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Riassunto Negli espianti presi prima della moltiplicazione delle cellule epidermiche non si è avuto in vivo il picco di mitosi, ma solo ispessimento dell'endocuticola; nei frammenti espiantati al momento del picco delle mitosi si ha dopo alcuni giorni degenerazione delle cellule epidermiche; negli espianti di tegumento messi in coltura dopo la moltiplicazione delle cellule epidermiche si è ottenuta in vitro la sintesi della nuova cuticola (eso- ed endocuticola).  相似文献   

Summary When precocene II was applied to the fourth instar milkweed bug, there was a significant decrease in acid phosphatase activity in the hemolymph at the 40%, 50%, 60%, and 70% time periods in the stadium.  相似文献   

The metaphysical commitment to the circle as the essential element in the analysis of celestial motion has long been recognized as the hallmark of classical astronomy. What has not always been clear, however, is that the circle continued to serve Kepler as a central element in his astronomy after the discovery of the elliptical orbit of Mars. Moreover, the circle also functioned for Kepler in geometry to select the basic polygons, in music to select the basic harmonies, and in astrology to select the basic aspects. His basic set of polygons consisted of those figures that could be constructed using only a compass and a rule; the set of fundamental harmonies consisted of the consonances of the just intonation; and the traditional set of astrological aspects were enlarged by Kepler to include three new aspects in order to make the astrological set consistent with geometry and music. And as the circle served to unify these three areas, so also did it serve to supply the fundamental answers to astronomical problems well after the discovery of his new astronomy—a topic to be discussed in Part II of this paper.  相似文献   

Summary Corpora allata fromOncopeltus fasciatus incubated in vitro in medium containing 10–5.35 M (1 g/ml) of precocene II lose their ability to secrete juvenile hormone when reimplanted into last instar larvae.Acknowledgments. We thank Mr K. Dorn, Mrs L. Dolezal, Mrs V. Nötzli-Graf, Mr K.H. Trautmann and Mr A. Schuler for technical help, Dr W. Vogel and Dr A. Dübendorfer for valuable discussions.  相似文献   

Riassunto Dalla mioglobina umana cristallizzata sono stati isolati, a mezzo dell'elettroforesi su gel di amido, due componenti puri ed omogenei: Mb I e Mb II. Dei due componenti sono state determinate, in varie condizioni sperimentali, le curve di dissociazione per l'ossigeno.

Aided by a grant from the Rockefeller Foundation.  相似文献   

Summary Application of precocene II, topically or by contact method, appears to inhibit the synthetic activity of neurosecretory A-cells of the pars intercerebralis ofOncopeltus fasciatus. Treatment of precocene-treated insects with JH III apparently stimulates the secretory activity of these cells.Supported by National Research Council of Canada grant No. A4669.We thank Dr G. B. Staal, Zoecon Corporation, Palo Alto, California, for the gift of precocene II.  相似文献   

Summary Several analogs of precocene have been synthesized and evaluated as potential inhibitors of juvenile hormone onLocusta migratoria. Only 5,7-dimethoxy-2,2-dimethylchromene was active; its ED50 and LD50 were measured and compared to those of precocene I and II.Acknowledgments. This work was supported by grants from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada and the Ministère de l'Education du Québec. We are grateful to Gaston Grégoire for rearing the insects.  相似文献   

Summary The protozoanCrithidia fasciculata contains two different ribonuclease H activities. These enzymes display similar physical and biochemical characteristics to their homologues in higher eukaryotes, for instance calf thymus class I and class II ribonuclease H. Class I ribonuclease H of lower and higher eukaryotes can be activated by Mg2+- and Mn2+- ions. However, the presence of Mn2+-ions is inhibitory for the Mg2+-dependent class II ribonuclease H activity ofCrithidia fasciculata and calf thymus. The protozoan class I-homologue enzyme appears to be serologically related to the class I ribonuclease H of calf thymus.  相似文献   

Summary Transection of the nervous connections between the brain and the corpus allatum (CA) inOncopeltus fasciatus does not alter the susceptibility of the CA to precocene II in vivo.The authors wish to thank Patricia Ferugia for rearing the insects; Dr D. Soderlund, Department of Entomology, New York State Agricultural Experiment Station for helpful discussions; and Dr A.O. Lea, Department of Entomology, University of Georgia for technical advice. To whom reprint requests should be addressed  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung 7,12-Dimethylbenz(a)anthracen (DMBA) in verschiedenen Konzentrationen anstelle von Auxin, Kinetin und Kokosmilch im Nährmedium induziert die Bildung von Wurzeln und beblätterten Sprossen auf den Kalli vonHaworthia variegata. Dieses Ergebnis gleicht demjenigen im vollständigen Kontrollmedium ohne DMBA, mit dem Unterschied, dass unter dem Einfluss von DMBA weniger Sprosse und eine grössere Anzahl von Wurzeln gebildet werden. Cytologische Untersuchungen an Kallus- und Wurzelzellen aus dem DMBA-Medium zeigten eine normale Konstitution des Chromosomensatzes ohne chromosomale Aberrationen.

This study was supported in part by a summer research grant from Lafayette College Faculty Research Funds.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Nagarse, eine vomBacillus subtilis gewonnene kristalline Proteinase, bewirkte eine intensive Inaktivation von Angiotensin II, wobei keine Umwand-lung von Angiotensin I in Angiotensin II festzustellen war. Die mögliche Identität zwischen einem aus einer menschlichen Plasmafraktion gewonnenen Polypeptid nach Nagarse-Impfung mit Angiotensin II wird geprüft.  相似文献   

Riassunto Essendo stata messa a punto una tecnica di espianto in vitro di embrioni diSchistocerca gregaria si è riusciti ad ottenere lo sviluppo fino a quasi la schiusa di parabionti uniti dorso-dorso a stadi subito dopo la blastocinesi. Si è osservata saldatura e continuità dell'epidermide. Gli abbozzi delle parti ventrali dei parabionti si sviluppano e differenziano in maniera autonoma; solo I'intestino medio risulta unico.  相似文献   

Summary Oncopeltus fasciatus adults were treated with the antiallatotropin, precocene II and the circadian rhythms of feeding and mating behavior were monitored at 2-h intervals from lights on to lights off under 2 photoperiod regimes. Females ovariectomized as 5th instars were monitored for feeding and mating behavior at 2–3-h intervals from lights on to lights off as well. Neither precocene treatment nor ovariectomy was found to affect the mating or feeding behavioral rhythms under any photoperiod regime.Acknowledgment. This work was supported by a National Science Foundation Grant number PCM76-10560 to M.A.R.  相似文献   

Summary As a result of the decrease of diurnal rearing temperature from 33 to 28°C the following phenomena were induced in adults ofSchistocerca gregaria: a) In females, a delay in the appearance of maximal levels of JH III and ecdysteroids in the hemolymph, a slowing down of oocyte growth, and an accumulation of hemolymph proteins; b) in males, a decrease of hemolymphatic JH III levels without changes in protein levels.  相似文献   

Summary By use of di- or tripeptides as substrates, LAP 1 and LAP 2, 2 fractions fromAspergillus oryzae hydrolyze oligopeptides that possess leucine as N-terminal amino acid. LAP 1 fraction also hydrolyzes the histidyl bond. Both fractions have no activity towards peptides as glutathion, gly-pro-ala; they have low or no activity towards tyrosyl and tryptophanyl bond.

Nous remercions la Société Rapidase (Seclin) de nous avoir fourni les milieux de culture.  相似文献   

The protozoan Crithidia fasciculata contains two different ribonuclease H activities. These enzymes display similar physical and biochemical characteristics to their homologues in higher eukaryotes, for instance calf thymus class I and class II ribonuclease H. Class I ribonuclease H of lower and higher eukaryotes can be activated by Mg2(+)- and Mn2(+)-ions. However, the presence of Mn2(+)-ions is inhibitory for the Mg2(+)-dependent class II ribonuclease H activity of Crithidia fasciculata and calf thymus. The protozoan class I-homologue enzyme appears to be serologically related to the class I ribonuclease H of calf thymus.  相似文献   

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