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Allolobophora kosowensis kosowensis Karaman, 1968 is an earthworm species exclusively endemic to the state of Serbia. Although it was described almost half a century ago, there are fewer than 20 known locations. The aim of this paper is to present the data from our own collecting and, by analysing the whole list of records, to trace a synthetic outline of the distribution and threat status of A. kosowensis kosowensis in the Balkans. Despite intensive faunistic investigations in Serbia, it was only registered in the Vojvodina Province 5 years ago. Nevertheless, this represents a considerable range extension for A. kosowensis kosowensis, defining at the same time the northernmost point of its occurrence in the Balkans. The analysis based on the IUCN 2011 Red List Categories shows that A. kosowensis kosowensis has an Endangered status (B2b (ii, iii, iv, v) c (ii, iii, iv, iv)) in the Balkans.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(35-36):2245-2256
Itapotihyla langsdorffii is a large “casque-headed” treefrog (Hylidae: Lophiohylini) found along most of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest biome. We studied some aspects of the ecology of a population of I. langsdorffii from the Estação Biológica de Santa Lúcia, in Espírito Santo State, southeastern Brazil. Itapotihyla langsdorffii shows considerable sexual size dimorphism, with females (mean snout-vent length 103 mm) being significantly larger than males (mean snout-vent length 81 mm). This species is an explosive breeder with a generalized reproductive mode and has a mean brood size of over 6000 eggs. It feeds on few, large prey, with orthopterans being the dominant items in the diet, though even smaller frogs may occasionally be preyed upon. We discuss our data, making comparisons with other Neotropical hylids, with emphasis on other species in the Tribe Lophiohylini.  相似文献   

The Atlantic Forest is one of the most threatened ecosystems in Brazil, with only 22% of its original coverage remaining. Despite around 900 species of Polistinae being described worldwide and their being widely distributed in the Neotropical region, they are still poorly known in northeastern Brazil, especially in Atlantic Forest. The aim of this work was a survey of social wasps in three fragments of Atlantic Forest with differences in the level of regeneration and in the physiognomy, performed at Michelin Ecological Reserve (located in Igrapiúna, southern Bahia State, Brazil) and employing three methodologies – attractive solution, Malaise trap and light trap ‘Luiz de Queiroz’ – for 12 months in transects. A total of 1066 specimens, belonging to 29 species from nine genera, were collected in the reserve. Epiponini was the richest tribe (23 species) followed by Mischocyttarini (five species) and Polistini (one species). The Malaise trap was not efficient during the night, having a deficit of 5110 hours; the only nocturnal genus, Apoica, was collected with a light trap – an attractive solution that was more efficient. Once it was left for 12 discontinuous days (72 hours), showing that more than one methodology is desirable for wasp surveys. Latitudinal analysis comparing the study area with other areas grouped the Michelin Ecological Reserve with areas in southeastern Brazil, which may be related to a lack of standardization in collecting methods. This study presented the highest richness in this region.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(6):1163-1175
This paper reports range extensions for seven hermatypic coral species in the Gulf of California. An analysis of the distribution and fossil record of the 12 hermatypic species of the Gulf shows that the coral communities of the Gulf are the oldest ones in the eastern Pacific. Two species have been recorded in the Gulf (or nearby) since the Pliocene and several other species since the Pleistocene. The uninterrupted fossil record falsifies the hypothesis of a total extinction of reef corals in the eastern Pacific during the Pleistocene. The fossil evidence and temperature calculations support the conjecture that the Gulf of California was a refuge zone for corals and other warm-water biotas during the same epoch. Also it is suggested that some species of the genera Porites may have an Atlantic origin, contrary to the accepted idea of an exclusive Indo-Pacific origin of the eastern Pacific coral fauna.  相似文献   

Due to the extreme scarcity of specimens, little is known about the biodiversity and biogeography of the barnacles of the genus Waikalasma Buckeridge, 1983 (Thoracica: Waikalasmatidae Ross and Newman, 2001), which inhabit the deep sea of the Southwest Pacific. Previous studies reported only a single living species, W. boucheti Buckeridge, 1996, from Vanuatu. In the present study, the collections by French deep-sea expeditions off New Caledonia (NORFOLK 1 & 2, EBISCO, SMIB 2, SMIB 4, SMIB 8, BIOCAL, MUSORSTOM 6, MUSORSTOM 4, MUSORSTOM 5, BATHUS 2), the Solomon Islands (SALOMON 1), Vanuatu (BOA1) and Papua New Guinea (BIOPAPUA) yielded specimens of Waikalasma species from 500 to 800 m depth. From molecular (DNA barcode region cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) and 12S gene) and morphological analysis, a new species Waikalasma dianajonesae sp. nov., and W. boucheti were identified. From molecular phylogenetic analysis, sequence divergence in the DNA barcode region between W. dianajonesae sp nov. and W. boucheti reached > 10%. Waikalasma dianajonesae sp. nov. differs from W. boucheti in the number and size of imbricating plates on the shell and the shape of the tergum. Waikalasma dianajonesae sp. nov. and W. boucheti exhibit sympatric biogeographical distributions in the Southwest Pacific. Waikalasma dianajonesae was found in the waters of Papua New Guinea and Solomon Island, whilst W. boucheti was collected from Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu and New Caledonia waters.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:713013C7-677A-478F-B5DF-FD4690A7C6A9  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(27-28):1663-1687
Most of the studies on the bee fauna of cerrado have shown incomplete approaches, focusing on species diversity or on a fraction of the assemblage. This work presents similarities among bee species based on visited plants and also shows taxonomic diversity of bees for plant resource sets offered by species in a cerrado area (Pé-de-Gigante), one of the few conservation areas of cerrado in the São Paulo State, Brazil. A total of 737 specimens, belonging to 71 bee species, were collected visiting 52 plant species. Species clusters based on visited plants show that species of Epicharis, for example, are more similar among themselves than from species of other genera. In addition, bee assemblage showed a nested structure, indicating the presence of specialist species exploiting resources subsets used by generalist species under strong intra-specific and weak inter-specific competitions.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(30):2759-2794
New data on the warm temperate and tropical east Atlantic Bathyporeia species are presented. Four new species are described: Bathyporeia cunctator sp. nov. from South Africa, B. chevreuxi sp. nov. from Senegal, B. gladiura sp. nov. from South Africa, and B. griffithsi sp. nov. from Namibia. Bathyporeia cunctator sp. nov. and B. chevreuxi sp. nov. are very closely related to the west European B. tenuipes Meinert, 1877 and the Mediterranean B. lindstromi Stebbing, 1906 Stebbing, T. R. R. 1906. Amphipoda 1: Gammaridea.. Das Tierreich, 21: 1806.  [Google Scholar]; these four cryptic species forming the complex tenuipes. Bathyporeia griffithsi sp. nov. and B. gladiura sp. nov. are highly distinctive new species. The morphotype “sunnivae” of Bathyporeia guilliamsoniana is recorded for the first time outside the Mediterranean Sea, in the Canary Islands. An identification key to all known Bathyporeia species is given.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(25-26):1503-1541
Acrothoracican barnacles of the genus Berndtia are exclusive coral borers and the type species is Berndtia purpurea Utinomi, 1950a, reported in the corals Lepastrea purpurea and Psammocora profundacella in Wakayama, Japan. We confirmed the type is only from the coral Lepastrea purpurea and is distributed from Japan, Taiwan to Hong Kong. In contrast, B. purpurea from Psammocora belongs to a new species Berndtia haradai sp. nov., which is distributed from Japan to Okinawa. The other new species identified in the present study, Berndtia denticulata sp. nov. is common in Okinawa but also collected on the Pacific side of the Philippines. Berndtia utinomii sp. nov. is found on NE coast of Taiwan, Kochi and Wakayama in Japan and Vietnam but is absent from Okinawa. All described species are diagnostic in the coloration and morphology of the opercular bars in live specimens, morphology of posterior lobes of operculum and the number of notches in maxillules.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:8B6FE5B4-C5DD-48DE-B91A-39BBBAF87636  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(29-30):1805-1834
Three new species of the genus Pacificabathynella Schminke and Noodt, 1988 Schminke, H K and Noodt, W. 1988. Groundwater Crustacea of the order Bathynellacea (Malacostraca) from North America. J Crustacean Biol., 8(2): 290299.  [Google Scholar] are described from groundwater aquifers in glaciated North America (Montana, USA). This is the first time that this genus, known previously only from the state of California, has been documented in Montana. Pacificabathynella and Paradoxibathynella Serban, 2000 Serban, E. 2000. Uenobathynella n.g., Parauenobathynella n.g., Morimotobathynella n.g., Nihobathynella n.g. et Paradoxibathynella n.g., Bathynellinae du Japón (Bathynellidae, Bathynellacea, Podophallocarida). Travaux Inst Spéol “Émile Racovitza”, 36: 361.  [Google Scholar] are the only genera that show sexual dimorphism in thoracopod VI. Pacificabathynella kalispellensis sp. nov. has several unique features: the setal formula of the antenna (0/2+exop/3/12/6/8/5); the setal formula of the maxilla (7/4/7/6); the presence of an epipod on thoracopod II; tufts of setulae and abundant setae on the basipod and endopod of thoracopods I to V; the epipod of thoracopod VIII female three times longer than the basipod; three smooth setae on the exopod of the female thoracopod VIII; eight spines on the endopod of the uropod and the endopod longer than the sympod, whereas the opposite is typical. Pacificabathynella stanfordi sp. nov. has several unique features: only five setae on the exopod of thoracopods II to VII, while six setae are common in the genus; only six setae on the second segment of the first pleopod; five spines on the endopod and seven setae on the exopod of the uropod. Pacificabathynella ruthae sp. nov. is the largest species and has several unique features: antennule equal in size to the antenna, whereas in the rest of the species of the genus the antenna is larger; the projection of the inner lobe of the male thoracopod VIII is bidentate and there are six spines on the endopod and nine setae on the exopod of the uropod. The three new species have slight differences in the pars molaris of the mandible and in thoracopod VIII of males, and there are other minor differences between the females and the species Pacificabathynella sequoiae. The new taxa, together with the new genus Montanabathynella described separately, represent a 30% increase in North American taxa. Considering the glaciated landscape and the fragmented nature of alluvial aquifer habitat, we believe that there is a profound lack of critical knowledge of the biogeography and biodiversity of syncarids in North America.  相似文献   

The geographical distribution of reptiles is known to be climate dependent. Our analysis of literature data from the Palearctic confirmed that snakes, as a group (186 species), tend to extend further to the north, into cooler climate, than lizards (460 species). This has also been reported for the Nearctic. On a smaller scale, as a model, we investigated the expansion of reptiles from the warm southern desert of Israel northwards along the Jordan valley into cooler climate, based on 587 locality records of 17 species. It transpired that the snakes significantly extend further to the north than the lizards, paralleling and exemplifying the global scale. The ability of snakes to inhabit relatively cooler climates appears to accord with three physiological traits of snakes: lower optimal body temperatures, absence of temperature-dependent sex determination, and ability to thrive on infrequent meals.  相似文献   

During the last three decades, strong progress was made in the taxonomy of the family Chydoridae (Crustacea: Cladocera), and the results of these revisions have become a valuable confirmation of the non-cosmopolitanism in the cladoceran distribution. But, to date, delineation between several chydorid genera (Pleuroxus Baird, 1843, Picripleuroxus Frey, 1993, Alonella Sars, 1862 and Disparalona Fryer, 1968) has been intuitive rather than based on careful diagnostics. Disparalona is a cladoceran genus with a complicated and confused taxonomy. We compiled a checklist of all formal taxa belonging to this genus in current understanding. Our study comprises a taxonomic revision of the North American, African and East Asian populations of D. cf. hamata with the aim of clarifying their species and generic status. We redescribe D. hamata (Birge, 1879) based on material from North America and D. chappuisi (Brehm, 1934) based on material from Africa. The latter is common in tropical–subtropical Asia, with a distribution range reaching the Far East of Russia. The second taxon from Africa is provisionally identified as D. cf. striatoides (?rámek-Hu?ek, 1946), which was described initially from the Czech Republic. Further comparison is needed for a final conclusion on conspecifity of European and African populations provisionally placed to this taxon. At the current level of knowledge Mixopleuroxus Hudec, 2010 must be accepted as a subgenus of the genus Disparalona. The diagnoses of Disparalona s. str. and D. (Mixopleuroxus) are provided. Disparalona s. str. includes D. ikarus Kotov and Sinev, 2011, D. leei (Chien Shing-ming, 1970), D. rostrata (Koch, 1841) and D. smirnovi Sinev, 2015, while D. (Mixopleuroxus) includes D. hamata, D. chappuisi and D. striatoides. D. leptorhyncha (Daday, 1905) and D. caudata Smirnov, 1996 are not described adequately, but they also probably belong to the latter subgenus. The status of D. acutirostris (Birge, 1879) must be clarified in the future.

www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:971811AE-DF72-47E9-AED9-DEE835D1D412  相似文献   

The family Cerithiopsidae H. Adams and A. Adams, 1853 is distributed worldwide, and comprises around 800 extant species divided into ~40 genera. The most speciose genus within the family is Cerithiopsis Forbes and Hanley, 1850, a taxon currently used as a general receptacle rather than as a proper phylogenetic lineage. We hereby redescribe the rare species Cerithiopsis horrida di Monterosato, 1874, review its nomenclature, known material, and distribution as well as figure the entire protoconch, operculum, and radula for the first time. Our results highlight extreme differences between ‘Cerithiopsishorrida and the Cerithiopsis type species Cerithiopsis tubercularis (Montagu, 1803) and strong morphological and radular similarities with species belonging to the genus Retilaskeya Marshall, 1978. A wide discussion lists several taxa that might be ascribed to the same group of species, which presumably constitute a different worldwide lineage. Pending relevant molecular phylogenetic studies of the Triphoroidea Gray, 1847, for morphological conformity we suggest transferring ‘Cerithiopsishorrida to the genus Retilaskeya, and the same action is presumably appropriate for its possible sister species ‘Cerithiopsisleopardus Rolán and Gori, 2013. Finally, Retilaskeya better conforms to Newtoniellidae Korobkov, 1955 than Cerithiopsidae.  相似文献   

Aphids of the genus Colopha are represented by three bisexual and three unisexual species. The bisexual species are associated with two Ulmus species that are most closely related, being distributed disjunctively in Europe and eastern North America on the host plants. A new unisexual species of Colopha, collected from Setaria chondrachne (Poaceae) in Japan, is described under the name Colopha setaricola sp. nov. The distribution of the three unisexual species is discussed in relation to aphid‐plant associations and historical changes in the distribution of the host plants. It is suggested that these unisexual species have persisted on the secondary hosts through parthenogenetic reproduction since the extinction of the primary host plants, Ulmus species section Blepharocarpus. Therefore, the unisexual species in Colopha exemplify Mordvilko's hypothesis that unisexual species on the secondary host plants have remained as relics in the region where the primary host was once distributed but then became extinct.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(7-8):413-428
The status of Sillago erythraea Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes 1829 is re-examined. A lectotype designation by McKay in 1985 fixes it as a junior synonym of Sillago sihama (Forsskål in Niebuhr, 1775), which is restricted to the southern Red Sea. Northern Red Sea populations previously assigned to S. sihama or S. erythraea, are here described as Sillago suezensis sp. nov. Sillago suezensis is also distributed in the eastern Mediterranean Sea due to Lessepsian immigration through the Suez Canal. The new species is characterized within the Sillago sihama group, which has the swimbladder divided posteriorly into two tapering extensions projecting below the vertebral column extending into the tail musculature, by the absence of scales on the preopercle and on most of the opercle, a total number of 34 vertebrae, the swimbladder with lateral extensions each spreading a blind tubule anterolaterally, and a low position of the nostril.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:B289CDF4-AE82-44D3-9AE1-4A2B514AD348  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(12):1799-1814
Data on geographical distribution are provided for S. portoricensis Brandt, the type species of Siphonophora Brandt and the oldest species-group name in the genus, family, and Order; it appears to occur throughout Puerto Rico. It is characterized by fusion of the distal three podomeres of the anterior gonopods, which are sublinear in shorter, less mature males and bend caudad for varying lengths in longer individuals. In the New World, the Siphonophorida is represented by both families, the Siphonorhinidae by one genus and one species, Illacme plenipes Cook and Loomis, from San Benito County, California, and the Siphonophoridae by 10 genera, six monotypic, 66 extant nominal species, and one subspecies; two fossil species of Siphonophora have been proposed along with an unnamed fossil form of Siphonocybe Pocock. The following new combinations are officially recorded: Columbianum gracilicornis (Carl), Columbiozonium pearsei (Chamberlin), Cordillerium fuhrmanni (Carl), Yucatanium sabachana (Chamberlin), and Guatemalium barberi (Chamberlin). The Siphonophoridae ranges from southern California, northcentral Arizona, and central Texas to the Andes of central Peru and São Paulo state, Brazil. It also occurs on 10 islands in the Greater and Lesser Antilles, being newly recorded from Martinique, but apparently does not cross the Straits of Florida and is unknown from Florida, the Bahamas, and the Turks and Caicos Islands.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(36):3235-3253
The paper reports the first finding of freshwater sponges from the Greater Antilles. Spongillidae belonging to four species of the genera Ephydatia, Anheteromeyenia, and Radiospongilla were found in a variety of freshwater habitats in western Cuba. Anheteromeyenia cheguevarai nov. sp. is described. Morphological traits of sponges from West Cuba were characterized by light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy and compared to the spongillofauna of the Nearctic and Neotropical regions and the pan‐Caribbean area. The specific richness and the discovery of a new species suggest a high diversity of the Antillean freshwater sponges although the investigated area of Cuba is relatively small.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(5):1197-1225
Fourteen species of gammaridean amphipod in the families Acanthonotozomatidae, Ampeliscidae, Ampithoidae, Anamixidae, Aoridae and Colomastigidae are recorded from coral rubble at Aqaba in the Red Sea. Nine species are recorded from the Red Sea for the first time, of which two are new to science.  相似文献   

Until recently, Calanoides carinatus s.l. was assumed to be very widespread in the upwelling systems of the Atlantic, Indian and western Pacific Oceans. Molecular data, reported here, show that Calanoides from the eastern Atlantic and Arabian Sea are one species and distinct from C. carinatus s.s. The name Calanoides natalis Brady, 1914 is available for this species, which is fully re-described. The illustration by Brady of the male fifth leg and the currently reported genetic data lead us to conclude that C. natalis is distributed from the Bay of Biscay southwards along the eastern Atlantic, around the Cape of Good Hope, and northwards along the western boundary of the Indian Ocean as far as the Arabian Sea. A by-product of this study is the recognition that Calanoides macrocarinatus is a junior synonym of Calanoides brevicornis. Females of C. natalis are easy to distinguish morphologically from C. carinatus s.s. but are more similar to C. brevicornis, apart from size differences. From physical oceanographic evidence we conclude that the Indian Ocean is currently the upstream part of the distribution of C. natalis. Calanoides philippinensis is known to extend into the eastern Indian Ocean at tropical latitudes. It is not known if it is C. philippinensis that has been recorded along the western coast of Australia. An apparently undescribed species of Calanoides occurs on the eastern Australian coast.  相似文献   

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