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Chrysoperla shahrudensis sp. nov. is discovered in northern Iran, co-occurring with at least five other cryptic species of the Chrysoperla carnea-group. It is distinguished by the volley period and tonality of its courtship duetting song. Another Asian species from alpine meadows of northern Kyrgyzstan, previously C. ‘adamsi-K’ but here named Chrysoperla bolti sp. nov., has a song distinct from but convergent with both C. shahrudensis and North American Chrysoperla adamsi. Coordinated duets can be established in the laboratory between individuals of C. shahrudensis and recorded songs of either C. bolti or C. adamsi. Such functional song equivalence in distinct allopatric species suggests that repeated episodes of parallel speciation can drive the origin of cryptic species diversity in lacewings. Morphology, life history, and ecology of larvae and adults of C. shahrudensis and C. bolti are then formally described. Adding C. shahrudensis to a large mitochondrial DNA data set for ≈ 21 species shows it to be similar to neither C. adamsi nor C. bolti, further supporting independent, convergent evolution of song rather than song similarity due to relationship. Although C. bolti and C. shahrudensis are both from Asia and share some basic temporal song features, the two taxa are distinct, allopatric biological species.

www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:D9B7BDC9-6C09-468B-A6B-D378628EC557  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(41-42):2543-2555
The existence is reported of rhizoids in specimens of Bowerbankia pustulosa and Bowerbankia citrina collected from different Iberian locations. The structure of these rhizoids differs from that of other fixation structures previously reported in Bowerbankia and redescribed here. Rhizoids in both species are probably homologous with those of Amathia, supporting the close relationship between these two genera.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(6):1413-1419
Didogobius schlieweni sp. nov. is described from a single specimen collected among pebbles in shallow water at Unije island, near Cres, in the northern Adriatic Sea. The holotype has vivid dark and pale patterning, and is assigned to Didogobius on the basis of head neuromast patterns and meristic features. Diagnostic values of the latter are D2 I/12, A I/11, P 17, and LL 55–56. A key to species of the Chromogobius and Didogobius complex is provided.  相似文献   

The taxonomy of the Onchidiidae has remained extremely confusing for decades. As part of an on-going systematic revision of the entire family, a new genus, Melayonchis Dayrat and Goulding gen. nov., and four new species (Melayonchis eloisae Dayrat sp. nov., Melayonchis siongkiati Dayrat and Goulding sp. nov., Melayonchis annae Dayrat sp. nov., and Melayonchis aileenae Dayrat and Goulding sp. nov.) are described. Species are delineated using an integrative approach, based on morphological characters and DNA sequences. First-hand field observations and pictures of live animals are provided in order to help future species identification. All four Melayonchis species live in mangrove forests. The geographic distribution of Melayonchis ranges from the Andaman Sea to the South China Sea through the Strait of Malacca. Records are based on entirely new collections from the Andaman Islands, Peninsular Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei Darussalam and Vietnam. The nomenclature of all existing onchidiid species- and genus-group names from that region is addressed, as well as intraspecific character variation within Melayonchis.

www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:671922DB-C6C1-44A5-B2CD-A3A3127CB668  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(24):2949-2958
Nemedina zaitsevi sp. nov. is described from Kazakhstan and includes the first extant male specimens of this genus. The combination of male genitalic features (e.g. long and narrow gonocoxal apodemes, shortened hypandrium), absence of female tergite 10, and absence of epipharyngeal blades strongly support the hypothesis that Nemedina Chandler and the Atelestinae are sister groups.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(16):2119-2131
Recent surveys of the plethodontid salamander fauna of Oaxaca, Mexico, disclosed the existence of a new, morphologically distinct arboreal species of the genus Pseudoeurycea. The new species, described here, is from the Sierra Mazateca in northern Oaxaca. Sequences of 1833 base pairs of the 16S, cytochrome b and ND4 mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) genes from the new taxon were used to assess its phylogenetic position. Previous phylogenetic analyses based on mtDNA supported recognition of four clades within Pseudoeurycea: P. bellii, P. gadovii, P. juarezi and P. leprosa-Lineatriton species groups. One additional species, P. unguidentis, was not closely allied to any of the four groups. Re-analysis including the additional sequences reported here establishes a sister-group relationship between the new species and P. unguidentis. Moreover, it supports this clade as part of the P. juarezi species group.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(41-42):2613-2638

A handful of benthic harpacticoid species are known from the Gulf of California. Here I describe Argestes analongises sp. n. (Argestidae), and Argestigens celibis sp. n. (Ameiridae) from the deep sea of the Tropical Eastern Pacific and Gulf of California. Argestes analongises sp. n. fits in the subfamily Argestinae (Argestidae) and was attributed to the genus Argestes by the presence of small spinules covering the body surface of, at least, the urosome, and by the presence of an extremely elongated distal seta on the sixth segment of the female antennule. This new species seems to be allied to A. angolaensis by the situation of all the caudal setae, and by the ventral position of caudal seta III. They differ in the relative length of the female caudal rami, size, shape and relative position of the sensilla-bearing tubercles associated to the anal somite, armature of the mandibular basis, shape of the exopodal and endopodal segments of swimming legs, and relative length of the setae on the female P5 endopodal lobe and position of the innermost seta of the exopod of the female fifth leg. Argestigens celibis sp. n. was attributed to the family Ameiridae based on the non-argestid maxilla, on the presence of a more or less well-developed endopodal lobe of the male fifth leg and three inner setae on the third endopodal segment of the third leg, and on the presence of the typically modified ameirid-like inner spine on the basis of the male first leg. The new species was attributed to Argestigens based on the non-prehensile endopod of first leg and presence of long inner spinules on the basis of second to fourth legs. Additionally, a new genus, Georgus gen. n., is proposed for Bodinia peterrumi, and some comments are given on the monophyly of that genus.

www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:4BD580B0-E856-4FBC-ABA6-B031A9B6E1F9  相似文献   

The Antheluridae is erected for the genera Anthelura Norman and Stebbing, Ananthura Barnard and Anthomuda Schultz. The family is characterized by mouthparts of biting form; maxillipedal endite broad; maxillipedal palp broad, of 4–5 free articles; several posterior carpal and propodal spines on pereopods 2–7; pereopod 7 with transverse anterodistal propodal setal row on mesial face; and single telsonic statocyst. Its relationships to other anthurideans, especially the Paranthuridae, is discussed. Three new Australian species are described, Ananthura billarderia from off New South Wales, Anthomuda chorizema from the southeastern coast, and Anthomuda hovea, from the Great Barrier Reef, Coral Sea islands and Western Australia.

Bathura Schultz, Austranthura Kussakin and Valoranthura Kensley are junior synonyms of Ananthura, and Diaphoranthura is a junior synonym of Anthomuda.  相似文献   

The new genus Aberropompilus Shimizu & Wahis, family Pompilidae, is described from Southeast Asia (Malaysia, Thailand) based on the new species A. dayi Shimizu & Wahis. Its peculiar morphological characteristics and taxonomic position within the family are discussed and the genus is tentatively placed in the subfamily Pepsinae.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(20):2655-2668
Examination of fossil and Recent specimens from the Sicilian area belonging to the Phylactella labrosa ‘complex’ revealed two new species: P. mediterranea sp. nov., a Pleistocene-to-Recent taxon and P. megarensis sp. nov., from Pleistocene sediments from eastern Sicily. Ecological, geographical and stratigraphical distribution of both new species are discussed also in comparison with P. labrosa.  相似文献   

Adult females of a new species, Mucroseius insolitus sp. nov., are described from the metathoracic spiracular atria of the Black pine sawyer beetle Monochamus galloprovincialis (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) from Asian Russia (Altai Republic and Tyumen Province). The new species differs from all congeners by the absence of the otherwise autapomorphic distal flangelike process (mucro) of the fixed chela. The genus Mucroseius is recorded for the first time in Russia, and its generic concept is reviewed.

urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:AB3BDB6A-63C3-4970-A192-A3C539C48BA1  相似文献   

The biology and functional morphology of the Australian endemic Paphies elongata (shell length <20 mm) from wave-exposed beaches are described. On Middleton Bay Beach, Albany, Western Australia, the species co-occurs with the smaller (shell length <13 mm) Donax columbella. Both make tidally regulated migrations up and down the shore in the swash and backwash of waves, respectively. Emergence from and re-burrowing into the beach sand in concordance with the waves is fast in both taxa (5–10 s). Adaptations to such a life on these high-energy beaches include an anteriorly elongate and posteriorly reduced shell and a mesh of tentacles within the inhalant siphon that screens out sand grains from the mantle cavity but allows entry for particles of detritus that P. elongata suspension feeds on when they are raised into the water column with each breaking wave. Internally, relatively large ctenidia, small labial palps, a stomach with many sorting areas and a short intestine equip P. elongata for life in such a dynamic habitat. Strong rejectory currents in the mantle cavity keep it clean of sand. Paphies elongata is dioecious, as are species of Donax, which throughout its Australian range P. elongata is sympatric with. These donacid and mesodesmatid taxa have both evolved to exploit the niche and the food resource of detritus held in suspension by breaking waves of high-energy sandy beaches within their respective ranges. Of interest, however, is that the original and sole occupants of such beaches – the Mesozoic Upper Cretaceous Donacidae – have been joined subsequently by representatives of the Mesodesmatidae, such as P. elongata, the adoption of this habitat taking place in the Eocene of the Cenozoic, some 50 million years later.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(24):2257-2278
We describe six new feather mite species collected from museum skins of the carolina parakeet Conuropsis carolinensis Linnaeus, 1758, which lived in North America and became extinct at the beginning of the 20th century: Genoprotolichus simplex sp. n., Lopharalichus beckeri sp. n., Neorhytidelasma conuropsis sp. n. (Pterolichidae: Pterolichinae), Chiasmalges carolinensis sp. n. (Psoroptoididae: Pandalurinae), Fainalges gracilitarsus sp. n., and Protonyssus proctorae sp. n. (Xolalgidae: Ingrassiinae). Brief comments on the current systematic state and host associations of these feather mite genera are provided.  相似文献   

Eustigmaeus floridensis sp. nov. is described and illustrated based on female specimens collected from citrus trees in Florida, USA. The new species is closely related to Eustigmaeus arcuata, Eustigmaeus segnis and Eustigmaeus microsegnis, all known to occur in Florida. Eustigmaeus floridensis sp. nov. can be distinguished by larger dimples associated with setae sce, d2 and e1 containing at least four or more vacuoles centrally; dorsal body setae broadly lanceolate and feather-like, except c2, which is slender; anogenital area with striae and one pair of serrated aggenital (ag1) and three pairs of serrated pseudanal (ps1?3) setae. A key to the Eustigmaeus species known to occur across USA is also provided.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(41-44):2653-2681
Two new genera and five new species of feather mites of the family Proctophyllodidae are described from passerine birds from Brazil: Tyranniphyllodes pitangi gen. n., sp. n. from Pitangus sulphuratus (Tyrannidae); Atrichophyllodes delalandi gen. n., sp. n. from Corythopis delalandi (Tyrannidae); A. mentalis gen. n., sp. n. from Dysithamnus mentalis (Thamnophilidae); Anisophyllodes candango sp. n. from Elaenia chiriquensis (Tyrannidae); and Platyacarus sittasomi sp. n. from Sittasomus griseicapillus (Dendrocolaptidae). The discovery of these taxa might give data for a better understanding of the evolution of the family Proctophyllodidae in general and the dispersion of these mites on passerines in South America in paricular.  相似文献   

A new feather mite species, Proctophyllodes pirangae sp. n. (Acari: Proctophyllodidae) is described from two tanagers of the genus Piranga Vieillot, 1808 (Passeriformes: Cardinalidae) in North America: the Scarlet Tanager, Piranga olivacea (Gmelin) and the Western Tanager, Piranga ludoviciana (Wilson) (Passeriformes: Cardinalidae) from North America. The new species belongs to the anthi species group and differs from the most similar species, Proctophyllodes polyxenus Atyeo and Braasch, by having in males, the aedeagus and genital sheath extending to or slightly beyond the level of setae g, the anterior margin of the opisthogastric shield shallowly concave, and its posterior margin nearly square-shaped, and the lamellae smaller; in females, both the lobar cleft and the transverse band of soft tegument at level of setae h1 are considerably narrower.

www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:29B3D157-8114-48EC-AF31-61A99F6D0C3B  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(37-38):2351-2367

A new species of Passalus is described from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. A synthesis of the current state of knowledge concerning the Brazilian species of the Petrejus group is presented with a new key to the described Passalus lockerum sp. nov., which is characterized by the frontal area finely and sparsely punctate, interstices shiny; anteriorly with distinct rounded, coarse and shallow punctures, contiguous or not. Also, the secondary median frontal tubercles are close, vestigial to small and subcontiguous at base. Unique characteristic specific to the aedeagus are also important. The species is restricted to a protected conservation area of the Atlantic Forest in the state of Rio de Janeiro.

www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:A0A6251E-DFD0-4BB7-90EE-D7FA29AE8243  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(27-28):1647-1672

A new species of Liopeltis from central Vietnam is described based on morphological and molecular differences. Liopeltis pallidonuchalis sp. nov. is distinguished from its congeners by a combination of the following characters: one single (or missing) loreal; one single nasal shield; dorsal scales in 15–15-15 rows, all smooth; 1 preocular, 2 postoculars and 1 + 2 temporals; 7 supralabials, of which 3rd and 4th in contact with the eye; 8 infralabials; nasal contacting internasal; prefrontal touching or separated from supralabials; ventral scales 126–138; subcaudal scales 67–73, paired; relative tail length about 0.274–0.301; an uniform bronze body colouration; a thin postocular stripe extending from eye to end of the neck becoming indistinct posteriorly. The new species differs from the morphologically closest species Liopeltis frenata by the lower number of ventrals and subcaudals, by characteristic colouration and significant divergence in cytochrome b mtDNA gene sequences (p = 15.3–15.6%). The new species is currently known from northen and central parts of the Annamite (Truong Son) Mountains, central Vietnam, and was recorded from montane evergreen tropical forests of Kon Tum–Gia Lai Plateau (Gia Lai and Thua Thien–Hue provinces, Da Nang City) at elevations of 950–1010 m asl to karst tropical forests in Quang Binh Province in the north at elevation 150 asl. We suggest the new species should be considered as Vulnerable (VU) following the IUCN’s Red List categories. An updated taxonomic key to the Liopeltis species is provided.  相似文献   

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