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The three species of Cellaria with large avicularia (the size of an autozooid) known from West Africa have been studied: C. atlantida Cook, C. cookae n. sp. and C. salicornioides Lamouroux. All three are figured by SEM. Cellaria cookae n. sp. is mainly distinguished by its avicularium, with arched and pointed rostrum and mandible and a cryptocyst with a rectangular lyrula. Cellaria atlantida is characterised by its bell shaped Cellaria avicularium. The recognition of C. salicornioides var. normani is considered to be unjustified, as the distinctive character, which is the existence of lateral branching, is only a feature of young colonies and tends to disappear later.  相似文献   

The Cheilostome Bryozoa of the ‘Antartida 8611’ Expedition, collected by the Spanish Oceanographic Institution (Instituto Espanol de Oceanografia, IEO) during the Antarctic summer 1986–87 are listed. This expedition collected abundant material of benthic invertebrates at many stations in the Scotia Sea archipelagos and South Shetland Islands, of which 70 yielded Cheilostomate Bryozoa. Of 85 species found, 32 have been collected in areas where they were not previously known. Twenty of them are recorded north of their known limit of distribution and two recorded south. Most of these species are cited for the first time for the Scotia Arc, thus supporting the generally admitted homogeneity of the Antarctic fauna. The presence of Arachnopusia monoceros in the Southern Ocean is confirmed; a previously unknown variability in the colony shape of Kymella polaris is reported and the ovicell of Exochella umbonata is described. In addition, four species have been proposed as new to science, three of them, belonging to the genera Cellaria, Klugerella and Hippomonavella, described in the present work and one, Macropora georgiensis, included in a previous work. Together with the discussion of the new species of Klugerella, the specific composition of this genus is updated, with the assignation of Membraniporella aragoi (Audouin) and Membraniporella marcusi Cook to Klugerella. The examination of the inner side of the orifice and the frontal wall of three species of Hippomonavella reveals that the frontal is at least partially umbonuloid and that this genus is better accommodated in the family Bitectiporidae MacGillivray, 1895 than in Smittinidae Levinsen, 1909. Se presenta un listado de los Briozoos Queilostomados obtenidos en la campana ‘Antartida 8611’ del Instituto Espanol de Oceanografia (IEO) durante el verano antartico de 1986-87. Esta expedicion recolecto un abundante material de invertebrados bentonicos en un alto numero de estaciones de los archipielagos del arco del Scotia y las islas Shetland del Sur, de las cuales 70 contenian briozoos. De las 85 especies encontradas, 32 se han recogido en areas en las que no eran conocidas previamente. De ellas, 22 aumentan hacia el norte su limite de distribucion y dos hacia el sur. Muchas de estas especies se citan por primera vez en el arco del Scotia, corroborando la generalmente admitida homogeneidad de la fauna antartica. La presencia de Arachnopusia monoceros en aguas antarticas, que habia sido puesta en duda, se confirma; se describe una variabilidad antes no conocida de la forma colonial de Kymella polaris, asi como la ovicela de Exochella umbonata, que no habia sido encontrada. Ademas, cuatro especies se han propuesto como nuevas para la Ciencia, de las que tres, pertenecientes a los generos Cellaria, Klugerella e Hippomonavella, se describen en este trabajo, y la otra, Macropora georgiensis, se ha incluido en una revision del genero publicada anteriormente. En la discusion de la nueva especie de Klugerella, se actualiza la composicion especifica de este genero, anadiendo al mismo Membraniporella aragoi (Audouin) y Membraniporella marcusi Cook. Se pone de manifiesto que la pared frontal de Hippomonavella es al menos parcialmente umbonuloide y, dadas las caracteristicas de dicha pared y del orificio, se propone que el genero Hippomonavella esta mejor situado en la familia Bitectiporidae MacGillivray, 1895 que en Smittinidae Levinsen, 1909.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(6):1597-1616
Eight Crisia and two Bicrisia species are recorded from the Celtic Sea (330–1175 m, Thalassa, 1973) and from both sides of the Straits of Gibraltar (110–903 m, Cryos, Balgim). Two new species are described: Crisia pyrula n. sp., and Bicrisia gibraltarensis n. sp. Systematics and morphology of five other species are detailed. A southern morphotype of C. aculeata is distinguished. Except for the boreal species B. abyssicola, all species occur both in Atlantic and Mediterranean localities. The upper bathyal crisiid fauna (>200 m) is richer in the Celtic Sea than in the Gibraltar area (6 spp. vs. 3 spp). Only three crisiids seem to be true deep-water species. The crisiid stock from stations located in the Gulf of Cadiz in Atlantic water is twice as rich as (1) that from stations of the same area washed by the Mediterranean water outflow; (2) that from the Alboran Sea.  相似文献   

Although the genus Halecium is easy to recognize, identifications at the species level are often difficult, this even for quite common and supposedly well‐known species of the north‐eastern Atlantic. This paper revises and re‐describes some Halecium species which resemble each other closely and which are not easy to distinguish. Additional information on a few rare species is also provided. The study is based on material collected from the North Atlantic, Mediterranean, South Africa, and New Zealand. Halecium scutum Clark, is recognized as a valid species and distinct from both H. beanii and H. halecinum; colony form and microscopic characters allow a distinction. The pinnate colony form of H. halecinum is a characteristic trait, but not all colonies show this growth form. Halecium beanii can occur in monosiphonic and polysiphonic colonies. Monosiphonic colonies of H. beanii have probably been misidentified by some authors as H. lankesterii. The differences of H. lankesteri to H. beanii and H. petrosum are discussed. The South African population of the reportedly cosmopolitan H. beanii has distinct gonothecae and could belong to a separate species. The Mediterranean Halecium mediterraneum is hardly distinguishable from the New Zealandic H. delicatulum, but it is kept separate mainly for biogeographic reasons. The rare Mediterranean Halecium banyulense is re‐described based on a second find from Naples. The male gonothecae of Halecium corrugatissimum are described for the first time.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(6):1319-1339
The diagnostic characters of the cavernicolous genus Spelaeoblatta Bolívar, 1897, previously known only from a female, are given based on the male of S. thamfaranga n. sp. from Thailand. Nocticola adebratti n. sp. from Sabah is described.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(13):1601-1619
Members of the bryozoan family Petraliellidae share the capacity to develop basal rhizoids, which anchor the unilaminar, semi-repent parts of the colonies above the substratum, and enable them to overgrow other, competing sessile forms. Little is known of the larval behaviour and settlement, or the early astogeny of species. Ancestrulate colonies of the Australian Tertiary lunulitiform species Smittia biincisa are referred to the genus Riscodopa, and together with Riscodopa paucipora sp. nov. are described and compared with the Recent species R. cotyla and R. parva from New Zealand, and with R. hyalina sp. nov. from New South Wales, Australia. All the Recent species are known to develop basal rhizoids, and an early astogeny similar to that of many other small, rooted bryozoans, comprising the post-metamorphosis development of a binary complex, including rhizoid and feeding elements, is inferred for Riscodopa. Observations on living Hippopetraliella magna from Queensland suggest that both the ancestrular morphology and early astogeny show a capacity for semi-repent growth, even though they do not include rhizoid development. Larvae metamorphose without direct attachment, and the ancestrula develops elongated, partially calcified supporting processes, which raise the early stages of growth above the substratum. A similar kind of ancestrula has been found in preserved specimens of Mucropetraliella ellerii.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(45-46):2905-2914
We present here the first list of species of Trichoptera (Insecta) from Pernambuco State, northeastern Brazil, as well as new records of caddisfly species for the country. This study is based on collections of adults, from rivers and streams in 10 counties. A total of six families, 14 genera, and 22 species were recorded, increasing the number of species in the northeastern region from 15 to 37. Moreover, Mortoniella asymmetris Blahnik and Holzenthal, 2011 is recorded for the first time from Brazil.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(31-32):2039-2047
We describe a species of the exclusively Neotropical dorylomorph ant genus Leptanilloides (Leptanilloidinae), Leptanilloides atlantica sp. nov., based on workers collected in the Atlantic Forest, São Paulo, south-eastern Brazil. The 11 species of Leptanilloides described are known from relatively high altitudes in western America (from the Andes foothills in Bolivia to Sierra Morena in Mexico). The discovery of a Leptanilloides species in south-eastern Brazil represents a significant range extension for the genus; this new species shares characters with Leptanilloides biconstricta (Bolivia), Leptanilloides femoralis (Venezuela) and Leptanilloides gracilis (Mexico) and may be distinguished based on a combination of traits. The hypogaeic habits of Leptanilloidinae combined with inefficient collecting techniques may explain the paucity of information and of specimens of this group in most museum collections as well as its present apparent disjunct distribution. We compare Leptanilloides distribution to that of other organisms that show similar disjunct patterns in the Andes and montane sites in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:E7E334AA-58C0-455D-A0A6-724D29226DD0  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(17-20):1047-1161
We found 39 cheilostome species among more than 7000 specimens collected at 10 intertidal sites in rocky habitats along the shore of Akkeshi Bay, eastern Hokkaido Island, Japan. These species are herein described in detail and illustrated by scanning electron microscopy. Nine species (23% of total) are described as new (Electra asiatica, Callopora sarae, Conopeum nakanosum, Cauloramphus cryptoarmatus, Cauloramphus multispinosus, Cauloramphus niger, Stomachetosella decorata, Microporella luellae, and Celleporina minima), and 21 species (54%) are reported for the first time from Japan. Species richness ranged from eight to 29 species per study site. A TWINSPAN analysis showed the species fell into nine groups defined by the local pattern of distribution. A cluster analysis of study sites based on similarity of species composition showed three faunistic groups distributed geographically: in Akkeshi Lake, along the eastern‐central shore of the bay, and at the mouth of the bay. Species richness in estuarine Akkeshi Lake was low, with a species composition very different from the outer bay. Most cheilostomes were found on rock and shell substrata, but uncommonly occurred on concrete walls, algae, hydroids, tubes of polychaetes, other bryozoans, and anthropogenic debris. Of the 39 species found, 33 (85%) contained embryos during the collecting periods, 2–7 June and 3–6 July 2004. The biogeographical composition of intertidal cheilostomes at Akkeshi Bay included species with Arctic‐Boreal (28%), Boreal (59%), and Boreal‐Subtropical (13%) distributions. The overall species richness of intertidal cheilostomes was two‐thirds that documented intertidally in a comparable study at Kodiak, Alaska, a locality 15° higher in latitude. We attribute the lower richness at Akkeshi to differences in the nearshore marine environment between the two localities.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(27-28):1893-1906
This investigation focuses on the diversity and taxonomy of species of Microporella found north of the Arctic Circle. Firstly, however, a neotype is chosen for the Mediterranean type species M. ciliata (Pallas) in order to stabilize the taxonomy of this “pseudocosmopolitan” species, which has been recorded in the past from the Arctic. Study of type and other material using scanning electron microscopy shows that only two Arctic species of Microporella can be recognized, M. arctica Norman and M. klugei sp. nov. The first of these is characterized by a large ascopore divided by thin radial septa and situated close to the proximal rim of the orifice. Microporella klugei sp. nov. differs in having a smaller, undivided ascopore situated in a more proximal position on the frontal shield. Both Arctic species are notable among Microporella species for having a high proportion of autozooids without associated avicularia.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(7):1125-1133
Two new genera of the bryozoan family Calloporidae are described from New Zealand. The first, Leptinatella, is introduced for L. gordoni n. sp., specimens of which have been referred in the past to Watersia militaris (Waters) but are distinct from this species, which is a phase of the cribrimorph Corbulipora tubulifera (Hincks). The second genus, Bryocalyx, is introduced for B. cinnameus n. sp., which has small, conical colonies anchored by rhizoids. Another species of Bryocalyx is known from a few fragments only: and has also been referred in the past to Watersia sp. It is briefly discussed, but left unnamed here.  相似文献   

Cyriocosmus peruvianus sp. nov., C. itayensis sp. nov., C. aueri sp. nov., C. giganteus sp. nov. from Peru, Loreto region, C. hoeferi sp. nov. from Brazil, C. williamlamari sp. nov. and C. nicholausgordoni sp. nov. from Venezuela are described, illustrated, diagnosed and both sexes, if known, keyed. New Peruvian species can be distinguished from all congeners, except C. bertae Pérez-Miles, 1998 and C. pribiki Pérez-Miles and Weinmann, 2009, by the uniformly coloured carapace and abdomen without stripes and by the short paraembolic apophysis in male palpal bulb. The female of Cyriocosmus ritae Pérez-Miles, 1998 is described for the first time from a known Peruvian population near Iquitos.  相似文献   

Eighteen species of the cheilostome bryozoan genus Arachnopusia Jullien are described from Antarctic, Subantarctic and southern cold temperate localities. Eleven species are considered to be new to science. The morphology of Arachnopusia species is discussed, with particular reference to features of taxonomic value, and the zoogeography of the genus is considered briefly.  相似文献   

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