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Take me by the tongue:And I'll know you.Kiss til you're drunk.And I'll show you.Want the moves like jagger.I got the moves like jagger.I got the mo,v, es like jagger  相似文献   

Mr. Chairman, All of the distinguished participants, Ladies and gentlemen,
I am very delighted to be here together with all of you from research councils and science funding institutions in Asian countries and share views on the promotion of scientific collaboration in the region.  相似文献   

With the support by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Ministry of Science and mology of China, the team led by Prof. Shen Baifei at the State Key I.aboratory of High Field I.aser ;ics. Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, reported a first lrch on orbital angular momentum of relativistic laser. The result was published in Phys Rev Lett 4, 112: 235001) and soon got attention of other groups. Research Highlights of Nature Pl, otonics 4, 8= 585) reported this work with the title"l.ight-driven fan". Also phys. org reported it as "Spiral ed 'light fan' adds new twist to laser-driven plasma accelerators".  相似文献   

Mr. Chairman Dear colleagues Ladies and gentlemen, First of all, on behalf of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), I would like to express our congratulations on the inauguration of the "Meeting of SinoJapan S & T Cooperation under Globalization" sponsored by China Research Center of Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST).  相似文献   

We are very pleased to be here to attend the Workshop on Major Challenges for Research Funding Agencies at the Beginning of the 21st century, in celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Swiss National Science Foundation. On behalf of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, I would like to extend our thanks to Prof. Diggelmann, the President, and Dr. Hertig, the Secretary General, for your ki nd invitation, as well as our warmest congratulations to the Swiss National Science Foundation, our sister organization, with whom we have worked together joyfully over 14 years, supporting many exchanges and visits, and meetings and research projects in the fields like bio-informatics and so on. It was just last June, when the Swiss Innovation Week was held in China, that two workshops were jointly supported by both foundations on the occasion.  相似文献   

最佳科幻电影:《少数派报告))Minority Report最佳男主角:罗宾·威廉姆斯Robin Williams(((--/J~时快相》0ne Hour Photo)最佳女主角:娜奥米·沃兹Naomi Watts(美国版《午夜凶铃》)最佳男配角:安迪·塞基斯Andy Serkis(((毁灭之路》)最佳女配角:萨曼莎·莫顿Samantha Morton(((少数派报告》)最佳青年演员:泰勒·贺希林Tyler Hoechlin最佳特效:《星战前传2))Star Wars Episode II:111e Attack of the Clones最佳DVD:《闪灵战士))Dog Soldiers最佳经典影片DVD:《外星人》E.T.the Extra—Terrestrial第29届土星奖电影类获奖部分…  相似文献   

自从世上有香烟,男人气概贴标签,烧心黑肺浑不怕,吞云吐雾赛神仙。国家规定无所顾,哥们面子要争先。除非重罚如酒驾,此情此景难改变。I am a heavy smoker by natureand now it is dire,I puffand blow like afactoryonfire.One clop afteranotherinmymouth,this is the image of people from thesouth!  相似文献   

※小说奖:《前进》,作者:格拉尔德纳·布鲁克斯※戏剧奖:空缺※历史奖:《波利奥:一个美国人的故事》,作者:戴维·奥辛斯基※传记奖:《美国的普罗米修斯:奥本海默的胜利和悲剧》,作者:凯·比尔德马丁·谢尔文※诗歌奖:《故妻》,作者:克劳迪·埃米尔森※普通非小说奖:《帝国报复:  相似文献   

December 7-18, 2003, NSFC delegation of Information System management, headed by Vice President Li Zhuqi, visited Australia and New Zealand. During the period, the delegation put their main efforts in learning and exchanging views on the IT infrastructure and Grant Application Management System (GAMS) of ARC and the E-learning, E-business of DEST. In addition, the delegation visited the research administration department of universities in Australia, such as University of Sydney, University of Melbourne, James Cook University, and got further understanding of how they apply and manage research grants and how they cooperate with the ARC and using GAMS.  相似文献   

My talk is titled "the Importance of Science and Technology for China". Yet I begin not with what science can do for a nation, I begin personally - with what has drawn me personally to science. It is joy. I experience, quite selfishly and privately, joy when I engage in one of the greatest adventures of the mind: discovering  相似文献   

With the support by the National Natural Science Foundationof China (Grant No. 51274240), Prof. Zhou Xiangyang's laboratory at the School of Metallurgy and Environment, Central South University, reported an excellent anode material for lithium ion batteries (LIBs), naming activated N-doped hollow-tun- neled graphitic carbon nanofibers (ANHTGCNs), which was published in Energy & Environmental Science (2014, 7: 2689-2696). And the follow up work that focused on a three-dimensional graphene architecture was published in Nano Energy (2014, 8.. 62 70). These studies were co-authored with Prof. Zhou Limin's group from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.  相似文献   

正With the support by the Chinese Academy of Sciences,the Ministry of Science and Technology of China and the National Natural Science Foundation of China,the research team led by Prof.Wang HongYan(王红艳)at the Center for Excellence in Molecular and Cellular Science (Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology,SIBCB),Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)revealed that type I IFN signaling and 7-dehydrocholesterol(7-DHC)accumulation form a positive feedback loop to amplify innate immune responses to  相似文献   

《荒谬可笑研究年刊:记录华而不实研究和人物的杂志》(简称AIR)是一种善意“捣乱”的科学幽默杂志,当初设奖时,名叫《不可重复结果杂志》(简称JIR),据称为历史最久、名气最大的讽刺性科学杂志,编委会由世界各地40位著名科学家组成,其中含7位诺贝尔奖得主。  相似文献   

多家媒体因报道2005年肆虐美国墨西哥湾沿岸的卡特里娜飓风而获得普利策奖的殊荣.2家老牌大报《华盛顿邮报》和《纽约时报》依旧表现强劲,分别获得4项和3项普利策新闻奖.  相似文献   

突出的眼睛,细长的手臂,碟状的飞行器……美国电影《外星人E.I.》让许多人认识了飞碟外星人。  相似文献   

n~I,2,3,·…(s)从而,我们可用归纳法证明!b,(t)!《(n l).}凡 ,1.事实上,由式(s)知,lbl(t)}-!Ze一“下,I=2一2!B:1,若设k相似文献   

正Subject Code:H30With the support by the National Natural Science Foundation of China,the research group led by Prof.Zhang Can(张灿)from China Pharmaceutical University made important progress in the chemotherapy of post-operative malignant glioma,which was published in Nature Nanotechnology(2017,12(7):692—700).  相似文献   

40.business 《今日英语选读》第248-9页(陕西人民出版社1985年出版): This movement of businesses to the suburbs is not confined to the United States.Businesses have also been moving to the suburbs in Stockholm,Sweden,in Bonn,Germany,and in Brussels,Belgium,as well.商业区向郊区迁移这一倾向并不仅仅限于美国一个国家。在瑞典的斯德哥尔摩,德国的波恩、比利时的布鲁塞尔这些城市,商业区也同样正在向郊区迁移。  相似文献   

马振中 《科学通报》1966,11(7):299-299
对Wanzlick等所报导的双体I与具有活泼氢化合物H—Y的反应,我们曾提出下列机理(另见文献[3,4b]):为了进一步验证此一机理的一般性,我们进行了全卤酸CCI_3COOH、CF_3COOH、n一C_3F_7COOH与双体I的反应.另一方面,如双体I  相似文献   

50.arrange 《上海学生英文报》第2版(1986年5月6日): In his third year in junior middle school, theschoolmaster,member of the Shanghai MathematicsSociety, discovered his talent in maths and arrangedhim to listen to lectures on mathematics sponsored bythe Children's Palace.  相似文献   

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