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理解金属-绝缘体转变机制有助于进一步了解复杂氧化物中的微观物理行为.基于复杂氧化物材料,首先介绍金属-绝缘体的转变机制:Wilson转变、Mott转变、Anderson转变和Peierls转变.除上述四种机制外,以锰氧化物材料为例,阐述双交换机制和Jahn-Taller畸变的作用对铁磁自旋有序的影响,以及s-d杂化、掺杂和电子-声子散射所引起的铁磁金属到顺磁绝缘态的转变.同时介绍含有磁性粒子的非磁材料中的近藤效应,进而分析外界磁场作用对锰氧化物材料输运性质的影响.  相似文献   

可逆马尔可夫链的转移概率估计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对可逆马尔可夫链的转移概率进行了估计,给出了其条件为马尔可夫链的格林函数的空间对称性和多项式衰减规律,解决了早期研究中当分形不能用一个简单运算重正化,或者分形是无穷分叉时的难题。  相似文献   

对可逆马尔可夫链的转移概率进行了估计 ,给出了其条件为马尔可夫链的格林函数的空间对称性和多项式衰减规律 ,解决了早期研究中当分形不能用一个简单运算重正化 ,或者分形是无穷分叉时的难题。  相似文献   

利用随机环境中的转移矩阵,解决了双无限环境中马氏链的构造问题,引入了互通和强互通概念,并在平稳环境的条件下,研究了互通和强互通的关系。  相似文献   

We report the nonequilibrium dynamical phase transition (NDPT) appearing in a kinetic Ising spin system (ISS) subject to the joint application of a deterministic external field and the stochastic mutually correlated noises simultaneously. A time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau stochastic differential equation, including an oscillating modulation and the correlated multiplicative and additive white noises, was addressed and the numerical solution to the relevant Fokker-Planck equation was presented on the basis of an average-period approach of driven field. The correlated white noises and the deterministic modulation induce a kind of dynamic symmetry-breaking order, analogous to the stochastic resonance in trend, in the kinetic ISS, and the reentrant transition has been observed between the dynamic disorder and order phases when the intensities of multiplicative and additive noises were changing. The dependencies of a dynamic order parameter Q upon the intensities of additive noise A and multiplicative noise M, the correlation λ between two noises, and the amplitude of applied external field h were investigated quantitatively and visualized vividly. Here a brief discussion is given to outline the underlying mechanism of the NDPT in a kinetic ISS driven by an external force and correlated noises.  相似文献   

R O Williams  J R Young  P A Majiwa 《Nature》1979,282(5741):847-849
The capacity of African trypanosomes to express sequentially a large repertoire of different surface antigens during an infection enables the parasite to evade the immune response of its host, and makes attempts to produce a vaccine against the disease difficult. It is evident that point mutations cannot account for antigen diversity. Variable antigens like immunoglobulins are derived from an extensive family of genes of which only one is expressed in a given cell. As somatic tic recombination is involved in the immunoglobulin gene system, this similarity prompted us to search for somatic rearrangements in trypanosome variable antigen genes. We have constructed a recombinant plasmid containing approximately half the DNA sequence coding for a Trypanosoma brucei variable antigen and hybridised the inserted sequences to various restriction enzyme digests of nuclear DNA from different trypanosome clones. Differences in the sizes of restriction tion fragments hybridising to the inserted variable antigen coding sequence show altered positions of enzyme sites relative to this sequence, indicating different arrangements of DNA sequences around this gene in different trypanosome clones.  相似文献   

In situ pressure-induced Raman spectral changes of 1-octyl-3-methyl imidazolium hexafluorophosphate ([OMIM][PF6]) have been investigated under the pressure up to 5.86 GPa at room temperature. The results indicated that [OMIM][PF6] experienced a phase transition at about 4.12 GPa during compression, and it was thought as a phase transition of liquid to a superpressurized glass. Upon decompression, from the obvious change of Raman spectra of [OMIM][PF6] at about 0.48 GPa, it could be inferred that a decompression-induced disorder to order phase transition in [OMIM][PF6] occurred. The phase behavior of [OMIM] [PF6] at low temperature under atmospheric pressure was also investigated in detail. The result showed that Raman spectra of [OMIM][PF6] varied slightly and no crystallization occurred upon cooling. These facts suggested that a disorder to order phase transition was induced by decompression in [OMIM][PF6], and [OMIM][PF6] served as a superpressurized glass under the pressure above 4.12 GPa, which was similar to the glassy state at low temperature.  相似文献   

J E Smith  C Co  M E Freeman  M P Sands  J D Lane 《Nature》1980,287(5778):152-154
Drugs of abuse probably exert their reinforcing effects through 'reward' pathways in the central nervous system (CNS). Neuronal systems mediating opiate reinforcement have been investigated using pharmacological and electrolytic lesion procedures. Drugs that interfere with catecholaminergic and cholinergic neuronal activity decrease intravenous (i.v.) morphine self-administration in monkeys and rats. Electrolytic lesion procedures in rats have demonstrated that the medial forebrain bundle and caudate nucleus are important in maintaining i.v. morphine self-administration. We have now carried out a direct investigation of striatal (caudate nucleus, putamen and globus pallidus) neuronal systems. We show here that striatal catecholaminergic systems are important in mediating opiate reinforcement, and present direct evidence for the involvement of neurotransmitter systems in morphine reward.  相似文献   

A correlated aggregate claim model with m dependent classes of insurance business is constructed, in which claim occurrences of m classes relate to Cox process and these claim processes are correlated. This Cox risk model with correlated classes of business is first transformed to the Cox model of n independent risk processes. Then the generalized Lundberg exponent and Lundberg inequality are obtained by the martingale approach. Finally, the explicit expression of Lundberg exponent under a special condition is derived.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to identify bacteria responsible for the elimination of sludge in an innovative gravel contact oxidation reactor (GCOR) and a conventional activated sludge reactor (ASR),Fluorescent in situ hybridization revealed that α-,β-,γ-and ε-Proteobacteria and Bacteroidetes were present in both reactors.In the GCOR,γ-Proteobacteria accounted for 13% of the biofilm biomass on the carrier,while α-,ε-and β-Proteobacteria accounted for 12%.However,the predominant bacteria in the pores of the carrier in the GCOR were Bacteroidetes (18%),ε-Proteobacteria (13%),β-and α-Proteobacteria (10%) and γ-Proteobacteria (9%).Conversely,β-Proteobacteria (18%),Bacteroidetes (13%),α-and γ-Proteobacteria (12%) and ε-Proteobacteria (5%) dominated the sediment community of the ASR.  相似文献   

给出了多边形螺环链的定义,研究了多边形螺环链关于Merrifield-Simmons指标的极值问题,得到了多边形螺环链关于Merrifield-Simmons指标的排序。  相似文献   

van Hulst NF 《Nature》2007,448(7150):141-142

探讨了脆弱欧氏看涨期权定价过程中存在的交易对手间违约相关问题.首先,提出了交易对手间环形违约相关情形与市场风险因素共存时,违约强度模型的构造.其次,利用绝对连续的测度变换方法得到了交易双方的联合违约密度函数.数值分析结果表明:当期权交易双方存在环形违约相关时,脆弱期权的价格要低于只考虑存在单边违约风险的情形,说明此种情况下的脆弱期权蕴含着较高的信用风险暴露.另外,模型对回收率的敏感性要强于已有模型.  相似文献   

噪声相关多传感器系统的微观EKF融合算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
集中式融合滤波对于噪声相关非线性多传感器系统很重要。首先,在扩展Kalman滤波器(EKF)的基础上,利用矩阵求逆引理推导出噪声相关的EKF的一种信息滤波器形式;然后,根据矩阵相似变换理论将其等价分解为具有局部通信的微观滤波器形式。与现有的集中式融合算法相比,新方法保持了相同融合精度的同时,还具备了部分信息滤波器的优良数值计算特点。最后,通过理论分析和计算机仿真相结合的方法来验证了新算法的有效性。  相似文献   

在结构化模型的框架下,考虑到担保公司与被担保公司之间存在相关性时,因预付担保债务而导致资不抵债而违约的情况,得到有相关性的第三方担保的公司债券价格所满足的偏微分方程终边值问题.利用数值计算分析了公司资产值、资产相关性、资产波动率、公司回收率和债券发行量等因素对于债券价格的影响.  相似文献   

利用再生核空间方法研究相依误差近似回归模型的稳健设计问题.假定模型偏差来自概率测度为P的函数类H,同时还假定不同试验所产生的误差不独立.采用广义最小二乘估计作为参数向量的估计,根据平均预测风险最小原理得到了一个稳健设计准则.数值例子表明由该准则得到的设计具有良好的稳健性.  相似文献   

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