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美国运动员卡尔,刘易斯在91年东京第三届世界田径锦标赛的百米决赛上,虽然开始落后;但由于在50米、60米、70米阶段时、从步频的同步耦合作用中提高了体能的效率,所以能反败为胜地夺取冠军并打破了世界记录.  相似文献   

田径运动员短跑能力训练的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过分析100m,200m,400m跑供能特点,结合湖北民族学院短跑运动员的实际情况,探讨了如何提高湖北民族学院短跑运动员的训练能力。  相似文献   

世界优秀男子110 m栏运动员成绩变化分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用文献资料调查、数理统计等科研方法, 对1997年世界田径锦标赛男子110 m栏前 7 名运动员的成绩进行相关分析, 揭示当今男子110 m栏全程速度变化的规律和特点, 并对近 4 年来世界优秀男子 110 m栏运动员与我国男子110 m栏运动员的成绩进行对比分析, 希望能对我国男子110 m栏的训练提供一些新的参考和启示.  相似文献   

新疆四民族乡村青少年男生身体素质的对比研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要对新疆维、汉、哈、柯四个主要民族青少年男生的50米跑、仰卧起坐、50米×8往返跑(800米跑),立位体前屈、立定跳远等指标分别与全国同年龄男生的相应数据进行两两比较T检验,得出四民族乡村男生身体素质发展的优势与不足,为运动选材和学校体育教学提供参考依据。  相似文献   

中学体育教学中,400米跑训练的重点应该放在速度耐力上,即如何延长保持速度颠峰的时间.训练计划的制定,方法和手段的选择,对400米跑成绩的提高至关重要.  相似文献   

高分辨率城市交通污染数值仿真系统研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
以对流-扩散方程为模型,采用5Dm网格的高分辨率对城市中汽车尾气排放所造成的污染分布状况进行模拟,建立了一个高分辨率城市交通污染数值仿真系统。相比同类研究,本系统能够更准确地反映城市道路污染源的影响。最后给出了算例。  相似文献   

Tatem AJ  Guerra CA  Atkinson PM  Hay SI 《Nature》2004,431(7008):525
The 2004 Olympic women's 100-metre sprint champion, Yuliya Nesterenko, is assured of fame and fortune. But we show here that--if current trends continue--it is the winner of the event in the 2156 Olympics whose name will be etched in sporting history forever, because this may be the first occasion on which the race is won in a faster time than the men's event.  相似文献   

人体的运动能力在很大程度上取决于人体运动中能量的供应能力,了解掌握肌肉工作的能量供应特点,对于科学地制定训练计划和选择训练手段是极为重要的。本文试图根据人体运动时能量供应的特点,分析400m跨栏跑的供能特点以及提高供能能力的训练方法。  相似文献   

本文通过对不同水平女子400米跑的战术分析,从生理学角度探讨了不同水子女子400米跑时的生理特点,从而确认初级水平的女子400米跑应定为中长跑的范畴,并制定出相应的比赛战术及训练方法。  相似文献   

102 m高烟囱濒临河道、紧邻深基坑施工场地,结合其结构和构造特征的查勘与检测,设计了梯形切口的定向窗、放倒窗、定位窗及切口圆心角和高度等参数,并按烟囱整体放倒拆除要求进行了受力分析,提出了相应的钢筋混凝土烟囱机械破拆措施,为烟囱机械定向放倒拆除提供了成功工程案例.  相似文献   

现代110m跨栏跑技术特点与以前的技术特点在全程跑中差异是多方面的,诸如完整技术的实效性、环节技术的熟练性,专业特点的经济性,以及反应在这三个特性的几个技术如“直线性、节奏性、摆动腿技术、腿臂配合技术”等,正是这些技术的不同点构成了现代技术与过去技术的不同,而现代技术日趋完善和合理。本文通过对110m跨栏跑的技术和理论依据的分析,为110m跨栏教学、训练和研究提供参考。  相似文献   

800米跑是一种次最大强度的竞速项目。速度储备是相当大的,速度在很大程度上取决于力量训练。但从文献资料中分析,许多教练员和运动员对力量训练的作用估计不足。因此对发展什么性质的力量,采用什么方法和手段进行训练,存在不同的看法。鉴于这种情况,本文做了简要的分析和探讨。  相似文献   

Coupled ocean-atmosphere dynamics in the Indian Ocean during 1997-98   总被引:63,自引:0,他引:63  
Webster PJ  Moore AM  Loschnigg JP  Leben RR 《Nature》1999,401(6751):356-360
Climate variability in the Indian Ocean region seems to be, in some aspects, independent of forcing by external phenomena such as the El Ni?o/Southern Oscillation. But the extent to which, and how, internal coupled ocean-atmosphere dynamics determine the state of the Indian Ocean system have not been resolved. Here we present a detailed analysis of the strong seasonal anomalies in sea surface temperatures, sea surface heights, precipitation and winds that occurred in the Indian Ocean region in 1997-98, and compare the results with the record of Indian Ocean climate variability over the past 40 years. We conclude that the 1997-98 anomalies--in spite of the coincidence with the strong El Ni?o/Southern Oscillation event--may primarily be an expression of internal dynamics, rather than a direct response to external influences. We propose a mechanism of ocean-atmosphere interaction governing the 1997-98 event that may represent a characteristic internal mode of the Indian Ocean climate system. In the Pacific Ocean, the identification of such a mode has led to successful predictions of El Ni?o; if the proposed Indian Ocean internal mode proves to be robust, there may be a similar potential for predictability of climate in the Indian Ocean region.  相似文献   

Compositional mapping of Mars at the 100-metre scale with the Mars Odyssey Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS) has revealed a wide diversity of igneous materials. Volcanic evolution produced compositions from low-silica basalts to high-silica dacite in the Syrtis Major caldera. The existence of dacite demonstrates that highly evolved lavas have been produced, at least locally, by magma evolution through fractional crystallization. Olivine basalts are observed on crater floors and in layers exposed in canyon walls up to 4.5 km beneath the surface. This vertical distribution suggests that olivine-rich lavas were emplaced at various times throughout the formation of the upper crust, with their growing inventory suggesting that such ultramafic (picritic) basalts may be relatively common. Quartz-bearing granitoid rocks have also been discovered, demonstrating that extreme differentiation has occurred. These observations show that the martian crust, while dominated by basalt, contains a diversity of igneous materials whose range in composition from picritic basalts to granitoids rivals that found on the Earth.  相似文献   

Entanglement is the fundamental characteristic of quantum physics-much experimental effort is devoted to harnessing it between various physical systems. In particular, entanglement between light and material systems is interesting owing to their anticipated respective roles as 'flying' and stationary qubits in quantum information technologies (such as quantum repeaters and quantum networks). Here we report the demonstration of entanglement between a photon at a telecommunication wavelength (1,338?nm) and a single collective atomic excitation stored in a crystal. One photon from an energy-time entangled pair is mapped onto the crystal and then released into a well-defined spatial mode after a predetermined storage time. The other (telecommunication wavelength) photon is sent directly through a 50-metre fibre link to an analyser. Successful storage of entanglement in the crystal is proved by a violation of the Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt inequality by almost three standard deviations (S = 2.64?±?0.23). These results represent an important step towards quantum communication technologies based on solid-state devices. In particular, our resources pave the way for building multiplexed quantum repeaters for long-distance quantum networks.  相似文献   

对44名14~19岁肥胖青少年进行6周的封闭式饮食控制及运动,测定实验对象的身体形态、身体机能、身体素质和血液健康等指标.通过数理统计方法对实验所测得的数据进行分析.结果表明:肥胖青少年的脂肪量、体质量、体脂率都有明显的下降(P0.05);肺活量逐渐上升,身体素质指标(耐力、柔韧、50 m跑)与血液健康指标(血脂TC、甘油三酯TG、空腔胰岛素FINS)都呈非常明显改善(P0.01).封闭式运动减肥对青少年肥胖者体质健康具有良好的效能表现.  相似文献   

Developing space weathering on the asteroid 25143 Itokawa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Puzzlingly, the parent bodies of ordinary chondrites (the most abundant type of meteorites) do not seem to be abundant among asteroids. One possible explanation is that surfaces of the parent bodies become optically altered, to become the S-type asteroids which are abundant in the main asteroid belt. The process is called 'space weathering'-it makes the visible and near-infrared reflectance spectrum of a body darker and redder. A recent survey of small, near-Earth asteroids suggests that the surfaces of small S asteroids may have developing stages of space weathering. Here we report that a dark region on a small (550-metre) asteroid-25143 Itokawa-is significantly more space-weathered than a nearby bright region. Spectra of both regions are consistent with those of LL5-6 chondrites after continuum removal. A simple calculation suggests that the dark area has a shorter mean optical path length and about 0.04 per cent by volume more nanophase metallic iron particles than the bright area. This clearly shows that space-weathered materials accumulate on small asteroids, which are likely to be the parent bodies of LL chondrites. We conclude that, because LL meteorites are the least abundant of ordinary (H, L, and LL) chondrites, there must be many asteroids with ordinary-chondrite compositions in near-Earth orbits.  相似文献   

近6年来福建师范大学体育系排球学科不同学历层次学生考试成绩的分析和各年级成绩之间的纵比表明,考试成绩能够反映学生对排球学科掌握的程度;从中也体现近几年我系排球教学富有成效;五个不同学历层次或水平学生考试成绩之间存在非常显著的差异;从平均成绩上看明显分出档次。在排球考试中应改变对技术严而对理论宽的现象。建议改革技术考试达标评分方法,使排球考试更趋合理。  相似文献   

《荆楚岁时记》是一部重要的民俗专著。它在民俗学上的意义表现在三个方面:一、它是我国第一部地域岁时民俗志;二、它是一本“眼光向下”的民俗著述;三,它是一本时俗源流名著,对后世时民俗志创作起到了典范的作用。  相似文献   

建立病历质量管理平台控制病历书写质量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
医疗质量是医院的永恒主题,也是决定医院生存与发展的核心要素,而病历质量管理和控制又是医疗质量管理的一个重要环节,它能明确反应医院的管理水平和医务人员的整体素质,同时也是医患双方医疗行为的重要见证,为控制病历的书写质量,赤峰第二医院成立了院、科、组三级质控管理体系,建立了病历质量管理平台,提高了病历的内涵质量;使甲级病案率达到90%以上,达到了三级医院质控标准。  相似文献   

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