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刘敬乾 《成都大学学报(自然科学版)》1994,13(2):53-58
综述超导现象的发现、超导物理的发展过程及几次超导热的情况和高温超导的发展近况。用辩证唯物论的认识论和方法论,讨论超导物理发展过程中所得到启示。 相似文献
本书作者是一位几何学名家,著有十多本几何学教材或专著,本书是其中一本广获好评的经典教材,它初版于1964年,修订版于1974年。这次由Springer出版公司首次按第二版推出平装本。 相似文献
介绍了超导理论与应用研究近况,特别是2001年的最新进展。在高温超导体微观机理的重新认识方面,已有证据显示,在高温超导体中存在很强的电子-声子耦合作用;在新型超导材料探索方面,主要有二硼化镁(MgB2),有机聚合物(P3HT),碳60等。超导材料具有现实和潜在的良好应用前景,特别是在能源、电力、交通、微波通信、计算机、医学和各种检测器等领域。 相似文献
本书提供了一个对解析的电子结构的说明,以便与计算的电子结构相互区分。这两者都是建立在单电子近似、局部密度理论和量子机理电子态确定的基础之上的。这两种方法都是以这些状态为基础。寻求合成的固体或者分子性质的预测。本书是1999年出版的教课书《固体的电子结构与性质》一书的修订版。书中增加了有关玻璃的一章,并且重新撰写了有关旋转轨道耦合、磁合金与锕系元素的章节。 相似文献
黄伯荣、廖序东先生主编的《现代汉语》教材(增订四版)上册存在一些问题,如概念模糊、要素遗漏、用语绝对化、编写体例不统一、观点不科学、校勘错误等,本文就各家未论及之处略陈管见。 相似文献
王晶 《重庆三峡学院学报》2011,27(2):146-151
作者在使用华东师大版的《古代汉语》进行教学时,发现里面有许多不妥之处,经过整理,将其分为释义有误、遣词造句有误、校对失误三方面加以论述。 相似文献
The idea of superconductivity without the mediating role of lattice vibrations (phonons) has a long history. It was realized soon after the publication of the Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) theory of superconductivity 50 years ago that a full treatment of both the charge and spin degrees of freedom of the electron predicts the existence of attractive components of the effective interaction between electrons even in the absence of lattice vibrations--a particular example is the effective interaction that depends on the relative spins of the electrons. Such attraction without phonons can lead to electronic pairing and to unconventional forms of superconductivity that can be much more sensitive than traditional (BCS) superconductivity to the precise details of the crystal structure and to the electronic and magnetic properties of a material. 相似文献
Ekimov EA Sidorov VA Bauer ED Mel'nik NN Curro NJ Thompson JD Stishov SM 《Nature》2004,428(6982):542-545
Diamond is an electrical insulator well known for its exceptional hardness. It also conducts heat even more effectively than copper, and can withstand very high electric fields. With these physical properties, diamond is attractive for electronic applications, particularly when charge carriers are introduced (by chemical doping) into the system. Boron has one less electron than carbon and, because of its small atomic radius, boron is relatively easily incorporated into diamond; as boron acts as a charge acceptor, the resulting diamond is effectively hole-doped. Here we report the discovery of superconductivity in boron-doped diamond synthesized at high pressure (nearly 100,000 atmospheres) and temperature (2,500-2,800 K). Electrical resistivity, magnetic susceptibility, specific heat and field-dependent resistance measurements show that boron-doped diamond is a bulk, type-II superconductor below the superconducting transition temperature T(c) approximately 4 K; superconductivity survives in a magnetic field up to Hc2(0) > or = 3.5 T. The discovery of superconductivity in diamond-structured carbon suggests that Si and Ge, which also form in the diamond structure, may similarly exhibit superconductivity under the appropriate conditions. 相似文献
孟宪华 《玉林师范学院学报》2010,31(6):75-78
清代中期的重要戏曲批评家周昂在其西厢评本《增订金批〈西厢〉》中,展现了其以传奇美学时空观切入杂剧文本的独特视角,即时间上衔接的合情和空间上转换的合理。周昂的这一独特的批评视角是了解戏曲时空观由写意向写实嬗变的典型窗口。 相似文献
Yanpeng Qi Tianping Ying Xianxin Wu Zhuoya Dong Masato Sasase Qing Zhang Weiyan Liu Masaki Ichihara Yanhang Ma Jiangping Hu Hideo Hosono 《科学通报(英文版)》2021,(4):327-331
Vacancies are prevalent and versatile in solid-state physics and materials science.The role of vacancies in strongly correlated materials,however,remains uncult... 相似文献
In January of 2001 the superconductivity of the compound MgB2 with a critical temperature Tc of up to 39 K was discovered. This Tc is the highest in all intermetallic compound and alloy superconductors. MgB2 has a simple structure and its manufacturing capital cost is lower, therefore it could become a practical superconductor in the future. The recent progress is reviewed here which covers the progress in electronic structure, high Tc mechanism, superconducting parameters (Debye temperature, specific heat coefficient of electron, critical fields, coherent length, penetration depth, energy gap, critical current and relaxation rate of flux). Moreover the issue on power transmission is discussed. 相似文献