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During the course of a recent investigation into the phylogeny of the Cynipoidea (Fergusson, 1990) a new species was discovered which is unusually elongate and has a remarkably deep incision between the metanotum and propodeum. This species constitutes a new genus, Eileenella, which is described below.  相似文献   

An illustrated key is provided to the African species of the braconine wasp genus (Zaglyptogastra Ashmead. Four new species are described: Z. afenestrata sp. nov. from Ruanda, Z. levisulcata sp. nov. from Uganda, Z. tenuicauda sp. nov. from Angola, Congo and Zaire, and Z. virgulivena sp. nov. from Zaire. A replacement name, Z. caudatula nom. nov. is proposed for Calliidia caudata Szépligeti, 1914b. Six new synonymies are proposed: Zaglyptogastra basalis (Szépligeti; 1914) (= Z. equitator (Wiedemann, 1824)); Z. leucogaster (Cameron, 1909a) (= Z. nigripennis (Szépligeti, 1908)); Z. stanleyi (Cameron, 1912), Z. maxima (Szépligeti, 1914b), Z. eleganta (Shenefelt, 1978) and Z. tomentosa (Fahringer, 1931) (= Z. tincticanaliculata (Cameron, 1912)). Notes are provided on the African species and species groups. A checklist of world species is given.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(6):1231-1237
Two new species of physalopterid nematodes are described from a skink (Scincidae) and a gecko (Gekkonidae) from the West Australian desert. Kreisiella chrysocampa gen. et sp. nov. (Spirurida: Physaloperidae) from Egernia inornata is characterized by the possession of a row of straight parallel denticles along the medial pseudolabial margins, male caudal alae unsupported by papillae, a truncated female tail and an anteriorly-placed vulva. The original female specimen of Physaloptera heterocephala Kreis, 1940 is transferred to this genus. In Physalopteroides filicauda sp. nov. (Physalopteridae) from Nephrurus laevissimus the external apical tooth present in immature worms is represented in adults by a knob-like structure, larger on the left pseudolabium. Both sexes possess a long slender tail terminating in a small knob. The spicules are markedly dissimilar and the vulva is surrounded anteriorly and posteriorly by horizontal rows of tubercules.  相似文献   

Revision of the Palaearctic species of the genus Clinocentrus Haliday is given. The composition and geographic distribution of the genus Clinocentrus and the probable generic position of fossil species described by Brues (1933) as Clinocentrus are discussed. The systematic position of this genus in Exothecinae is also discussed and arguments presented to support the differentiation of exothecines and rogadines. Nine species of Clinocentrus are figured and re-described. Three new species and two new subspecies are figured and described: C. kalmyk from Kalmykia, C. kozlovi from Mongolia, C. rhysipoloides from Primorsk Territory of Russia, C. umbratilis ssp. disruptus from Taiwan and C. vestigator ssp. orientalis from Primorsk Territory of Russia. C. stigmaticus Marshall, 1897 and C. jaroshevskyi Telenga, 1941 are synonymized with C. vestigator (Haliday, 1836); C. tarsalis Ashmead, 1894—with C. exsertor (Nees, 1812) and C. gracilipes (Thomson, 1891)—with C. cunctator (Haliday, 1836), Lectotypes of Exothecus analis Wesmael, 1838 and C. antefurcalis Granger, 1949 are designated. The new combination is given: Rhysipolis antefurcalis (Granger). A key to 12 Palaearctic species of Clinocentrus is given.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(16):1283-1297
As an addition to earlier published systematic revisions of the genus Ceratitis MacLeay, five new species are hereby described: Ceratitis (Pardalaspis) millicentae sp. n., C. (Ceratalaspis) oraria sp. n., C. (C.) perisae sp. n., and C. (C.) perseus, sp. n. all from Kenya, and C. (C.) ealensis sp. n. from the Democratic Republic of Congo. Their relationship with closely allied species within the respective subgenera is discussed and differentiating characters given.  相似文献   

The animal fauna of the Socotra Archipelago is influenced by three biogeographical regions, the Afrotropical, the Oriental and the Palaearctic. Consequently, the Archipelago shares faunal elements of these three regions in addition to unique endemic taxa. The ant fauna of Socotra Island was studied and is reviewed based on literature and newly collected material. In total, 28 species, belonging to 10 genera and four subfamilies, were collected from the main island. Eighteen of these (64%) are successful invasive species, seven are native (25%), and three are considered endemic (11%), Cardiocondyla longiceps Seifert, Monomorium elghazalyi sp. nov. and Monomorium nimihil Collingwood et al. Two genera are recorded for the first time from the island, Hypoponera Santschi, and Syllophopsis Santschi. Ten species are recorded for the first time, Cardiocondyla mauritanica Forel, Cardiocondyla minutior Forel, Monomorium atomum Forel, Monomorium dichroum Forel, Monomorium exiguum Forel, Pheidole pallidula (Nylander), Syllophopsis cryptobia (Santschi), Tetramorium pauper Forel, Tetramorium transformans Santschi and Hypoponera punctatissima (Roger). Ten invasive species are recorded from Socotra, reflecting human impacts on the Archipelago. These species are Tapinoma melanocephalum (Fabricius), Cardiocondyla emeryi Forel, Monomorium exiguum Forel, Pheidole indica Mayr, Syllophopsis cryptobia (Santschi), Tetramorium lanuginosum Mayr, Tetramorium simillimum (Smith), Tetramorium caldarium (Roger), Trichomyrmex destructor (Jerdon) and Trichomyrmex mayri (Forel). Our survey indicated a mixture of Afrotropical faunal elements (10 species, 36%), followed by cosmopolitan (nine species, 32%), Palaearctic (five species, 18%) and Oriental (four species, 14%) taxa. Two new synonyms of Monomorium exiguum Forel are proposed: Monomorium exiguum Forel = Monomorium baushare Collingwood & Agosti syn. nov. = Monomorium qarahe Collingwood & Agosti syn. nov. Tetramorium transformans Santschi is removed from synonymy with Tetramorium caldarium (Roger) and elevated to species rank. Ecological and biological notes for each species are given. Distribution maps for all species known from the Socotra Archipelago are provided.

http://zoobank/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:89612083-9CE6-48E8-8975-1CE5334E098B  相似文献   

Pseudolaelaps calvescens sp. nov. and Pseudolaelaps schweizeri sp. nov. (Acari: Pseudolaelapidae) are described based on female specimens from leaf litter and soil of forest habitats in Italy (surroundings of Bergamo) and Switzerland (surroundings of Basel), respectively. The British specimens referred to Pseudolaelaps doderoi are revised, and considered to be a misidentification of P. schweizeri sp. nov. An identification key to known species of the genus Pseudolaelaps is provided.

www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:92F3907A-9C0A-4309-8D1E-BC5F3E7D937B  相似文献   


In the search for native Asian parasitoids of Drosophila suzukii, the notorious spotted-wing Drosophila (SWD), an odd new species of Eucoilinae was discovered. Leptopilina lasallei sp. nov. is herein described and diagnosed relative to other eucoilines associated with drosophilid hosts. Morphologically, L. lasallei is somewhat aberrant within Leptopilina; phylogenetically, L. lasallei is sister group to the core Leptopilina. In the process of investigating L. lasallei, a de novo molecular phylogeny of Leptopilina was generated and is included here. The integrated approach used for the characterisation of L. lasallei, and the resulting phylogeny of Leptopilina, produced data useful to select parasitoid species for SWD biological control.http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:402D504A-4616-4524-85D7-1C13A6276F06 http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:402D504A-4616-4524-85D7-1C13A6276F06  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(11):1661-1681
Nine new species of Braconidae from the Russian Far East are described and illustrated: Tebennotoma spasskensis sp. n., Parahormius bikinus sp. n., Colastes (Colastes) ussuricus sp. n., C. (Shawiana) kurilensis sp. n., C. (S.) bohayicus sp. n., Oncophanes makarkini sp. n., Doryctes slavianka sp. n., Brulleia chankaica sp. n., Cardiochiles turga sp. n. The genera Tebennotoma Enderlein and Brulleia Szépligeti are recorded for the Russian fauna for the first time.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(33-36):2267-2282
The presence of the ovipositor clip is surveyed throughout Figitidae. This morphological structure is postulated to restrain the parasitoid host during oviposition. All Figitinae and Eucoilinae that attack semi‐concealed dipterous hosts were found to possess the clip. Figitids that attack fully concealed hosts all lacked the ovipositor clip. It is hypothesized here that two subfamilies, the Anacharitinae and Aspicerinae, attack fully exposed hosts yet lack the clip in order to quickly oviposit and prevent fighting with the host. Mapping of the presence/absence of the ovipositor clip on to two competing phylogenies suggests this structure evolved in parallel in Figitinae and Eucoilinae. The evolution of the ovipositor clip is probably responsible for the successful colonization of semi‐concealed dipterous larvae by Eucoilinae.  相似文献   


A new genus, Lasalleistichus, is described based on material from the Neotropical region (Brazil, Costa Rica, Peru). This new genus includes four species: L. albiclava, L. albifasciatus, L. fuscicoxa, L. longicaulis, all spp. n. and described here. The group is mainly female based, males are known only for L. albiclava. There is no biological information available for this group.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:82E08F36-E2C4-42FF-AD12-11B49C272AC6  相似文献   


Five species of tettigoniid of the Decticine genus, Platycleis (sensu stricto), are found in the environs of Montpellier, Hérault, S. France. P. intermedia, P. sabulosa and P. albopunctata are essentially early-evening singers. There is a nycthemeral cycle of vertical migration in these three species—they sing from a greater height than that at which they rest during the daytime. P. affinis and P. falx sing both during the day and during the evening. As the syllables of the songs of the five species are similar, and since these insects sing at the same time of year and at least during the evening, interspecific acoustic interference would seem likely. However, such interference appears to be avoided by spatial separation of singing individuals (the males only). The difference in habitat preferences may be so distinct that two species do not occur in the same locality (e.g. P. falx and P. albopunctata). Where two species do occur in one local area, one of them is generally confined to one type of vegetation (e.g. P. intermedia in the bushes) and the other to another type (e.g. P. affinis on the open ground). Differences in chirp types, and in the specific response to particular song patterns, mean that ethological barriers as well as ecological ones would appear to prevent heterospecific matings. However, prevention of acoustic interference between allospecific males seems to be brought about mainly by habitat-preference differences. In one species pair, P. falx and P. affinis, the habitat-preference difference is very slight, and their songs are similar. These facts, coupled with the impression that the range and abundance of P. affinis are increasing, while those of P. falx are decreasing, suggest that P. affinis is supplanting P. falx in the open areas of wasteland in the Montpellier area.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(33-34):2039-2056

Three new species of the endemic leafhopper genus Devolana are described based from Sierra de Tuxcacuesco (Jalisco), Iguala and Zincauro (Guerrero), Mexico. Overall habitus and genital characteristics are extensively illustrated. A map of the known distribution and habitat images are included. A key to known species of Devolana is provided. The studied area and biodiversity implications for arboreal leafhoppers are discussed.



http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:ECFF00AE-3E75-4EA3-9FAC-29E418556177  相似文献   

Of all of the chrysomelid subfamilies, only the larvae of the Megascelinae, along with those of the Aulacoscelinae remain undescribed. The first instar larva of Megascelis puella Lacordaire from Panama is described, as well as the eggs. Larval characters, eggs and oviposition behaviour are used to relate the Megascelinae with the Eumolpinae in support of what is known to date concerning adult morphology.  相似文献   


A new species of the myrmicine ant genus Nesomyrmex Wheeler, 1910, N. micheleae Sharaf sp. nov., is described and illustrated from Oman based on the worker caste. The new species is a member of the N. angulatus species group and can be diagnosed by the golden yellow gaster that contrasts with the dark brown body; the irregular longitudinal rugulose sculpture on the cephalic surface; and the finely punctate mesonotum and propodeal dorsum. A synoptic species list, an updated key and a distribution map to the Arabian Nesomyrmex species are presented. Continued ant species discoveries are central to large-scale diversity patterns, conservation biology and macroecology.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:FBCEACA7-E543-4B10-AB9D-D63319DCB31F http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:1D2EC498-3B2E-43CD-A3C0-1C6C237471E2  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(6):1465-1482
The tetracnemine tribe Aenasiini is discussed and a key is provided for the separation of the nine genera that can be attributed to this tribe. Neodiscodes is synonymized with Aenasius and the following seven species, which were originally assigned to the former genus, are transferred to Aenasius as new combinations: abengouroui (Risbec), comperei (Kerrich), lepelleyi (Kerrich), martinii (Compere), indicus (Narayanan & Subba Rao), parvus (Kerrich) and subbaraoi (Kerrich). A key is given for the separation of the four Afrotropical species of Aenasius and the male of A. comperei is described for the first time. Incisencyrtus gen. n. is described for the following three new Afrotropical species: secus (the type-species), sirus and afer. Cladiscodes incisius sp. n. is described from South Africa and it represents the first species of this genus from Africa. New distribution records are given for three Alfrotropical species of Metaphaenodiscus.  相似文献   


Genus Tarsophilus and its species lineatus and aequabilis (Insecta: Psocoptera: Philotarsidae) are described as new. The specimens, all males, were collected in highland areas of East Africa. The new genus is placed in Philotarsidae rather than Pseudocaeciliidae on characters of hypandrium, phallosome, and lacinial tip. Its position in the subfamily Philotarsinae is justified and it is compared to the other genera of this group on both male and on trans-sexual characters.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(27-28):1647-1672

A new species of Liopeltis from central Vietnam is described based on morphological and molecular differences. Liopeltis pallidonuchalis sp. nov. is distinguished from its congeners by a combination of the following characters: one single (or missing) loreal; one single nasal shield; dorsal scales in 15–15-15 rows, all smooth; 1 preocular, 2 postoculars and 1 + 2 temporals; 7 supralabials, of which 3rd and 4th in contact with the eye; 8 infralabials; nasal contacting internasal; prefrontal touching or separated from supralabials; ventral scales 126–138; subcaudal scales 67–73, paired; relative tail length about 0.274–0.301; an uniform bronze body colouration; a thin postocular stripe extending from eye to end of the neck becoming indistinct posteriorly. The new species differs from the morphologically closest species Liopeltis frenata by the lower number of ventrals and subcaudals, by characteristic colouration and significant divergence in cytochrome b mtDNA gene sequences (p = 15.3–15.6%). The new species is currently known from northen and central parts of the Annamite (Truong Son) Mountains, central Vietnam, and was recorded from montane evergreen tropical forests of Kon Tum–Gia Lai Plateau (Gia Lai and Thua Thien–Hue provinces, Da Nang City) at elevations of 950–1010 m asl to karst tropical forests in Quang Binh Province in the north at elevation 150 asl. We suggest the new species should be considered as Vulnerable (VU) following the IUCN’s Red List categories. An updated taxonomic key to the Liopeltis species is provided.  相似文献   

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