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《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(24):2919-2929
The species in the genus Osirinus Roig-Alsina are revised. Seven species are recognized, including O. ruficrus, new species, from south-eastern Brazil and O. tarsalis, new species, from western Brazil and Peru. Osiris parvicollis Ducke and O. santiagoi Almeida are transferred for the first time to Osirinus. An identification key based mainly on females is provided.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(43-44):2633-2644
Nest architecture, use of floral oil for brood cell lining and pollen collecting are described for the first time for the genus Rediviva, using the South African endemic oil-collecting solitary bee species Rediviva intermixta. The nest consists of a dead-end vertical tunnel with a single brood cell located at the end of each of several horizontally branching lateral tunnels. Brood cells are lined with a thin layer of waxy material, presumably derived from chemically modified floral oil. Rediviva intermixta is a pollen generalist but relies on a small number of host plant species for oil-collecting. Brood cells are provisioned with pollen from at least six plant families, but with a preference for non-oil-producing Scrophulariaceae. The nesting biology and Dufour’s gland size of the species are discussed and compared with the closely related genera Melitta and Redivivoides (non-oil-collecting) and Macropis (oil-collecting). The differences between Macropis and Rediviva suggest that oil-collecting in the two genera evolved independently.  相似文献   

The study of nesting biology is an important biological aspect for both conservation and management, but despite this, only a few of the over 20,000 described bee species have had their nesting biology studied. The aim of this study was to describe and analyse the nesting biology and dynamic of an aggregation of the cavity-nesting bee species Centris analis during one generation. Twenty-eight females were marked and had their nesting activities documented, 64 nests were sampled, and 113 individuals emerged from these nests. An asymmetry in the sex allocation was observed for this species, and the sex ratio was male-biased in the first nests built. Nonetheless, considering an individual-level perspective, the females showed different strategies, with some of them producing more daughters, other females producing more sons, and still others producing an equal proportion. The productivity per female was low compared to that of other solitary bee species, and the females displayed an aggressive usurpation behaviour against conspecific females and performed an intraspecific parasitism. As the substrate used to nest is a limiting factor for this species, the usurpation behaviour may be an important strategy that could increase the chance of nesting. A few males used the nesting site as a resting place and the fidelity observed to this locale was high. This study provides new information about the natural history of this bee species, which is an important pollinator of both crops and native plant species.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(27-28):1633-1645

The nesting behaviour of Melitoma ameghinoi was studied in the province of Chaco, Argentina. Contrary to other Melitoma species, which are known to nest on banks or other vertical or sloping surfaces, the nests were found on horizontal ground, in extremely hard clay soil. The nests were shallow, with three to four vertical cells. The short turrets pointed upwards for a short stretch and then were strongly curved, with the entrance directed towards the soil surface. The floral relationships of this species were studied by pollen analysis of faeces from cells, a pollen mass, scopal loads of specimens, and direct observation of floral visits. Pollen counts and field observations indicate that M. ameghinoi collects pollen exclusively from Ipomoea species. A compilation of pollen sources for species of Melitoma is presented. All known species, including M. ameghinoi, fall in the category of narrowly oligolectic. A discussion of the taxonomic relationships of the species is presented, and a lectotype is designated.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(19-20):1125-1134
This study describes the life cycle of Huarpea fallax (Hymenoptera: Sapygidae) in a xeric forest in La Pampa province, Argentina. This cleptoparasitic wasp attacks the nests of two species of leaf-cutter bees: Megachile catamarcensis and Anthidium vigintipunctatum, both belonging to the family Megachilidae. Nests of these bee species were obtained during a trap-nesting programme. Adult emergence showed a unimodal pattern indicating a univoltine life cycle. The period from egg-laying to adult emergence lasted for 10–13 months; however, one female took about 2 years to emerge, suggesting parsivoltinism. Most females attack one cell per host nest, the outermost cells being the ones most parasitized. However, the position of the attacked cells was variable. In this paper, although there were insufficient data to prove a correlation, the data suggest a positive trend between body size of sapygid wasps and their host bees.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(27-28):1841-1847
Bees of the genus Megalopta have gained attention as a result of their social nesting and nocturnal foraging. Seventeen nests of Meglaopta atra from the highlands of Chiriqui Province, Panama, were collected at the end of the dry season when brood rearing is expected to be at its peak. Most nests contained single females; within multifemale nests only one female possessed enlarged ovarioles, although some non‐reproductive individuals were inseminated. In two of these nests reproductive individuals were clearly larger in body size than nestmates, but body size variation and macrocephaly were equivalent to those found in other Neotropical augochlorines. There was no evidence of a non‐reproductive worker‐like caste and multifemale nests did not appear to be more productive than solitary nests, which may represent pre‐reproductive assemblages. Megalopta atra appears to be isolated by altitude from co‐geners common in Panama, this is discussed in comparison with temperate halictine bees, in which environmental clines separate solitary from social populations.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(35-36):2283-2300
The genus Nasutopedia is a distinct lineage of tapinotaspidine bees that occurs in cloud forests of the tropical Andes, mostly in altitudes higher than 1200 m above sea level. Here, four new species of Nasutopedia are described for a total of seven species in the genus: Nasutopedia borealis sp. nov., from Colombia and Venezuela, Nasutopedia laeta sp. nov. from Ecuador, Nasutopedia morena sp. nov. from Panama, Costa Rica and Mexico, and Nasutopedia puncticutis sp. nov. from Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela. A key to Nasutopedia species is provided, including illustrations of main characters and a map of geographical distribution.

www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:C3D6A837-7D84-4CB6-B74D-C4A9A5323A9B  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(6):1611-1615
Nesting behaviour and prey of two species of Pseudoplisus, a gorytine wasp genus in the sphecid subfamily Nyssoninae, are described. P. natalensis is a solitary nester in southern Africa nesting often in the soil in flower-pots. P. ranosahae in Madagascar nests in the ground in large aggregations. Both species show a high degree of prey specificity. Nests are provisioned only with large adult froghoppers (Aphrophoridae), P. natalensis preying on Ptyelus grossus and P. ranosahae on Ptyelus goudoti.  相似文献   

The subgenus Xylocopa (Dasyxylocopa) Hurd and Moure is revised, with recognition of three valid species, one of them newly described from the highlands of eastern Brazil. In addition to X. fortuita sp. nov. and the type species X. bimaculata Friese, the subgenus includes X. piligera Maidl n. stat., having X. leucopus Friese as its junior synonym, both names here removed from synonymy under X. bimaculata and for which lectotypes are presently designated. Notes are provided on the nesting habits of X. piligera.

http:/zoobank.org/lsid:zoobank.org:pub:339CE18B-37F2-47F5-881D-A8C9C22E42F5  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(17-18):1111-1128
We used light and electron microscopy to detail the in vivo life cycle of the nematode Thripinema fuscum and to determine the effects of parasitism on tissues of the thrips host Frankliniella fusca. The parasitic T. fuscum female produced eggs within 4–5 days after ingress and the host haemocoele became packed with eggs and developing juvenile nematodes. Mature juveniles migrated to the hindgut and fully developed juveniles first emerged from the posterior end of the male or female F. fusca 9 days after parasitization. Parasitization induced a displacement of the host alimentary tract, an atrophy of the ovaries and fat body, and an alteration of energy and waste reserves in host tissues. Our observations reveal a specialized relationship showing that this parasite is well adapted to exploit the host digestive, reproductive and excretory systems.  相似文献   

A taxonomic revision for the species of Austrostelis Michener and Griswold is provided. Ten species are recognized, one of which is newly described, A. saltensis Parizotto and Urban sp. nov., from Argentina. Additionally one new synonym is proposed and a lectotype for Stelis iheringi Friese, 1925 is designated. A revised diagnosis for the genus, illustrations and identification key for all species are also provided.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:8397FEAE-45CB-444C-8B3C-6D706E752068  相似文献   

Differences in host-plant species may affect the structure of parasitoid communities of phytophagous insects. Phytophagous insect species often consist of host races, and comparisons between host races enable us to infer the effects of host-plant differences on parasitoid communities. Here, we compare the parasitoid fauna of two host races of the leaf-mining moth Acrocercops transecta, which are associated with either Juglandaceae or Lyonia ovalifolia (Ericaceae). Field collection and subsequent laboratory rearing revealed a significantly higher parasitization ratio in the Juglandaceae race than in the Lyonia race. In the Juglandaceae race the majority of parasitoids were Braconidae, whereas in the Lyonia race the majority were Eulophidae. Furthermore, even within the same host race the most abundant parasitoid species differed between populations with different host associations. Hence, the present results strongly indicate that different host-plant taxa affect the structure of parasitoid communities even within a single phytophagous insect species.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(35-36):2177-2181
Modern authors have treated Lutz and Cockerell’s indication of Centris umbraculata Fabricius, 1804 as the first valid type-species designation for Epicharis Klug, 1807. It is argued here, however, that Epicharis dasypoda Klug, 1807, junior synonym of Apis rustica Olivier, 1789, is the valid type species of Epicharis, as designated by Desmarest, in the article on Epicharis published in 1845 in volume 5 of d’Orbigny’s Dictionnaire Universel d’Histoire Naturelle. This overlooked designation makes Epicharana Michener, 1954, and not Xanthepicharis Moure, 1945, a junior synonym of Epicharis s.str. Therefore, Xanthepicharis should be revalidated for the group containing Epicharis umbraculata (Fabricius, 1804) and related species.

htpp://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:1BA1C185-25D8-45A8-BC29-109387C1E100  相似文献   

Camponotus renggeri and C. rufipes are very abundant in Brazilian cerrado savannah, where they feed extensively on liquid rewards and commonly associate with plants bearing extrafloral nectaries and honeydew-producing insects. Here, we provide a qualitative and quantitative field account on the natural history and ecology of these two ant species. The study was carried out in a cerrado reserve in south-eastern Brazil across a rainy/hot season (summer) and a dry/cold season (winter). The ants were found in two vegetation physiognomies: all nests of C. rufipes were located in the cerrado sensu stricto (scrub of shrubs and trees, 3–8 m tall), whereas C. renggeri occurred mostly in the cerradão (forest with more or less merging canopy, 10–12 m tall). Both species nested in fallen or erect dead trunks, as well as underground. In addition, C. rufipes built nests using dead plant material arranged or not around shrub bases. Colonies of C. rufipes were generally more populous than those of C. renggeri, and both species had colonies with more than one dealated queen. Both species were active mainly at night and foraged for resources near their nests, mainly extrafloral nectar and hemipteran honeydew (aphids and mealybugs). The average size of the home ranges of C. renggeri in cerrado sensu stricto and cerradão varied from ≈ 2.8 to 4.0 m2 and apparently were not affected by season. In C. rufipes, however, foraging grounds in cerrado sensu stricto showed a twofold increase from dry/cold (≈ 4.5 m2) to rainy/hot season (≈ 9.8 m2). Our study highlights the importance of natural history data to understand the foraging ecology and role of these ants in cerrado savannah.  相似文献   

Based on a cladistic analysis, the subfamily Rhinocolinae is redefined to comprise 13 genera and 39 species, of which two genera and eight species remain unnamed. Four new genera and 14 new species are described; one subfamily and one genus are synonymized, and two species are recombined; one lectotype is designated. The subfamily is divided into two groups, one with a Gondwanan distribution comprising four genera in Australia, New Zealand, South America and Africa, and another with Laurasian distribution in the Palaeotropics, the Western Palaerctic and North America comprising nine genera. Twenty-one species develop on host plants in the Rutales, three on Asteraceae, three on Cistaceae and one on Zygophyllaceae. The genus Pistacia (Anacardiaceae) in particular hosts six species whose biology is discussed.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(19-20):1361-1384
Phoretic deutonymphs of Sennertia alfkeni and S. japonica, both associated with the Japanese large carpenter bee, Xylocopa appendiculata, were distinguished by Fain (1974 Fain, A. 1974. The hypopi of the genus Sennertia Oudemans, 1905, described by Oudemans (Acarina, Sarcoptiformes).. Zool Meded., 48: 219231.  [Google Scholar]) by body size and the presence or absence of a spine proximal to the pretarsal claw. Despite these morphological differences, rearing of iso‐female lines yielded both morphological forms, thus revealing that both were the same species but functionally different during phoresy. Adults also expressed variation in the form of the dorsal setae, ranging from narrow to broad. We hypothesized that deutonymphal morphology was controlled environmentally, but that the adult setal morphology was at least partially controlled genetically. Both types of deutonymphs disembarked from a female bee during the host tunnelling through provisioning of nests in spring, but there seemed to be no behavioural difference between the two morphs at the time of disembarkation.  相似文献   

Exomalopsis are ground-nesting species, and their food-niche breadth is little known due the difficulty in locating the nests and finding efficient bait plants to attract these bees. Some species of Exomalopsis were recorded as tomato, hot pepper and eggplant pollinators. Information about the food niche could be useful to increase Exomalopsis populations, providing consistent and comparable data for the enrichment of natural and crop areas with adequate plant sources. This study aimed to determine the food niche and the role of pollen size in the diet of E. fulvofasciata. We analysed pollen loads of 28 individuals of E. fulvofasciata collected from bait plants, in two natural areas of the Brazilian savannah. Only five pollen types belonging to the families Malpighiaceae, Solanaceae, Leguminosae, Myrtaceae and Lythraceae were important for this species. This result indicates that E. fulvofasciata is probably a polylectic species. However, we noticed that the Byrsonima used as bait plants contribute significantly for its larval provision, indicating that small pollen grains were more frequently collected.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(39-40):2375-2388
Two new Ecuadorian wasp species attacking pyralid larvae are described: Meteorus albisericus and Meteorus pyralivorus, as well as a new Ecuadorian distribution record for Meteorus desmiae Zitani, another pyralid parasitoid, previously known from Costa Rica and Colombia. The hosts of M. albisericus were found feeding on Clibadium glabrescens S. F. Blake (Asteraceae), Diplazium costale var. robustum (Sodiro) Stolze (Dryopteridaceae), Brunellia tomentosa Bonpl. (Brunelliaceae) and Cavendishia sp. Lindl. (Ericaceae). Chusquea scandens Kunth (Poaceae) is the associated plant for M. pyralivorus hosts. Meteorus. albisericus is the first Neotropical Meteorus species with dorsopes whose biology is known. We hypothesize that the parasitism of pyraloid caterpillars has originated at least twice in Neotropical Meteorus.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:B603F36B-4645-490D-AD4D-469088EEF36F  相似文献   

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