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Noyesaphytis Polaszek & Woolley gen. nov. (type species Noyesaphytis lasallei Polaszek & Woolley sp. n. ) is described from Berenty, Tuléar, Madagascar. The genus differs from its closest relatives primarily in the structure of the female antenna, which has a single, elongate flagellum preceded by four anelli, the largest of which could be interpreted as a single anelliform funicle. This type of antenna is unknown in other Aphytini, but approaches the condition found in many Signiphoridae. Noyesaphytis possesses a character state that was until now thought to be an autapomorphy of Azotidae (sole genus Ablerus), being the groove in front of the propodeal spiracle. A second putative autapomorphy shared by Azotidae and Signiphoridae, and also Noyesaphytis, is the presence of anterior projections on the metasomal sterna. However, in Azotidae and Signiphoridae these are narrow, whereas as they are broader in Noyesaphytis. The form of the wing is consistent with Aphytini, although lacking a linea calva. The presumed male of Noyesaphytis lasallei has an antennal structure completely unknown in Aphelinidae, with a 1-segmented clava preceded by an extremely elongate single funicle, and four anelli. Differences between the female and male are discussed, some of which could indicate that the male might eventually be shown to belong to a different species, although the species are undoubtedly congeneric, despite the striking difference in antennal structure which is common in Aphelinidae. The male genitalia also suggest Aphytini. Based on a phylogenetic analysis of 50 morphological characters, we provisionally place Noyesaphytis in Aphytini pending the results of a forthcoming phylogenomic analysis. The new genus is named for its collector, John Noyes (NHM, London), and the new species is named after the late John La Salle.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:6EE6F35C-32A4-4E91-AE39-5E2C173E58BF  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(21-22):1369-1385

Two new pill millipede species, namely Hyleoglomeris hoanglien sp. nov. and H. fanxipan sp. nov., are described from high elevations (approximately 2,800–2,900 m) of the Hoang Lien National Park, northern Vietnam. A new species, H. hoanglien sp. nov. is clearly distinguished by the telopods being short, stout and incrassate, femora strongly condensed, tibia without modifications, syncoxital lobe bifid trapeziform, and syncoxital horns with an apical seta and a spine. Hyleoglomeris fanxipan sp. nov., is diagnosed by the telopods being long and robust, tibia without modifications, syncoxital lobe roundly trapeziform, and syncoxital horns truncated at tip. COI-based DNA barcodes of the two species are also provided for the first time in the genus Hyleoglomeris. The K2P genetic distance between the two new species is 0.148. In addition, an identification key to the Vietnamese Hyleoglomeris species is also provided.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:6DEFED42-0D65-4F50-9D24-A0923B9D1709  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(35-36):2195-2205

The host–parasitoid relationship and species identity of aquatic parasitoids of two damselflies Coeliccia cyanomelas (Platycnemididae) and Psolodesmus mandarinus dorothea (Calopterygidae) from Fushan and Lienhuachih in Taiwan were studied using morphological characters and DNA barcoding sequences. The parasitoids reared from the damselflies’ eggs, and the field-collected parasitoids, were morphologically identified as Hydrophylita emporos (Trichogrammatidae), a recently described parasitoid of the damselfly P. m. mandarinus from Northern Taiwan. The CO1 (cytochrome c oxidase I) gene tree supported the identification as H. emporos, as well as all parasitoid samples from C. cyanomelas, P. m. dorothea and P. m. mandarinus. The sampled H. emporos populations did not differ genetically despite their different host associations. However, some genetic differences were found between H. emporos populations from Northern and Central Taiwan, indicating that the dispersal of H. emporos may be limited by geographical distances. Our results suggest that H. emporos can parasitise not only closely related sister subspecies, P. m. mandarinus and P. m. dorothea, but also phylogenetically distant species of another damselfly family, C. cyanomelas. This is the first record of multiple damselfly hosts for the aquatic parasitoid genus Hydrophylita. This finding implies that the host range of H. emporos and congeneric species may be broader than previously thought.  相似文献   

Males of two undescribed Encarsia species were reared from eggs of two cicadellid species during a study of egg parasitoids of corn leafhopper, Dalbulus maidis (DeLong and Wolcott) in northwestern Argentina. Samples were collected during the summer of 2004–2007 using sentinel eggs, and several males of a new species of Encarsia (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Aphelinidae) were obtained. A single male of a closely related Encarsia species, also previously undescribed, was reared from an egg of another cicadellid on maize, Plesiommata mollicella (Fowler). These are the first records of any Encarsia species reared from eggs of Cicadellidae. The two new species are described as Encarsia dalbulae Polaszek and Luft Albarracin sp. nov., and Encarsia mollicellae Polaszek and Luft Albarracin sp. nov.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(12):2293-2314
A new genus and species of Rotoitidae, Chiloe micropteron Gibson and Huber, is described from females and one male from Chile. The taxon is the second known genus and species, and the male is the only one known for the family. Scanning electron micrographs illustrate external and internal structure of C. micropteron females, and external structure of Rotoita basalis  相似文献   

Two new species of Acmopolynema Ogloblin (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae), Acmopolynema pteron Manickavasagam & Palanivel sp. nov. and Acmopolynema pseudotachikawai Manickavasagam & Palanivel sp. nov., are described from India; a revised key to Indian species of the genus is provided. Acmopolynema shrawastianum Hayat & Anis syn. nov. is synonymized under Acmopolynema indochinense (Soyka); Acmopolynema orchidea Triapitsyn & Berezovskiy is reported from India, and new distributional records of Acmopolynema tachikawai Taguchi from Brunei and India are also given.www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:3098457A-CA39-49CD-AEF1-19E788C33B78  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(25):2331-2338
Neaylax versicolor (Hymenoptera, Cynipidae), which forms galls on fumitory (Fumaria), is attacked in Spain by Rivasia fumariae, a species of Pteromalidae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea) herein described as new and assigned to a new genus. The new genus has an unusual combination of morphological characters but seems best placed in the pteromalid subfamily Ormocerinae. An account is given of the biology and larval morphology of the new species.  相似文献   

Fig trees and their pollinating fig wasps arose about 75 million years ago in the Cretaceous period. Several other groups of chalcid wasps also utilize figs for larval development, including sycophagines, the putative sister group to pollinating fig wasps. Whereas stone and amber fossil pollinators are known, no fossils representing non-pollinating fig wasp groups have been confirmed previously. Here, we describe the first Sycophaginae from the c.1520 Ma Dominican amber, Idarnes thanatos sp. nov. Farache, Rasplus, Pereira and Compton, and discuss its relationships within the Idarnes carme species group. Additionally, we use linear regression to compare body size, ovipositor sheaths length, and host fig size data from extant Idarnes species to estimate the size of its host figs. Idarnes thanatos was most likely associated with small to medium sized figs (diameter ≤1.0 cm), that were likely to have been dispersed by birds and primates. The discovery of this close relative of extant non-pollinating fig wasps suggests that early Miocene and modern fig wasp communities may share similar ecological and functional features.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of the family Parabathynellidae, Sabahbathynella wongi, is described. It has been discovered in the interstitial of coarse sand filling the spaces between big stones of the bank along a stream in Sabah on Borneo. The new genus of the family Parabathynellidae exhibits some unusual features which make it impossible to assess its phylogenetic position. There are some convergencies with the genus Thermobathynella.  相似文献   


Torymus lasallei, sp. nov., a species with an unusual ovipositor, reared from galls of Amphibolips spp. (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae) on Quercus spp. (Lobatae section) from Mexico, is described. The placement of this new species within the genus Torymus, and the morphology and function of its ovipositor, are discussed.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:0B9F9B11-DD95-465D-A98C-53742A8099CC  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(11):1649-1659
Four species of Encarsiella are recorded from China, including Taiwan, of which two species, E. nepalensis and E. amabilis sp. n. are new records for China. An illustrated key for their identification is provided, including the as yet extralimital species E. boswelli, which is almost certainly present in China, though currently unrecorded.  相似文献   


Six new species of Orasema are described. Four species are placed into a newly recognised lasallei species group: Orasema lasallei sp. nov. (Costa Rica, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua), O. janzeni sp. nov. (Costa Rica), O. peckorum sp. nov. (Brazil) and O. vasquezi sp. nov. (Colombia). One species is placed in the wayqecha group, Orasema masneri sp. nov. (Ecuador). One other species is currently unplaced to species group, O. longinoi sp. nov. (Costa Rica). Orasema lasallei was taken from a nest of Pheidole vorax (Fabr.) and an undescribed species near O. longinoi from a nest of Pheidole dossena Wilson (Myrmicinae). The morphology of the digitate labrum is discussed with respect to other Eucharitidae.  相似文献   


A new rhacophorid species is described from Vietnam on the basis of nine specimens collected in Quan Ba District, Ha Giang Province, northeastern Vietnam. The new species is morphologically similar to Zhangixalus pinglongensis, Z. dorsoviridis, and Z. nigropunctatus, however, it differs from the latter by having the flank cream with large black blotches on axilla and groin. The genetic distance between the new species and Zhangixalus pinglongensis, Z. dorsoviridis and Z. nigropunctatus is >3.57% (16S mtDNA gene fragment). Zhangixalus jodiae sp. nov. can be distinguished from all other species of Zhangixalus and other small rhacophorid species from Southeast Asia by a combination of the following characters: size small (SVL 36.1–39.8 mm in males); head as long as wide; vomerine teeth present; dorsal surface of head and body green without spots; axilla cream with large black blotches, groin and front-rear parts of the thigh, ventral surface of tibia black with orange blotches; lower jaw region greyish, chest and belly cream.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:89597718-024F-4FFC-B0AE-2005F12CF66C  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(31-32):1923-1936
A new species-group, the apiculata-group, of Clubiona Latreille, 1804 is erected to accommodate four new spider species closely related to the hystrix- and pahilistapyasea-groups from tropical forests of Borneo. These new taxa are Clubiona apiculata sp. nov., Clubiona conica sp. nov., Clubiona cylindriformis sp. nov. and Clubiona cultrata sp. nov.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:6063425C-2445-4173-91B7-0F730B30708F  相似文献   

Galls found on Ephedra nebrodensis in Spain are formed by a species of Eurytoma (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea, Eurytomidae) which is described as new. Four other species of Chalcidoidea (two described as new) and one species of Braconidae are parasitoids or inquilines of the eurytomid. An account is given of the biology of the community of insects associated with the gall.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(10):1545-1559
Azuraleurodicus pentarthrus Martin gen. and sp. n. is described from three different host plant families in Central and northern South America. Adults of both sexes were reared in culture and adult characters are discussed in addition to those of puparia. The systematic position of Azuraleurodicus within the Aleurodicinae is discussed. One new combination, Aleuronudus ferrisi (Sampson and Drews) comb. n., is here proposed in the course of discussion. The secretion of blue wax by whiteflies is discussed and illustrated by colour photographs. Two species of hymenopterous parasitoids, Dirphys aphania Polaszek sp. n. and Encarsiella pithecura, Polaszek sp. n. emerged from puparia of Azuraleurodicus pentarthrus and are here described.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(35-36):2187-2212
The uncommon Asian braconine wasp genus Ischnobracon Baltazar is revised. Eleven species are recognized of which six are described as new, namely I. albitarsus Butcher and Quicke from mainland Malaysia, I. baltazarae Butcher and Quicke from the Philippines, I. hannongbuai Butcher and Quicke from Thailand, Laos, Myanmar and Indonesia (Sulawesi), I. morleyi Butcher and Quicke from Sri Lanka, I. feliciae Butcher and Quicke from Thailand, I. xanthoflagellaris Butcher and Quicke from Thailand, Laos and Vietnam. Ischnobracon rhyssides (Enderlein) is a new junior subjective synonym of I. laboriosus (Smith).  相似文献   

Nine new species of the subgenus Stegana (Oxyphortica) have been discovered from the Oriental Region: S. (O.) chuanjiangi Zhang and Chen, sp. nov., S (O.) dainuo Wang and Chen, sp. nov., S. (O.) dawa Zhang and Chen, sp. nov., S. (O.) laohlie Zhang and Chen, sp. nov., S. (O.) luchun Wang and Chen, sp. nov., S. (O.) mengwan Wang and Chen, sp. nov., S. (O.) triodonta Cheng and Chen, sp. nov. from southern China; S. (O.) dehiscens Cheng and Chen, sp. nov. and S. (O.) spinosa Cheng and Chen, sp. nov. from eastern Malaysia. One newly recorded species from China: S. (O.) maichouensis Sidorenko is re-described. The DNA sequences of the mitochondrial COI gene with BOLD Process ID and GenBank accession numbers are provided for the above seven new species and five known species from China: S. (O.) acutipenis Xu, Gao and Chen, S. (O.) adentata Toda and Peng, S. (O.) hirtipenis Xu, Gao and Chen, S. (O.) latipenis Xu, Gao and Chen, and S. (O.) maichouensis Sidorenko. Intra- and interspecific pairwise K-2P distances among these species are summarized and the phylogenetic relationships are reconstructed based on the neighbour-joining (NJ) analyses.

www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:2FA403F6-5535-40A4-9FD0-ADB9913EDE83.  相似文献   


Five species of tettigoniid of the Decticine genus, Platycleis (sensu stricto), are found in the environs of Montpellier, Hérault, S. France. P. intermedia, P. sabulosa and P. albopunctata are essentially early-evening singers. There is a nycthemeral cycle of vertical migration in these three species—they sing from a greater height than that at which they rest during the daytime. P. affinis and P. falx sing both during the day and during the evening. As the syllables of the songs of the five species are similar, and since these insects sing at the same time of year and at least during the evening, interspecific acoustic interference would seem likely. However, such interference appears to be avoided by spatial separation of singing individuals (the males only). The difference in habitat preferences may be so distinct that two species do not occur in the same locality (e.g. P. falx and P. albopunctata). Where two species do occur in one local area, one of them is generally confined to one type of vegetation (e.g. P. intermedia in the bushes) and the other to another type (e.g. P. affinis on the open ground). Differences in chirp types, and in the specific response to particular song patterns, mean that ethological barriers as well as ecological ones would appear to prevent heterospecific matings. However, prevention of acoustic interference between allospecific males seems to be brought about mainly by habitat-preference differences. In one species pair, P. falx and P. affinis, the habitat-preference difference is very slight, and their songs are similar. These facts, coupled with the impression that the range and abundance of P. affinis are increasing, while those of P. falx are decreasing, suggest that P. affinis is supplanting P. falx in the open areas of wasteland in the Montpellier area.  相似文献   

A remarkable new eucoiline genus and species, Muhaka icipe, is described herein. The genus is clearly a Kleidotomini, but is distinguished from other genera in the tribe by a unique head and scutellar morphology. The genus belongs to the ‘wedge-head’-syndrome group of species that, to date, is unique to Afrotropical eucoilines. The new genus and species is reminiscent of Stentorceps Quinlan and Nanocthulhu Buffington, but is readily distinguished from these genera. Muhaka was collected from a threatened kaya (sacred forest) of coastal Kenya. The biological importance of this and other kaya forests, as well as their protection, is discussed.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:6918ED2C-69A4-48FC-A1E4-2B5DFF58E876  相似文献   

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