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Fig trees and their pollinating fig wasps arose about 75 million years ago in the Cretaceous period. Several other groups of chalcid wasps also utilize figs for larval development, including sycophagines, the putative sister group to pollinating fig wasps. Whereas stone and amber fossil pollinators are known, no fossils representing non-pollinating fig wasp groups have been confirmed previously. Here, we describe the first Sycophaginae from the c.1520 Ma Dominican amber, Idarnes thanatos sp. nov. Farache, Rasplus, Pereira and Compton, and discuss its relationships within the Idarnes carme species group. Additionally, we use linear regression to compare body size, ovipositor sheaths length, and host fig size data from extant Idarnes species to estimate the size of its host figs. Idarnes thanatos was most likely associated with small to medium sized figs (diameter ≤1.0 cm), that were likely to have been dispersed by birds and primates. The discovery of this close relative of extant non-pollinating fig wasps suggests that early Miocene and modern fig wasp communities may share similar ecological and functional features.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(21-22):1319-1325
The biology and immature stages of Pagyris ulla (Hewitson, [1857]) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Ithomiini) are described for the first time. The species’ host plant is established to be Brugmansia candida Pers. (Solanaceae). The life cycle from eggs to adult under laboratory conditions and ambient temperature took approximately 47 days, and the larvae passed through five instars. The larvae are gregarious, feed at night, and rest during the day in nests made by joining leaves near the apex of the plant stem.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(17):1367-1380
The parasitic wasp Trogus pennator (Ichneumonidae) attacks the larvae of swallowtail butterflies (Papilionidae). Female T. pennator were followed in the field as they searched for larvae of the zebra swallowtail butterfly, Eurytides marcellus (Papilionidae), feeding on Asimina (Annonaceae) in central Florida, USA. Predictions of host‐finding theory and interactions with the host were thus investigated in a natural setting. Wasps seldom flew to plants other than Asimina and apparently recognized the plants by visual cues. Plants were attractive regardless of host presence, as the wasps approached plants lacking E. marcellus feeding damage twice as often as they approached damaged plants. However, wasps approached damaged plants at a rate greater than their frequency in the Asimina population, indicating that they can detect host damage before they approach the plants. After approaching within 0.5?m of plants, wasps tended not to land on plants lacking feeding damage. A comparison of the plants they landed on, however, showed no consistent preferences for damaged plants. The weaker trends in the latter data indicate that the presence of feeding damage was not the sole criterion for landing, although it evidently influenced behaviour. After landing, wasps spent more time searching damaged plants than undamaged plants. Butterflies preferred to oviposit on plants shorter than those searched by T. pennator. Possible adaptive consequences of this phenomenon are discussed.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(13-14):859-865
In late July 2010, three clutches of eggs of the caecilian amphibian Ichthyophis bannanicus (Gymnophiona: Ichthyophiidae) were found in the field in the suburbs of Beiliu City, south-east Guangxi Province, South China. This is the first observation of eggs, guarding and characteristics of oviposition sites in the field for this species. Ichthyophis bannanicus is oviparous and there is no post-hatching parental care. The terrestrial oviposition sites were located in underground chambers close to small streams or rice fields. Nest chambers were connected to the surface by two small openings. Clutches contained 24–68 eggs, and were each associated with one or two adult females.  相似文献   

The status of Homichloda barkeri (Jacoby) n. comb. is discussed. A key is presented to four Afrotropical Homichloda species, including fulva n. sp. The eggs, larvae and pupae of H. barkeri are described for the first time. Unusual adult and immature stage characters are discussed in relation to the placement of Homichloda in the Alticinae.  相似文献   

Polydora websteri belongs to a group of the Spionidae known as the Polydora complex, members of which are known for building tubes within the shells of mussels and for their ability to infest commercially valuable bivalves, which causes serious losses for malacoculture. P. websteri is a species subjected to increasing research due to the global scale at which these infestations occur. In this paper, we describe the larval development of P.cf. websteri associated with the oyster Crassostrea cf. brasiliana in a tropical region of north-east Brazil. The main structures of all stages of development were analysed and compared to other populations of P. websteri. Ovigerous capsules of P.cf. websteri were cultured in the laboratory and the larval stages were analysed until metamorphosis. Ovigerous capsules were present in all sampling intervals, indicating that this population exhibits continuous reproduction. Up to 21 capsules per tube were found, and the number of eggs per capsule varied from 20 to 40. All observed eggs developed into larvae. Larval development from egg to recruitment stage did not exceed 13 days. Metamorphosis occurred when larvae attained 17 chaetigers, at which stage important diagnostic characteristics were revealed, such as the spines on chaetiger 5. The developmental stages of P.cf. websteri larvae, and the morphological features found at each stage, are in accordance with what has been recorded for temperate populations. In our study, the planktonic stage was found to be of shorter duration than elsewhere, which might be associated with the higher temperatures at which larvae were cultured compared to previous studies.  相似文献   

Various aspects of the biology of the myrmecophilous Thiasophila angulata and T. szujeckii (Staphylinidae; Aleocharinae), mainly associated with the Formica rufa species group, are studied. The composition of defensive gland secretions from adults of T. angulata has been analysed. The complete development (egg-L1-3-pupa-adult form), including adult overwintering, of both species takes place solely in ant nests. Under laboratory conditions, this lasts for about 22 days in T. angulata, and the period elapsing between the old and new generations of insects is approximately two months. The mean fecundity of adults of this species (28 eggs) was determined, as well as the duration of its reproductive period (mean 28.5 days), and lifespan (mean 67 days). In natural conditions T. angulata, found within nests of Formica polyctena and F. rufa, produces three generations, and the sibling species T. szujeckii one generation per year. These two species differ in their phenologies and abundance dynamics of adults and larvae, which is linked to the size and temperature regime of the host nest. The results of this study uphold the recent separation of T. angulata and T. szujeckii based on morphological features of adults and selected molecular markers. Adults and larvae of T. angulata forage on both live and dead food items accumulated by the host, as well as on the host’s eggs and larvae. Both the beetle larvae and adults remain unmolested among the host workers. The adults use their defensive gland secretions, which contains substantial quantities of toxic quinones, when necessary. According to the current categories of myrmecophiles, T. angulata (and by analogy, T. szujeckii as well) should be classified as a species wholly integrated with the host.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(7):1049-1087
Of all of the chrysomelid subfamilies, only the larvae of the Aulacoscelinae remain undescribed. The adults and first instar larva of Aulacoscelis appendiculata sp. n., from Panama are described, as well as the eggs. Larval characters, eggs, and oviposition behaviour are used to relatethe Aulacoscelinae with other chrysomelid subfamilies, in support of what is known to date concerning adult morphology.  相似文献   

Pollinator fig wasps (Hymenoptera: Agaonidae) display numerous adaptations linked to their obligate association with fig trees (Ficus). Ceratosolen fig wasps pollinate figs that often fill temporarily with liquid, and one clade has males with unusually long hind legs. We investigated their morphology and behaviour. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) revealed that the cuticle of their hind legs is highly modified and covered with numerous hydrophobic setae and microtrichia that can prevent blockage of the wasps’ large propodeal spiracles by liquids. In deep liquid, the males floated on the surface, but when only a thin layer of liquid was present, the legs allowed males to access females without the risk of drowning. Access to females was facilitated by an air bubble that forms between the hind legs and maintains a column of air between the spiracles and the centre of the figs. Sexual selection should favour males that can gain earlier access to mates, and the modified legs represent an adaptation to achieve this. Convergent adaptations are known in some unrelated non-pollinating fig wasps that develop in similar liquid-filled figs, but these species have enlarged hydrophobic peritremata at the ends of their metasoma to protect the spiracles located there. Unlike non-pollinating fig wasps, pollinator males need to insert their metasoma deep into females’ galls during mating. This difference in mating behaviour has constrained the extent of convergence.  相似文献   

Of all of the chrysomelid subfamilies, only the larvae of the Megascelinae, along with those of the Aulacoscelinae remain undescribed. The first instar larva of Megascelis puella Lacordaire from Panama is described, as well as the eggs. Larval characters, eggs and oviposition behaviour are used to relate the Megascelinae with the Eumolpinae in support of what is known to date concerning adult morphology.  相似文献   

The genus Leucospis Fabricius is comprised of parasitoid wasps relatively uncommon in nature. Their immature stages develop on aculeate Hymenoptera, in particular solitary bees, but hosts are known for only around 25 Leucospis species (about 20% of 115–120 world species), so the true relationship of this family with bees is largely unknown. Here we report on individuals of five species of Leucospis wasps which emerged from nests of different bee and wasp species during distinct sampling periods during a trap-nesting programme, in two contrasting areas: agro-ecosystems and natural habitats in the Pampean region. Some of these nests were parasitised by L. cayennensis Westwood, L. coxalis Kirby, L. egaia Walker, L. pulchriceps Cameron and L. signifera Bou?ek. Our results expand the available information of host species for L. cayennensis, L. coxalis, L. egaia and L. pulchriceps and represent the first record of hosts associated with L. signifera. The hosts were only bee species of the genera Centris, Tetrapedia (family Apidae) and Megachile (Megachilidae). These species were more abundant in the natural reserve than in agro-ecosystems, suggesting that anthropogenic activities could negatively affect their populations. Most nests were attacked in one (43.7%) or two (40.7%) cells, but the remaining nests (16.5%) had more (up to seven cells). However, the position of the attacked cells was variable, suggesting that females of Leucospis species oviposit in recently built cells, and that the hatching of larvae is delayed, or that the first larval stage waits until the host larva reaches a sufficient size to attack.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(19-20):1325-1337
The pre-overwintering nest structure and the immature stages of the hornet Vespa fumida van der Vecht are for the first time reported. All three adult forms (queen, worker and drone) are briefly described. The eggs have many micropyles concentrated at the larger end of the egg. The mature larvae can be identified by having the ecdysial sulcus obliterated ventrally; the parietal band distinctly margined ventrally on the outer side; the palate with a median patch and a pair of dorsal patches; the collar processes of the spiracle long and thick, with many branches over almost all the surface. Morphology and distribution of the different types of sensilla (setae, conical papillae, campaniform sensilla, basiconic sensilla, etc.) and the spicules are illustrated in detail. Close relationship between the Vespa affinis-group and V. fumida previously suggested by adult morphology is briefly discussed in terms of the morphology of the mature larvae.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(3-4):129-138
A new species of Cerchysiella Girault (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea, Encyrtidae), Cerchysiella raddeii Yang, sp. nov., is described from China. It is a gregarious koinobiont endoparasitoid in mature larvae of the chestnut trunk borer, Massicus raddei (Blessig) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), a serious pest which causes severe damage to many oak tree species, particularly Quercus mongolica and Quercus liaotungensis (Fagaceae) in forested areas of northeastern China. The new species is one of the principal natural enemies of the wood borer and it has high potential as a biological control agent with parasitism rates of 6.7%, large numbers of adult wasps were reared from a single host larva (average 1083.8), and there is a high female : male sex ratio (9.67 : 1).  相似文献   

Finding a mate is a crucial step in sexual reproduction. The mutualism between figs and their pollinators is exploited by many figwasps that develop within their galls and attain sexual maturity simultaneously. Male pollinators carry the specific burden of detecting and opening mating holes in galls containing conspecific females before mating with them. The mating behaviourand antennal sensilla of male pollinators associated with Ficus semicordata was investigated to understand mate recognition. Male Ceratosolen gravelyi located female-containing galls from a distance, but only attempted to chew a mating hole after antennal contact with the gall surface was made. They showed similar responses to females and body extracts but failed to respond to washed female bodies. This behaviour indicates that unidentified chemicals present on the body surfaces of females are sufficient to elicit olfactory attraction and tactile confirmation. Multiporous plate sensilla are candidates for olfactory reception from a distance while basiconic sensilla may be involved in contact chemoreceptor. All of the sensilla are highly localised, on the distal part of the terminal flagellomere, suggesting a response to selection for strong directionality in the complex odour environment of the fig in which messages produced by hundreds of females may confuse precise mate localisation.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(47-48):3017-3038

Mites can be associated with other organisms as parasites, commensals, phoretic, among others, such as some Winterschmidtiidae that present cooperative relationships with solitary wasps (Eumeninae). These wasps have one or more cavities in their body surface that are capable of carrying mites, called acarinaria. Studies carried out in the northern hemisphere suggest that these relationships are species-specific. However, in South America, there are few studies in this field. Aiming to recognize and increase our knowledge of the species of solitary wasps from Brazil that are associated with mites, we examined 61 wasps belonging to 29 species and four genera from Brazilian museum collections. All of the specimens studied presented at least one type of acarinarium in their bodies. There were mites in all specimens of wasps, but not all of them were associated with an acarinarium. The mites belong to 11 different genera: six in Winterschmidtiidae (possibly cooperation relationships); one in Oplitidae (phoresy); one in Erythraeidae (parasitism); two in Acaridae (phoresy); and one in Histiostomatidae (phoresy). Detrended correspondence analysis and indicator species analysis were conducted to test the preference of the mite genera for species of wasp and for site (regions of the wasp’s body). These tests were significant only for the mite genus Vespacarus preferring Parancistrocerus wasp species and the metasomal acarinaria. Some of the mites did not have a specific host, and some wasps carried more than one species of mite, differing from the specific interactions reported for the northern hemisphere.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(9-10):529-543
Overwintering of Velia caprai was studied during the winter months 2006–2007 in the area of South Bohemia (Czech Republic) by (1) field phenological observations and samples, (2) study of artificially established experimental cohorts in an unheated glasshouse, and (3) auxiliary experiments in a laboratory. Velia caprai has a unique way of overwintering within the gerromorphan bugs that is rare among insects generally; it can overwinter in both an adult and an egg stage. Most females reach sexual maturity before overwintering, mate with mature males, overwinter actively on the water surface and lay eggs during the winter. The dormant eggs can be induced to hatch by increasing temperatures. Winter oviposition can be interpreted as a sign of a risk‐spreading reproductive strategy. The overwintering of both adults and eggs provides a chance to adapt to changes in the local environmental conditions and could be an important determinant in broad variability of life‐history traits.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(14):1799-1809
We studied the nesting behaviour and provisioning of Bembix merceti Parker and Bembix zonata Klug during three flight seasons (1993–1995). The females of B. merceti capture Diptera from seven different families to feed their larvae. Provisioning is progressive. The females provide a greater number of prey over subsequent days during larval growth. This activity begins increasingly earlier and lasts for longer, and prey capture is increasingly faster. Although the activity of the females is greater during the middle hours of the day, towards the end of each day the number of prey per wasp increases slightly and the duration of provisioning flights is reduced. Regarding Bembix merceti, we also report on nest structure and excavation as well as about the different natural enemies of these wasps. The data recorded for B. zonata refer to nest digging and structure, the wasps' natural enemies and their provisioning strategies, which in general are similar to those seen for the females of B. merceti.  相似文献   

Ptilinus fuscus (Anobiidae) was confirmed as the host species of Pelecotoma fennica (Rhipiphoridae, Pelecotominae). Females of Pelecotoma oviposit into the wood infested by the host larvae. First-instar larvae are elongate, unsclerotized, very different from the triungulinid larvae known in other rhipiphorids. They search actively for the host larvae in the wood; no phoresy is involved in the life cycle. The first-instar larvae temporarily paralyse the host larva and enter its body, overwintering (some perhaps more than once) as an endoparasite. In the spring of the year of emergence, the endoparasite engorges enormously (without moulting) and develops a special sclerotized caudal structure which is then used for perforation of the host's integument. The larva undergoes a further four ectoparasitic instars. The fifth (i.e. fourth ectoparasitic) instar differs considerably from the preceding three, and is capable of boring through the wood to prepare the emergence gallery for the adult. Pupation occurs in the wood. The rate of parasitization may locally far exceed 50%. Superparasitization by the first-instar larvae is possible, but usually only 1 larva survives to the ectoparasitic stage. Larval morphology of Pelecotoma is described and illustrated. Additional data on bionomics and larval morphology are also presented for the genus Metoecus (Rhipiphorinae). Comparing the biology and larval morphology of Pelecotoma with other Rhipiphoridae, it is assumed that ancestral rhipiphorids may have been xylophilous Tenebrionoidea with predaceous or omnivorous larvae, and that the ‘triungulinid’ larvae and phoretic habits may not belong to the groundplan of the family Rhipiphoridae. The widespread opinion considering Rhipiphoridae closely related to the family Mordellidae is questioned.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(47-48):2985-3000
In a coastal salt-marsh of Spain, the digger wasp Stizus continuus primarily hunted for grasshoppers of the genus Heteracris, revealing (at least in the period of the study and in this area) this wasp to be almost monophagous. In contrast, grasshoppers of the genus Acrotylus were ignored by the wasps in spite of their high abundance in the environment. We hypothesize that this bias occurred because Acrotylus is found more often on the soil and on grasses, while Heteracris is nearly only found on Sarcocornia bushes, which probably represent the habitat mostly exploited by the wasps for hunting. The greater variance in size of the prey collected by larger females produced weak wasp–prey size correlations. Some wasps were observed to carry in flight prey weighing close to or more than the maximum theoretically possible, suggesting that they have to descend with prey to the nest from the above-soil hunting sites.  相似文献   

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