, one where both species occurred in syntopy and the other two where each one occurred alone. We sampled 150-m transects in each stream throughout 1 year, recording microhabitat features for each frog located (substrate type, height and distance from water). Microhabitat availability varied between dry and wet seasons in all streams, and overall microhabitat diversity changed in two streams. Bokermannohyla nanuzae seemed to have a niche contraction in the presence of Bokermannohyla martinsi, but this only happened during the dry season. Microhabitat requirements during the wet season may be closely linked to similar reproductive needs that probably represent a strong selective pressure, forcing niche overlap.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(1-2):117-129
The breeding biology and male territorial behaviour of the large-headed leaf-frog (Phyllomedusa megacephala) were studied in three temporary altitudinal streams located in the Cerrado biome of southeastern Brazil, during three consecutive years (2007–2009). Phyllomedusa megacephala showed significant sexual dimorphism, with females being bigger and heavier than males. Acoustic and physical interactions between males defending or not defending territories including amplectant and non-amplectant males, patrolling behaviour by males without established territories, and triple amplexus were observed. Neither males nor females were observed using visual cues when searching for mates. We found that males that were present at breeding sites in previous years bred more successfully and maintained territory better.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(43-44):2777-2791
Mortality rates are often high during the anuran tadpole stage, making demographic parameters in this phase of their life cycle important to the understanding of population demography. Nevertheless, information on mortality rates or population size is lacking for most Brazilian anurans. Herein we report on the demographic parameters of Phasmahyla jandaia (Hylidae) during the larval stage, including number of individuals through time, mortality rates and time of recruitment. Tadpole recruitment occurred year‐round, although froglet recruitment to the terrestrial habitat was restricted to the warm, rainy season. This trend seems to result in high plasticity of the tadpole developmental period. Mortality rates decreased with advancing tadpole stage, totalling 77% during the whole aquatic phase. Survivorship can be regarded as intermediate compared with other anurans for which data are available, and is in accordance with a high investment in egg size and the low number of eggs laid by P. jandaia.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(35-36):2363-2371
Reproductive aspects of Ameerega braccata, a Cerrado endemic species of Dendrobatidae, were studied in the surroundings of the type locality of the species, Chapada dos Guimarães, mid-southern Mato Grosso State, Brazil. We found that males call mainly early in the morning and in the late afternoon. During courtship, the female approaches a calling male and tactile and visual communication occurs. Males call continuously while guiding females to the oviposition site, which may be situated as far as 24 m (in a straight line) from the initial encounter site. Spawn are deposited over fallen leaves on the soil surface or in burrows. Female snout–vent length and body mass did not explain the variation in ovary mass, or the variation in the number and size of post-vitellogenic oocytes. The results reported here for A. braccata might help to understand trends in the evolution of dendrobatids in open Cerrado environments.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(19-20):1195-1206
Limnomedusa is a monotypic genus that occurs in association with rocky outcrops and stream beds. Based on observational and mark–recapture fieldwork from 2005 to 2008, we report the breeding biology of Limnomedusa macroglossa in southern Brazil. The reproductive season lasted from late August to early February. Tadpoles were recorded from early September to late February. A clear pattern of emergence/recruitment was observed in juveniles. The occurrence of reproductive activities was clearly related to the longest photoperiods, when the highest temperatures occur. Males called from rocky or concrete substrates, mostly under rocks. Amplexus was axillary and the operational sex ratio was nearly even. Spawn occurred in lentic water bodies but tadpoles also completed their development in slow‐flowing water. Although using similar habitats for reproduction, L. macroglossa reached lower levels of specialization toward terrestriality than did the cycloramphids Cycloramphus and Thoropa. We classify L. macroglossa as a breeding habitat specialist that would be threatened by river damming.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(29-30):1823-1834
Territoriality is common among amphibians with a prolonged breeding season and can be expressed through the defence of territories with vocalizations and aggressive interactions. The present study aims to describe the territorial behaviour of male Phyllomedusa nordestina, test whether the physical characteristics of males influence the results of disputes, and describe the vocalizations of the species. The study was conducted at temporary and permanent ponds located in the Ecological Reserve Michelin, Igrapiúna, Bahia, Brazil. Male P. nordestina defended territories and showed aggressive behaviour, consisting of vocal disputes, chasing and physical fighting. Winners were not bigger, heavier, or in better condition than the losers. The victory may be associated with the vocalization activity. Three types of vocalizations were recorded: the advertisement call, composed of one or two multipulsed notes, and two types of territorial calls. We also report on male patrolling behaviour and habitat use.  相似文献   

The mating (male courtship, amplexus and oviposition) and male territorial behaviours of Phyllomedusa ayeaye are described from a high-altitude site in the state of Minas Gerais, south-eastern Brazil. Information related to male breeding success and territoriality, as well as egg clutch parameters, is provided, together with qualitative information regarding tadpole phenology and juvenile recruitment. In addition, estimations of sexual dimorphism and numbers of marked individuals are available through capture-mark-recapture sampling. Females bred with males within spatially clustered oviposition sites (broadleaf plants). In some cases, the amplectant couple actively searched for the oviposition site. Males defended territories from other males, employing both acoustic and physical interactions. Some males successfully maintained their calling sites over successive nights, and others seemed to switch among nearby sites during successive nights and tried to disrupt ongoing ovipositions. No significant relationship was found between physical attributes (snout vent length or body mass) of males with breeding success. Also, no influence of the number of nights a male was active in chorus and its breeding success was detected. Therefore, it is proposed that the mating system in P. ayeaye may be opportunistic. Additional information related to reproduction (egg clutch parameters and breeding behaviours) is also discussed for other species of the Phyllomedusa hypochondrialis group and compared with the results of the present study.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(17-18):1141-1151
We provide detailed information on breeding sites, release call, satellite behaviour, courtship, and embryonic and larval development of Odontophrynus cordobae. Field observations were carried out during two breeding seasons (2004–2005 and 2008–2009). Clutches were raised in captivity (artificial ponds) to analyse the development of embryos and tadpoles. Breeding sites were represented by streams and their backwaters, as well as temporary and permanent ponds of varying sizes. Operational sex ratio was male-biased varying between 0.154 and 0.25. Acoustic activity started about 8–10 pm and ended between 2 and 4 am the next day. Distance among calling males was approximately three metres. Male satellite behaviour was observed. Amplexus attempts among males were common. Release calls were structurally similar although shorter than advertisement calls. Courtship and formation of amplexus were documented.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(39-40):2449-2471
Coexistence of anuran species might lead to acoustic interference among communications, especially where species are closely related. This problem might be minimized through resource partitioning. To test this idea, we analysed calling with respect to temporal and physical space usage in three syntopic, closely related species (Scinax cuspidatus, Scinax aff. hayii and Scinax aff. x-signatus) in a temporary pond in the Atlantic rainforest. The chorus attendance of each species resulted from a different combination of factors in the rainy season. Although there was some temporal overlap of daily activity among species, peak activity time differed, particularly between the two species whose calls were most similar. Although all three species tend to aggregate in open microhabitats, their coexistence is apparently facilitated by differential use of vertical strata and organization of calling sites near the sites of conspecifics. Together, these factors apparently reduce acoustic interference among heterospecific calls.  相似文献   

Frog species of the Centrolenidae family exhibit a high variation in reproductive behaviours. Herein we describe the reproductive, ecological, acoustic and behavioural features of Hyalinobatrachium cappellei in Southern Amazon. Two hypotheses were also evaluated: (1) are ecological characteristics of the reproductive site related to male size and quantity of eggs and clutches? And (2) do males with one or more existing clutches at reproductive sites accumulate more new clutches than those males initially without them? This study was conducted at two streams, with sampling at 1 km each in Southern Amazon. Species reproduction occurred during the wet season and was considered prolonged breeding. Although male vocalization occurred on both the upper and underside of leaves, clutches were most often deposited on the underside of leaves. Males emitted a courtship call upon female approach. The process of female approach until oviposition lasted approximately eight hours. After oviposition, females left the breeding site while males remained near the clutch, covering it with the belly in ventral brooding behaviour. Thus, egg attendance is reported for the first time for this species. No intraspecific or interspecific aggressive behaviour was recorded. There was no relationship between habitat characteristics of the reproductive sites and male size, number of eggs and clutches. However, after 10 days of monitoring, we found evidences that parental males had a higher number of clutches than those males initially without clutches. Similar to other glass frog species, the behavioural characteristics of H. cappellei make this species an excellent model to use in evaluating the cost-effectiveness of parental care and the importance of egg attendance for offspring survival. Therefore, these data contribute towards a better understanding of the complex phylogenetic and biogeographic relationships between centrolenid lineages.  相似文献   

The Pale-bellied Tyrant-manakin (Neopelma pallescens) inhabits semi-deciduous and riparian forests in central-north South America. Contrary to most manakins, there is no evident sexual dichromatism in the species and little is known about its breeding biology. We studied the breeding biology of a colour-banded population of the species from August to December 2016 and from August to October 2017 in the Campus Florestal of the Universidade Federal de Viçosa, south-eastern Brazil. The breeding season extended from early September to late November. The species is promiscuous, with males exhibiting simple courtship displays (exploded leks) in individual arenas. The nest (n = 13) is a cup attached by its top lip between forked branches and is very simple, with a structural layer made with dry grass stems and heads, attached to the branch with spider silk. The outer and lining layers are absent. The mean clutch size was 1.8 eggs (n = 11), which are oval and pale coloured, covered with spots of different shades of brown, often concentrated in the larger pole. Mean egg length and width (± SD) were 21.0 ± 0.9 × 15.8 ± 0.7 mm (n = 14) and the mean weight was 2.8 ± 0.4 g (n = 10). The incubation period could not be estimated, but the nestling period was 15 days (n = 2). The simple percentage of successful nests was 15.4%, with 76.9% of the nests depredated and 7.7% abandoned. This is the first detailed study about the breeding biology of any Neopelma species, providing relevant data for the study of the evolution of life history strategies not only for the genus, but for the whole family Pipridae.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(19-20):1225-1238
The natural history of the lizard Enyalius perditus was studied from August 2005 to July 2006, at Parque Estadual Nova Baden, in the municipality of Lambari, State of Minas Gerais, south-eastern Brazil. We found that E. perditus may be considered a semi-arboreal species, like other species in the genus, sleeping on vegetation (slim branches or large leaves) at night, possibly to minimize predation. Females with enlarged follicles or oviducal eggs were found from November to January and juveniles recruited at the end of the dry season and beginning of the rainy season, in October. The diet of this lizard is composed mainly of Lepidoptera larvae, Araneae and Formicidae. Females were larger than males, and juvenile coloration is similar to that of adult females.  相似文献   

Cassidinae Gyllenhaal? is the second largest subfamily of Chrysomelidae (Coleoptera), which presents characteristic morphology, biology and behaviour. The current study describes the life cycle of Paraselenis(Spaetiechoma) dichroa (Germar), ?determining biological and behavioural aspects as well as the action of natural enemies on populations, when the species has maternal care. The study was conducted between February and April 2015 in the National Forest of Passa Quatro, municipality of Passa Quatro, Minas Gerais state, Brazil. Daily observations were made (morning and afternoon) to evaluate the offspring of females on Ipomoea sp. and Merremia macrocalyx (O’Donell?) (Convolvulaceae), as well as the actions of natural enemies on the young. The eggs are deposited on the midrib and abaxial surface of leaves (n = 25). Egg clusters are pedunculated, arranged in groups and devoid of any cover. On average, each female produced 27.3 ± 5.6 (n = 16) eggs, with a mean incubation period of 12.7 ± 2.9 days (n = 10 females with their young). The larvae remained grouped in the leaves throughout development, except when they fed. They retained faeces and exuviae as a stacked faecal structure on their mobile urogomphi (caudal process) like a faecal shield. The mean number of larvae per female was 12.7 ± 10.1 (n = 19) and the larval period lasted 24.9 ± 4.5 days (n = 12). Pupation occurred on the stem of the plant (n = 16). On average there were 8.1 ± 8.5 individuals for pupae progeny (n = 14). The mean duration of the pupal stage was 10.4 ± 3.3 days (n = 5). Overall, 3% of adults emerged (n = 13 individuals), with a total cycle time of 41.3 ± 8.4 days (n = 6). Adults are sexually dimorphic in the elytral shape. Females remain with the offspring throughout development. The natural enemies of immatures were Emersonella pubipennis Hansson? (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), Tachinidae (Diptera) and Stiretrus decastigmus (Herrich-Schaeffer?) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae), Conura sp. Spinola? (Hymenoptera: Chalcididae) and Brachymeria sp. Westwood? (Hymenoptera: Chalcididae). The information presented here on the natural history of P. dichroa are important as they may serve as a starting point to understand evolutionary questions and multispecies interactions.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(32):3013-3027
Male Mannophryne trinitatis transport their larvae on their backs to predator‐free pools and deposit them there. The experiments reported here investigated M. trinitatis male deposition behaviour in containers placed near a heavily fish‐populated stream at Mount Saint Benedict, northern Trinidad. Choice of deposition site was not related to height above or distance from the stream. The low mean number of tadpoles deposited in each container in the field and in a laboratory experiment indicated that most males tended not to deposit complete clutches in single pools. Deposition experiments in the laboratory with a choice of different‐sized containers showed that deposition was pool size dependent, with more tadpoles deposited in larger containers. Deposition behaviour when given a choice of containers with leaf litter (a source of food and shelter) and with no leaf litter showed no significant preference. Tadpoles grown in different water volumes with different food sources revealed that tadpole growth was best in larger water volumes containing leaf litter. Regular tadpole inspections at a pool in the field established that most tadpoles present were the result of downstream movement.  相似文献   

The Lined Seedeater (Sporophila lineola) is a migratory species that inhabits a variety of open habitats in South America. We studied the breeding biology and territorial behaviour of a colour-banded population of the species in the Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Campus Florestal (1–19,8808ºS, –44,4136ºW), during two breeding seasons (2014/2015 and 2015/2016), which spans from December to April. We monitored 74 nests of this species. The nest is a low cup supported between a fork. Nests are mainly built with grass stems and rootlets, with spider-web used to hold the material together and to bind the nest to its supporting plant. Females are solely responsible for nest building and incubation, which is synchronic, and also for feeding nestlings to a large extent. Males are responsible for defending the territory, which corresponds to a small portion of the home range restricted to the nest environs, and also feed the nestlings. Mean clutch size is two eggs (78% of nests monitored), with clutches of three (20.3%) and four (1.7%) eggs also observed. Eggs are whitish, covered with dark brown blotches and spots to a variable extent. Mean incubation period, considered as the period between the onset of incubation and hatching of the first egg, is 11 days. Nestling period, considered as the period between hatching of the first egg and fledging of the last young, is 10 days. During the first breeding season, the simple percentage of successful nests was 34.1%, while the Mayfield success was 29.8%, with slightly higher values observed during the second breeding season, with 39.4% and 35.7%, respectively. We recorded, for the first time, three cases of polygamy in the species. We also recorded breeding site fidelity for the first time in the species, with males returning to the same territory owned in a previous breeding season.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(29-30):1811-1822

The family Centrolenidae (Glass frogs) includes 157 species of anurans with a Neotropical distribution. Although glass frogs have been the subject of several studies encompassing various aspects of their biology, natural history data on their reproductive ecology is still scarce. One of the important aspects of reproductive ecology is the oviposition site since it can impact the reproductive success of a species. Herein, we provide detailed information on the reproductive ecology of a population of Teratohyla midas from the Colombian Amazon foothills and test whether this species shows a preference on substrate and height of oviposition site. We monitored a population using capture-mark-recapture of individuals identified by a photograph of their unique pattern of dorsal yellow spots. Wild-ID Software was used to corroborate if the dorsal pattern was different between individuals. Additionally, we monitored the presence of egg clutches, amplexus and oviposition behaviour. We observed 110 males and 5 females of T. midas, seen at an average height of 3.1 m ± 2.9 (0–17.8 m) from the ground. Likewise, we recorded the amplexus behaviour of two pairs for approximately 150 min. Once the oviposition happened, the male retreated, and the female covered the egg clutches for approximately 60 min. We observed 25 egg clutches with 60% being deposited in leaves of Selaginella sp and found at an average height of 2.9 ± 1.7 m (1.1–7.0 m). Thus, the selection of oviposition site was not random but mostly specific to one type of substrate. Furthermore, there was an overlap of the re-sampled median height distributions of active individuals and clutches, which suggests that oviposition does not occur at a preferred height within the vertical distribution of individuals. The information presented here is the first detailed record of reproductive ecology for this species and we hope to provide a basis to improve our knowledge on the biology of this species and other glass frogs.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(17-18):1021-1034
The reproductive phenology and guild of the floral visitors of Canistropsis microps in an Atlantic Forest area in Ilha Grande, RJ were studied for 4 years. The rates of flowering, fruiting and mortality were related to air temperature, rainfall and photoperiod. To register the flower visitors, observations were carried out for 5 days in each reproductive season. The flowering and fruiting occurred in the rainy season and were positively related to the studied climatic variables, whereas the highest mortality rates occurred in the dry season and were negatively related to the climatic variables. The guild of floral visitors of C. microps was composed of Hymenoptera, characterizing the species as a melittophilous plant. These results indicate that the rainy season presents more favourable conditions for investment in sexual reproduction, besides being the period in which potential pollinators have larger population densities and a longer period of activity.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(43-44):2689-2699
The selection of reproductive sites by anurans may be associated with each species’ behavioural restrictions, reproductive modes, morphology and physiology. We investigated the use of reproductive sites by Phyllomedusa azurea in an area of Cerrado, Central-Western Brazil, which has been modified by agricultural and cattle ranching. Reproductive activity was studied during the peak of the rainy season in two consecutive years. No correlation was found between male body size and position of the calling site, and calling sites did not vary among ponds. Conversely, the height and distance from the water margin where clutches were found varied among ponds. Phyllomedusa azurea used mainly Brachiaria sp. and Brachiaria humidicola grasses as calling sites and the grass Brachiaria sp. and the shrub Melochia villosa (Malvaceae) as oviposition sites. Calling males used the vegetation according to its availability; however, individuals seemed to exhibit significant preferences regarding the type of vegetation used for oviposition.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(43-44):2785-2794
We studied the diet of Enyalius bilineatus (Leiosauridae: Squamata) at the Inhotim Institute, southeastern Brazil, through induced regurgitation. We obtained 27 individuals using pitfall traps with drift-fence, active search, opportunistic encounters and capture by persons not directly involved in the study. We quantified prey availability at the site using pitfall traps and used electivity indices to identify preferred prey items based on ingested and available prey. Preferred prey included Lepidoptera larvae considering number of prey ingested and Orthoptera considering volume ingested. We obtained the available data on diet of Enyalius species from the literature and compared a phylogenetic distance matrix with a diet dissimilarity matrix, showing that phylogenetically closer species tended to have less dissimilar diets. We used independent contrasts to show that environmental impact did not reduce Enyalius population trophic niches, excluding the effects of phylogeny on niche breadth. Species of Enyalius may adapt to some disturbance in their habitats.  相似文献   

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