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正2019年7月2~6日,第四届国际昆虫基因组学大会暨第七届国际昆虫生理生化与分子生物学学术研讨会在重庆召开。本次会议由西南大学、中国昆虫学会昆虫基因组学专业委员会、中国昆虫学会昆虫生理生化与分子生物学专业委员会共同主办,由西南大学生物学研究中心、家蚕基因组生物学国家重点实验室、农业科学研究院以及柑桔主要病虫害持续控制基础研究学科创新引智基地联合承办。会议以"昆虫科学与昆虫产业"为主题,旨在促进交流昆虫基因组学、昆虫生理生化、昆虫分子生物学研究领域的前沿研究进展,探讨害虫防治和昆虫产业方面的未来发展趋势。  相似文献   

植物病毒会直接或间接地对媒介昆虫造成影响,它既可以感染媒介昆虫从而改变昆虫的生理生化性质,也可以通过侵染寄主植物并改变植物营养成分来影响媒介昆虫.被影响的媒介昆虫表现出某些生物学特性(包括发育、寿命、繁殖力、表现型等)的变化.该文综述了同翅目蚜虫、飞虱和粉虱等媒介昆虫所传播的植物病毒、昆虫对病毒的获取、传播和保留等特性以及媒介昆虫的传毒机制.  相似文献   

环保研究领域的可贵探索———评《媒介生物防治技术》一书□阎丙申最近,南京出版社出版了南京军区军事医学研究所钱万红副研究员,张应阔高级实验师主编的环保科技著作《媒介生物防治技术》。钱万红和张应阔两位同志长期以来一直从事媒介生物防治的研究工作,仅在《医学...  相似文献   

重组病毒杀虫剂应用研究进展蒋洪(武汉大学病毒学国家重点实验室环球生物农药武汉大学联合研发中心,武汉430072)应用分子生物学技术可以将昆虫特异性的毒素基因、某些酶基因等外源基因插入昆虫病毒基因组,或通过改造昆虫病毒基因组等方法构建重组病毒杀虫剂,提高杀虫效果。温室及田间释放实验证实,重组病毒杀虫剂可以显著提高现场防治效果。  相似文献   

我国人工林面积居世界首位,但木材人均消费量仅为发达国家的1/5,木材对外依存度接近50%。用材林对我国木材安全、生态安全、森林碳汇和绿色发展具有重要意义,但用材林树种单一、生物多样性水平较低,林分结构简单,生物灾害频发,其中真菌病害已成为我国用材林的主要生物灾害。笔者围绕我国用材林树种重要真菌病害的致病机制和绿色防控等科学问题,综述了我国主要用材林树种的重要真菌病害种类、危害特点、病原致病分子机制和内生菌防治病害等方面的研究进展,并对未来用材林重要真菌病害的流行监测、病原-寄主互作、病害的栽培管理与可持续绿色防控等综合防控策略等进行了展望。  相似文献   

吴友芝  项一宁 《贵州科学》1995,13(4):49-52,64
基因组结构和遗传语言的研究是现代生物学的前沿和竞争的焦点,对未来生物学、医学、农学和生物技术的发展有十分重要的意义。分子生物学技术的进步为基因组的研究提供了有用的工具。本文对非细胞生物体、原核生物,真核生物的基因组结构研究现状,特别是人类基因组计划的进展和前景进行了综述。  相似文献   

正第3届国际昆虫基因组学大会第6届国际昆虫生理生化与分子生物学学术研讨会于2017年7月1~4日在浙江杭州召开。本次会议由浙江大学水稻生物学国家重点实验室、浙江大学农业部作物病虫分子生物学重点实验室主办,中国科学院动物研究所农业虫害鼠害综合治理研究国家重点实验室、中国昆虫学会生理生化与分子生物学专业委员会和中国昆虫学会昆虫基因组学专业委员会协办,浙江省昆虫学会和浙江大学昆虫科学研究所承办。  相似文献   

<正>如何发现“虫子的食物链”实现“以虫治虫”?能否从生物中找到有效的抗虫基因,从而减少化学农药的使用?外来基因对昆虫求偶行为起到什么作用?生物入侵有哪些奥秘?这些有趣的问题都可以在浙江省作物病虫生物学重点实验室(以下简称“实验室”)找到答案。作为依托浙江大学植物保护学科建设的一流平台,实验室专门研究作物病虫害发生规律及其可持续控制,为浙江作物病虫绿色防控提供技术支撑。聚焦国家重大战略需求作物病虫害绿色防控是国家重大战略需求。数据显示,我国每年作物病虫害(水稻飞虱、螟虫、稻曲病、小麦赤霉病、玉米粘虫等)引起的粮食损失高达250亿千克。农药残留和真菌毒素仍然是影响农产品质量安全的重要制约因素。此外,外来入侵生物威胁生态安全,全国已发现的入侵物种有618种,而入侵浙江的有180多种。  相似文献   

土传病害是作物产量的经常性限制因素。在禾谷类生产中,某些病害在少耕制度下异常严重。因此,有利于保护土壤侵蚀的管理措施(例如减少耕作、保留农作物残体等)能导致病害发生更为严重,从而造成作物减产,这要求研究新的病害防治措施,而不能依靠农业耕作措施或轮作进行防治。生物防治是病害防治措施的一种,在中国和澳大利亚都已进行了研究。蔬菜和棉花的苗期病害一般是利用化学杀菌剂进行防治,或者病害严重发生导致毁种后重新播种。在这些病害防治方面,人们探索了生物防治措施,旨在发展安全、无残留的防治方法,本文介绍的合作研究,主要是在田间和盆栽条件下筛选、评价一系列澳大利亚和中国的土壤细菌和真菌在中国和澳大利亚东南部对土传病害的防治作用,从而建立有效可靠的作物病害生物防治方法。在两国进行的实验研究中,对象作物为小麦、蔬菜(番茄、黄瓜和辣椒)以及棉花。另外,还对枯草芽孢杆菌的作用机理以及重要植物病原菌如腐霉菌的生态学进行了研究。  相似文献   

 盘点了2018年农业科学研发取得的一些重要成果。小麦、水稻、玉米及大豆、荞麦、马铃薯等主要粮食作物在基因组测序、分子育种、遗传机理解析、氮高效利用、起源演化、基因编辑等方面获得快速发展,发布了世界首个六倍体小麦基因组图谱,完成了3000份水稻基因组计划和中黄13的基因组测序,克隆了一系列产量、品质及抗病虫害基因,解析了一些重要的生长发育调控机制。油菜、棉花、茶叶、烟草等主要经济作物在基因组学、风味调控机理、光合效率等方面有所突破,中国油菜基础研究与应用已达到国际领先水平。此外,水稻、小麦、番茄、苹果等作物的病虫害防治,畜禽的繁殖、品种改良和疾病防治,蜜蜂的基因组和转录组解析,蚕病害防治和驯化历史,化肥和水稻品种对气候变化的影响、气候变化对作物产量的影响,茎叶类蔬菜和食用豆收获设备、油菜播种机等农机农艺领域均有突破性进展。  相似文献   

T Fujimura  J C Ribas  A M Makhov  R B Wickner 《Nature》1992,359(6397):746-749
Double-stranded RNA viruses have an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase activity associated with the viral particles which is indispensable for their replication cycle. Using the yeast L-A double-stranded RNA virus we have investigated the mechanism by which the virus encapsidates its genomic RNA and RNA polymerase. The L-A gag gene encodes the principal viral coat protein and the overlapping pol gene is expressed as a gag-pol fusion protein which is formed by a -1 ribosomal frameshift. Here we show that Gag alone is sufficient for virus particle formation, but that it fails to package the viral single-stranded RNA genome. Encapsidation of the viral RNA requires only a part of the Pol region (the N-terminal quarter), which is presumably distinct from the RNA polymerase domain. Given that the Pol region has single-stranded RNA-binding activity, these results are consistent with our L-A virus encapsidation model: the Pol region of the fusion protein binds specifically to the viral genome (+) strand, and the N-terminal gag-encoded region primes polymerization of Gag to form the capsid, thus ensuring the packaging of both the viral genome and the RNA polymerase.  相似文献   

The hepatitis delta (delta) virus possesses a circular RNA   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
Hepatitis delta (delta) virus (HDV), a satellite virus of the hepatitis B virus (HBV), causes a severe form of viral hepatitis in humans. Here we present evidence based on electron microscopy and electrophoretic behaviour that HDV contains a single stranded circular RNA molecule. This is the first animal virus identified with a circular RNA genome. Circular RNAs have only been found in plant viruses. We have obtained a partial complementary DNA clone representing approximately 25% of the total genome of HDV. Analysis of this cDNA revealed similarity to two plant viruses that may explain the origin of the virus.  相似文献   

G M Duke  J E Osorio  A C Palmenberg 《Nature》1990,343(6257):474-476
The murine cardioviruses, such as the Mengo and encephalomyocarditis viruses, and the bovine aphthoviruses, such as foot-and-mouth disease virus, are distinguished among positive-strand RNA viruses by the presence of long homopolymeric poly(C) tracts within their 5' noncoding sequences. Although the specific lengths (60-350 bases) and sequence discontinuities (for example, uridine residues) that sometimes disrupt the homopolymer have served to characterize natural viral isolates, the biological function of the poly(C) region has never been clear. We now report that complementary DNA-mediated truncation of the Mengo virus poly(C) tract dramatically attenuates the pathogenicity of the virus in mice. Animals injected with viruses with short tracts not only survived inoculation of up to 50 micrograms live virus (10(11) plaque-forming units) but consistently produced high titres of neutralizing antibodies, which conferred long-term immunogenic protection from (normally) lethal virus challenge. We propose that analogous synthetic strains of foot and mouth disease virus could serve as the basis for new attenuated vaccines.  相似文献   

The genome sequence of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)-assoclated virus provides essential information for the identification of pathogen(s), exploration of etiology and evolution, interpretation of transmission and pathogenesis, development of diagnostics, prevention by future vaccination, and treatment by developing new drugs.We report the complete genome sequence and comparative analysis of an isolate (B J01) of the coronavirus that has been recognized as a pathogen for SARS. The genome is 29725 nt in size and has 11 ORFs (Open Reading Frames). It is composed of a stable region encoding an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (composed of 20RFs) and a variable region representing 4 CDSs (coding sequences) for viral structural genes (the S, E, M, N proteins) and 5 PUPs (putative uncharacterized proteins). Its gene order is identical to that of other known coronaviruses. The sequence alignment with all known RNA viruses places this virus as a member in the family of Coronaviridae. Thirty putative substitutions have been identified by comparative analysis of the 5 SARS-associated virus genome sequences in GenBank. Fifteen of them lead to possible amino acid changes (non-synonymous mutations) in the proteins. Three amino acid changes, with predicted alteration of physical and chemical features, have been detected in the S protein that is postulated to be involved in the immunoreactions between the virus and its host.Two amino acid changes have been detected in the M protein,which could be related to viral envelope formation. Phylogenetic analysis suggests the possibility of non-human origin of the SARS-associated viruses but provides no evidence that they are man-made. Further efforts should focus on identifying the etiology of the SARS-associated virus and ruling out conclusively the existence of other possible SARS-related pathogen(s).  相似文献   

Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) is a newly identified infectious disease[1—5]. The global outbreak of SARS has been threatening the health of people worldwide and has killed 353 people and infected more than 5462 in 27 countries, as reported by WHO on April 29, 2003 (http://www.who.int/csr/sarscountry/en). Although it has been recognized that a variant of virus from the family of coronavirus might be the candidate pathogen of SARS[1—5], its identity as the unique pathogen sti…  相似文献   

许多正链RNA病毒是严重危害人类健康的病原体,是造成经济植物动物死亡的致病因子.正链RNA病毒的基因组为正链RNA,其复制酶是依赖RNA的RNA聚合酶,非编码区是病毒基因组复制的主要调控位点,3’非编码区是复制酶的第一结合位点,正链RNA病毒基因组大多可能按copy-back模型进行复制.瘟病毒基因组的复制过程出现正链复制本的数量大于负链复制本的数量,这可能是以RF中间体的负链RNA为模板、正链RNA被置换的形式进行复制的结果.本文概述了HCV细胞培养系统的研究进展.  相似文献   

双链RNA技术在果树病毒研究中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
含RNA基因组的植物病毒在复制时会产生双链RNA(dsRNA)。本文介绍了用CF-11纤维素粉提取dsRNA的步骤,并列举了dsRNA在果树病毒研究中的应用,其主要应用有:1)果树病毒病及病原鉴定;2)病毒分化株系的鉴定;3)以dsRNA为中介对病毒核酸序列进行测定;4)探针制备和cDNA克隆的获得;5)用于检测病毒卫星RNA和亚基因组RNA;6)侵染性测定和制备抗血清等方面的研究。  相似文献   

There are eight examples briefly given in this paper, namely, (1) Polymyxa graminis and the cereal viruses it transmits; (2) the geographical types and facultative migration of cotton bollworm as well as the safety of Bt transgenic cotton; (3) development of crop near-isogenic lines with resistance to diseases; (4) molecular-biological researches induced resistance of rice by infection of blast fungus;(5) to use cytological and molecular-biological techniques for breeding wheat varieties resistant to barley yellow dwarf virus; (6) mass rearing and field releasing of Microplitis mediator for cotton bollworm control; (7) identification and recombination of insecticidal crystal genes of Bacillus thuringiensis; and (8) interplanting of diverse resistance rice varieties for sustainable control of blast disease; which reflect the general situation of recent advances in plant protection researches of China.  相似文献   

All viruses rely on host cell proteins and their associated mechanisms to complete the viral life cycle. Identifying the host molecules that participate in each step of virus replication could provide valuable new targets for antiviral therapy, but this goal may take several decades to achieve with conventional forward genetic screening methods and mammalian cell cultures. Here we describe a novel genome-wide RNA interference (RNAi) screen in Drosophila that can be used to identify host genes important for influenza virus replication. After modifying influenza virus to allow infection of Drosophila cells and detection of influenza virus gene expression, we tested an RNAi library against 13,071 genes (90% of the Drosophila genome), identifying over 100 for which suppression in Drosophila cells significantly inhibited or stimulated reporter gene (Renilla luciferase) expression from an influenza-virus-derived vector. The relevance of these findings to influenza virus infection of mammalian cells is illustrated for a subset of the Drosophila genes identified; that is, for three implicated Drosophila genes, the corresponding human homologues ATP6V0D1, COX6A1 and NXF1 are shown to have key functions in the replication of H5N1 and H1N1 influenza A viruses, but not vesicular stomatitis virus or vaccinia virus, in human HEK 293 cells. Thus, we have demonstrated the feasibility of using genome-wide RNAi screens in Drosophila to identify previously unrecognized host proteins that are required for influenza virus replication. This could accelerate the development of new classes of antiviral drugs for chemoprophylaxis and treatment, which are urgently needed given the obstacles to rapid development of an effective vaccine against pandemic influenza and the probable emergence of strains resistant to available drugs.  相似文献   

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