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The pathway of the interdecadal variability in the Pacific Ocean   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
Cases of the interdecadal variability in the Pacific Ocean and their evolution were examined in the paper with the statistic methods (CEOF and composite analysis) over the period of 1950–1993. Observations of oceanic temperatures in the upper 400 m revealed an obvious region of the interdecadal signals in the central North Pacific. Such signals propagated southwestward, then subducted to the subtropics. The hypothesized link for interdecadal oceanic variability between the subtropics and the tropics, especially with the western tropical Pacific was unraveled in order to detect the cause of decadal signals in the tropics. The thermal anomalies subducted in the central North Pacific east to the dateline only reach 18°N. There has been no further southward propagation since then due to a certain barrier. The origin of the interdecadal signals in the western tropical Pacific was traced to the southern tropical Pacific. There is a meridional pathway around the dateline where the signals were loaded. These variabilities were in the nature of the thermocline circulation.  相似文献   

Interdecadal variability in the tropical Indian Ocean has been analyzed based on the long-term climatic observational data. Case study showed that strong interannual signals formed at the surface can penetrate the depth of seasonal thermocline, where the anomalies last a couple of years. Artificial time series based on damping with exponential decay of selected strong events agree well with the detected interdecadal variability in the tropical Indian Ocean. A possible dynamic explanation for interdecadal variability in the tropical Indian Ocean was proposed that irregular interannual signals can lead to a slowly evolving climatic background with the interdecadal time scale through damping of the memory about anomalies in the seasonal thermocline.  相似文献   

LURiyu 《科学通报(英文版)》2003,48(10):1040-1044
Interdecadai and interannuai timescales are dominant in the North China rainfall in rainy season (July and August). On the interdecadai timescale, the North China rainfall exhibited an abrupt decrease at the end of 1970s. In this study, we examined the effect of this abrupt rainfall decrease on the association between rainfall and circulation on the interannuai timescale, and found that the interdecadal variation does not change the physical mechanism responsible for the interannuai variation of North China rainfall.There is a linear relationship between the interdecadai and interannuai variabilities of North China rainfall in rainy season.  相似文献   

<正>By means of monthly mean NCEP/NCAR data analyses, this note investigates the lag influences of winter circulation conditions in the tropical western Pacific on South Asian summer monsoon through the methods of composite, correlation and statistical confident test. The results indicate clearly that winter climate variations in the equatorial western Pacific would produce significant influences on the following South Asian summer monsoon, and with the lapse of time the lag influences show clearly moving northward and extending westward features. When winter positive (negative) sea level pressure anomalies occupy the equatorial western Pacific, there is an anticyclonic (cyclonic) circulation anomaly appearing in the northwestern Pacific. With the lapse of time, the anticyclonic (cyclonic) circulation anomaly gradually moves to northeast, and its axis in the west-east directions also stretches, therefore, easterly (westerly) anomalies in the south part of the anticyclonic (cyclonic) circulation anomaly continuously expand westward to the peninsula of India. Undoubtedly, the South Asian summer monsoon is weak (strong).  相似文献   

An assimilation data set based on the GFDL MOM3 model and the NODC XBT data set is used to examine the circulation in the western tropical Pacific and its seasonal variations. The assimilated and observed velocities and transports of the mean circulation agree well. Transports of the North Equatorial Current (NEC), Mindanao Current (MC), North Equatorial Countercurrent (NECC) west of 140°E and Kuroshio origin estimated with the assimilation data display the seasonal cycles, roughly strong in boreal spring and weak in autumn, with a little phase difference.The NECC transport also has a semi-annual fluctuation resuiting from the phase lag between seasonal cycles of two tropical gyres' recirculations. Strong in summer during the southeast monsoon period, the seasonal cycle of the Indonesian throughfiow (ITF) is somewhat different from those of its upstreams, the MC and New Guinea Coastal Current (NGCC), implying the monsoon's impact on it.  相似文献   

The zonal displacement of the western Pacific subtropical high remarkably influences the climate anomalies in China. In this paper, a new zonal index of the subtropical high is defined by modifying previous indices, and is used to investigate the relationship between the zonal displacement of the subtropical high and the dominant modes of 850-hPa circulations. It is found that the zonal displacement of the subtropical high is significantly correlated with the first two leading modes of circulations. In particular, the correlation coefficient between the index and the time series associated with the second mode is as high as 0.78 in 1958-2003 (46 years). Since the second mode is not associated with significant anomalies of sea surface temperatures, the above results imply the difficulty in seasonal forecasting of the zonal displacement for the subtropical high. In addition, the interannual variability in the zonal displacement of the subtropical high is considerably enhanced since 1978, due to the effects of both dominant modes, especially the second mode. This is likely to account for the frequent occurrence of anomalous climate in China during the recent two decades.  相似文献   

为了对我国气象工作者全面了解和参与热带气旋的研究有所帮助,在大量阅读和调研的基础上,介绍了近20年西北太平洋热带气旋活动在季节、年际和年代际尺度上研究的若干主要成果.重点阐述了EN-SO与热带气旋的关系,温室效应热带气旋的数值模拟和观测研究等的最新动态.  相似文献   

Based on geographic division over the western North Pacific (WNP), the interdecadal relationships between summer monsoon, sea surface temperature (SST) and tropical cyclones activity (including number, track and intensity) are examined. In the past several decades, the western Pacific subtropical high (WPSH) and tropical westerlies contribute to the interdecadal variation of TC number in the northwest and southeast of WNP respectively. The increased TC occurrence density to the east of Philippines related to TC track appears during the 1990s, in terms of both steer flow induced by WPSH and genesis location. From the interdecadal viewpoint, the tendency of TC intensity, measured by averaged accumulated cyclone energy, does well agree with that of SST, implying that SST plays an important role in TC intensity. Supported by Special Scientific Research Project for Public Interest (Grant No. GYHY200806009) and National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2009CB421505)  相似文献   

回顾热带太平洋对海平面长期趋势有重要影响的海平面年际和年代际变化的相关研究,总结包括近期提出的中部型厄尔尼诺在内的2种类型厄尔尼诺对热带太平洋海平面年际变化的影响,揭示了热带太平洋海平面年代际变化与信风年代际变化之间的紧密联系。指出赤道信风的增强对近期热带太平洋海平面变化格局的形成有决定性作用,厄尔尼诺强度的减弱对这种格局有贡献,而拉尼娜的影响有待深入研究。研究资料的局限性导致年代际变化的定量研究成果较少,在研究海平面年际和年代际变化时应用的热通量评估模型有待改进。  相似文献   

A common problem in the application of the coupled ocean-atmosphere general circulation models (CGCMs) without flux correction is that the simulated equatorial cold tongue in general tends to be too strong, narrow, and extending too far west. The causes are not well understood yet. One possible reason may be the simulated mixed layer depth (MLD) is too shallow in the tropical Pacific due to insufficient vertical mixing in the OGCM. It is believed that the wave-induced vertical mixing can greatly improve the simulation of the MLD and thermocline structure. In this study, the coupled ocean-atmosphere general circulation model (FGCM-0) incorporated with wave-induced mixing has been employed to simulate the tropical Pacific sea surface temperature (SST). Generally, the wave-induced mixing lowers the SST in the OGCM because the strengthened vertical mixing can bring more cold water upward. However, in the coupled model, the non-uniformity of the space distribution in SST drop generates a horizontal gradient of the sea surface air pressure, and thus yields surface wind field anomaly. The wind anomaly leads to both ocean surface circulation anomaly and downwelling anomaly, which can restrain the overly-westward extension of the cold tongue in the tropical Pacific. Compared with the model results from the original model (FGCM-0), the modeled SST is higher by more than 0.8℃, with a maximum of 1.2℃ in the western Pacific (160—180°E, 0—3°N). The eastern boundary of the isotherm of 26.0℃ also moves from 165°E to 180°E. The overly westward extension of the simulated equatorial cold tongue is suppressed with the incorporation of the wave-induced mixing in the coupled model. The simulated SST shows in general improved results with a maximum improvement of more than 1.0℃. The simulated SST improvement in the north tropical Pacific is much better than that of the south tropical Pacific.  相似文献   

A common problem in the application of the coupled ocean-atmosphere general circulation models (CGCMs) without flux correction is that the simulated equatorial cold tongue in general tends to be too strong, narrow, and extending too far west. The causes are not well understood yet. One possible reason may be the simulated mixed layer depth (MLD) is too shallow in the tropical Pacific due to insufficient vertical mixing in the OGCM. It is believed that the wave-induced vertical mixing can greatly improve the simulation of the MLD and thermocline structure. In this study, the coupled ocean-atmosphere general circulation model (FGCM-0) incorporated with wave-induced mixing has been employed to simulate the tropical Pacific sea surface temperature (SST). Generally, the wave-induced mixing lowers the SST in the OGCM because the strengthened vertical mixing can bring more cold water upward. However, in the coupled model, the non-uniformity of the space distribution in SST drop generates a horizontal gradient of the sea surface air pressure, and thus yields surface wind field anomaly. The wind anomaly leads to both ocean surface circulation anomaly and downwelling anomaly, which can restrain the overly-westward extension of the cold tongue in the tropical Pacific. Compared with the model results from the original model (FGCM-0), the modeled SST is higher by more than 0.8℃, with a maximum of 1.2℃in the western Pacific (160—180°E, 0—3°N) . The eastern boundary of the isotherm of 26. 0℃also moves from 165°E to 180°E. The overly westward extension of the simulated equatorial cold tongue is suppressed with the incorporation of the wave-induced mixing in the coupled model. The simulated SST shows in general improved results with a maximum improvement of more than 1.0℃. The simulated SST improvement in the north tropical Pacific is much better than that of the south tropical Pacific.  相似文献   

西北太平洋生成热带气旋的年代际变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
为了分析热带气旋年代际变化的特征和造成这种变化的原因,利用西北太平洋编号台风资料对1949~2003年55 a的西北太平洋热带气旋特点进行分析,发现西北太平洋生成的热带气旋不管是频数还是生成位置都存在明显的年代际变化,根据热带气旋频数的年代际变化,把研究的55 a分成低频时期(LFP)和高频时期(HFP)分别加以考察.结果发现:热带气旋生成的高低频时期海气条件存在明显的差异,HFP的海温、对流、涡散度和切变条件都有利于西北太平洋热带气旋的生成,而LFP则明显存在物理量场的相反异常.这表示HFP的海气环境相比LFP更有利于热带气旋生成,说明了变化的海气条件是引起热带气旋频数和生成位置年代际变化的主要原因.  相似文献   

为了研究CO2浓度变化对西北太平洋热带风暴气候特征的影响,采用全球大气海洋耦合环流模式GFDL CM2.1 3个CO2排放情景下的数值试验资料,提出了适合模式的识别模式热带风暴的标准,并采用NCEP再分析资料和年鉴资料检验了标准的合理性,分析了模式热带风暴在CO2浓度增加后气候特征的变化.结果表明,所提标准是合理的,所识别的模式热带风暴在暖心平均结构等方面与NCEP热带风暴平均结构相似性高;CO2浓度增加后,模式热带风暴频数减少,强度增强,强热带风暴增多,主要源地和活动地区西移,季节分布和持续时间的分布形势没有明显变化.  相似文献   

The relationship between the anomalous East Asian winter monsoon (EAWM) activity and the tropical Pacific SST anomalies has been identified using the results of 40-year integration of the IAP CGCM1 model and 10-year observational data. In the strong EAWM year, the western and central Pacific are dominated by positive SST anomalies while the eastern Pacific is negative ones. In the weak EAWM year, the SSTA pattern is quite different and shows El Nino-like SST anomalies. The strong EAWM activity tends to create extra easterly flow to the east and extra westerly flow to the west of the warm SSTA region over the equatorial western and central Pacific, thus leading to the enhancement of convergence and convection of the flow in this region and favorable to the maintenance and development of such an SSTA pattern. On the other hand, the warm SST anomaly over the western and central Pacific, as a forcing, may lead to a specific pattern of the northern extratropical atmosphere, which is favorable to the strong EAWM activity. The tropical Pacific SSTA pattern related closely to the strong EAWM activity differs significantly from that of the La Nina year.  相似文献   

用OSU的两层大气环流模式进行了热带西太平洋冬春海温异常对东亚初夏(5月)季风环流影响的数值试验.结果表明:①海温的负距平引起西太平洋副热带高压脊南落和西伸,东亚热带季风环流减弱,我国西南和华南地区的降水增加;②海温的正距平引起西太平洋副热带高压明显减弱,西太平洋的赤道西风加强,我国西南和华南地区的降水减少  相似文献   

以生物化学知识为载体,分别采用学导式、讲授式和指令正反馈敦促教学法进行生物化学教学探索,通过分组实验法对教学效果进行了对比实验研究.研究结果表明,指令正反馈敦促法显著优于学导式与讲授式两种方法,且能较好地消除学生中良莠不齐的现象,有效提高全体学生的成绩,具有优越的教学效果,不失为一种优良的新型教学方法.  相似文献   

The tropospheric teleconnection pattern between the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) and the Pacific Ocean was studied using GISST and NECP/NCAR reanalysis data. Results show that a structure of Rossby wave train extends from the tropical Indian Ocean over southern subtropical regions of Australia and Pacific Ocean to the tropical Pacific Ocean, where a strong correlation between IOD and geopotential height (GH) anomaly of Pacific Ocean exists. Energy propagating pathways of the planetary wave with wave numbers 1-3 are qualitatively in agreement with the Rossby wave train, which implies that the energy propagation of the stationary planetary wave could be responsible for the tropospheric teleconnection between IOD and tropical Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

采用POM模式对2005年西北太平洋西边界流系源区进行了数值模拟.针对该海区海表热通量与POM模式匹配困难的问题,在模拟过程中,分别采用由同化AMSR卫星资料插值得到的日平均海表温度场以及由NCEP资料得到的海表净热通量与长、短波辐射通量两种方案来进行海表热强迫.通过与SODA资料的分析结果对比,POM模式模拟结果较好地显示出北赤道流,黑潮源区及棉兰老海流的基本特征,两处断面流速与实际探测资料较为吻合;高度场模拟结果与实况较为一致,但0.9m水位高度线范围呈缩小-放大-缩小-放大的季节性震荡与实况中维持稳定存在一定差异;海温模拟结果与月平均的SODA资料总体一致,但在春夏两季温度略高.  相似文献   

云南降水场与太平洋海温场典型相关分析   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
 利用典型相关理论分析云南省5月份降水场与头年5月至当年4月各月太平洋热带海温距平场之间的关系,得出一些有意义的结果.并通过1994~1995年的预报,效果较理想.  相似文献   

提出状态依赖时滞反馈控制Logistic增长模型,利用重合度理论研究其正周期解的存在性问题.通过发展一些新的分析技巧,得到了该系统周期正解存在的充分性条件,推广和改进了相关文献的主要结果.  相似文献   

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