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综合集成系统开发的系统方法思考   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
综合集成系统开发研究是一项非常重要的科研课题,它必然涉及理念、理论、方法论、思路、技术、实现、应用,以及组织管理等多层次多方面的一系列的思考.本文认为(1)在理念上提出"综合集成"就是一个突破,否定"还原论",不是"整体论",可以提"系统论"或"总体论",其中又应特别强调"质变过程";(2)在理论上要求深入研究"1+1>2"的必要条件和充分条件,这是整个研究开发中具有基础性的关键问题;(3)在方法论上建议关心"物理-事理-人理(WSR)"方法论和"螺旋式推进(SPIRPO)"方法论,也许能在综合集成的研究中发挥出一些作用;(4)在系统结构上建议采用"分布网络关联式的大系统结构",以便于满足可扩展性、可持续性、可维护性、可演化性,以及自学习性等的要求;(5)在技术与实现方面,为了实现分布网络关联式结构的思路,特建议选用MAS(Multi-Agent System,多独立智能体系统)技术,其中至少涉及两种具体的技术,即MAS关联技术与MAS封装技术,并构建三类Agent(独立智能体),即"管理Agent"、"交互Agent"以及"各别Agent"等,以便推动标准化;(6)在综合集成方面指出将涉及10多种具体技术;(7)在应用方面提出6项建议,并给出分布网络式大系统结构建议的示意图;(8)在组织管理方面建议试用"旋进式管理"的思路,以"以旋克旋","以旋克难",也许对整个大课题的完成能够有所促进、有所帮助.  相似文献   

Research under way by this author seeks to return to von Bertalanffy's philosophical deliberations believing that they can provide an input which is as yet untapped and which provides a journey through phenomenological and existential ideas. The motivation for the research stems from three interlinked areas. First, in examining the beginnings of Critical Systems Thinking, a justification is found for its embrace of diverse inputs which began with Critical Theory and Habermas. A main conclusion is that any diversity must have one thing in common: it must not violate systemicity. This leads to an examination of the initial Habermasian incorporation, where one finds that a question which directly leads Critical Systems Thinking to consider critical awareness, social awareness, and human emancipation remains unanswered. An answer is provided, but this answer comes from an as yet untapped source in the field, the work of Jean-Paul Sartre. The appearance of Sartre in providing what is deemed to be an important answer begs the further question of whether he can inform Critical Systems Thinking without violating systemicity. A return to von Bertalanffy, in the third section, shows that no such violation is pending since a reading of his philosophical deliberations paves the way for an input from Sartre, first through the phenomenological tradition and then through its existential variant. In the process, the systemic nature of both Sartre's approach and ethical concerns unfolds.  相似文献   

Soft Systems Methodology is especially useful in diagnosing and addressing organizational problems and designing new systems in cultures that are characterised by pluralistic views and values. This paper demonstrates how SSM workshops in a large government agency resulted in a high level of creativity. SSM is then proposed as a methodology that could enhance group creativity in organizational design contexts.  相似文献   

This paper describes an action research study where the business requirements analysis approach of a business intelligence development project was enriched. Critical systems heuristics, a critical systems methodology that is positioned in the critical systems thinking paradigm, was applied to surface the inherently conflicting views and visions (however unknown to them) that the various stakeholders had regarding a new business intelligence system and its underlying business process. It therefore enabled surfacing of human/cultural and organisational issues that would have negatively affected the adoption of the new system; these were successfully resolved. Accordingly, the various stakeholders reflected on their real requirements that constituted improvement, rather than mere automation, of a business process; it ultimately resulted in a successful new business intelligence system that realised business benefits.  相似文献   

Due to the diminishing popularity of systems thinking, an attempt is done to predict its future in the university world. Two starting points are used: one in the traditional scientific community, being its habitat; and the other in the surrounding society, being its area of application. The investigation shows that systems thinking is highly needed, although its nearest future seems bleak. The systemic challenge to the traditional academic world has unfortunately been taken as a threat against its existence. The scientific and educational impact of systems thinking is therefore opposed as an alternative to the old scientific paradigm. Furthermore, the resistance to new theories moving across disciplinary boundaries seems stronger than resistance to theories within the disciplines.  相似文献   

Systemic Practice and Action Research - This paper explores the implications of adopting a critical realist approach to soft systems methodology (SSM) both to address local problematic situations...  相似文献   

针对天基信息系统各项作战能力耦合交互所形成的效能非线性涌现问题,提出基于SEM(structural equation modeling)的作战效能评估模型。从能力需求、系统构成角度出发,分析各分系统内在联系,建立效能评估指标体系;在考虑系统内协同交互的基础上,构建度量效能涌现的线性与非线性SEM;根据对应参数方程建立作战效能评估解析模型。以天基信息支援下的海上方向一体化联合作战为背景,通过MATLAB与STK联合仿真获取效能数据,采用LISREL进行参数估计,获得线性与非线性模型下的评估结果,验证了模型有效性。相较于线性SEM,非线性模型更加贴近作战效能实际。  相似文献   

信息系统复杂性的哲学思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
复杂性理论引入信息系统开发是适应当今信息系统应用环境和软件工程环境发展的需要 ,也是信息系统开发理论和实践发展的必然趋势。以软件开发方法论的发展为主线 ,对软件开发方法的历史和现状进行了回顾 ;提出了信息系统复杂性的哲学思考 ,探讨了复杂信息系统不同于传统软件的主要特征  相似文献   

Critical Systems Thinking is an approach which aims at providing a coherent platform to guide systems practitioners through the numerous systems paradigms and systems methodologies currently available. However, it claims not only that it can provide an efficient way for choosing the appropriate methodology based on proper understanding of their strengths and weaknesses, but also that it is grounded within a commitment to critique, complementarism, and emancipation. Furthermore, it has claimed to be deeply rooted in the ideas of Habermas and Foucault. Considering recent research in Foucault's philosophy, this paper attempts to provide of CST a critical examination which can be extended to other areas of the management and systems sciences. In the context of this examination, the conclusion has been reached that CST has at least two options. The first is to redefine itself as a demystification process (of cherished concepts such as emancipation, complementarism, intervention and so on), if it wants to remain somehow ‘inspired’ by Critical Theory. The second one is to redefine its ‘critical’ claims so as to become aligned with managerial activities such as business consultancy and intervention, openly acknowledging an application of Critical Theory that is instrumental, if such an influence indeed exists.  相似文献   

陈琪锋  戴金海 《系统仿真学报》2011,23(11):2352-2356
分析总结了航天装备体系作战效能评估的原则,提出了航天装备体系作战效能评估的Agent综合方法,将任务按子系统进行自然分解,分剐分析和仿真,得到各子系统的综合性能指标。以此为基础建立Agent效能综合模型,重,占考虑各子系统闽的交互、作战对抗和智能性等复杂因素,根据作战对抗仿真结呆得到体系作战效能。该方法避免了建立过于复杂的仿真系统,又比用各子系统效能指标进行简单的数学运算得到体系效能保留了更丰富的交互因素和系统细节,有利于得到符合实际的结论。通过案例研究,表明了所提出方法的有效性。  相似文献   

Economists traditionally explain the nonprofit sector in terms of its market failure-correcting role. This explanation is generally recognized as being too narrow and unable to take due account of the nonprofit sector??s diversity. To fill this gap, this paper outlines a critical systems perspective on the role of the nonprofit sector. Building on the heterodox institutionalist theory, the paper argues that for-profit firms have an inherent tendency to marginalize a number of societally relevant activities. The role of the nonprofit sector is to internalize these activities and thus span the boundary between the for-profit sector and the broader society. Concurrently, the nonprofit sector may exhibit its own marginalization problems arising from its growing managerialism, professionalization and other by-products of neoliberalism. These problems constrain the ability of the nonprofit sector to internalize societally relevant activities but are potentially detectable by the sector??s internal boundary critique.  相似文献   

传统的基于仿真的武器系统效能评估方法一般都需要大量仿真实验结果的统计量。针对仿真实验样本有限的情况,首先分析了统计学习理论和支持向量机(Support Vector Machine,SVM)方法;接着在此基础上研究了基于支持向量机的武器系统效能评估方法,并对该评估方法进行算子化,得到基于支持向量机的效能评估预报模型;最后,针对导弹武器系统效能评估问题,给出基于支持向量机的效能评估算子的应用例子,并对评估结果进行了分析。  相似文献   

Industrial sectors that operate in uncertain environments - with demand variability, product seasonality and different industrialisation structures - need studies that enable identification and forecast trends. Therefore, the development of competitiveness extends beyond a company’s individual performance. Collective action, whether toward consumer markets, supplier markets, competitors and substitutes, can reinforce or help reformulate the current practices of an organisation, besides providing better results in the development of strategies and competitive positioning. Thus, clothing, the sector addressed in this work, is characterised by a long, fragmented, heterogeneous production chain, the competitiveness of which is linked to product differentiation. Therefore, the use of systemic approaches to study this sector is effective. In this sense, this research aims at adapting Systems Thinking and Scenario Planning (STSP) so that it supports the development and planning process in a given sector. Thus, this research applies STSP adapted to an analysis of the clothing sector in the northern region of Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. As a result, in academic terms, this research proposed and validated a method for analysing industrial sectors of the clothing industry. In the sectoral context, this research identified elements that leverage the sector’s competitiveness, besides generating knowledge and learning aimed at strengthening the sectoral structure identified, and fostering the formation of a new clothing cluster.  相似文献   

交通事故信息发布的有效性分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
交通信息系统向驾车者提供路况信息,达到引导交通行为、降低交通拥挤和提高网络性能的目的.用均衡分配模型研究交通事故信息发布的有效性,在并行路径和线性交通成本的假设环境下发现,某些路径的事故信息并不一定对网络系统带来正的效应,只有当事故达到一定程序时,发布信息才是有效的.  相似文献   

分析了体系作战效能评估与优化的特点,基于“整体论”提出了将体系作战效能评估与优化划分为综合评估、分析、优化3个阶段的思路,针对3个阶段需要解决的实际问题,归纳总结了适用于解决各阶段问题的典型方法,并对比分析了不同方法的优缺点。针对“整体论”思想指导下体系作战效能评估与优化在实施中面临的实际困难,从综合应用框架设计、评估指标体系构建、试验推演模式创新等方面提出了下一步的研究方向,为体系作战效能评估与优化方法的有效落地提供了支撑。  相似文献   

The Longmen Shan Fault area is one of the most active seismic zones in the world, has a relatively dense population and a low economic development level. Therefore, the provision of effective post-earthquake relief is very important for saving lives and restricting financial losses. However, providing urgent relief is a complex problem that requires efficient coordination between the organizations, and departments involved, and the specific environments, for the supply of urgent materials, energy and information. In practice, although there are sufficient relief supplies, because of the lack of systemic thinking, relief activities are often chaotic leading to inefficiencies and even increases in the damage and loss of life. In this study, a critical systems thinking approach is used to reflect on the system contexts, boundaries, structures and functions of the emergency relief systems. Using systems modeling we constructed simulations for different relief plans and their consequences, and a work shop of metasynthetic engineering was constructed to integrate the different views, knowledge and contexts. At the practical stage, after the model’s validity was verified from the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake data, based on the 2013 Lushan earthquake simulation results, some recommendations are made to improve future post-disaster relief operations. Finally, the significance of critical systems thinking is demonstrated to ensure effective and efficient of post-earthquake relief. Some limitations and future research also have been presented in conclusion.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to apply a systemic methodology to analyse the concept of info-inclusion which can guide strategic actions of institutions within civil society and within several levels of government. The paper provides a plan of action that, integrated with other tools, aims at fighting the technological and social gap. We apply Soft System Methodology (SSM), because it provides a holistic approach to info-exclusion. SSM is often used to analyse and resolve problems in complex social studies such as info-exclusion. An info-exclusion reduction project, developed by a university in the country region of Sao Paulo will be provided as a case study. This project is one of the several Brazilian initiatives to solve the problem of limited access to information technology tools. We start by contextualising info-exclusion in Brazil and follow with a review of SSM. We then introduce the concept of info-inclusion and apply SSM to it. We end with a discussion of the results obtained and with some suggestions for action and possible improvements.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to review recent developments in critical theory on the political function of the public sphere and the emancipatory potential of new social movements. This work is shown to be relevant to systemic decisions made under conditions of public conflict. Normative models for the self-understanding of actors engaged in self-limiting emancipatory struggles in modern societies are reviewed and related to the concerns of Critical Systems Thinking.  相似文献   

Systemic Practice and Action Research - The presentation of a Systems Approach made by Churchman in 1968 starts from a close link between a systems approach and tackling world problems. The link is...  相似文献   

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