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The flower bug genus Orius Wolff, 1811 (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Anthocoridae: Oriini) in Thailand is reviewed. Eleven valid species are recognised; seven of them are described as new to science: Orius (O.) sakaerat, O. (O.) taksini, O. (O.) tomokunii, O. (O.) filiferus, O. (O.) machaerus, O. (O.) inthanonus and O. (Trichorius) crassus. Orius (Heterorius) dravidiensis Muraleedharan, 1977, which has been known from India, is recorded from Thailand for the first time, and is correctly placed in the subgenus Dimorphella Reuter, 1884. The subgenus Paraorius Yasunaga and Miyamoto, 1993 is proposed as a synonym of Dimorphella. Diagnoses, digital habitus images, scanning electron micrographs and illustrations of diagnostic features including both male and female genitalia are provided. Keys to the Thai species are offered to facilitate identification. Biology of Thai species is also discussed.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(23-24):1441-1465
In Argentina, five genera and 34 species are recorded, in the subfamilies Rhopalinae and Serinethinae. Harmostes apicatus Stål; H. brevispinus Blöte; H. corazonus Distant; H. corizoides Jensen-Haarup; H. dorsalis Burmeister; H. gravidator (Fabricius); H. imitabilis Harris; H. insitivus Harris; H. marmoratus (Blanchard); H. minor (Spinola); H. parafraterculus Göllner-Scheiding; H. petulans Harris; H. procerus Berg; H. prolixus Stål; H. reflexus viscens (Dallas); H. serratus (Fabricius); H. signoreti Reed; Jadera aeola aeola (Dallas); J. choprai Göllner-Scheiding; J. decipiens Göllner-Scheiding; J. golbachi Göllner-Scheiding; J. haematoloma (Herrich-Schaefer); J. obscura (Westwood); J. parapectoralis Göllner-Scheiding; J. sanguinolenta (Fabricius); Niesthrea agnes Chopra; N. josei Göllner-Scheiding; N. pictipes (Stål); N. similis Chopra; N. vincentii (Westwood); Liorhyssus hyalinus (Fabricius); L. lineatoventris (Spinola); Xenogenus gracilis Berg; X. picturatum Berg; and X. extensum Distant. New locality records are given for Buenos Aires; Catamarca; Corrientes; Córdoba; Chaco; Entre Ríos; Jujuy; La Pampa; Mendoza; Misiones; Neuquén; Río Negro; Salta; San Juan; San Luis; Santiago del Estero; Tierra del Fuego.  相似文献   


Three different methods of coiling the long stylets within the head capsule in the Aradidae are described; and the bearing of this on the relationships of the subfamilies is discussed.  相似文献   

The aquatic and semiaquatic Hemiptera from 12 localities in Marble Canyon and Grand Canyon are reported, along with those from 1 locality in the Escalante Canyon. Fourteen species are recorded and compared to the water-bug fauna of the southwestern United States and western Mexico. Ochterus rotundus n. sp. is described from the Grand Canyon and the mountains of western Mexico.  相似文献   


Caenocoris nerii (Germar) is recorded for the first time in S. India, further distribution records of Spilostethus hospes (Fabricius) are noted, host plants and population trends of Spilostethus pandurus (Scopoli), S. hospes and C. nerii are recorded and discussed with reference to climate and altitude (with two tables and one figure).  相似文献   

The sites of attachment of four larval watermite species were recorded from four corixid species in Lough Corrib, Ireland. Parasitic watermites exhibited preferences in respect of attachment sites on the corixid hosts and these patterns were consistent for all host species examined. Hydrachna cruenta utilized areas of the host which were in direct contact with the water, the distribution of larvae reflecting the general behaviour and microdistribution of the hosts. Hydrachna conjecta infected the ventral hemielytra with a significant asymmetrical distribution on the right hemielytron, resulting from the folding pattern of the hemielytra and the larval route of entry to the subhemielytral air space. Eylais species attached to the abdominal terga of the host, E. infundibulifera infecting the anterior two terga and E. discreta terga three and four. Cymatia bonsdorffi was not parasitized by E. infundibulifera and on this host the majority of E. discreta attached to the second abdominal tergite. Eylais species infecting small corixid hosts may avoid interference competition with H. conjecta by attaching to the left side of the abdomen. Attachment site selection may contribute towards alleviation of intraspecific and interspecific interference competition for larval growing space.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(31-32):1995-2014
The egg and the five nymphal instars of Ectemnostega quechua are described and illustrated for the first time. The eggs of Ectemnostega have a short stalk, and the shape, size and chorionic structure differ among groups of species. The nymphal characters most useful in identifying instars I–V of Ectemnostega are: body length; number of rostrum sulcations; number of setae on inner surface of protibiotarsus; spines and setae, and spines on posteroventral surface of mesofemur and mesotibia, respectively; setae on posterodorsal surface of mesotibia and mesotarsus; spines and setae on anteroventral surface and setae on posterior surface of metatibia; swimming hairs on anteroventral and posterodorsal surfaces of metatarsus; and the grade of development of wing pads. The nymphs of E. quechua can be easily distinguished from other species of Ectemnostega by the number of spines and setae on the posteroventral surface of mesofemur.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(17-18):1101-1117
In this study we describe trophobiosis between ants and Eurystethus microlobatus (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) at a highland quartzite rocky outcrop in southern Espinhaço Range, southeastern Brazil. We found stinkbugs exclusively on the mistletoe Psittacanthus robustus (Loranthaceae). The stinkbug species is gregarious, forming dense clusters, with females guarding eggs and young nymphs. In addition, this species presents cryptic colouration and most individuals were located on roots and shoots, camouflaged within the bark. Eurystethus microlobatus produced honeydew by day and night, and four ant species attended aggregations: Camponotus rufipes, Camponotus crassus, Camponotus melanoticus and Cephalotes pusillus. Camponotus rufipes was the most frequent and aggressive, and the only species to attend the stinkbugs by day and night. This is the first documented case of trophobiosis between true bugs and ants in the New World.  相似文献   

The dorsal abdominal scent glands of nymphs in Lygaeoidea are diverse. Some related characters, such as number and distribution of dorsal abdominal scent gland openings (DSOs), and shapes of dark plates surrounding DSOs have been commonly used in taxonomic and/or phylogenetic studies of Lygaeoidea. However, comparative studies of the cuticular fine structures surrounding the DSOs in lygaeoid (and other Heteroptera) nymphs are few. We examined the cuticular fine structures surrounding DSOs of fifth‐instar nymphs of 25 species in seven families of Lygaeoidea with scanning electron microscopy. The results showed that the structures surrounding DSOs, such as distribution pattern of cell network, type of network, type of non‐latticed area, pattern of channels for glandular secretion, are complicated and diverse at the family level, indicating that they are valuable in taxonomic and phylogenetic analyses.  相似文献   


We found that Pinotus foveicollis synonym of D. agenor, does not belong to this group of species, neither is synonym of D. agenor. Here the species is revalidated to Dichotomius (Luederwaldtinia) foveicollis, the female is re-described, and the male is described for the first time. Based on male diagnostic characters the species is moved from D. agenor to D. inachus species-group.  相似文献   

Pardosa oncka Lawrence (with P. irrasa Roewer, P. kisokwea Roewer, P. resoluta Roewer, P. versuta Roewer and P. wittei Roewer here placed as junior synonyms) is described and illustrated. The male is recognized by its bifurcate embolus. The female has conspicuous mating plugs more or less concealing two pits in the epigyne. The species is widely distributed in Central and South Africa, and may be grouped in a separate genus (here not formally recognized) together with P. venatrix auctt. and some other species listed.  相似文献   


The species of Epitraninae, a subfamily of Chalcididae, parasitic Hymenoptera, are taxonomically revised, from an area including India in the west and New Guinea in the east. Over 500 specimens were studied, including all accessible types. Only one genus, Epitranus Walker, is recognized and its synonymy corrected. A key is given to 29 species of which 17 are described as new and among the earlier names 30 were found to be junior synonyms (and some more are probable synonyms, as suggested in the paper, among the names the types of which were not examined). The treated and illustrated valid species include two from Australia and notes and a figure of another species, E. evanioides, from Mauritius. Two Oriental species were found widely distributed also in Africa: E. observator and E. clavatus. The latter was also recorded in the New World, probably having been inadvertedly introduced. One Oriental species, E. erythrogaster, is not only widely distributed but has an unusual range of variation and may prove to be a composite aggregate when more information is available. Little help could be drawn from the biological data because definite host records are available only for four species.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(18):2179-2189
Since 1984, when Alcyonidium gelatinosum (Linnaeus, 1761) was shown not to be the free-growing species hitherto known by that name, it was assumed to be the valid name for A. polyoum (Hassall, 1841). We have established that its neotype is not a specimen of A. polyoum but of A. reticulum Ryland and Porter (2000) introduced for A. mytili auctt. non Dalyell (1848). A. reticulum must accordingly be relegated to the synonymy of A. gelatinosum. A. polyoum is a valid but different species and the provenance of Hassall's specimens is discussed. We deliberate the identity of the nominate species in Linnaeus' Fauna svecica (1761). While the occurrence of A. polyoum in the Kattegat-Mecklenburg Bight sea area cannot wholly be ruled out, the common species is A. reticulum (i.e. A. gelatinosum). The neotype does therefore represent the Swedish specimen(s) used by Linnaeus, and the identity of A. gelatinosum is at last correctly established.  相似文献   

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