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基于计算机仿真技术,采用人体-消防服-环境系统的动态热湿传递模型,对比聚酰亚胺消防面料与Nomex防护面料的防护效果.仿真结果发现两种消防面料防护效果差异显著.经过机理分析,找出防护效果差异性源于辐射衰减性能的不同.辐射热不是直接以辐射形式伤害人体,而是转化成内能间接作用于人体.由此进一步找到了消防服面料防护效果优化设...  相似文献   

在建立校园消防地理数据库基础上,采用Microsoft Visual Basic6.0和Map Objects2.2开发了校园消防地理信息查询系统,通过ArcSDE空间数据引擎访问空间数据,通过ADO访问属性数据,实现空间数据,属性数据一体化操作和管理,同时使得查询和浏览校园消防信息变得方便。  相似文献   

为提升热防护服的防护性能,该研究基于形状记忆合金丝,开发了10种形状记忆织物,并构建适用于热防护服的温度响应型智能织物系统,探究相邻合金丝间距、形状记忆织物密度和芳纶纱线种类3个因素对形状记忆智能织物系统热防护性能的影响。结果表明:智能织物系统相较于传统热防护织物系统显著降低了织物内表层的温升速率,延长了温升12℃和温升24℃的时间。当合金丝间距为2 cm且使用芳纶1414织造的形状记忆织物纬密为20根/cm时,形状记忆智能织物系统的热防护性能最优。  相似文献   

通过对多层与高层建筑消防水泵的设置及控制方式进行分析,结合消防给水设备设计、生产、使用的经验,介绍了一种新型多层与高层建筑的消防给水系统水泵启动方式的设计。  相似文献   

提出了一种电力线通信(PLC)-可见光通信(VLC)融合的多输入多输出(MIMO)系统.采用二进制相移键控(BPSK)调制技术输入信号,依次通过PLC信道和VLC信道传输信息.仿真结果表明:相比于PLC的第二种参考信道,第一种参考信道的性能更好,且在无脉冲噪声的情况下,系统的误码率较低.此外,还研究了脉冲噪声参数对系统性能的影响.  相似文献   

讨论了经表面壳聚糖改性处理前后的Cu(Ⅱ)络合竹浆针织物的抗菌性能及耐水洗性能.采用扫描电镜、红外光谱、琼脂平皿扩散法等测试手段确定Cu(Ⅱ)的存在及织物的抗菌性能,并运用SPSS 19.0软件对数据进行统计学分析.研究结果表明:未经壳聚糖改性处理的竹浆抗菌针织物在水洗10次后抑菌圈带宽显著减小,降低了10.11%,但水洗50次和10次对比,并未出现显著性差异;而表面经壳聚糖改性处理后,Cu(Ⅱ)抗菌织物抑菌圈带宽有所下降,其在水洗10次、50次之后与水洗0次相比分别下降了1.10%和6.04%,其抑菌圈带宽检验未出现显著性差异,耐水洗性能优良.表面接枝壳聚糖后,竹浆抗菌针织物的耐水洗性能有所提高.  相似文献   

研究了由多种功能层材料组成的热防护组件的结构设计方法与热防护性能.利用仿真计算模拟了高温热环境下由不同厚度的面板层材料与隔热层材料组成的热防护组件的热响应行为,并通过石英灯加热考核验证了优化设计的热防护组件的耐温隔热与可重复使用性能.结果表明,致密的面板层材料具有优异的耐温性能,而由气凝胶组成的隔热层材料具有极低的热导率.根据目标环境匹配设计两种功能层材料厚度,可使多层热防护组件具备经最高温度1 600℃的加热考核后,背温仅为118℃的优异耐温隔热性能.   相似文献   

针对智能绿色变电站对模块化装配式基础的建设要求,文章设计一种模块化多组合气体绝缘开关(gas insulated switchgear,GIS)设备装配式箱形基础,该基础由若干模块化基础盒子单元拼装而成,可灵活适用于各种布置GIS设备的建设;考虑材料非线性、基础与土基的共同作用,通过有限元分析程序ABAQUS分析基础的...  相似文献   

以八乙烯基多面体低聚倍半硅氧烷(OVPOSS)和含氢硅氧烷为单体,通过硅氢加成反应制备了一种新型POSS交联剂V2-POSS。将V2-POSS加入到聚甲基硅氧烷中,制备了一系列不同POSS含量的聚甲基硅氧烷。采用热重分析(TGA)、热重-红外联用(TGA-IR)、裂解气相色谱-质谱(PyGC-MS)等手段对POSS杂化聚甲基硅氧烷的热性能、热分解动力学及动态热解性能进行研究,结果表明:V2-POSS在聚甲基硅氧烷中均匀分散,POSS纳米结构的引入可显著提高聚甲基硅氧烷的热性能;V2-POSS添加量(V2-POSS占聚甲基硅氧烷的质量分数)为10%时,氮气氛5%热失重温度从纯树脂的442.2℃提高至469.4℃;热失重率为15%时,热解表观活化能由纯树脂的87.53 kJ/mol提高至杂化树脂的251.12 kJ/mol。POSS杂化聚甲基硅氧烷的热解机理主要包括聚硅氧烷主链的断裂、高分子链回咬、含硅基团的重排、碳氢化合物的形成以及小分子的逸出。  相似文献   

文章对比分析了精密全球卫星导航系统(global navigation satellite system,GNSS)轨道和钟差估计系统(Multi-GNSS Advanced Demonstration tool for Orbit and Clock Analysis,MADOCA)产品和多GNSS实验系统(The ...  相似文献   

对影响纺织品紫外线防护性能的主要因素进行了研讨。通过研究方案设计、试样制作、试样性能测试及分析,找出主要影响因素的一般影响规律,并据此分析确定了该类紫外线防护产品的设计要点。  相似文献   

医用防护服用非织造布的热湿舒适性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
测试了医用防护服用非织造布的结构特征参数,热湿舒适性方面的透湿透气性,以及KES测试的低负荷下各项力学性能等各项性能。分析了非织造布相较于传统医用服装机织面料在热湿舒适性、触觉舒适性度成型性等方面的特点。通过所设计的实验装置用DL-700C红外热像仪监测了模拟表下微气候的热湿传递特性,以及不同状态时面料表面温度的变化规律。提出了织物表面温度变化率作为表征非织造布的热湿舒适性能的评价指标。  相似文献   

IntroductionProtective clothing articles used for wear in wetconditions ; in outdoor activities ; in handling hazardouschemicals , in preventing contamination, in avoidinginfection, should in each instance protect the wearer bypreventing leakage of water or other fluids andmicroorganisms into the article while keeping the wearercomfortable by allowing perspiration to evaporate from thewearer to the outside of the article .In additionto the above ,the amount of stretch and its recovery and the …  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of clothing fabric on human skin microcirculation.Once skin is covered with a clothing fabric,human sensations,namely,coolness,warmth,softness,and roughness,are aroused immediately,and the cutaneous microcirculation may be changed consequently.Since the complex relationships of the human skin,the environment,and the clothing,there is few publication focusing on the physiological responses of the skin to the fabrics.In this paper,a Laser Doppler Flowmetry(LDF)was used to t...  相似文献   

Cotton fabrics treated with phase change materials( PCMs)were used in multi-layered fabrics of the fire fighter protective clothing to study its effect on thermal protection. The thermal protective performance( TPP) of the multi-layered fabrics was measured by a TPP tester under flash fire. Results showed that the utilization of the PCM fabrics improved the thermal protective performance of the multi-layered fabrics. The fabric with a PCM add on of 41. 9% increased the thermal protection by 50. 6% and reduced the time to reach a second degree burn by 8. 4 s compared with the reference fabrics( without PCMs). The employment of the PCM fabrics also reduced the blackened areas on the inner layers. The PCM fabrics with higher PCM melting temperature could bring higher thermal protective performance.  相似文献   

夏季服装面料的舒适性研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
通过人工气倏条件下的人体穿着试验,探讨了出汗对夏季服装面料舒适性的影响。研究表明在人体没有出汗的条件下,柔软度是影响夏季服装面料舒适性的主要因素。在人体出汗的条件下,服装面料的舒适性普遍降低,其中涤纶面料的舒适性降低最为显著,主要原因是由于涤纶纤维的吸湿性差。  相似文献   

利用简化传热模型,以皮肤表面温度为参考,研究了相变防护服在0℃海水及火场两种极端条件下的防护性能与相变材料的潜热、熔点及厚度的关系.研究发现相变防护服在极端温度条件下具有良好的防护性能,可大大延长相关人员的作业时间;所选相变材料的熔点和潜热对相变防护服的性能有重要影响,潜热大且熔点高的相变材料的防护性能好;在重量允许的范围内相变防护服的性能随厚度的增加有明显提高.  相似文献   

Composition and Properties of Thermo-regulated Non-woven Fabrics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A series of non-woven fabrics were fabricated by blending S0- 80wt% of thennoregulated fibres containing n-elcosane, n-nonadecane or n-octadecane with 0 - 40wt% PET fibres and 0- 20wt% PP fibres. The phase change properties, thermal conductivity, thermal resistance, heat flux and inner temperature difference between wool felt and the thermoregulated non-woven fabrics of the non-woven fabrics were measured respectively. The thereto-regulated non-woven fabrics absorb heat at 25- 34℃ and release heat at 10- 25℃. The measured highest enthalpy of the non-woven is approximately 18J/g. During a heating process, heat flux of the non-woven fabrics is composed of three parts, heat absorbed by the cold textile touching the hot plate, heat transmitted from the hot plate to the cold plate, and the heat absorbed by PCM from the hot plate during the phase change process. The measured maximum inner temperature difference in a temperature rising process between the wool felt and the thermo-regulated non-woven fabric is approximately 8℃. The inner temperature difference (Tr-Ts〉0) lasts 16 - 45 min By contrary, the measured maximum inner temperature difference in the temperature decreasing process is approximately - 6. 5℃. The inner temperature difference (Tr-Ts〈0) lasts 16 - 50 min, The temperature regulation properties are obviously observed.  相似文献   

In this paper,the protective performance of woven fab-rics against heat radiation is studied from the view offabric structure.As indices reflecting the protective per-formance against heat radiation,the heat emissivity andthe transmissivity of different fabrics are measured.It ispointed out that structure changes of common textiles af-fect their transmission to heat radiation while have littleinfluence on their absorption or reflection to heat radi-ation except fabrics surfaces are aluminized.Double-layer weave is proved to be an effective fabric weave forreducing the trasmissivity.It helps increase the densityand tightness while keeps the comfort of woven fabrics atthe same time.  相似文献   

Rate-dependent property of material is very important in analysis of ballistic impact. The tensile property of Twaron ?filaments at strain rate range from 0.01/s to 1000/s was obtained by MTS materials testing and split Hopkinson tension bar. Rate sensitivity of Twaron ?filaments is discussed. Application of high strain rate property to ballistic perforation of multi-layered fabrics conforms to the actual situation than that of quasi-static property. The revised analytical model can be used to calculate the process of ballistic penetration and perforation on soft armour, such as fabric target plate, at intuitive approach and simple algorithm with a little computer process time. Predictions of the residual velocities and energy absorbed by the multi-layered fabric show good agreement with experimental data.  相似文献   

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