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Cell death is critical for the development and orderly maintenance of cellular homeostasis in metazoans. Developmental genetics in model systems, including Caenorhabditis elegans and Drosophila melanogaster, have helped to identify and order the components of cell-death pathways. An even more complex network of apoptotic pathways has evolved in higher organisms that possess homologs within each set of cell-death regulators. Whereas biochemical studies provide details of molecular mechanisms, genetic models reveal the essential physiologic roles. Transgenic and gene-ablated mice have helped to elucidate mammalian apoptotic pathways and identify the principal effect of each cell death regulator. Here, we review the details of the apoptotic machinery as revealed by mice deficient in critical components of cell-death pathways; we concentrate on cell-death regulators classified as members of the caspase and Bcl2 families or, broadly, as adaptors and mitochondrial released factors.  相似文献   

We report the first identified mutation in the gene encoding human cytochrome c (CYCS). Glycine 41, invariant throughout eukaryotes, is substituted by serine in a family with autosomal dominant thrombocytopenia caused by dysregulated platelet formation. The mutation yields a cytochrome c variant with enhanced apoptotic activity in vitro. Notably, the family has no other phenotypic indication of abnormal apoptosis, implying that cytochrome c activity is not a critical regulator of most physiological apoptosis.  相似文献   

Mitochondria, from cell death to proliferation   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Rustin P 《Nature genetics》2002,30(4):352-353

Light is a dominant mutant allele of the mouse brown locus which results in hairs pigmented only at their tips. The phenotype is due to premature melanocyte death. We have sequenced the tyrosinase-related protein-1 cDNA encoded at this locus from Light mice and found that it contains a single base alteration from wild-type, causing an Arg to Cys change in the protein. To further elucidate the mutant phenotype, we studied the expression of melanocyte specific genes in the skin of Light mice. We have demonstrated premature melanocyte death, but only in pigmented mice, indicating that the cell death is mediated through the inherent cytotoxicity of pigment production.  相似文献   

Torres MA  Jones JD  Dangl JL 《Nature genetics》2005,37(10):1130-1134
Plant immune responses are usually accompanied by the production of extracellular superoxide at and surrounding infection sites. Extracellular reactive oxygen intermediates (ROIs) in plants were proposed to drive programmed cell death correlated with disease resistance (the hypersensitive response). ROIs derived from this oxidative burst are generated by plasma membrane NADPH oxidases, anchored by gp91(phox) proteins related to those responsible for the respiratory oxidative burst activated in mammalian neutrophils during infection. Mutation of Arabidopsis thaliana respiratory burst oxidase (Atrboh) genes eliminated pathogen-induced ROI production but had only a modest effect on the hypersensitive response. We show that Atrboh function can be activated by exogenous ROIs. Unexpectedly, the subsequent oxidative burst can suppress cell death in cells surrounding sites of NADPH oxidase activation. This cell death requires salicylic acid, a plant immune system activator. Thus, ROIs generated by Atrboh proteins can antagonize salicylic acid-dependent pro-death signals. These results have implications for understanding how salicylic acid activates defense signaling in cells spatially removed from infection sites without causing cell death.  相似文献   

The clinical spectrum of prostate cancer ranges from curable, local disease to widely metastatic, lethal cancer. Two new prostate cancer genome studies provide the first glimpse at both ends of this spectrum.  相似文献   

Mutational inactivation of the gene WRN causes Werner syndrome, an autosomal recessive disease characterized by premature aging, elevated genomic instability and increased cancer incidence. The capacity of enforced telomerase expression to rescue premature senescence of cultured cells from individuals with Werner syndrome and the lack of a disease phenotype in Wrn-deficient mice with long telomeres implicate telomere attrition in the pathogenesis of Werner syndrome. Here, we show that the varied and complex cellular phenotypes of Werner syndrome are precipitated by exhaustion of telomere reserves in mice. In late-generation mice null with respect to both Wrn and Terc (encoding the telomerase RNA component), telomere dysfunction elicits a classical Werner-like premature aging syndrome typified by premature death, hair graying, alopecia, osteoporosis, type II diabetes and cataracts. This mouse model also showed accelerated replicative senescence and accumulation of DNA-damage foci in cultured cells, as well as increased chromosomal instability and cancer, particularly nonepithelial malignancies typical of Werner syndrome. These genetic data indicate that the delayed manifestation of the complex pleiotropic of Wrn deficiency relates to telomere shortening.  相似文献   

Guasch G  Fuchs E 《Nature genetics》2005,37(11):1201-1206
The ability of embryos to diversify and of some adult tissues to regenerate throughout life is directly attributable to stem cells. These cells have the capacity to self-renew-that is, to divide and to create additional stem cells-and to differentiate along a specific lineage. The differentiation of pluripotent embryonic stem cells along specific cell lineages has been used to understand the molecular mechanisms involved in tissue development. The often endless capacity of embryonic stem cells to generate differentiated cell types positions the field of stem cells at the nexus between developmental biologists, who are fascinated by the properties of these cells, and clinicians, who are excited about the prospects of bringing stem cells from bench to bedside to treat degenerative disorders and injuries for which there are currently no cures. Here we highlight the importance of mice in stem cell biology and in bringing the world one step closer to seeing these cells brought to fruition in modern medicine.  相似文献   

Early death of mice cloned from somatic cells   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Here we report that the lifespan of mice cloned from somatic cells is significantly shorter than that of genotype- and sex-matched controls, most likely due to severe pneumonia and hepatic failure. This finding demonstrates the possibility of long-term deleterious effects of somatic-cell cloning, even after normal birth.  相似文献   

A role for the Rb family of proteins in controlling telomere length   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The molecular mechanisms of cellular mortality have recently begun to be unraveled. In particular, it has been discovered that cells that lack telomerase are subject to telomere attrition with each round of replication, eventually leading to loss of telomere capping function at chromosome ends. Critically short telomeres and telomeres lacking telomere-binding proteins lose their functionality and are metabolized as DNA breaks, thus generating chromosomal fusions. Telomerase activity is sufficient to rescue short telomeres and confers an unlimited proliferative capacity. In addition, the tumor-suppressor pathway Cdkn2a/Rb1 has also been implicated as a barrier to immortalization. Here, we report a connection between the members of the retinoblastoma family of proteins, Rb1 (retinoblastoma 1), Rbl1 (retinoblastoma-like 1) and Rbl2 (retinoblastoma-like 2), and the mechanisms that regulate telomere length. In particular, mouse embryonic fibroblasts doubly deficient in Rbl1 and Rbl2 or triply deficient in Rbl1, Rbl2 and Rb1 have markedly elongated telomeres compared with those of wildtype or Rb1-deficient cells. This deregulation of telomere length is not associated with increased telomerase activity. Notably, the abnormally elongated telomeres in doubly or triply deficient cells retain their end-capping function, as shown by the normal frequency of chromosomal fusions. These findings demonstrate a connection between the Rb1 family and the control of telomere length in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Retinal progenitor cells regulate their proliferation during development so that the correct number of each cell type is made at the appropriate time. We found that the homeodomain protein Prox1 regulates the exit of progenitor cells from the cell cycle in the embryonic mouse retina. Cells lacking Prox1 are less likely to stop dividing, and ectopic expression of Prox1 forces progenitor cells to exit the cell cycle. During retinogenesis, Prox1 can be detected in differentiating horizontal, bipolar and AII amacrine cells. Horizontal cells are absent in retinae of Prox1-/- mice and misexpression of Prox1 in postnatal progenitor cells promotes horizontal-cell formation. Thus, Prox1 activity is both necessary and sufficient for progenitor-cell proliferation and cell-fate determination in the vertebrate retina.  相似文献   

We identified a duplication of the MYB oncogene in 8.4% of individuals with T cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL) and in five T-ALL cell lines. The duplication is associated with a threefold increase in MYB expression, and knockdown of MYB expression initiates T cell differentiation. Our results identify duplication of MYB as an oncogenic event and suggest that MYB could be a therapeutic target in human T-ALL.  相似文献   

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