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Résumé L'action des carbinols di-(p-chlorophenyl) trifluorométhyl et di-(p-chlorophenyl) trichlorométhyl (DTMC) a été déterminée sur une souche très résistante de mouches par la méthode de contact. Le premier composé semble agir probablement grâce à de faibles propriétés fumigantes, alors que le second est toxique par contact. L'action toxique de ce dernier est sensiblement augmentée par l'addition du DDT, DDE ou autre composé organique de la série du DDT.

Chemical development of DTMC.

Biological evaluation.  相似文献   

A blue light-reversible reaction in an animal system (Daphnia pulex)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary A photoreversible reaction, previously found only in plants and fungi, has now been found in an animal system. Activation of development in diapausing embryos ofDaphnia pulex, induced with white light, was suppressed with subsequent exposure to narrow-band (470 nm) or wide-band (410–525 nm) blue light. Pulses of wide-band blue light repeatedly reversed white light activation.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Bei Patienten, bei welchen ein extrakorporaler Blutkreislauf durchgeführt wurde, fanden sich in den Lungen grosse Mengen von Plasmazellen. Bei Benützung von frischem homologem Blut für die Ingangsetzung des extrakorporalen Kreislaufes scheinen die Plasmazellen des Spenderblutes in den Lungen schädigend zu wirken. Sie können möglicherweise für Kapillarschädigungen und Störungen des normalen Gasaustausches verantwortlich gemacht werden.  相似文献   

The branchial gland of the dibranchiate cephalopods is described as the site of haemocyanin synthesis. Because there is no equivalent to this organ in tetrabranchiate cephalopods the localization of haemocyanin synthesis remained unknown for a long time. In this study we could confirm the conclusions from prelimnary investigations concerning the copper content of the midgut gland ofNautilus, which gave the first indications for a possible localization of haemocyanin synthesis in this organ. We developed a polyclonal antibody againstNautilus haemocyanin, tested its specificity, and used it on ultra-thin sections of the tissue of the midgut gland. It could be shown that there is a clear imunogold precipitation only on the triangular basal cells in the terminal alveoli. All the other types of cell in this organ were free of any immunoreactivity. It can be supposed that the triangular basal cells in the terminal alveoli of the midgut gland are the sites of haemocyanin synthesis inNautilus.  相似文献   

The dynamics of a typical Belousov-Zhabotinsky (BZ) reaction with multiple time scales is investigated in this paper. Different forms of periodic bursting phenomena, and specially, three types of chaotic bursters with different structures can be obtained, which are in common with the behaviors observed in experiments. The bifurcations connecting the quiescent state and the repetitive spikes are presented to account for the occurrence of the NK oscillations as well as the different forms of chaotic bursters....  相似文献   

Summary The cleavage of A23187 to give a synthon (4) and the semi-synthesis from (4) of 2 Des-N-methylamino A23187 isomers (7a,b) are described. The antibiotic activities of the acids analogous to A23187(1), (2), (7a), (7b) are compared.Acknowledgment. The authors are very grateful to Drs G. Dauphin and J.Y. Lallemand for the NMR-spectra at 400 MHz performed in Gif-sur-Yvette, To Dr J.G. Gourcy and Mrs G. Kergomard for technical assistance.  相似文献   

Acetyl-coenzyme A synthetase (AMP forming)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Acetyl-coenzyme A synthetase (AMP forming; Acs) is an enzyme whose activity is central to the metabolism of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. The physiological role of this enzyme is to activate acetate to acetyl-coenzyme A (Ac-CoA). The importance of Acs has been recognized for decades, since it provides the cell the two-carbon metabolite used in many anabolic and energy generation processes. In the last decade researchers have learned how carefully the cell monitors the synthesis and activity of this enzyme. In eukaryotes and prokaryotes, complex regulatory systems control acs gene expression as a function carbon flux, with a second layer of regulation exerted posttranslationally by the NAD+/sirtuin-dependent protein acetylation/deacetylation system. Recent structural work provides snapshots of the dramatic conformational changes Acs undergoes during catalysis. Future work on the regulation of acs gene expression will expand our understanding of metabolic integration, while structure/function studies will reveal more details of the function of this splendid molecular machine.Received 4 December 2003; received after revision 2 March 2004; accepted 16 March 2004  相似文献   

Summary A new kind of hermaphroditism, which is called inducible hermaphroditism, has been discovered in the otherwise gonochoristic populations ofOphryotrocha labronica of the Gulf of Naples and of the Lagune of Venice. Inducible hermaphrodites, which are fertile in both the male and female phases, represent 25.8% and 31.8% of the Naples and Venice strains respectively. Inducible hermaphrodites are obtained when pairs between adult females — or female phase hermaphrodites — and juveniles are formed. Crosses between inducible hermaphrodites, in different sex phases, pure male and female individuals give progenies whose sex ratios are clearly correlated with the sex genotypes of the parents.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Eine elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchung der Eioberfläche vonAscidia nigra zeigte, dass 30 sec nach Besamung zahlreiche Mikrovilli in den perivitellinen Raum vorragen. Diese Villi wurden in unbesamten Eiern nie gefunden.

Work carried out at the Bermuda Biological Station, St. George's West, Bermuda, under an award from the Lablor Foundation. Contribution No. 427 of the Bermuda Biological Station.  相似文献   

Summary Certain mutants ofChlamydomonas moewusii, induced by irradiation with UV-light, lack the flagellar gliding motility normally found in wild-type cells.Acknowledgments. I am grateful for a grant, PCM80-02353, from the National Science Foundation, USA.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Eine neue, ergiebige Quelle zur Gewinnung von Diosgenin ausCostus speciosus wird beschrieben.  相似文献   

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