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Summary Intratumoral injection of an artificial radioactive isotope (radiozinc), suspended in a solution of pectin: The author has previously reported on a method, which consists in the utilization of an artificial radioactive isotope for the production oflocalized biological radiation effects, by means of intraperitoneal injections of radiozinc (Zn63) suspended in a suitably prepared solution of pectin. This procedure was applied to a small number of cases of cancer of the ovaries, with severe peritoneal extension, and yielded rather interesting therapeutic effects in these particularly bad conditions. Evidently this method can be applied also to malignant fumors of cavitary organs, such as the urinary bladder etc.The author investigated further, whether this procedure would also be suitable for interstitial radiotherapy, as previously presumed. Subcutaneous and intramuscular injections of the same suspension of radiozinc in pectin were thus performed on rabbits and were not followed by any diffusion of radioactivity outside the injected areas, as shown both by autoradiographs and controls of blood specimens with a counter. For the purpose of preliminary clinical investigation two cases of extended cancer of the uterine cervix recieved injections of 15 millicuries of radiozinc suspended in pectin within the tumor and its immediate surroundings (these cases were also submitted to the usual X-ray and radium-therapy). Specimens of blood and urine were checked with a counter and showed practically no radioactivity. Distinct fibrinous spots were observed a tew days later at the points of injection. This special form of interstitial radiotherapy will presumably gain some practical significance, as it offers the advantage that no foreign bodies have to be inserted in tissues as it is the case with radium needles and radon seeds, pectin being very well tolerated and resorbed by living tissues.  相似文献   

Summary The author demonstrates the possibility to realize on living human individuals big sizeautoradiographs afterintravenous injections of an artificial radioactive isotope of a relatively short activity. Strong preparations (100 millicuries) of radiozinc (Zn63) in form of soluble oxide have been employed. These injections were performed on two patients suffering from general carcinosis. The humanauto-organographs (autohepatographs, automammographs, autonephrographs, etc.), as well as theautoangiographs of the blood vessels of the skin and the subcutaneous tissues, thus realized for the first time, are quite interesting. The possibilities of a clinical utilization of such autoradiographs are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Some arguments put forward byG. Bier in a recent article in order to supportH. Staudinger's assumption that chain molecules in solution should behave like straight rigid rods are examined. It is shown that the assumptions made byG. Bier are largely arbitrary. The main argument is the assumption that the C-C-bond in long chain molecules should not show any rotation. As far as this point is concerned, attention is drawn to some recent publications showing that the viscosity of shape of chain molecules can be determined by experiment (specific viscosity and double refraction of flow at high velocity gradients). According to these determinations the time necessary for a complete change of shape, using partially free rotation, is of the order of 10–5–10–3 seconds for molecules like nitrocellulose or polystyrene up to degrees of polymerization of several thousands and for viscosities of the solvent of the order of 10–2 poises.  相似文献   

Summary Purified elastase prepared by adsorption on synthetic zeolite in proper concentrations causes the coagulation of blood. Elastase was found to have no direct coagulative action on purified fibrinogen. Its coagulating action is due to the fact that it reacts with prothrombin to form thrombin. The reaction between prothrombin and elastase is independent of the presence of either platelets, thromboplastin or Ca-ions.  相似文献   

Summary The permeability of different jellies is measured under various conditions. This property may be of value for the structural analysis of these systems.  相似文献   

Summary Kallidin gives, with heparin, a non-dialysable complex, which can be precipitated with alcohol. In this binding, kallidin is pharmacologically active, but may be split off by the substance 48/80.  相似文献   

Summary The latent potency of organ development in a normally functionless evagination on the upper border of the imaginal disc, causes double forms of the presumptive wingleaf of caterpillars in lepidoptera. Triple forms of the wing-leaf consist of one double form and one simple form of the original imaginal disc of the wing and one regenerate, orvice versa.  相似文献   

Summary Larvae ofSalamandra salamandra quadrivirgata Dürigen and tadpoles ofXenopus laevis Daud, treated with a percutaneous application of thyroxin, show a more intensive calcification of their skeletal system after a precocious metamorphosis. The calcified area of bones is increased; additional centres of calcification can be distinguished in quite a number of other skeletal elements. By thyroxin-soaked agar implants in the hindlimbs ofAmbystoma mexicanum, deposition of calcium salts is furthered in the bones of the leg treated, as well as in the adjacent pelvic girdle, thus demonstrating that the thyroid hormone exerts a direct effect upon calcification. It is supposed that during normal metamorphosis the thyroid gland plays an equal part in the process of calcification in the skeletal system.  相似文献   

Summary C14-methylene-labelled glycine was added to growing mycelium ofFusarium lycopersici. Young, rapidly growing mycelium converts about 2% of the radioactivity into carbon dioxyde; with older mycelium, the carbon dioxyde is almost inactive. In the protein hydrolysate, labelled glycine, serine, valine and leucine and small quantities of aspartic acid and glutamic acid were found. Valine and leucine apparently have not been identified before as metabolic products of glycine.  相似文献   

Summary Some anthocyanins and flavonols have been found to have no bacteriostatic effect on pathogenic micro-organisms.  相似文献   

Summary In experiments on rabbits, the influence of the innervation on the synthesis of adrenaline in the suprarenals was investigated. After depleting the glands of adrenaline by repeated injections of reserpine, one splanchnic nerve was sectioned. It was found that in the denervated suprarenal gland, the resynthesis was slower than in the normal gland. This suggests that the innervation is of importance for the rate of synthesis of adrenaline.  相似文献   

Summary It is shown that the dye gallocyaninchromalum combines quantitatively with ribonucleic acid. 1 molecule gallocyanin is equivalent to approximately 15 phosphorus atoms. The quantitative combinationin vitro is not disturbed by proteins.

Ausgeführt mit Mitteln der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Summary 11-hydroxy-epiandrosterone was isolated and identified from urine of normal untreated female guinea pigs. After cold and hot acid hydrolysis of the urine, we found another 3-hydroxy-17-oxosteroid. Its character was investigated by several methods and we suppose this steroid is9(11)-epiandrosterone, an artificial product of 11-hydroxy-epiandrosterone.  相似文献   

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